The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Apocalypse DANGER

Following a Report about Jesus accused of violent Sexual assault on Temple Mount preceding Crucifixion (Tuesday), Kevin Spacey has been made to present a Lunatic option: Revive the Apocalypse fiasco.

Poland: Stray Missile

There's no need to be excited about Russian abuse of the Polish. The Polish President was captured in 2010, a Plane Crash story followed.

Nob Fungus

This morning I asked God at Drew where to bury the Fungal Compost from Nob. He directed me to a Patch where I found the same Fungus. I said for sure you've mocked me. He laughed & said that area has been isolated from this more than 1000 yrs, I have the DNA to adjust.

White Saddle, Helvella Crispa, Decorative Nob delicacy introduced for the original Nobles. Dinner Plate Signals: Left: take care, Right: abuse.


The Council Gang unhappy unless their Boots are muddy in Drew making a nuisance, damage, Signals or Life threat say they want the Nob Timber. They are forbidden God says. He says leave it there unless proper transactions are cleared at my Account, then 75% is mine alone.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Secret History

A post about interbreeding Animals including Faun & Centaur has been Hacked & removed.

Report: Pre Election Impeachment

Trump already elected by Secret Poll is threatening the existence of this Website. The Database has been used to establish true Christian Religion & Televised Modern Moral Debate. Trump's Group had a Tantrum about "Archangel Michael's" Facebook & lost their own account following. 

Report: UK Elections

The Labour Party will win the General Election. A Symptom is Republican pressure ridiculing the Conservatives. Case study: How much Media is U.S. controlled? How much Public upset by negative policy?

UK Migrants

Criticism of France is ludicrous, they have a deal not to permit Migrants Residence & the UK do not.

Monday, November 14, 2022


Cara (Crown) Suspended: Access to the Jerusalem area from Lord Lee's Grove to Taddington Roundabout denied. 

KCC excited by Nob access expected immoderate Satanic rituals in the neighbouring property (Red Sea) without heeding objection. I am & was King at Drew & I haven't tresspassed into the Red Sea Once. 

Poo impression breaking off

Key Holder

254 Goudy is holding a Key to 256 & is supported at 252. Recent arrogance outside is keeping me from visiting.

Sunday, November 13, 2022


Target known CCTV operators at Medway Police. Lamp Post particle assault.

God says Fry this area:

Surveillance Camera Commissioner
2 Marsham Street 1st Floor, Peel London SW1P 4DF
Iron Man: Tate images are arrayed to injure authorities, U.S. Architecture, secret River arrivals. CIA Enforcement.

Further discussion: Iron Man Lyrics, The Iron Man Novel, War of the Worlds


Red Dawn

The Heirs who are abdicated following intruder Brain surgery, who hold the Red Sea next Door are Knighted to an Order: Red Dawn.

Prompting Voice of God

Nob revealed a Picture, a forlorn Hooded Character large & Speaking take us upward. What I have are Titles, Honours. Heraldry & a promise of possession of Nob when I'm finished with it, since nobody is able without myself & Cara at this time.

Red Dawn: Red Sea image

Damn Persecution, raise the Damned Messengers

The Head of State Spiritual needed to concede effort to restore for the Queen's attitude, because of Jesus DNA used to promote the Prince of Wales former. I wish the Church would concede something from the Sacks of Loot.

Spiritual Government is subject to forces by the vulnerability of the flesh, in which Spirits live. So an invader controlling Police & Government influences on Persons or Households puts Spirits in fear, & Heaven is taken by violence.

The natural state of a Population is subjection to a local Native. Roman Engineering set Security operatives in the Community to assume the role, who collaborate with Police & in turn Government Offices.

The "Archangel" is a Royal & there is a Hierarchical system of lower & higher responsible to localities through to Countries & World Order. The Crown is Senior of that Family. In England I would be Senior however forces have placed a foreign Crown at the Palace.

Right Foot (open feat): Messenger stripped of Clothing, others are beggars for carrying the "wrong" Message. Called the "Who" or "Witch" (which) they are prompted to vulnerability by a Board responsible to a Community seeking peace in numbers.


Every time one follows me I get moved on uncomfortably. Get them away from me.

Ethical Society London: Moved by Laptop operators accompanied by Staff Sexual abuse. Fashion: Double Breasted 3/4 length Military Attire.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Terror Report

Earth management

This Evening that Great God at the Centre of the Universe interrupted. They said who is Prophet? Why do you endeavour to weave Destruction against? Advances in Global Apocalypse.


The "Christian" interest in Charles, one like the Son of Man in appearance perhaps having a Sythe against Man is subject to sabotage. The UK is in breach of NATO contract reducing not isolating necessarily. I am Alpha & Omega & my view is Clones & resurrections recur, so that we should seek Life. We are already talking about the Fourth Temple & what I should leave for myself to find & understand.

We need U.S. Air force bases removed to make NATO separate. I approached BAE advising UK replacements by Political pressure under influence of Raging Tories. U.S. Airbases can be bought, taking personnel only Home, a great US Arms deal. Parts of the EU are agreeing to an alternative alliance inc. France, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Norway, Holand & Italy. I think having Two forces East & West is dangerous.

Bronze Royal Lantern

God says this was a pair that required attending about every Fifteen Minutes.

The Guard Rail for the Royal Cistern has been found nearby

Friday, November 11, 2022


Internet breakdown here preventing God followed criticism of BAE Systems, owned by the Conservative Party. God says no longer buy anything from them or lose in conflict by his hand.


UK would be above 60% less likely to be at War in Ukraine if the Conservatives weren't selling Military equipment for private Money. England, Ireland & Scotland are against conflict according to a Poll here.

Cruise Control

Cara now has a kind of Weapons contract from God at Temple Mount through me. Cruise now launch at the approach of Russian Aircraft toward Scotland, instead of Dog fighting access to Nuclear Slios or turning at a challenge they are now intimidated by Rockets flying at many times their Speed asking them to clear off, setting off their "incoming" alarms. Cruise can spend over an Hour in flight around the Coast & be complimented by Anti Aircraft Missile systems near the Coastline or Kamikaze.

Future projects

The Cruise are being given a Short range AAM to carry, since their approach Speed must imitate an Aircraft not to tempt a conflict. Also Cruise having very light Rockets for high speed approach & break off. Can be carried by Aircraft.


The wall is identified as an Earthwork, remaining around Nob. A part is missing that cannot be mended because of Apocalyptic Scripture concerning rebuilding of the Wall, ending in the Red Sea flowing a Flood. Intresting: The Sea turns to Blood. The Riverbed is known as a Red running "Sea".

Dan9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the Wall even in troublous times.

26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

Revelation 16:3 And the second Angel poured out his Vial upon the Sea & it became as the Blood of a Dead Man: & every living Soul died in the Sea.

Cara has an Irish Team managing Interest in Nob, known as the Nob Head, since Jerusalem should not be rebuilt to the Messiah alone, but divided. The area is a Tenancy of Land allowed my Heir who is a Minor.


English Crown I extend my Hand to Moscow & invite Nuclear destruction of occupied Government facilities, giving the Public & Military an option to continue without detached authority. In an England not run by Foreigners like Pontious Pilate & Sunak wishes are for peace, the English are subdued by immigrant authority, Supermarket irradiation, Child abuse, Wife Trafficking & Cancer by general misuse of Radioactivity. 

I believe that a UK in which Ancient lives are reduced in authority can be the only serious product of War.

Nuclear risk Report

The Conservatives have increased Christ persecution ignoring advice about Government Pay for responsibilities. The Sunaks are taking Billions previously reported Millions for example on top of Wages meant to provide ease for responsibility. The Cabinet want everyone to accept responsibility meaning Public Sexual abuses by SO Squads & Tax increase. 

Imminent UK Holocaust

The Conservatives have left NATO agreement by intruding into annexed Russia by design. They are claiming U.S. control, however they also blame Spiritual Influencers within unpaid Royal Family, public representatives to the Government. Call Ghostbusters or accuse the paid Official? The Public are already snuffed preventing Pension liability, unlikely they or an unpaid Royal Public representatives have control.