The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Appeal for Sense

God told me to retrieve shards of the Broken Megaliths from the Valley then had me toss them onto the Platform intended for the Abomination. I want a Megalithic Gate of Modern Stone to placate him.

Heaven & Hell

The Trough & Peak of a Wave in the Valley & upon the Hill made Paradise & Hell a popular concept. Hell was where Stones met Romans that could not throw them uphill & Paradise was only a drafty Wooden building & Garden less than 30 metres Heaven is "Beaten" in Cursive Angelic. They were at Nob across the River who came & now sit in London leaving us broken, expecting Apocalypse of God.

Sale: Live Elizabeth Report

The item has been rejected & will be sawn in Two Today. The Irish refuse to Broker because of Silly behaviour at the buyers end.


On God's advice I curse the owners of things mine taken without consent. Share my Curse not expecting a Heart destitute to relieve.

There's nothing I like better than suffering for Catholics so they can Sin without consequences & make Trillions in my Name, without offering basic things to me in strife. They hate me for telling the truth, that is they reworked Histories of People so that they cannot be allowed to exist in reality.

UK disruption

I commented that all of the Red Warning Bulbs had been taken out & replaced with Green ones overnight by the new Monarchy. There is a Church Hierarchy problem. They are attempting an Apocalypse procedure of Desolation Dan:

Dan 12:10
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

Made White means a blank Canvas or File, not regarding former status. It confirms what I've said about the Palace & interest in a Pseudo Jesus, they are all Catholics, along with all Church Seniority.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Desolation Daniel

The Scrptures are repeat Histories that are used to keep tabs for control. Same Characters are put through guidelines for expected results. The transcripts are of the "Holy Spirit" which cannot organise like God above without Records.

Language engineering is also a means by which Spirits remember as an Omnipresence. For example random or ran dom means scattered from a Slavic Home, so that careful Word selection can imply like Code, called Double Talk.

Exceptions to rules

Exceptions to Rule means not this time thank-you Boss. A Song: Ten Green Handgrenades hanging on the wall, if One Green Handgrenade should accidentally fall, there'd be no Green Handgrenades & no fucking Wall. The Song was Hogwarts category Spiritual education, it means there would be no System if variables within guidelines upset.

Debunking Dan

The Daniel Intruder was an Egyptian Judah Royal attachment also with the Whore of Babylon. So that when in early London the King gave him Meat & Gold which the Spy despaired at, fearing the Captives. 

The Egyptian 

The Intruder is at Poles with me needing my agreement to carry the Prophesies, I reject. The Head Intruder is with my Father, God's own Man. He allocates myself & Cara opposition duties we hate, One has to be Wicked & the other a Fool for a Leech. The confusion hides Policies. Cara is a Suicide Slave who burned to Death with myself & Beth by George in a Temple blaze. They are Daughters of my Father's Intruder.
Dark Angel: This was Cara plus Emma Watson Intruder at the time, Eunice who lived near & was at Glencoe School with us. Her Mother Doreen followed Her & moves Her on. Emma & I love by Ancient design. 

Monday, October 16, 2023


Another Report here indicates a Three Hour Crucifixion plan ending in Apocalypse at 5am. Lunatic problem doubling in the Hour of desperate need. Daniel Scriptures indicate an untitled "Angel" not the "Son of Man".


French Descended People in the UK were called to Arms against the Nation & a Plate tectonic shift reduced us beneath the US supported by French Canada & NCA.

Primary Target: French Descended Catholics in England. Secondary Eurostar Passengers.

Elizabeth Report

This Elizabeth administration Report is for Sale @ £600. It has roots & needs care to Report. Arrange to collect from Lord Lees Grove Red Sea Gate.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Water denial

Basics like food, water, & bedding denied are Apocalypse insistence. I keep explaining that 8bn do not care about your peace or even your lives if you group to make serious issues or lean on their existence even little.

Temple Veil

Chris Eubank Snr. has been invited to encourage Sports Club members to attempt a Wotld Cup based assault on Moriah. I had Females hired to assist Field Agents with Radiation Fatigue recovery.

The Temple Veil Curtain reveals an event planned. The Crucified figure on the World Cup is a plan to excuse Global Destruction amid intelligence conflict excitement. Eubank is a French Black/White Cross.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Abomination alternative

This recent find relates to the Alter that is found to be the Abomination of Desolation. For Sale @ £500.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Starmer Beating

Kier Starmer called yesterday about Budgeting better. He declared the Medway Christmas decorations cancelled as if an insult to me saving 75k, then Lamped me painfully. I said I could've done those for 2k asking the Art College to dress Windows utilising Cheap local Decorations.

Starmer put his name to ferocity following complaints of constant discomforting Lamping else painful. As Jesus said why do you strike me? for injustice or truth? God raged about wiping everybody off the face of the Earth during Starmers Imbecilic assaults, apparently gathering pace.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Lord's Prayer

God told me Joseph made it up himself. Our Father in Heaven meant the Father of Jesus & his kin living on the Hill known as Heaven, lifted among the Heavens. He said the Kingdom was his when it suited, otherwise it belonged to Jesus.

The Egyptian right of a Father over the Heirs is a confused Hierarchy. There is irritating conflict between the same class with perception of seniority. The Father & Son have seperate Quarters of Four, England & Scotland are the base Flesh used for Global Spiritual Domain.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Trinity or Godhead

Father Head, Son Heart, Judas Left, Veronika Right, the Catholic application of Perfume in the form of the original Cross. Otherwise called Ace, Jack, King, Queen, Judas was King of Sussex, Veronica Wessex, Joseph called Jehovah & the Son Jacked upward by living abdication.

Holy Spirit

Judas now Cara is Neptune, that great Omnipresence among Men & Veronika Saturn. Has anyone heard from Uranus? Still a Dark place for reasons of embarrassment.

The Four have Animal Brain Implants because they Spiritualy Govern the Quarters of the Earth in all living things. The multi Soul set up caused Apocalypse problems according to my Report & is with all Blue Blood. The Report stated Fibre Optics a good alternative.

Moriah & Nob

London was the Nob side of the now "Dead Sea" moved up Estuary where it flourished. It's obvious to us that if anything remains at Moriah that can be nicked or broken for the further prosperity of the Ticking Bomb that replaced Moriah as Briton's Capital, then that's an achievement. Apocalypse inevitable without removal or leaving of the greedy invaders it is believed to make no difference. Is that what People think?

Monday, October 9, 2023

Labour Party

The Party have ruined Global Security at my Position, sustained burns, environmental & nutritional difficulty.


The Executives fought hard to keep their Pay, as was before sweeping changes under the new Monarchy when all others were defeated beneath. Nobody likes change however Rich they are. They are charged with throwing critical Global Security responsibility overboard, theirs by my hereditary Peerage, every Country's Security failure.

Paranormal Report

This Image displayed Two Masts on either side of the River here. The Mast of Moriah shattered later. Labour greed broke International Data connection from the Hill, having broke Finance covering external WiFi fluidity.


Wherever I hide Nails somebody finds them & marks their game while I'm out, even buried in the Earth. Today they Marked a Plant dug up with a Nail that had been hidden by them in case they could not find the others, mine are rusty & it was clean. God said he's made his own Cross.

Sunday, October 8, 2023


God says blaming France for bad behaviour since Elizabeth is Right on Target.


The Bishop of Durham is found with Satan Horns on the back of Charles Throne in an Image on the Temple Veil. God says Excommunicate.