The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Roman Britain: Denying Democratic Office

The remnant of Rome in office & SO want control. They object to my existence on most levels & have an Apocalypse Department MORI that throws Apocalypse related signs at my Doorstep for me to use.

Spirit groups most calling themselves God are a contention for legitimate reasons as well as illegitmate gatherings, that is minorities or those having Government boundaries. Confusion is intended by God above & so I try to see that which is consealed in part. It would appear the Pentagon's MORI effort intends an inevitable Apocalypse believing I am complicit, having a warnings based intention for delay or recovery. So they annoy pushing signs to control.

Global instability

Post Elizabeth Britain had the Red bulbs replaced with White at Security. Sweeping changes are known critical for Global safety. Reverse Truss Gov. policies & over compensate. Not a Mirror.

Apocalypse fanaticism

Investigate UK Media today. Golden Lampstand fanatics are denying Internet access here while proper Security are attempting free access.


Once you are aware of basic Animal signals like Left & Right Head movement, on to charades you discover that some are lying. Rats are known to be honest in return for food.

The Mark

The withdrawing of Drew (withdrew) is like their Weapon, a Lance that pushed away or Gored at a Face not fatal, leading to identification. The Mark of Cane was intended to encourage Egypt by guaranteeing a new Life by Brain Transplantation.

Bell Hill

Covid 19 was called a Biblical "woe" of Revelation requiring me to erect a Temple here (I'd been under Gov. pressure since 2008) before UK war with Russia an Alter & Ark were constructed, Three serious Signs of Revelation 9.

Determination to worsen a critical situation for all is beyond my understanding, irrational. Instead of observing warning the UK has been launching attacks on Russia & me personally here as well as Holy dignitaries making a surge of the few Revelation signs remaining.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Mary Puppet

Calibration of "Feelers" was trampled following Elizabeth. May's Family tore up agreements setting off Apocalypse warnings frequently believing the Queen incompetent.

Captive Mary was Vatican recommendation to the Palace & not an influence, so that British infrastructure was attacked, not Mary policy.

Ma R y

May's family are the Antichrist unit meant to wrestle the Puppet that was a scheming pretence, R is a reverse of Pharaoh Hieroglyph. Internal communication failure.

Attacks on myself, Cara & my Mother since Elizabeth have escalated signs here at a terrifying rate, so that few remain in Revelation 9.

Recining Beast

This Sculpture of the Sea of the Holy Mountain is on Sale off-Site, belonging to somebody else.

Jonah was Jesus

The figurative story of Jonah sacrificed by Family: 

17 Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

That was the death of Joseph, having an Egyptian intruder Hemisphere Right side that desired the Heir according to tradition, so that Three days following surgery he returned Home & saw the Bodies of many there at Golhotha called Temple Mount. The story of Jonah is Antichrist banter.

Internal dispute collapsed tbe defence of Temple Mount, Peter & other having dominant Egyptian Brain complications. This time around Family content themselves in modern Housing.


The Book is Antichrist Toilet Paper, not even good for that task. Harry is almost nothing like me or us & the stories are almost total nonsense or fabricated. 

Pomping Roman based London escapes total Hell by representation of Community Leaders, usually lookalikes. Representation is heavily tainted for competition & huge drafts of Taxation vanish.


The UK taken with the Sword, the People found compromise that entitled invaders to Leadership with Tax robberies. 

Two Golden Lampstands

I have them here, part from the Shaft of the Abyss that slot into a Letterbox I've been manufacturing with a sign having a Bowl for Nob.

We want the conservative Party out right now. Not a Mirror.

Michael & Gabriel

Christ & Lucifer are the Light of the Earth from God having Two perspectives. God balances to achieve by giving opposition doctrine to each in small or large amounts. Lucifer is not foremost contender to me, a friend sharing the pain of family messages so that we need to spend ourselves for grace, both called Heart. 

Monday, January 9, 2023

Brazilian Coup

Following criticism here the Brazilian Government was overthrown for disrespect to Pele.

Hints that Pele would be more attractive White were on every UK Front Page

This was Posted the day before:


Relatives of Liz Truss & supporters, M Thatcher's active associates, also those of T May inclusive.

This is not a Mirror.

Critical Apocalypse escalations

I am frightened by the speed at which final accomplishments are manifesting themselves here. I find an Abyss Shaft where I didn't intend & now Gold Spray next to the dismantled Alter chills me after the fact. Revelation 9 is almost completed.

Signs related to these incidents
  • Cara covered with Bruises
  • My savings stolen with Jobcentre & Doctors Surgery refusal
  • Queen's Death with MI6 twists
  • My Mothers Face cut & bruised
This Image at Nob shows God in this area obtained. The Hooded Man at the Red Sea Gate was the clearing of a Shaft.

Revelation Chapter Numbers

The Numbers of Chapters refer to Characters. The Code is hinted at in the Rider Waite Trump Cards. The "Two witnesses" myself & Cara are 11 Scales in opposition, Nine is for the Temple Prophet, Eight is for the struggle between Rome based Government & the Lion of Judah Crown.

Revelation is encoded by the "Ancient of Days" & not my work as stated at it's beginning. I am opposed, that's not a Mirror, mugged, lip serviced, killed, blamed, uncompensated, no thankyou. A lot of effort & no honest foundation.


Special/Secret/Spiritual Operations are Clairvoyant assisted so that Nuclear Conflict is encouraged. They are not Security & should be denied a budget.

Integrated Circuitry

To help prevent pro nuclear War SO we need to return to the Radioshack days of components.

These are not a Mirror.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Shafted: Revelation 9

I have no intention of Gold Leafing the Alter Table so that you can blame Apocalypse on me & if I'm given a Key to a lock & Chain i'll remove it & throw it away. Ive dismantled the Alter Table.

Shaft in the Abyss

Sex in the Shaft of the Abyss has attracted some kind of Mile High Club. We expect the narrow way to be covered in Five Months, we have an early Spring this year. 

Lip Service

Jesus has some of the greatest Lip Service known to Man, that amounts to nothing of great worth & blame where there is reign having officialdom & wages another place.

Shaft of the Abyss

At what was the Fish Gate & an entrance to Judah Crown land is the Shaft of the Bottomless Pit. The Shaft was made recently down a Steep Bank through Bramble, stopping short of the Bottom, remaining inaccessible. Within the Shaft is a Sign, a Rod having the Light of Liberty directed upper West. The Sign is the Smoke of the Bottomless Pit, Smoke refers to a Signal. When we heard of a great Smoke we were originally hunting a Cigar Tube.