The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Temple Silver Plate

Viners of Shefield, Vintage.

Ireland & Wales

The Two Countries embattle the English without proper UK contribution. 

Crown Intelligence Budget

 Reduce 2023 Budgets by the same Percentage as my recently reduced income.

Captive Christ Hemisphere

The Hemisphere removed at the Dentist, typically age 13, is part of a group reducing & aiming to kill this legitimate Christ. Return all aggression in equal measure. Ireland are supporting them at Wales, estranging me from Cara Irish Flag.

"Christianity" is surrender

Emotional problems rise from Spiritual conflict, they could be local or International, cross Two County lines. You can avoid Spiritual conflict by isolation beyond 50 ft. Choose Semidetached Homes & Large Gardens.

Return to moderate living is not backsliding, project strength not weakness when you are able or become Prey.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Wales: Judge Death

The Welsh authority is creeping internet denial & 24hr discomforting burns here inc. Lamps to & from Town. The Prince of Wales is changed to escalation of an already unreasonable Cyber attack. No holds barred against Wales.


The Image is of the Arthur Grave Lunar Head.

666: Apocalypse

The Howe Police Chief with Wing Nut Ears is meant to represent Charles Administration. Serious burns here accompany complaint from those meant to be responsible, Cara & Becky.

The Vagina of "Mermaids" take out the Left Eye of the Antichrist Jesus imposter Charles, defended by Cara & other Public Heir on the Mountbatten Club.

Antichrist is a Group not a person, 666 is the year of Arthur's Death, find accomplices & authorities of the day. Cara's immediate kin, Robbie, Ken, Clive, other Boot menders of Kent also hide behind a coerced Female. Charles & Wing Nut are responsible hands on also, Peter. Kin hide next door & in that Street.

Truth of Crucifixions

People were Nailed to a Tree to prevent them struggling while they were gored for fun. They were first forced to perform sex acts on near Family & Sodomised. Something similiar happens when a Home is bought in a Cul-de-Sac. Sick Government of invaders who hate.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Robbie Crozier Report

There is a will to place him within One of Rebecca's Children. There is a Left Eye (Christ) Danger to me from One or more of them.


Cloud9 Images refer to a recent Post. This is the Alter Leg, it revealed a chubby older Guinevere Right Arming the Left Eye (Arthur) indicating responsibility. The Two Crowns of Jesus face Right meaning Agency with Lon. My own experience of that is a serious crash following relative affluence.

Police Nosey & Stupid

Images are ransacked on my Hardrive so that I try to include one in a Post & it no longer exists. This place is a World Government outlet of Senior Office, God is not happy with retards telling him off on this Hill as well as every outside place.

Cashpoint fraud

Cash taken back to the machine not removed is kept by Staff almost everywhere, not returned to the account.

Tesco have been operating self Checkouts with extended Notes delay following small change.

Sainsbury's Chatham Pentagon are still operated by the nearby Council building making nuisances. Sainsbury's are on their last warning. Human flesh in Pate.
Sainsbury's Products with a Human Face drawn on the Pate, there are others.

Satanic Catholicism

Jesus to them is not as I would have been. Nobody sacrifices themselves to forgive the Sins of others. Imagine a Man who was drunk the whole time begging Money, would you die for his attire? or a fornicator who was struck by a Woman's Husband, would you rise to protect them? The Lunatic Doctrines are of Satan who they called St. Peter. They include absolute ruin & denial of anything enjoyable that God created unless joined to the Catholic group usually.

St. Peter's Cross is also known as the Satanic Cross. This Alter Leg here shows Peter in the Right Cheek Wound & the Stabbed Eye of Arthur. Peter looked like Mo of Mo's Tavern.

Cara's Phobia

Cara is suffering a Neurosis symptomatic of fighting between One Hemisphere & the other. Her Kin cause the befuddlement via Anna Bondoc's latent authority. Cranky local concepts based on a distance relationship.

Rubber Spiders are used to treat Arachnophobia

Elizabeth II

Sophie Wessex is Kate Middleton's Mum & Lady Louise Windsor is Elizabeth's Daughter. Questions are raised about the real location of Elizabeth II, following heavy suggestion she is within Kate.


Police Chief responsible

Heavy burns here are generated by annoying the Chief of Police & not necessarily by Crown or Parliament. Wing Nut represented by Gary Lineker in recent media.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Gate Posts

Two stumps can be made out where "Traitor's Gate" was. The Boats were kept this side of it just over the rise on the River Bank.  

Ornamental Trees still grow there from my Time King of England

Cara's Phobia

She is pretending to be married still to Arthur following my resurrection, making herself Rich & aloof or venomous about proximity. She was burned to Death in the Temple with the Cole Christ Crown. My Kin want to "Sacrifice" my near also.

Peter the Great (Red Dragon)

St. Peter's Square & Balistika indicate Catholic seniority. Peter Struck Jesus & killed his Left Hemisphere, then later his Right. Today God revealed the Satellite Dragon image at the Red Sea here refers to Revelation & Peter, who enters the Son's of the English Crown Head sawing inc. Mordred (Sea Moored Red) "The rest of Her Children" of Mary in Revelation 12 indicate his presence among them. 

Dragon "cast" or embossed, Terracotta can still be seen showing on the Riverbed. Catholic doctrinal significance. 

The direction Right to Left means Nol & not Lon so that the infighting & "Sacrifice" of Jesus marks them for Apocalypse responsibility, by choosing to bolster themselves betraying & slaying Christ, usually achieved by Spiritual pressure not to conform, including abrasive messages to deliver generating a "Flag" drawing attention. I have an Enemy kin as well as a Enemy opposition making the Hermit here that usually occurred. The Catholics are abusive toward Second Coming offering lip service that achieves nothing here.

Red Dragon

There are other members of it in Revelation that include the intruder Hemispheres of the Four major UK Crowns. Stewart is identified as the "Stout Horn" that plucked up Three: English, Irish & Welsh Crowns. The "Hydra" was the flow of the River Jordan, that was drained to sell the Terracotta (Hydration).
The area of "Osgiliath" is supposed to be that part of the Jordan in this related image.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Second Coming (almost)

Martin Luther was part resurrection of Jesus last seen in Arthur. There are Six original Seraphim Spirits required for a complete resurrection. Luther wrote the LUT Bible in German. Luther was Crown of Judah direct Descent, aboard the Germanic Holy Roman Empire.

Diet of Worms

The Catholic punishment was Willy sucking. A little was changed by opposition within a Church group. It shocks what has been necessary to oppose fake Christianity a little. Alone here more is achieved, & more than when Spies were the only company permitted by Rome in the Kingdom of "Heaven", where Cloud9 Trumps all other Cloud Systems & the Word is the last Word, suffering imitating, twisting Leaches that Sack.