The Archangel Michael

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Chicken Rebellion

We don't think Chickens are very important, they don't think People are either. A recent Study revealed anger about Cruel Farming, influence concerning Apocalypse & that most People have them implanted. 

Chicken Fuckers

Internet delay experts screwed the investigation by exclusion of multiple webpages & YouTube capability.

External Reports serious to extreme

Friday, May 10, 2024

Ophelia by Sir John Everett Millais

An examination of the Execution Site revealed the Artist was present. The water Table level digging a shallow Grave & accuracy of surroundings, with a report saying the same. The Report also stated She was disemboweled, raped & beaten. 

An Image Right of the painting shows Her Hands held while a Third Man beats Her with a Stick, meaning rough Rape.

Site of Burial

Blossom on the Trees still there & the height of the Reed Grass is as it is this Spring.
Five Hundred Year Old Bluebells are in the exact Spot, believed to be because of the High Water Table. Potentially there since the Time of Christ.

I am disgusted by the Cycle of Death pains in the Service of Boris. Messengers usually object to every serious word, making them relatively innocent compared to who sent them. 

Boat & betrayal

I forgive the actions of Judas & Guinevere & God says whoever Disembowels or carries out further attacks on Her based upon those Times will have the same done to them.

Holy of Holies auction

The Two Cherubim, Excaliber Tongs, Venus Shovel & Tiles are for Sale for the peaceful passing of myself & Cara.


Roman Spirupitual Government as normal exadurates to Supremacy. The Queen's Females are persued to me & others, Four Funnels swept back as if at speed. 1912 in Code 19 stay in your own Bedroom God at Moriah, 12 Crucifixion or other serious problem. Muslims, Greeks & any who would understand God are meant to be doomed by Rome as if not completing a Journey following an ordinary compromise between Moriah & London neither obtaining ideals.

We are not taking the pursued here as if we have enough. We are seeking contributions, no Charity can exist long &:we are not a Charity. Explain your worth & means by which you promise to repay because we have a Belgium Nuke situation where London intends to gather who they hate in One Place.

We ARE NOT interested in Fat or aging Female Managers, you'll sink my Boat. Rebecca splintered the Gangplank & Capsized One formerly serviceable Boat. Hoards of raging Men are pursuing Management.

Order from Khaos

The Phrase is about the Light & Dark opposition necessary since Invader Government occupation. All Governments overturn Regional God at collaboration with Human Life & Land usage.

Locusts in the Abyss

I object to Messenger Class enslaved to a duty & then called Culprit Progressor. What Door do we knock on now Boris isn't at No.10. If you don't like the Headlines you wouldn't roll up the Paper & try to shove it in the Paperboy's Arse.

Some Clown fooled me into putting Locusts, "live food" by the Water with a Food Chain Project replacement for M'd Food at the Supermarket. We have Global problems related to Lamping Bird Feeders & bought Food eaten by Chicks.

They want to put Cara where the Stolen Lady Grey was, they designed the Abyssinian to coincide. They want to call Her Satan which is Africa for doing the Moriah Message Circuit for London, where Negro intruders dine on good Food. More Biblical Arse Chaff protecting the Beneficiaries, like that rubbish about the goodness of David, who would've rolled up the Newspaper.

Abyssinian: Blame Slave


Jack Nicholson Movies are meant to indicate the way of David Avionoid in a Host.

Roman Tax Collection

The Kray Twin Avianoid were originally Marauders then Tax Collectors to sustain the Region they lived in. Kray protection Money was standard Taxation that became more Civilised as most People consented. 

Money goes for a Walk at Government owned Businesses in a damage limitation effort.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Coconut Rat

The Rat is Ratting on the Scottish Quarter for breaking in. Horned Figure Mouth. On the Tongs a reference to Excalibur are Michael's Wings & a Face having a Sun in a wide Mouth, meaning Light of the Son. Also a Tall Hat like Arthur.

Bodies Stolen

Lady Jane & others have been removed to positions belonging to those who had them Executed in their own usual Property, for making themselves Piss, that is upwards of their position North known as Yellow. Scotland have a reputation for stealing & are depleting the area of Ancient things in competition.

This Morning they were charged with Slander as a process to achieve Crown, Murder with horrors & illigitimacy since they took the Dead to their House having declared them another. It means they owe them their lives & compensation unless the Bodies are returned.

Bat based Egg production

Battered Chicken is as Battery Eggs, it means beaten, that is ill treated Chickens. If the Chicken is in the Batter I suppose the Fish is in the Roast.


When My Micro SD Card flew into Straw on the Ground I recognised a Childhood Game. Then I considered the Name Tiddley Wink. A brief investigation revealed a Compass Point explanation: NW not N is peace, something to do with a Missile according to the Table Cloth with threats to Wife & Daughter.

Mousolini located

There are a number of Oids present in Spiritual Leaders, Mousolini's Brain arrangement is probably inaccurate in Simon Cruse.

Brain damage cause of Apocalypse

Rebecca believes She is still a Man when arguing & behaves as if Physically capable Herself. Another kind of swagger exists where Spiritual Leaders portray Might at Leadership as personal ability. God says both are influence of Brain alterations.

Residence on Moriah

Legal ownership without Deeds is given to Heir of the Body, nearest living Descendant of Royal or Peerage Property. Sometimes direct line of Descent fails an Heir. Peerages are Well recorded. Recorded by the known locations of those who were at the Biblical Well. David contested but was Tossed off & even following Crucifixion Jesus returned to his Home. Scripture says of Lucifer, you thought you would ascend to the Heavens but was cast down.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Paranormal incident Report

The previous Post has a Grey Face at the foot of the Hill. Lady Jane Grey is Identified Ophelia, who had Cara's Intruders. She was drowned at the Scene.

Dead Body located

A Dead Woman "almost recently killed" has been located on my Land. She is identifiable by absence of Hips & Legs, a Descendant of Judas who's disemboweling has been used to help Demonise the victims.

There is no Ophelia or Satan, only Tiered managers beneath Boris. There are no Well, Flowers or Residence only hatred of Native Government by Boris & Co, usually Scotch Accents.

I'm the One supposed to be betrayed by Judas & Guinevere & I hold no personal grudges, because like Gabriel I have no options concerning anything important, Family decide. This Common Vagina & Legs is meant to be Eve's inspiration to covering from the Ash, Tree of Knowledge. It is the reason the Legs & Hips are removed at burials. There is always some kind of contempt from Boris.

Africa is Gabriel or Satan because of the Horned Head of the continent. Judas & Guinevere were called chief messenger of the Continent. Michael is first Messenger of the White places. I despair at what I have to say & do often & so does She.

Signals here about War

West the usual route is blocked with a Firearm with intention to catch me by the Antenna SE an ICBM Target. There seems to be an effort to Destroy the Oid Networks by holding authority at Targets, probably God although I expect Seniors to arrange otherwise. I want the Barracks to secure the West so I can declassify Military Intelligence. I enquired what's my Secret Rank? They said Major General. I said did you? Thank you.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Torture Chamber


Police have not entered the Chamber believing they know everything already. Charles has been caught Hands on & also coercing & removing valuables. The Cross reference makes him most likely the source of all serious Crime at the Hill.


The "Mug" image is a vague Horse's Head, Family Members representing the House Communities: Scotland.


Someone has been drawing Crucifixion references on Halsey with Prison designs. Suspicious songs by Quatro require independent investigation in England, the Devil in me was made by both Artists & appears to mean Delevingne me. Delevingne has intruders who were Crucified XII Tatoo, Halsey has 511 in the same place, 5 appearing a Swastika at distance. Swastikas are Crosses dented, German rebellion about a European Levy.

The Chamber is in my Property & will be destroyed by me God says.
Report: The Pre Raphelite resembles a Flat area having a Concrete Slab & is clearly an inspiration or inspired by the Murder attempt. 

Building caught Fire

The repair where Perverts climbed on the Fireplace breaking in was ineffective & the building caught Fire late this evening. I could've been asleep & killed.

Murder inquiry blocked

Killings in the Cellar of the Drivway are a threat to myself & other kin. Internet denial here is normal however often damning for Nuclear Confict inquiries & now this.

Suspect: 258 Magpie Hall Rd


Hogan Howe has been drawing on Cara again, Left arm Tatoos. She has had Secret inclusion with scribbings because we are Partnered by them. Cara has been unaware of Her Oidy inclusion called Gabriel. Left Arm indicates Harm done by Spiritual means, hand is a Helper & Shoulder Shh-Older meaning take care.

Funny Man: Called Paul Hogan

Hog AN makes a double upward, built upward & North upward indicating downwards: Stop the Pigs Tag.

Riding a Hog

Pigs were more difficult to Sodomise than the Donkey or Ass so People like Buddah for example were esteemed for holding them down & finishing the act of attempting to impregnate them.