Friday, October 27, 2023
Corner Stone
Desolation provocation
Human Species
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Terra Coty
The Round Table was a Round Stone like the One atop Kit's Coty (Cottage) upon the Arc at the Hill rear. A River Cottage was standing at the time of the Roman invasion because Terracotta was named. There were Seven Long Barrows.
RevelationThe Lake of burning Fire was the Arthurian Lake having Terracotta Mud, now the Dead Sea it still Streams following Rain. I have not found any surviving Terracotta in the Riverbed yet, in the Graves & Pottery the length of the River to the Tributary.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Red Warning: Iran Fractal @ Global Administration
Veronika "Rotten"
The City way Rochester Rd indicates the "way" of the City. Veronica's Right Hemisphere is Rotted, an Image of Crucified Jesus & Her running down the Hill with Roman Voice therin. She has no value as a Family Crown under God.
Monday, October 23, 2023
England not at War with Russia
This Signal in the Lower Garden, available to all while I am at a distance or known not to be arriving or leaving is a final Apocalypse Defence measure. Three Kingdoms are against One at this time making diminished personal Security. Europe is with Russia against Apocalypse diluted by US interference pro Apocalypse.
Solar System
My Electricity is under fire with expensive damage. I need to wait in until the Zenith to struggle against a vandalised Battery & sponging by GCHQ, who have an audible Modem in my USB charger denying most access by poor application of Tech.
Alter Table
There are Four Crowns of the UK & the Four Spiritual Quarters of the Earth. The Seat belonged to One Hemisphere of Joseph called Aramathea & One Descended of Ancient George (Black). The other Joseph (White) was with John the Baptist.
FatherThere are Four Hemispheres plus Souls by Small Animal Brain Implants who call themselves Father of the Heirs, the Four Crowns, outnumbering our Father & demanding a Father's right over an Heir. The Host of Heaven are the Bodies troubled by the additional Souls who were Jesus Family, those intruders who remain of that time, identity fraud amplifies their own real authority in their Quarter.
Like most I call God above Father, who works the Images in the Clouds & is a Multitude.
Corner Stone Defaced
The Stone at the Corner of the Head of the English authority & World Quarter has been defaced without proper analysis God says. The removed area is in the Mouth of the Second Coming indicating hostility. It mentioned Veronica. I remember part. I want Kent Police removed from the case & the adjacent M2 used by Oxford.
Report: Most valuable Ancient object of it's size. Intended discrete cumulative damage.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
ATACMS threat
The Medium Range 1-2 Mt Mach 3 Nuclear Missiles brought to threaten Russia can easily be shot down with a Patriot type Sysyem or 1.5 Mach Passive Homing, having a proper Sat. Cruise observation & Heat orientated Homing taken to Altitude. Anti-Nuclear Counter measures should autofire with manual abort capability, they can adjust to avoid arrival near populated areas. Secondary Manual launch & a Third Man portable option are well advised.
The Test Fire Image relates to an Image taken last Year, having Electromagnetic Skin contortions with an upturned exclamation Mark & a Surface Strike. The Green Light indicates God approves of the weak advance, an upturned Hard-on.
Black DJs are refusing almost all White Artists on most Radio Stations. There are claims of Racism followed by open Black Racism at advantage e.g. South Africa, where White assets are taken following Aparthied charity. God says an isolated area of Africa joined to a less developing populated area.
The Stone the Builders rejected
The attractive Serpent Stolen from the Table area has still not been returned. Why are the UK Government so uncaring about their fate & ours? Provocation where healing would be appropriate, critical as was damage to the Tree at Jesus Grave.
Friday, October 20, 2023
The Beverage is made with Road Tar, because it was funny that so many Irish are Manual Workers.
Most Taxation Stolen
Yacht Club funding is usually of Tax not laundered Cash or Drugs, the Family of World Government. This was about enthusing unhappy Trafficked people:
The Female advancement has negotiated a proper handover to the New Male Monarchy. It looks quite serious for Power lovers ,the origin of the word Manager was Man Ager, however there are still positions for competing Females, compete. I didn't think Females coped well with Management, usually stroppy.
Some things should change for the better like Marriage stability for Children & the Criminal Masons, a Male Resistance are less relevant.Putin
The President has been partitioned from effective Government by terrors, a sacrificial Decoy & Spokesman.