The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Democracy in England Clandestine

Officials often pretend not to know or even like one another. They often smile at a distance then pass as if Strangers if somebody is Hot, because Invaders converge gaining effect with concentration against the Majority. Organisational difficulty & a tendancy to cut off a Cell than support it. 

Washed Hands

Hands in image language indicate helpers. The Family that overlapped Rome for pay, that Crucified are still living & offending as if the whole World is not waiting to die by them. Mary is beaten & raped & I have a broken Shoulder & vandalism. What has been learned? There is so much Money abroad & so little Time.

Pompous originated by Pontius, Boris Johnson. Johnson is a Flag like me or even Hitler, a form of Slave if there isn't much Money to compensate for blame. The culprits extend like a Pyramid or Tit to Heirs & Heirs of Heirs making a Majority of Yes or No to policy. Although petty decisions are made & approved often seniority is usually by numbers.


The size of Birds causes their Spirit disrespect. They are senior Hierarchy even in the Government of Men & can injure or heal. Put feeders & a Bath out for them & make a Wish. It's usually illegal to Prey upon Birds of flight, Game Birds are bred needing feeders. Small Birds struggle with big Seeds.

Robins are actually trying to warn you of Danger.

King David

David was not & is not direct line of Descent, however he hates the official Prophet on the Hill traditionally. God calls Him a Ponce, coming empty handed looking for Grace. Most seek God in a reduced state, God littered the area to keep lower "Angels" that is Messengers, away from administration. Saul"s line are Prohetic, David used Nathan.

I was travelled, connected & Grey before I was allowed & God cheered for resources.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


1999 Videos are blocked. I have very serious concerns about the content, that maps Nuclear outbreak intentions in detail with a ground zero perspective here enabling critical analysis. Put down contention with extreme force.


People struggling with life often seek purifying, which is only self denial of ordinary things in an attempt to pay for healing in their lives. A Spirit Council takes receipt of the offerings & attempts peace by the sacrifices within the framework of the Life role of the individual.

Love is something made & broken by Orgasms when couples desire one another & is for Pregnancy & hopefully stability. Modern options make stability difficult. The distraction of Love causes alienation from subtle Spiritual cues & disinterest in the non physical. Moderate masturbation is harmless.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Mary's Grave Tree

The Image says the Negro Intruder in Joseph (Sperm) was in authority to cause Rape of those collecting Water by the River Path. The figure holding the Missile is looking Toward the Well & has a West Pointing Right Face meaning open threat, choose Life. They still invade the Limbo area Today out of sight, parking adjacent on the Hard Shoulder.

Space 1999

The Indiana Jones Antiquity thief is Barry Morse hinted in actual Command at Alpha, Negro leadership of David Intruder & the others surviving Today, Knoll & U, my Father's Intruder. My White Office is Spokesman for Majority. It's not clear if the Negro system is Democratic or Age based on a Family Tree.


Starmer has been communicating. Two threats indicate peaceful intent, a Circle indicates Life threat + intention to live Westward Arrow. Right Ear means heard by the Intruders & Host.

The brief came through from the "Other Side" while I was observing Earthbound & full Circle, critical for Today's Security analysis. The other side means intruder Hemisphere & Enemy Gateway.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Star Trek

Episodes of Star Trek Starring James T Kirk relate to Space 1999.

Logging Well category Apocalypse Engineering

Samarians are U meaning reduction of Knoll. U take offers from "Rome", usually the Scotch Quarter to make problems for the World Spiritual Government Centrum. 
  • Man Hole, unnecessary removal of Concrete Foundation with Dirt available on Two Sides. 
  • Access to my Locked Home, set to One Side of the Temle position.
  • Area cleared on the Grass I laid upon the Mary Grave for Sex.
  • Parking at the position used by the Crucifixion Mob frequently, escalating.
  • Vandalism
  • Physical Injuries myself & Mary


The Megalithic Stones were broken up mainly by Samarians entering by that Gate. They are People born in the area having a Negro Family causing Negative behaviour, Apocalyptic, investigate Royal Sovereign Avenue now Johnson Avenue.

Rebecca Report

Women were sent to the Well flippant in the hope they might be ill treated. An agreement was made to wait then the Men would stand as One & avenge a number of "offences". Issac is ISack, a pillage of the Hill disguised.

God Drew the Water Jar
Jesus sat directly above the Pipe. Feet dangling to it's Top. The area is accessible at this Time up to 11 am. Security means no noise & be out before I use the area. BB Guns are recommended. 

The Good Samaritan: Suggests the others were all Bad.


The selection of an individual to Death is a choice between all or One, that's obvious enough, why is a Messenger acceptable to an Enemy? A Messenger holds a Systems Databank & those they represent also hold all of the information together. So to keep the integrity of Systems to compete the Messenger is usually preferred to a slaughter. Sometimes a Slaughter is preferred because of work to position the Messenger. An agreement to Mug a Representative works as well for the Enemy.


Fools chase a Flag on a Battlefield, they rush to distract.


The Intruder within Reece who goes by the name James is & was Tale bearer & depletions Manager for Rome. The INRI Tree indicates that he recommended & managed the Crucifixions & also states responsibility for a Cousin failing an Heir. He works as Security having connections at Medway Police Station, find them. Primary responsibility for Apocalypse.

Flapping Mounths at Medway Police recently leaked Moriah recommended Staged MANPAD development to Moscow. They are determined at injury. Apocalypse provocation old & new is found in SE England formerly assumed foreign Money. Trump's Lunacy appears to source locally. Trump's speech is Mirrored so that he hates that which he says & seeks the opposite.

Sacred items to Moscow have soothed. Space 1999 leaks & Paranormal evidence: The Alpha Child, about the Jesus Clone indicates successful Russian intervention.

Understanding English: Endorphins

End Orphans by I, meaning an Erection. Sexual pleasure bonds Partners when they care about the other's experience. End Whore thins when partners are unbonded by another sexual partner.

The Holy Family

Mary, Elizabeth Sister & Anne Mother of Mary remain Negro Intruders Today having attachment to my Resurrected Kin & the Scot Royals in London. They were removed from the Bible as a group because the Queen's Kingdom was foretold. There are Two of each, Thyroids wander for referencing before messaging an important Contact. The Two are usually Polar meaning having opposing Policy. One is often called Evil.

Four Hemispheres can disperse to Four People all claiming identity, usually found with an Heir.


Plain Clothes Police are Uniforms on a Private Job for the CIA. Sometimes leaning on a Warrant Card, often calling Police. SIA is CIA approval.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Critical Point

Investigations here have revealed arguments about ownership of the Well caused the Death of the Holy Family with a political accusation someone was Bummed.


Loss of Property was not new when Jesus Kin fouled the Water forcing the locals to the River Path, gathering there themselves only to keep People from inherited Land. Inherited but forbidden to cut the Trees by Rome, but still living on the Hilltop. Isaac had Two Wells stolen & the Family wealth became Public Property.

Jesus was obnoxious to a Woman drawing Water, who was the One Bummed by 6 Males of the House. The Chapter is subtle but identifiable by Water to Wine (Blood). Trees along the Trench leading to the Well are marked with the Three Crucifixions. A recurring Land dispute with Descended of Isaac, having Negro Egyptian intruders of Rome. The Chapter is as Genesis 24, remembering the Bible was written in the Middle Ages. Pitcher means Orifice, living Water simply means permission Water. Arguement: Ask & I'll give  - where is your Pitcher to draw me Water. our Ancestors Dug this Well. - ask & share the Well without asking again. - If I ask bring the Water to me. Bummed.
A Manhole (Man-Hole(Ass)) marks the Spot at the Well. You shouldn't deface a Biblical Ancient building's Concrete Foundation. They still claim right to annoy at the Well.
5 AM

The 5 AM Family are called Samarian (5AMarian, Aryan, 5AM area). Investigate Polar consequences, potentially negative to assault. Suspects: Intruders of the Griffiths Family of Rebecca Griffiths esp. BC Germanic Roman, Reece Huxford Intruder, "King David" Intruder (Queered up). Intruders assume the identity of a Host Deseased, claiming Ancestoral rights, then damaging the area usually.

The local People said Crucify him according to the Bible. Consider "Treason" Tree-Son or T- Reason, defined a crime against the People. Thefts were by Invaders, Headsawing, sending Trouble makers & driving off the good so that it became safer for One Man to live here. The more that married or suffered surgery the more Hazards. Egypt sent their Whores to marry us & blasted our own chosing. Now in London, after we shut off the River.


When I tried to Photograph INRI on a Tree's Bark at the Site I found ROSA, having moved my Position. The Language is both crude & complex because there are multiple reasons for the use of basic Symbols. In this case I is Phalic, N upwards or Improving R reduction & I again, means what goes up comes down. R reduction O concluded Z stop A Pyramidic or Negro upward improvement, means prevent the Target. King of the Drews like the Drawings at Drew is an example of popular symbolism because it also means King of those Drawing Water.


Isaacs Three Wells are represented on St. Mary's Island, Two originals were destroyed for the M2 nearby. Further killings & hatred of the Caste here mean there was always an excuse, & still is. CiD & Uniform are in a position that was a Roman Garrison, French & German Families still corrupt Communities. Veronika did not Bum, but was Wessex Crown, taken with SE Crowns Kent & Sussex. Provocations still persist.
Bronze lasts forever: Isaacs Bronze Guard kept Children out of the overflow Pipe. The Concrete is of Modern Quality until examined closely, set about a Tree Trunk with slight irregularity.

English Football 

It's been impossible to defeat Germany because of insistent Thickheads at the Three Lions, Germany the Centre of Three & upper of Normandy having the lower Two Lions. They are not here for the love of England, Invaders joining to Germany & France competing.


The Welsh Quarter is abroad on sale by defeat of the Crown, who had Germans & French land on the West Coast to a small population.

Critical Point 

We know the time that Apocalypse was predestined, who killed John so that his Son was sought for Brain Transplantation? Rome was trouble in all places not only Critical Point. Locate Critical Global Security Criminals & delete if possible.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Ordinary Criteria like Titles, Honours, Legends, popular consent, majority election, Spiritual prepayments, ability & positive contribution are disrespected if it's about me. How will you all stand up straight & expect loyalty upstairs?

If you buy me a Top Hat everything I pull out of it will be yours for free, because it's your Hat. I don't want your Hat.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Chinese Dragon

 Trump has Chinese offspring according to this Sat.Image.

Homosexuals in Medway

They do not usually live very long. There have been multiple cases of Blueblooded Family accessed at Night for Film. Make sure Bolts are on Doors Front & Back. 

This is a Global Authority not Regional & rotation will not save.

Monday, January 1, 2024


Every disrespect is displayed concerning Jesus Crucifixion, that brought us to the brink of Extinction. You should be asking how to heal not desperate for every possible related offence. You are Demoniac, meaning mad by Animal Brain Implants.