The Archangel Michael

Friday, March 3, 2023



Stolen Sacrifice

From the Heavens comes Destruction, from where a Sacrifice is found for your Glory, a Sacrifice of a thing belonging to another, that other condemning to Destruction. A same should be something belonging to you, not one able to Destroy.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Critical Apocalypse condition

Cloud9 revealed a serious problem this morning, that looks like another image here Connected to Charles' Crown. The image here is on Sale. An end to Word of God persecutions is advisable.

Flag dustraction

The sensible emergency action would be pay off the Christ & Missile Charles Mobile Phone. Persecutions prevail including constricting detailed persecution. Faces for Families or Communities are compulsive at suicide. There is a group responsibility for Policies, enforced around the Face or Flag. Kill the suicidal not having authority, beat the Enforcer.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


The word was derived from Show all, meaning take the Crucified & butchered Corpse of the Leader to the Gate & Cistern area of Death Valley. The Security usually responsible for bad decisions by chasing finance took hold of the Prophetic King & proclaimed the suffering of people bettered.

Iran Report

God says Western pressure to own Oil Fields will overcome Iran eventually, then Saudi Arabia. He says payments are made to One Man to reduce Military capability, however they will fall anyway. The Arabs owning most of West London are Head sawn with British.

This is our design in Heaven for a resupply Convoy or Airbase Network (50 vehicles). It compliments WWII fighter improvements having as many Aircraft as a standard Jet array cost. Remote drive & respond are available.

Update: Request for information

The Rocket atop needs a Kilometre clear of the Fireball. The Armour Rocket needs dominant range as does the Air to Air. Depleted Trucks leave the group range finding or exchange grid position. Suitable tested on the Main rd outside Baghdad. Slow Drone: Riderless ZXR750 having a Tube of cheap Drones on a Road Roughly in forward direction.

May 6 Apocalypse

A date has been set to Crown Charles having Jesus DNA & immediate whip for Second Coming when the Queen died. God warned an immediate Apocalypse.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Lucifer: Moog

The Moog has picked up contract responsibility from the Palace to scorch me from the Hill. Hell with Life God said is Her Dim-witted policy. She has been tagging Beth, who is turned on Her Head a report said today. Hell & Life for Cara & Kin. 

Cara has been cast down from Heaven, having to stay not far from the Gateway if she visits. Sympathy for the Devil, Rolling Stones "have some taste" meant eat my Pussy, because of the images that form upon it. Lucifer is not Leader, like Beth Cara is financially compensated for a troubled life up front.


The Chi-Rho name of Christ indicated P a problem. P is old code for Slander, & words beginning with the letter related to slander problems most of the time. Examining Christ abuse based Apocalypse: Palace, Pope & Parliament have all been writting fake & usually slanderous media.

The Kid who disgusted by wanting the Pope's blessing for an abortion during a Dance in "Saturday Night Fever" was supposed to look like me when I was little. I never sought an abortion, they leaned on their abortion policy to compete with the Second Coming. The Palace are slandering almost continually because Charles has a Jesus Clone.

Security Alert: SAS

A large number of SAS are in the area following the IRA revelation here. Unfortunately they are complicit as well as MI5, who usually handle bomb making & disruption. SAS have been a concern on Security & there is a warning here of a blood break in danger. Keep them away.

Fake Tory MPs

All of those who were resigned were replaced by US Agents. Excuse: Conflict with Russia,  Iranian Oil is on their agenda, where Russia Military have taken root. Russia is complicit & are propping up Iranian defences for a collapse.

Monday, February 27, 2023


Russians in the UK are arrogant & stupid. There is only political trouble for direct threats to me by Thugs. I find first a Country tries force & failing they pay. In Russia the People are without adequate pay & I doubt their Government can achieve it abroad.

Irish Trade

God says break their Trade Northern Ireland & South. Punish the McNeal Family of Rebecca's acquaintance. Delete Beth Cutler's IRA connections. Many of the Liverpool Doormen are IRA having English accents.

Sunak & EU Commision

Money changed hands so that Democracy was denied concerning Trade with Northern Ireland. Sunak denies Anal Conception & that he was Shat not born as reported by the Independent.   



Eve Angelists are they who operate like the Heir of Eve. The Daughter gushes & flirts with all, then aged Mother saws Her Head & devours the Patsies, the way of Veronika & Beth with Christ. Evangelists look for defeated people in the Street offering them grouping. Let us Pray (Prey), kneel, bow your head, close your Eyes, inviting Sword across Neck traditionally.

Four Kingdoms

The centrality of the UK in Global Spiritual Government is by the first respect, now diminished of the area of creation of life in Kent. There are Four Kingdoms, the Spiritual Government of which are Four Crowns, England, Ireland, Scotland & Germany (Wales). The Crowns have critical messages usually since there is limited capacity in a person. The rest is handled by a Tree of Family called Cousins. One Hemisphere of each Crown is removed to another place & is subordinate to the other Hemisphere, who is a fraudulent Democrat under their Mob, under Howe (firms of former Egyptian Gov.)

The Swastika is part inspired by the Four bogus presentations, the Nazis overrule political Parties breaking democracy in full sight, spiritually they dismissed the Archangel called Crown.

The Four "Dark Judges" are blamed for Apocalypse, achieved by dismissing Democracy. God's hand is at work against the People, since Apocalypse is by God. The People in this case are the Spirit Community within them.

God on Apocalypse

He says why are you afraid? I am he says & I wish & I endow & I bruise. I create, I break, I restore, I destroy & I am Great. The things of Life are slow & vast created & Men are sudden & short. The Spirits of Men are arrogant & annoying, obedient most of the time. The Spirit taking an Animal Body instead is fleeting & without surgery to worsen alienation by learning their environment.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

GCHQ manipulated outgoing messages

The Audio Monitor has been identified as the Lamp burns controller also, causing hostile tone across the board in audio.

GCHQ is Government Central Headquarters, dealing with communications most of the time.

Cloud9 says:

9 Stills are Top North & West Right, as you would gaze.

Irish & MI6

The former Queens of England married to the Christ Hemisphere until Arthur's Death are the Irish Royalty. I would not speak to an Irishman, only a Female. Inviting one to the Table is like sleeping with your Windows open, & the Women are a Finger Trap.

MI6 like Ireland are a means of Christ persecution by London through multiple Countries.

Saturday, February 25, 2023


I have no connection to the Ukraine PM especially & have to remain independent with Moscow also. Typical fake alliance, Boris has been Messiah & Pilate both & Harry is supposed to be me along with Charles. Rubbish media.
RA Gallery: Boris in Jesus day, passing judgement. The orginal Apocalypse Clock winder.

When the Negro came from Egypt they saw Megalithic Stones moved distances & enquired about the creator of Life. They sawed our Heads implanting a Negro thick Head so that the design for Life was changed for personal finance in the highest places. The Tangent is destroying survivability yet embraced by the greedy Negros who persecuted & persecute the Christ, who's Word is of creation & for Life.

Boris Johnson is supposed to be the Ape in the Jungle Book that wants to be like a Man by acquiring Knowledge of Fire.

Stand up

The Nazi Gov. takeover is expecting everyone to flee. Democracy & Courts are floored. Attack in the most brutal & merciless manner, do not accept apology, money or deals.

MI6 retarded

A chat with the Director General about a standard of internet blocking revealed incompetence.