Sunday, December 18, 2022
Declined Nob
"Smacked Assholes"
The Beast rises from the Sea: Heir of my Descent. A Second Beast rises from the Earth: Clone, DNA in Grave past the Coffin Lid Shrine @ Arthur's Grave, opposite Fire area. Bodysnatchers of my Parents in a future Time, also past events e.g. Scarred Jesus having one of the intruders, known as Paul since Crucifixion.
Paul: Right Cheek Scars are common in portrayals hinting at Peter's attack.
Elizabeth Execution Report
Saturday, December 17, 2022
PNC vs NPCC Mirror
Christmas Loons
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Why is Cara Homer Simpson on the Holy Alter Table? God says she resisted buying the Alter at a reasonable price. He wants Her to own the rest, having prepared another for me. Cara is our Four Kingdom Gabriel.
I need acknowledgment of payment & pick up of these fine examples at the usual ripoff rate, including the offensive Leg.
Multifaced Angel
Declassified: Creation of DNA
The Springhead beneath the Cistern Head (Gihon) to the River Bed opposite, in the Sea of Blue Bell Hill.
France FC
At England we desire a French win since it amounts almost to an England final position of some kind by my own reckoning. God says Vive la France.
France are operating in England at my request, which is a majority policy. Make them welcome.
Mary Deceased
Mutant: Closer observation looks like a Crucifixion. The Russia owned Dana Drone is incapable & was a serious negative to me since Birth about Y2K, becoming more moderate Head sawn. She is a Cara Life threatening part replacement of Her, making a Christ Death Domino of Her.
This is on the Left side of Jesus Memorial Tree, meaning Spiritual arrangements. Veronika hated Mary intruder. Origin of "Mutant" Head.
Giza & Bue Bell Hill
Critical Global Alert
Some kind of "Beheading" at Northampton Magistrates is in progress with fabricated charges resulting in Nuclear Annihilation according to heavy hinting in the Independent & Metro. Immediate Global intervention needed.
Christmas Political "Snuff" for Christ: Charges concerning conflict with Canadian "Mars" Dana Bondoc look as lunatic as they are.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Origin of 9
This local Sign has a Map of the Old Path on Temple Mount which was called Blue Bell Hill because Blue is for Destruction & Bells for Warning, 9 is for Prophesy. Winding Paths help reduce visits on small properties. Like the Garden Path the Earthwork front reveals another former access.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Defending European borders does not require leadership from the UK, US, Poland etc. Ukraine is better held by Ukrainians doing the same job without Nuclear threats West. Buy Arms the usual way, send fleeing Men back to fight, send EU Immigrants to a Quatermaster.
Cara Spirit
Today the Spirit wants to speak here:
Veronika is a Stooge, not I, not appreciative of family who she intends to belong to. I give precedence to nobody causing disquiet or concern. Dismiss her & all Company.
Kirill, generating Veronika is not a friend of Cara.