The Archangel Michael

Monday, February 13, 2023

Police Poofs

It's a long time since Wrestlers Sodomised their opponent & called it a win, you are all Queer hanging around the Hill hoping for Crucifixions. Private, Foreign or Military Security necessary.


Crucifiers & burners of the Prophets here killed the entire Earth & are still alive. Lift a finger for your own lives.

Poof Report

Queers are all former Women who think their Clitoris is on a Stick, trying to connect to Men.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Biden Report

9/11 was his in part. I never recovered from blame accused of a latent message because funded prosecution accuses anyone. London handled the Global business for Vatican first, Bush Family Second, London Third.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Son of Perdition

My Right Hemisphere is snatched to another, there will not be a position here for Him ever. The "Scripture" was written more recently than the middle ages with some basis in History & Prophesy. It is designed to flag up Apocalypse by adding conditions so that Leaders can escape. There is no longer a Priesthood here when I Die.

Christ the King & Messiah the Prince

I have the dominant position & the other is a Governement backed contender. God forbids building here by him or the "People of the Prince". The Lunar scenario indicates his rising above me is human extinction by ICBM at the U.S. 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Theft of Chalice Water

All of the Water was taken Today only a Thimble or 10 mm Syringe was permitted in exchange for something. Another theft removed all of the Human Hair from a Grave, told a small amount. Cloud 9 videos have access blocked & are also sold without permission, failing Today's samples. Prosecute. God says who are you? You are not in authority here.


Adam is Cara God says, the other Cara moved on is believed to be called Emma, a letter arrangement like Enoch, as was Cain & Cara. Emma is a martyr of sorts & due Grace. Beth is Eve. The Two have Daughters that gush & popularise, then the Mother shanks their connections with a Transplant. Adam was Guinevere for example, Lady of Shalot absconder. 


"Heaven" was Camelot & Avalon.

Beth Cutler

The throng Prick against my Mother is identified as Beth Cutler latent operation. Sam & Beth Cutler appear on beneath the Salt Steeleye Span Album cover & were Veronika & other according to the report.
Enemy within, incestuous Brother & Sister on slander building operation with Egypt. Ankle Nail Crucifixion reference.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Chalice of Pseudo-Messiah

This contains DNA of Jesus Body in the Water used for Cloning, Holy of Holies ornament.

Charles State attempting Holocaust

The State arrested me as soon as Elizabeth died. They found a Gym application & robbed my savings. A Kangeroo Court brought up old assault charges & secret charges tried to remove possible defensive Weapons from here including the Chainsaw. A Fence has been bypassed by clipping & stalkers still normalise nearby parking.


Government Hell & Gore for "Y", meaning defiance, is the end of  praise not luxury, & the people die from Cancer robbed of pensions. Our Glorious Government says all things come full circle to destruction not heeding warnings, however Science defies Gravity & Death.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Apocalypse local

 God says if you crucify all of the Police plotted my Death you can win Global conflict.

Alter reconstruction

 We are not using Mirrors at this Website.

Temple future

Myself & Gabriel want Two Temples side by side upon the Hill. We intend Metal work Copper Patina & Lead Roof external. Something like this in Copper relief over the Door with GABRIEL/MICHAEL beneath. Buildings for Five Thousand years designed to eliminate Lamp Posts & moderate Nuclear War damage.

I am concerned about Bible anomalies & lies concerning the Two Archangels, that one is Satan & unacceptable to God & the other Pure of the enjoyable of creation. 

Other ideas include a Concrete Hill Top Wall, Driveway on the old Path, White Ornamental Gates. Extensive Security protocol forbidding Males.


This is a Fireball Zone (Walderslade). The prevention of my Death forbids Lunar destruction of the US. Better communication between the Two. No more disgrace in Heaven for Satan cast out or rampages likely to trigger Global War. Gabriel is taking donations.


The mount of Olives shall not be divided between Michael & Gabriel, nor shall the invited stay Head sawn. Ground rent tenancy, skeleton keys with me. The smaller Gabriel is a collaboration not a feud. Here DNA was created & in Egypt Pyramids & Surgery, you have no office here.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Messiah cut off (Daniel)

My cutting off from this place is a false authority problem, having an abomination here,  probably a faked Alter. There will not be an authority by my forced removal, nor one that intends to oppose or apposes my will within 2000 yrs.

Daniel: Scheming Liar

God says Daniel is an Ancient who wrote in more modern times in another Lifetime. He said people were Drawing not writing here even in the time of Jesus. Apocalypse by a Liar? No thank you.

"Then shall the end come" is a favouite with anybody having a critical dislike. I'll prove it Rubbish, the Son of Perdition is my Heir expected to fall into line with the Council if I am removed.

Cloud 9

An unofficial Cam records at a distance, Gabriel & myself will include a local wide Angle for official international use.


My Kingdom is in Heaven Jesus said, & yours is your own Home. The Rubbish we hear is not overwhelming, the Truth is remarkable.

Apocalypse Engineering

Those few who were near here are about to ignite Global War. They tried multiple times & have yet to make Scripture match a scenario, or the Moon. They are those who killed the Prophets & some other of Egypt. Control is their intention, Destroy & escape with wealth & authority.

Duke of Kent

 The Duke is stood again following problems at the time of Elizabeth's passing.

House Parties

Meter Readers & others inviting themselves in have been a Government option with Women Home alone. Beatings, Rapes or Murders are common place. Meters should be in the Porch or beyond an external electronic lock with a Camera Front Door. Male maintainance should only be booked at Weekends.


I have a Lever on a Food outlet for using Human Flesh. There is an unirradiated Food supply.

Nuclear intentions

I am bewildered by refusal to delay Apocalypse by cooperation here. Instinct is to survive, however the Ancient don't respond.

Sunday, February 5, 2023


The Lamp Posters are still excited following Elizabeth's Death, whimsical personal assaults are frequent & heavy. Gravesemd Metropolitan Police Training Centre.