The Archangel Michael

Monday, January 30, 2023


Payments are being made to Wandsworth Prison concerning a Man pretending to be me for Historic Records, Exco.

Truth, Politics failed

Until the Commons are able to speak the Truth on Air the Public will hold Parliament in contempt. The established Biblcal Destruction of the Capital is expected because of Public contempt as well as Global Nuclear Danger ignored.

Gov. need to remove restricting Code in the House perhaps over Time.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Babylon Suicide News

This was about Cara beaten & raped here for her marriage to Jesus & relationship with me. Nine Pathed Hill.

Cloud 9 is the cloud formation above the Hill visible from the Bridge Southward.

Cerberus: Identifying images

Intruder of Beth Cutler, former NHS Manageress. Believed to be passing on to Clones, Centre Head of Cerberus, likeness:

Pentagon Eye & dick suck Homer. Other images with a Similar back pointing Hat have been found.

Pleased to Report Cara not Messenger for the West to East return Strike in the Pottery Flint Eye.

Early Church

God made all things & nothing is without it's place. He does not want you to change it for the better. Black intruder Hemispheres obtain things & deny those having dominant will in their own bodies, using the authorities. Self denial is meant to please them making peace. Spiritual attacks by the Alien Hemispheres around create unhappiness or desperation.

King Coal

Report: Both Temples were burned, the Second having Jesus Left side & Cara Ancient blocked inside at night, afterward called King Coal. Apocalypse construction event. 

Saturday, January 28, 2023


Another look at a popular Video taken in Lon revealed an attack here following the destruction of the Capital, put back by the Lunar Holocaust threat, joining me to Gabriel. Sensible to move aside concerning Gabriel, Stewart.

Stew Hurt origin. M Poisoning to gain control.


Spear chucking Black Hemisphere Dominants in Lon aggress against warnings about their condition. They Historically killed those warning them. They say "Hit's the Clock", moving the hands around quick or slow manually themselves, attacking critics. They want my Head for the Clouds warning. We keep asking them turn Anticlockwise.


I'm dismissing anything to do with Christ & Satan following reliable evidence of puppet mockery. A frozen Hemisphere of the Second Coming is supposed to replace me killed, then kill my friend opposite messenger, "reigning" a thousand years under Nazis in poverty only taking blame for messaging as myself.

It follows typical mocking Lip service throughout the New Testament such a "Glory" meaning Gore & Hell not triumph, Roman residue Publication. Satan is not the messenger like the Paper Boy doesn't write the Stories, Family & Community responsible. 


There are enough former MPs refused participation having won elections to form a new House, requires Charles order.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Venus Report

 Gabriel spirit originated on Venus according to reports. This Video is one of them:

Another reference in Independence Day was Planetary resource depletion repetition in modern times. Archangel Gabriel is known as Venus. "Birth of Venus" 1400s has a Vaginal contortion reference:

Spirits are Metaphysically identical, including those that Steered Asteroids to make a Face upon the Moon.

Lon in Medway

People waiting on Platform One in the Evening have been a long way from Home.


A report has revealed Cara Ancient Hemisphere was Married to Jesus Left Hemisphere, Queen of England somewhere between the First Century & late Six Hundreds.

Royal Line of Judah Archangel Michael married Archangel Gabriel

Executed Mary Hemisphere

Normally a Baby is taken from it's Mother, however Mine was taken before my first Memory to the Queen. Reports are that she is Frozen, following multiple regrets about Royal Deaths past.

London & internal conflict

During my stay in London 2020 we worked with the Queen on an SO. The Commons & Lord's had counter operations, also the Met. so that venues in the area of offenders were closed down, Starbucks, Pod, Cafe Nero & eventually McDonald's opposite Marble Arch, where the whole Street was knocked down for the Bryanston Hotel. Baron Sacks was executed for hounding me out of a Church near the Palace & No.10, where they performed Handel's Messiah for me.

Crown of Israel serving HRH & the Jewish Lord's fatal Communication


Media blocking from UK Gov. by Police usually across the board cost over 12m so far since living here. Counter operation required.

Voting advice

It's the second recent sacking of Parliament, the other 2009: expenses scandal following general advice on expenses for the intolerable. 


It is positive to vote for anyone who resigned recently (sacked) & anyone who was accused of expenses fraud. Both incidents caused a Democracy crisis in Homes.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Christ reduction retarded

Isolation inc. Internet denial & targeted Gov. Broadcast blocking is international suicide by a dozen fools. There is a proper World authority outside of Niger money Gangs & until it functions there is no hope for Mankind.

Alarm annoyance

Complaints about warnings here are ill informed. Alarms are raised for negative direction often. The ticking Clock concept is admission of terminal failure to Govern with refusal to return to Africa.

Pearly Gates

An early report indicates their location at the Tail of a Path shaped 9. Penetration imagery would help locate broken remains of them the report said. 

Clocky Prick

Today's News declared there is no longer need of a Clock to tell the Hour of Biblical Desolation. There is actually no Clock, only a Mountain of Tory Crap reaching to the Heavens. 

On the Hill we have a Bell by which the Animals are called for extra food because the Nesting season is near. There are clear refusals to adhere to Revelation Scripture concerning Alter & Ark. Police are tampering with everyone & tagging belongings trying control at every level. The same Police who were responsible for the Prophet killings.

This is not the time of Biblical or Lunar extinction of Man by ICBM.