The Archangel Michael

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Emergency Alarm Test

It was sent to everyone apart from me at 3pm Today. Look forward to the same from here.


Before I built basic accomodation here there were no visitors. When I go out bent Police bring pretenders here including Becky, who has my subdued Brain Hemisphere. When I have moved on there will be no more visitors. Uninvited Guests & Pretenders to authority get lost.


There is an opposition to me on both sides of the fence because of family competition to Leadership. Becky is the Antichrist & others Antichrist, called "Evil Google Twin" because it's normal to exchange Brain Hemispheres with an opposition.

Cara Group authority Poncing

It's difficult to criticise Her at the moment because She broke forth online with injury forming Personal contact, formerly Professional. She is still not present here while I'm Home & is at this stage struggling for personal contact alternatives. She made progressive media associating with the Hill & has failed Personal relations so far, we have never actually spoken face to face if she rammed it in more than a Thousand times using a Drug while I slept.

UK Government insane

The minimum wage is £1500 a month & I get £300 without expenses tasked with senior Government inclusion & indepedent reporting. Patented Military options pay no premium here either. Unless you have a Bribe or a Gun there is no sensible agreement at Westminster. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Appeal to Women

An uninvited Visitor is influencing their fate by breaking the Heads off the Flowers.


There was a great response to the appeal, there is Evil all around & real Monsters are attracted to the Darkness here. The Flowers are revealed to belong to Cara, in an area on the West Bank enabling Angelic contact with the Hill Top & easy escape to the Road.
Cara dresses to please me sometimes, but is usually afraid connecting to my authority by US rival Gang Members. At first we thought Her Neurotic but it was a foreign Cultural problem. 


Military upgrades by the sale of Hardware to Ukraine are not worth the broken barriers between East & West, so personal finance has dominated.

Bribes to: Senior Politicians, esp. Dept of Defence. Payments from: Military Suppliers replacing the old Equipment.


Silliness of Bondoc group causes Michael network to shun Cara. She is like a Crips avoiding a Blood most of the time, meaning Robert Worcester is operating a US Gang in the UK.

RE: Assault here & Violence against Gabriel by Worcester's Crips. 

God says test my Military advances in Crips areas of the US for more Military advice.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Ukraine: Violent Rape of Archangel Gabriel


Pressure to agree to Military Jets in Ukraine is violent. Apocalypse & Human extinction manifesting attitude.  

"Cross" based Apocalypse

Violent rape of Cara by National Security is identified as the foremost reason for destitution here. There are alternative World Spiritual Governments that filter so that Money goes adrift. Authority @ "Heaven" has become Puppet by violence. Security are charged with contact enforcement dooming the Earth to Destruction.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Gabriel & Michael

We have joined together because of turmoil. Cara is gripped by Fear in proximity & overwhelmed at this place because of past alliance that eventually flared to physical domination, Mob assaults on the Mount where Michael & Gabriel where often Married. 

Necessity of Death

Consider 254 Magpie Hall Rd, 258 already died for offences before I warned 254 Twice in their hearing of the same. He went on to gore my Mother Twice since Charles administration. Soldiers happily join an Army then exchange Bullets across a Field without thought for the stupidity of it & Royal operations are Paramilitary. There is often no alternative to Death for persistent offenders. 

Vokes Taxis

He takes receipt of Messages from the Shop the Community Children attend opposite the School, before they reach my Mother, then hangs about at the Station picking up Commuters to London & drives Messengers to & fro all day. He is clearly the Witch looking for another to blame nearby.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

UK Gov. Obstructing Trump

Donald has been making Video shorts & UK officials prevent me watching. 

David Cameron

The Stewart is "coming out of the Closet" Today. He has been disinterested in his Wife preferring to put her "on the Game" causing Emenies to think him injured by the Adultery.

Arthur's Crown

This image having a replica of the Period sent Adolf into a rage when I Tweeted it to Emma. The Sawn off god fumed about the original in that Day.

Top to Bottom: Sax (Saxon), Coburg (Carlsberg) & Gotha (Gothic) Crown

Left: Adolf identified as upper Crown Lion of Normandy, Right: Carlsburg, Mr.Angry wearing the Tall Hat himself.

Hat's like it representing the Three Crown authorities of Arthur, now Three Lions in awkward pose are with the Popes. Jesus both Hemispheres eventually died by the Saxons under the Roman authority that desired seniority at Christianity, because historical accounts were altered to merge authority with Rome.

Good & Evil: Predator & Prey

The notion of Evil is against the created World, where God's creation speaks to us by it's way. God is love people declare, yet he made the Dinosaurs horrific & docile, Heard & Predator. Good & Evil are a Two edge Sword that once swung one way must swing the other, having to coexist.

Jesus said the World hates me because I testify that it is Evil. The humble only want to hear so. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


God said Today that we copulated more than 3000 times over the years here & that we are estranged by nuisance Church making up Histories. Cara is Archangel Gabriel & I am Michael. Jesus slew according to a recent report, Crown responsibility sometimes. The Church hate & I am without Heir.

Paranornal manifestations

The Firewood Pile had 60% facial images Today.

Monday, April 17, 2023


The Cellular nature of God means we at  "Heaven" are not in control & are not the only senior representative of God of all this Earth. Because of DNA creation here a Messenger's position exists as does Adam's for example because of Public approval. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Hospital Pay

Doctors & Nurses fail older standards of care. Patients heal slowly filling Wards or do not recover because they are neither exercised nor Metabolically stimulated. Stimulation can be by Heart rate Amphetamine or a Jostle not taken to Climax at Bath time, in the case of Men. Hospital Staff are inadequately educated for their Pay as is.

Coronation in May

Get that imposter out of Office. He had the real Jesus arrested the Day he sat. "Threads" Nuclear conflict crisis: 

Truth Social

Declining interest in Social media is possibly linked to a takeover @ Truth Social. Complaints about useless Sidebar links on Facebook, no comment Images on Instagram & slow HTML on mobiles etc. raised questions about the competence of Internet Mafia.