The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Flood lit

I'm encountering knowledge more often on the Hill, hidden aspects of things discussed. It happened to Merlin & the Prophets. I have a recent MA in Necromancy @ Moriah University. 

The Community here are called Dead, but are in their natural form pre DNA, which was made for fun.

6 for promiscuous Sex 9 for reduction of Sex

The Yin Yang make Yen. 6 & 9 was cooperation between myself & Beth, English & Welsh Heirs. 69 comments are bad taste. I enjoyed the Beautiful Young Lady less than most others. Beth is a Northampton Hospital Lab product having Jesus Eyes & Nose with a "B-job Mouth".

Zero Hour

Work with me to turn the Clock BC/AD style without Destruction. BC  means before Christ, there is opportunity to restore God's Government slowly. Remove additional Species from Humans.

Golgotha Stone fissures: Trump likely Buddha

There appears to be Four Quarter representation upon Mount Rushmore. Buddha could in worst case mean One of many, a former Tonsil or Bollock Brain replacing a Human Brain Hemisphere. Origin: "Bollock Head"

Bollock Imagery?

Monday, January 22, 2024


Fire Ash here has turned to Clay revealing the source of the Figurines on the Graves.  Ash Trees are recommended it appears because of the Grotesques & Tales upon them. It looks like the Red Clay in the Graves contains their Blood. Artefacts can be restored to their Grave if that is the case, improving Historical Records.

Four Lions

Italy have been invited to join England having Germany & France already, because of our Wretched condition.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Golgotha Chalk Skull

The remaining Eye upon the Skull is like that on Tomb surrounds, like that of a Rat. The Puppet Kings suffered Marriage selection for mockery still happening Today, as well as general Tomb defaming. The Skull is being discontinued. 

Update 22/1/24: Miraculous Event

The Golgotha Skull was fissured during the Storm last Night. An Image of a Chinese Man resembling Trump has a W Mouth. The Image is believed to mean China dislike the base Religion here.

Christianity: Failed Patch

Roman efforts to put off Crucifixion based Desolation were ruined by negative input from the resenting.

Spartacus Patch

Boris Johnson's washed Hands mean preserved Offenders, that leant a Hand. His Family are the U. They should all suffer the fate of Jesus Family as should Johnson & other involved Kin. Terminal Delusional Status.

Long Barrows

They were Pyramid alternatives according to a Report, so that Slave shifed Stone & Burial Chambers make more sense.

Internet denial a Critical Security failure, also pestering

Stop persecution or Die in the planned War. Get away from my Well. Show respect or Die. Act like you've taken note of the Missile holding Figure on the Mary Tree, kill who thinks that's not my Well in the circumstances, before they kill you.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Kate's Tonsils

Usually inspires a Kiss, however there are claims of Brain implant Surgery involving Charles. We are invited to believe soaring Inflation is under control. We've already swallowed the Queen's responsible for the first year of Charles, without an end to problems. Prepare a Surge, don't relax.

Kate: Implants

Gain irritates

Money saved during COVID shop closures is demanded Three Years on, most spent some time ago. Most Tax is stolen meaning inflation is nonsense.


Def: Negro in a Kilt, lived in Germany. 

Still hanging around the Well area, Trespass & vandalism on the Hill. Put them down without respect for Brain Age, sometimes Millennia. Biblical Family have low Caste Negro Intruders. Big problems where there is Money, however the complete destruction of Kent would restore Natural Order until repopulated, World Central Node attracting contention, Moriah Centre.

Reds Diggin' Chinese Moles in the US

Website Paradox: Trump up the Folly-Doom, unlikely to have dug from the other side of the World. 

Friday, January 19, 2024

Dodgy Map

It's some time since I read Lord of the Rings. The area is confused having Three Wells in the wrong place. However the Megaliths are there, in a Front Garden! Worryingly vague Dol Guldur: Coldrum (Long Barrow). Mordor is in the actual Moriah & Valley position. 

This Ring was loosely based on one of my Youth. A Pocket Watch was made later of similar design to my Ring on the Queen's Commission, Silver.

Destructive processes

My WAP access at Home is blocked & now Public access is denied. I am the Naural Global Leader. Love the Ground under your Feet.

Up the Arse Corner: Deliberate Jock problems are unhelpful. I have neither ordered it nor done that myself to Cara (Carter).

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Apocalypse Timing Space 1999

I'm finding events related to my Age & the Date, so that Events Clock :00 are the same as :30

Processes unintelligent

Details are scrutinised on the Hill & at Outlets so that constriction rules out survival of the Classes that dominated. Thorough intervention is thorough annihilation of you. Every Electrical device is hindered & Cold & injuries are Engineered making me late to business outside. No effort is overlooked Destroying themselves.

Comprehensive Negative input in detail at Critical stage denies recovery & moderation. Focal Point: Shop Shelf design & Price increase of observed purchases. Kill direct Hill contention.

Status Delusional

Inputing below average Class Intruders (Military Class below Mid Tree Height, Younger) causes Death of their Rich Higher Tree by Arrogance. Natural, passive, slow Spiritual Government has prevailed & you are too stupid to stop making it worse. Arrogant Movie Scripts pretend Suicide is their intention, they Mark everything their own & claim disasters were their intention & not a mistake normally.

Action: Restore Natural Order

Species to their Species, Black to Black, Foreigners to Country of Origin. Action in progress: make Sport of & number the Days of the Natural World Leadership inc. Jesus & Time Apocalypse with Mary's execution (Catholic). People are Lamped to position & Lamped to Death.

Elizabeth Report

There have been efforts to arrest me here for some kind of partial Brain theft involving the Palace Jesus Clone Charles, reported in Hospital with Kate.

Hill Messengers have nothing to Message away.

Identity Theft 

I've recieved threats about rubbishing the pretender Messiah from Elizabeth. Pay me for the Scotch version.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


God hates Trump. God loves Democracy & the Spirits of the Africans ruin it. Trump is a Black Man.

How Trump might look if he was honest 


Clive Buckingham is & was a Mug, a Mug in London & Mug of the Picked, that is Picts, Clive did it in both cases, no need to look higher or beyond they insist. Clive put his Nob in Arthur's Wife then a Spear in his Eye, the other "Chosen Men" assisted.



A trick existed in Duels, Two Black Hemispheres in a Pict & One in a Native bringing his performance down. The tough front of natural pack challenge has been synthesised for multiple tricks inc. Friends & Police waiting nearby when trouble is incited & Poisons.

The Marriages to the Prophets upon Moriah, that is the Native Whites of my Family were to Military Officers Family, so that internal conflicts caused Bloody collapses believed to be the responsibility of Roman or Egyptian African Military privileged. Calvary was the Cavalry Top Spot & Round Table. So the Blacks sawn into One Hemisphere of my Family were slaughtered in their own breakdown, including their Females.


The above are with Whitehall along with Teachers at my School who showed up again later in their Heir, often recognisable, work place, residence, usual destination.

Give it up

The African intruders in London & Kent have no plan to stay North & should withdraw.