God says the person who's authority broke the Chainsaw is going to die for the Crime, expected to preserve Crucifixion useful Trees & deny defence against an assault here. He also said you cannot defeat me with any Weapon in my Hand.
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Friday, June 9, 2023
Kent Police Chief
Joe Biden
He has admitted liability for emergency call denial & Chainsaw start tampering here. God says kill him.
A plan to arrest me & hold for 3.5 yrs is a Biblical Holocaust effort, "Messiah the Prince" is cut off for that period pre Desolation. Jobcentreplus, Northampton Magistrates & the Police conspired to achieve an outstanding Arrest Warrant by denying me access to a hearing.
A plan to build a Street outside is a Biblical Apocalypse effort. The Street & Wall built to "Messiah the Prince". I keep saying don't build it because of Children among the Ancient Graves.
Thursday, June 8, 2023
A power share with the Monarchy means a sweep through corruption at this end. People selling their Government position to foreign Nations or Criminal Outfits preventing my legitimate day to day Office will be put to Death.
Satelite Dishes on this Pottery are only Gov. contempt. Other Alien Pottery has been found.
Medway Councilor: Catholic Money to blame
God made Male & Female
Local Coup
All DOS here resulted from complaints about creeping about in the Bushes from vehicles parked at the Perimeter.
Kent Police demand easy assault at any time in the face of National & International Government. Gov. Communications are fluid by other forms of media & hit the Floor Online in both directions.
Local authority feels safe in a Police Station & in the Field with back up Security & Police assistant. Bethlehem Police Station was Bombed to rubble for local Coup & "Sonic Booms" during UK Nights obliterate here.
Contstable: origin an officer that makes the community stable by persecution Cunt-stable.
Illegal Block
This Website is supported yet blocked more often then not. KILL CORRUPTION BASED AT KENT POLICE STATIONS. Begin with those attending even occasionally, include field operatives.
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Imran Khan
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
The US blamed DOS here on Cara, however it worsened to almost no access when she was Hospitalised recently.
KILL: Battery depletion preventing Official positions here & endangering life.
Adams Girls
There has been a sign here, Three Yukka Plants representing recent Cara (Tall), old Cara/Emma (Medium) & old Emma (small). The smallest died last year, the Tallest died this Spring following Rat attack at it's base & a Wood Pecker making Holes, the Medium died following good Health until urination with the Tall. All Three suffered Urination by People accessing while I was away.
This information was stolen by use prevention here. A Photo in a personal message was stolen yesterday & paraded as general use by GCHQ.
GCHQ overfunded
Monte Cristo
Emilia Clarke: Emma Watson is reported to have been within pre 2015 Cara & Emma until recently Emilia. Mental instability is normal for a Year & personality alterations bereave.
Monday, June 5, 2023
Life System decay
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Water Pest Dead
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Creeping Death
A shadowing group called Round Table that includes the Pasha of Egypt past Bodysnatched Teachers at my Secondary School then flooded my workplace at Timpsons with a next generation coup.