The Archangel Michael

Monday, November 13, 2023


The Roof was torn last night & there is to money to fix it. Get that stupid crap off my Hill.

Home Secretary

The recent dismissal leaves 31 Maidstone Rd as if no change. The Final point Communicator divulges elements of Communities against London preferences, a parallel Mail Bag to the official belonging to the Crowns.

The idea is as suggested here for analysis of Foreign accomplices to Alien Nations, that subdue the Regional right to rule Life. The often Indian Snitch is concerned with Private Money upstairs & not a helpful addition to local Democracy concerning World Policies.

Germans, French, Brummies, Africans, Yanks, there's always some Alien pressure against Officialdom.Tik Tok, how can we prevent the inevitable?

Rishi is supposed to look like Sanjay formerly of 31 Maidstone Rd.


Veronika has lost control of the West to Foreigners entered by the Smuggler's route, into England by Horse not Sail. The Foreign Power Source available to the Three Quarters of the UK against England has swelled in Birmingham to rival London also.

The other Three Quarters are all from London, of Egypt & Rome, were here intruders in the Briton Royal Kin of Jesus. The Intruders have been called Terminators, reducing the English authority.

English Crown instruction

Sterilise Birmingham & Liverpool.


Nuisance Global Spiritual Democracy is from Human Life in Africa, manifested in Rome, NY & here where it coexists. Life not Born in England & other Countries is corruption, usually Transplant Surgery.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Faked Porn

Selected Kasey Kox appearances are not a Young Beth Cutler. Advances in Computer Graphics are withheld up to 30 yrs.

English Protest

English Messenger systems from Medway to the Capital are corrupted at every level, from Foreign Corner Shops at Street ends, also drawing in the surrounding to the Home Secretary's main Rd connection a Foreign National.

Black Report

There is usually a Family resemblance, something like the Image. Rotweilers are a German Tribute Breed. A Plan to flood Medway with Black African support has been detected in the 80s, a Black newcomer Andre Warner suggesting French Africa.

Popular suggestive Speech became standard Code:

Bag-puss was Triple Talk, Baggy Cheeks / a Bag's Pussy. Bagpuss Bagpuss (Double: stop being a C*nt) Old Fat Furry Cat Puss (Fury Agent Killing C*nt) Wake up & look at (recogjise by means of the Spirit) the thing that I bring. Wake up (Double entry means do not "Wake") be Bright (hinder Angels of Light) be Golden & Light (reject opportunity & leave good Angels alone) O Bagpuss (the end of Bagpuss) hear what I Sing.

Emily: Veronica 

She was recently established Jesus Daughter, who was Spiked, Eve surviving. Jesus was Crucified facing his Daughter's Crucifixion. We are registering Black connected to the Irish & Welsh positions. Report: Welsh Quarter.

English Crown instruction

Contracts to Horror: People carrying out severe force then & submitting harsh suggestions now. Enter Liverpool & dominate, also Wales.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Report: China Crisis

China are controlling US options by managing the Asian US National debt. 

Dragon Report

Wales are reported Power Source for the Scottish & Irish Quarters, not England.

Moriah Report

Destabilised World Government is not of the Four Quarters essentially, Germany leading France esp. US with French Canada. The English Germans have settled to Ireland & French to Wales.


I am filled with Inspiration from God & multiple Military & Commercial ideas are in production. I struggled to afford a hot Drink again Today. 

Medway Council refuse Business based income for Council Tax reduction, they stole several startup investments like a hungry Dog scoffing that left for all to private funding instead of Public. One investment worth 4bn was less than 1k to Snowball. A Report stated they intend to block all initiatives.


The Jane Chitty Intruder is a relative of Paul Black. The Intruder was a WWII Governor. Paul Black is hinted One of the Hitler Brain Hemispheres. The Nazi Family are flooding the area with Africans obtaining control.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


I find myself talking about other people's Wad more than once a day. US robbery of inventions with Lamping is intolerable, the US are a severe nuisance to the whole World & need lessons.

I call less than Five People & none of them are allowed to visit unless I'm out, loosen.

Germany & France

2000 yrs ago Jesus discussed the prevailing Foreign presence as we do Today. More Agents are more trouble & we are halving the number of French & German living in England.

This is the proper Arthur Crown arrangement as witnessed in his Grave, the Three Lions Today, England, Germany & French Bottom. 

The Two are only here to turn & take Seniority like Hengist & Horsa. It's the same format as the Adam & Eve Intruder Wives, the Cain & Seth intruders love & Superbitch saws their Head. Paul Black was a harmless Child, if assuming dominance usually with myself & Stuarts.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

US Army "Crap"

The US planned to take Iran through Iraq following assault upon Kuwait, but were defeated near the Iraqi border. They returned with "50" UN Countries taking longer than WWII to take Iraq, firing ICBM from the US. 

A US attack on Iran could cause a Russia backed Arab invasion of Europe by the usual US failure as in Africa, North Vietnam & Korea.


The Organisation rejected AA Rockets to clear the Air by supporting CIA disagreement. Ham Ass a CIA tag meant they are ridden by Men.

The Rockets on offer were a personal project designed to forbid serious Bombing runs by isolating Man portable Stages in the Field & moving them regularly. It's meant to overcome pre flight Air Defence Cruising. They were SAM high alt. having SSM capability & were staged so fast there was no need for explosive Warheads.

Stolen Chat Host

I am so far disappointed with Moscow, who are not meeting requests in return for Important Intel & a Semi Priceless object from Moriah.

Missing Ho Report

Update 8 Nov: The German Crown is challenging my Russian Double Agent.

Local Children impregnated

Children made Pregnant or given a STD are sent to an outside place for blame. Royal Caste are all expected to contract an infection to discourage contact with lower Caste. Their wider Family "Witch" Girls, meaning chose which can be separated to keep the competition strength of the group.

Dress embarrassment

Someone is associating bad Designs with our Quarter. There is a Cord & Fur design in need of sensible management.

This type of Sabotage is your work not mine


A Man ran at me on my Doorstep this morning. Kill him.

Sunday, November 5, 2023


Continue with Hostility toward French English, destroy French Hierarchy. 

Spiritual Government 

The ends of Streets usually carry opinions from those dwelling between. Schools are bringing Community votes to neaby Shops.

May Day & a May Pole

May has secret meanings & Theresa Green is an Old Joke. The Poles are supposed to be encased in Rainbow Colours by Young Ladies offering themselves for an Umbrella against adversity.

Theresa is French & a Disaster at this time without the Queen's Umberella. It's even been suggested She is reigning for France at the opportunity, having the UK Females of the Queen to spend.

Women in Management without ER foundation 

Fat, Ugly & Old Women without the obvious virtues ordinarily associated with tolerance in the Male dominated Workplace are first out for reasons or excuses a Report states.

Friday, November 3, 2023

NY Report

The United Nations & Vatican are the $ame, rejection of Life Government at Moriah & in Medway resulting in Human Extinction. Life has been granted Spirits Born in the area that made DNA to proceed or cease, by that Great God in all places that made our Environment.