The Archangel Michael

Friday, January 20, 2023

Babylon imploding

I have a Three Month income rip-off here that prompted support for Babylon Revelation Scripture, when I was busy another place. Gaga also indicated problems "Ba-Ba-Babylon (battle for your life)" Make sure the Engineers don't escape the City.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Pasha of Egypt

Find the Heir of Ali formerly of Timpsons Gravesend & Ali Barbers Canterbury St. Gillingham, Christ killer (Passion), Apocalypse responsible.


Courtiers are asking me if it's Time on his behalf, because they are used to World War Desolations moving out to safety themselves. Doubtless why we keep having World Wars. 

Revelation Edit, up to date entry.

The Hierarchy of the Governments will be burned & killed so that they cease upon the Earth from that Day. Those few found will be pierced through both Eyes so that not one Official escapes, from the highest to the low.


The success of White Government has attracted Africans, surging in Medway to consume White Children Post-mortem in pursuit of more Money. In White Homes they often aggress against a Parent with foreign attitude.


It is necessary to transplant White Brains into Nigers so that Africa is able to compete with White Countries.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Critical Security Alert

Car parked at entrance to nol, Groundbreaking suicidal stupidity, Contracts all. Police saver blocking picture upload critical 15 min struggle to get online: contract.

Second of Two cars, one fled:


Dual killing prep, myself & the other. Paranormal content reveals myself & Cara, also another at Hill Top murdered. There was a Smoke Signal on my way Home indicating the Two Dead. In this image the Paranormal content is more obvious:

All Images here.

Conservative Heist

The Conservative Party, expecting a Labour Government are destabilising with the exit of Elizabeth while they rob, Democratic Policy through the Crowns is beaten off so that Policies are now on international Sale across the board for Private income. The Indians at No. 10 are a distraction, they are all robbing.

Income Rip-off

I am not entitled to a living wage according to Central Gov, Communications are still Two way at Central Office in London. You need to accept my position at Head of Revelation Scripture before I call time on the Capital with proper effect.

Red Sea Gate

If there is a lock upon it, it needs checking for a Body. Unlikely event connected to Scripture, timeless check. There is no official Lock during my Crown.

You are invited to the Shaft of the Abyss beyond the Gate to see the Jordan/Red Sea River Bed. Rushes still grow by a Spring inlet. A Drain operates without consent. The Locusts of Apollyon are low casts, wider Royal Family. Their Tails are repeated Tales, DANGER. The Shaft is expected to grow over with Thorns in Five Months according to Revelation 9.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Work with France establishing the English Crown authority, flippancy & 3 problems, establish the allied authority not your own.

London's burning

Rejection of Democracy means burning in London. Routes taken by Gov. Criminals are subject to Nuclear Waste. 

Harry likes 'em Hairy

 Harry is a Stupid Prick, no relation & ridiculous caricature of past events.

Harry: Stupid Prick

England FC

I need a Cash injection, results based to Royalties. We'll perform at the Female Game.

Medway Council

 Medway Council: Serving you. The "U" ref means Dana/Anna, a Satan authority.

"Goddess" Diana: U Crown meaning less Omega (Nol)

Where'd She go?

What happened to Veranika? 7ft Russian in Heels. Big Girls attract Giant Men, be careful!

Monday, January 16, 2023

Come out of Her my People

Universal Trafficking in Town Centres has taken all of the best Girls to London, so they need to be visited to be seen. Move things of value out of the Capital.


Cutting down through to the Red Sea takes the Head off a Sat. reverse Snail. Does anyone know if it would destroy Lon? I don't want an accident.

Bryant st medical practice

They think London is their Scapegoat, refusing "fit note".

Medway Police Station, formerly Brook Chatham

Using Military Police Badges as well as other external departments & authorities. Operations next door & in the Community inc. Incest, Child abuse, aggravated Spouse rape Husband at work, Cancer Lamping. Operations critical because of Holy Family Resurrections inc. recent Regiside,

Lamping the Time

There is a Prophet & a time, the time is at my end in an Arthur Clone. There is also a safe & appropriate time to talk about Babylon, Police are responsible for the recent News.


In Revelation it's important to remember the mockery of Jesus in the New Testament e,g. "Who has Ears to hear let him hear". Jesus was talking to family here where we had a Boat. The story reads a great crowd, but it was here in Gated family property, where Jesus & his kin had Big Ears. Revelation then is subject to approval by the Whore of Babylon administration, suffering contempt. 

The Beast

I am Lord of the Book according to the claim I dictated it so there is no need to be concerned about it's validity Today. The destruction of Babylon leads to an alternative Government of the Family of Jesus that is slandered. When destroying Lon do not destroy any other place.