The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


There appears to be an Equilateral Triangle between Well, Abyss & Temple. DOS saturationn prevents.

Jack telling Rebecca to go to the River.


Wales blocked a Post cleared by vote & are fined embarassment. William is Technically my Son because of Jesus DNA stolen with menaces. He has an integrated Mongol Bollock Brain that is dominant (Avian implamt). Kate has an Oid familiar to me that used to be in Beth when she was nice, liked Her Tits grabbed from behind.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

God says:

The Scottish are Idle & Stupid Shit.

House Arrest

I"ve been prevented rising by demanf untul the afternoon. There has been almost no internet & my Phone has calls blocked & diverted. God says knock down every House vidible ftom this Hill, localised immoderate foreign control of English Seniority.

It's obvious that all Four Crowns are Trafficked by Security Services Avian Inc. Lamps & intimidation. Above the Four are a collective of near Relatives using the Face who also suffer the Trafficking Mob. It's all about the Clock & formality of appearing responsible for it. There are petty opportunities .

Monday, May 20, 2024

Hogwarts: Paralax

Para stuff is to do with the Paranormal or Spirit with vague definitions. Paralax is Spiritual Laxative. When an object is viewed from a different position it seems to alter in position or distance. That means "sight" common reference to divination or the advice of a familiar Spirit is disturbed by danger & deliberately inaccurate. The worst case is Dead Zone reporting when most people can't see or understand anything.


God loves to talk, Clouds & even microscopic Images. Once you know He's there there's more information available than could be processed. Find a Man failing to shoot a Murderer (E) because of the upper Right to lower Left Strike. Opposite, Upper Left to lower Right means proceed. 


In the Image there is a Guitarist on that side of the Strike resembling the other. It indicated that a Music media instruction was the ignition & the Gunman worked for the same authority, preventing. 


Consider cLock, L meaning Hell based upon the Abyss of the River which is neither L shaped or Five O'Clock but near both & with a Cock to bear. Sweaty Sock: Jock or Clock, S & S is T, which refers to Crucifixions. Five is for forces & the fifth Column O' Clock means prevent the Speared Blood Tear of One Eye, the Left indicates Spirit but Ancients could be either side, so relevant Spirit. With Paraphrasing there needs to be multiple indicators as evidence needs a Cross reference or references 'pinpointing'. The Newspapers do a multi story cooperation & can even be held to Light to see the other side making a detailed story. The Sheet pulled out also has related material opposite, Government Communications.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Irish Crown Report

The Crown has been tossed around like a hot Potato among Irish Princes Inc. The "Prince of Piss" Emma's Brother. Then it settled back on Cara's head like a Cocked Hat according to Reports on Moriah.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Bing is a Ping from Beijing

Most People already know bing isn't very good. It is actually owned at IBM same as Google but the b of bing was p of ping rooted in Beijing. Reversed & upturned means not as much as the opposite of: Slower Seaching. Ping was Chinese, like Rockets.

Report: What's Wong with Bing

Bing are putting out ass chaff accusing everone of Russian Agency & have been found rigging results for Bejing. Bing Pongs. 

Rocket Report

Chinese Fireworks inevitably found a solution to Red Indian Post China Continent dismissal, Rockets to destroy the more recent Pale Skin Spiritual Government

Friday, May 17, 2024

Arthurian rare Celmatis

Felling some of the Trees has brought Bulbs up. Birds encircle something. Seed collection is forbidden. They were brought for Guinevere otherwise known as Cleopatra because the Pink are like African Native Flamingo. Her Intruder had "Pretty Flamingo" written for Her in a former Host.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Lying Republic a Religious fail

Cara's intruder has been Disemboweled many times based upon the Judas Disemboweling, however Stuart also Disemboweled Jesus living Left Hemisphere the same Week. There is also a Boat hidden in the Painting reference to betraying Arthur, also Jesus Left Hemisphere.

Moral: Stuart talks Shit

Satan in the Abyss

Jesus was also cast into the "bottomless pit" called Abyss  now sounding like a cut through above the Hips judging by Guineveres missing lower Body.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Necronomicron Shaft

A Tetragrammaton is not Symbolism of God exactly, see a Tetra is Blue & Red, Gabriel is Blue & Michael Red, ordinary World Political persuasion. Tetra also means Four, there are Four Kingdoms. Tetra Gramma is Text & the basis of the Necronomicron. 


An investigation revealed un-see-all to be a Three out of Four Quarters attempt to overload me & hands, meaning helpers, Uncials is called Round Hand, a Circle meaning conclusion of. Two Books were in progress with Venomous material that has been burned.


"You Shafted me" origin Shaft of the Abyss where Lady Jane & others were Tortured to Death by Stuart.
Necromancy: The Hill Voice is capable of all knowledge, removed as they are experienced & have heard. The Necromancer has Deceased Family with the Omnipresent God at that location who indulge & are fond.

500 yr old Bluebells

We've been through & reloaded higher res images of Jane & the Bluebells that have astonished everyone. Today Blue Bells are Royal Blue Bells of Conflict with local significance at Blue Bell Hill. This Picture has faces too.

Monday, May 13, 2024

House Jack built

There are restrictions on building progress & solidity so that poor Craftsmanship goes on slowley here. Seizing of valuables including the Temple is historical.

Tarot Media Breakthrough

Clock "Prophesy" (Lamp, Lamp, Lamp, Lamp, Lamp)

The Son is 19 (the Sun) in Minutes & the Year Seconds in Media predating Charlie Chaplain. Investigate Five Columns: Beth is the Highpreistess, Cara Empress, Magi English 1/4 Crown, Windsor Crown Emperor, Pope Hierophant.

A Dip into the Till

Most People think the Jack & Jill is a Sacred Place at Work. Consider the old phrase Coined "put it in your Sky Rocket" that's your Pocket right? no mate, it's covert Nuclear Defence. So what's a back Bin? It's not your back Pocket unless you'd have a folded Porn Mag or a Tabloid Newspaper or Banana for later, that's Laundering Money for Taxation on the swipe, giving it back like Binning it.

Post delayed, internet denial

Ten Pest at France: Annette Thompson. This Hornet better suits Revelation Jive because it has a Head like some Locusts & a sting in it's Tail. Has anyone Seen Annette rising from the Abyss?

Jive origin: Jesus + Fifth Column. Word of God raided J-five.

Tate Report

The Pictures are of those who once lived on Moriah, usually Negro Intruders with Avian some resurrections. The Deaths are Romanticized Tate meaning T hate or T eaten, terms for Crucifiction & consuming an asset or acquired asset. Probably H ate meaning Son of Pharoah David & Joseph intruder consumed.

Hilltop Ban

Following Spoil category regular breach of simple Private Accomodation Family are banned from the Hilltop God says. It was written of Moses & Aaron their Sanctuary was Private. This is like a Thoroughfare, stay in the Lower Garden.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Fifth Column

Sometimes known as the Federation or Federal Police they link Counties under a supreme authority. The difference between Government & Federal Policing is Organised Crime.


Army Officers have been using standardised Techniques at the NHS to Sodomise the Men Sleeping. It usually involves Cloroform near the Nose followed by Anesthetics. The system is a Federal intrusion into all authority including Police.


All Royalty & Public representatives have their Homes entered Day & Night with Perverts & Photography by Federal contact with County Police.

Fifth Column

The intention of Federal Government is to swoop on anything of interest or fancy belonging to those having Cellular responsibility & legal constraints. Boris is Leader.

Five: Arthur's Three Crowns England, Germany & France are worn by the Pope & Boris is between the Left & Right Crucifixions greeting Hercules in the former reference, the finance of World Government at Moriah. Rome replace the Man or Family on the Hill with pestering & Blood.


I've been writing in Uncials, so when I saw a Grave in the Type I read a suspicious Goodbye Son 1924. I checked 19:24 on a Scifi Clock & got a Two Window Eye & pierced Right Cheek signal. There's obviously some kind of operation, my Mother was Hip Lamped for an Avionoid replacement recently. I don't believe it's possible to deny the Clocks alone.

PM's Qestions began with a One Second delay so that 19:24 was actually 19:25 potentially. They appeared to be discussing the other One, but said "Our" a coincidence if not the Hour, very suspicious. The timings are by Avionoid who are quick if Stupid.

God says he wasn't consulted about the timed Brain Hemisphere exchange, based upon Egyptian right over a Descendant. Financial exchange.

Reed Grass

Seeds from the Biblical & Arthurian Reed in the Ophilia Painting, from that very spot are in the Garden Container. Who has made a Hole & Dropped in an uncommon Bulb are entitled to a small Sprig.


Invites to small portions of Ancient Hair & Jesus Grave DNA Water robbed the lot in One Blag. God says I'll cut your Dicks off. Somebody used a Dog to unearth Bulbs, poke them deep.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Crosses an Egyptian Spy mugging

Boris Johnson's head is drawn by God in Reeds, above the Hole dug for Lady Jane. It marks the conclusion of impetus by enormous Irish influence in Royal Office. The Irish & Welsh Crowns were Lovers of Pharoah & Spies. The fuck film Hercules has surprising accuracy of portrayal.

Diamond means paid Mouth, a Boris Proxy at the Fifth option.

Boris at fifth Column links the Four Table Corners in an X at Centre so linking Ireland to Scotland was unexpected & potent like surprise linking Cells. That resulted in a "Cross" or Crucifixion of sorts. Other famous case Delila to Samson, Wales to England. So at the Fire Place X Calibre & Venus are to the Right & Left of the Crucifixied Figure. The array is based upon a Pyramid where everyone needs to go around except Pharoah.