The Archangel Michael

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Homebargains Rochester Airport: Global Life threat serious

The group have followed me to another store making problems, attempting to cause me return. They have attended Sainsburies pentagon intending to kill critical Life support. Home Bargains team associated with the Mayoral teams are the foremost offence at this Hill so far, making headway to Global War.

This accompanied an "Alien" Time problem, referring to a Black Home Bargains Employee who worked on the Black Tape Project Catwalk.

Critical Global Security Alert

 Contract issued supervisor Kent internet Block.

Mormon Marriages

God says it's good to have more than One Wife if you can support them & the many Children. Biblically historic.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Market Research: Nazi Powerbase

They are all Mu, having Howe hiding at Home. Serious Hierarchal Nazi movement. They visit most Areas synthesizing Archangelic Polls for their Management Teams. Corrupting results failing Democracy. They handle Michael & Gabriel security (hostile "Security"), who handle Spiritual Democracy as well as providing the alternative Poll. 


A Long Knives event, stacking fake Tory MPs followed poisonings & auto field resignations sent to surprised elected MPs. Termoil followed, infrastructure assaulted, legal systems denied. Oil based agenda. 

Nazis want to cleanse not deal, small options for dealing are criminally expensive.


The proclaimed Marriage, even residence here of Cara as well as others is nonsense for the purpose of acquiring systems related, endowing with the usual options. The advanced abuse system declares insane status, excuses are common where lies fester.

The Clan are kept at a distance by distancing the traditional Females at Zion. The Irish Royals today were a coup in progress & raid in the English King's old age. The Men are volatile & Enemies stalking, wanting the Door opened by the Females.

Webcam Sex warning

Sex Cam options to put off Gov. abuse, like are intended shown to everyone the person knows including Parents.

The Job i'm paid for

I'm paid so badly the only option is contempt for Hostiles. I withdraw all Government policy posted on the Internet & on the Microphone here.

Four Dark Judges

They are captured Hemispheres of the four Crowns having orders dictated to them by Mu, the Front for Howe. 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Anna & Dana

Desperate conflict here & Cara & Beth Pinking because of it has led back to the Two Bondocs, taking it easy abroad.

Judge Death

I have incessant painful burns here by Beth Cutler's latent operation, wanting to kill Louise at the Hill in my absence.

Organised Crime

 Nationwide Building Society have stolen money from my account.

Royal Mail

The leading Security group, something to do with Gun & Chemical running are Apocalypse Engineering with senior Gabriel & Michael victims.

4 BC

A Grave nearby is topped with an Ancient "Tombstone" original, Concrete lobbed to form a Cloud type Image of the Deceased. 

Rocket Artillery

Patent: God says a Heat seeking Rocket can be made a few inches long. Existing Rockets are inefficient. Patent: Rocket in Pocket.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Babylon World Gov. Leak

During a stay in London around 2020 I handled a message concerning a Russian base in Belarus, assault on Kiev from that direction & invasion from the Russian Border. Other messages were typed into the Yahoo Groups account.

Elizabeth Legacy: Nasty Administration

Her Administration is Droning Charles at every nasty thing they wouldn't put Her name to, expecting relief, applause & celebration when things settle, Kate becoming Queen.

Constant burn: Democracy dismissal

Yesterday demands for military advances accompanied painful & wilting burns, they havent ceased & food is all poisoned, & water. God says strike bases around Iran with Nuclear Cruise.


God says Refugee Spies in Thousands are a backslash for crossing the Russian borders.


The Military are called for gore in communities including children.

Image missing: illegal, fines follow illegal activities at this Hill.

Catholic suicide

St. John Fisher School have left a Skip full of light construction materials at a Main Road Gate, supposed to represent the hampered Temple construction effort. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023