The Archangel Michael

Friday, September 9, 2022

Elizabeth II

God said I made it Rain in London to be sure everyone mourned because of their Queen. If Charles pretends to be me God says, put me on a Throne as substitute.

Elizabeth One Hemisphere is expected to be with Kate Middleton in a building at rear of Adelaide Cottage. We liked Kate & hope she dominates her personality. It raises concerns about the duration of Charles reign. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022


Ezekiel warned of the destruction of the City & Today there is only rough Ground & Six Lanes of Motorway. Drew or Jeru refered to the pictorial Language that is the same as God's Cloud, Tree & Stone images. Salem was the Disrict of those who sold their Leaders with Poisons called M in the Language, an upturned W which means Life, indicating a reduction of Life. There are only Letters & images so the spelling in English was a Picture & is Drew, Salem, called Taddington, Blue Bell Hill Today. Druids were from the area.

This was on Arthur's Grave, an Æ evidence of Early Alphabet at Drew or Dru. God said it was for Honour, a Mouth with an Arrow Left speaks "Life".

Following appreciation of the Paranormal God formed image:

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

US in London

Thousands of US accents are operating in London about Town & in Businesses.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Language engineering

Sacrilegious orig. Sacking Religion, taking the wealth intended for blessing to wealthy Robbers.

Quote of the Day

"Everyone is entitled to be an Idiot", Joe Biden.

Monday, September 5, 2022


Congratulations Liz, the Public have been appalled by Ethnic Minority representation & annoyed by Indi-spin. I am irritated daily by a contesting surround of Ethnic Minorities who appear to gather to deny the English a Home. Truss has expressed interest in Zion.

Leaving Temple Mount

I have to leave God says, without a lot of explanation as is normal. There is considerable interest that has not been satisfied by visits when I go out he says. The Table with Books belongs to Cara, collect. Do not remove other items without the proper payment.

There was a lot of excitement when I installed a Potty. I think there was a secret arrangement to allow a Cleft while a Third Temple was built. Report: Holocaust fanatic failing ignition with acquired Temple, "Boar" caught in a trap: Holocaust Dangerous.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Skin Cancer

I have developed Cancers by the Lamp Post assaults outside. Everyone is going to die in a Holocaust. Boris Johnson ordered the assaults on the ftont pages about a Week ago.

Paranormal Report

Clark: Jane Chitty


There is still a Government contract. Deliberate & frequent targeting of my Cancer.


The Scripture associated with me makes clear tgat the Earth will be made Desolate & that covenants with Death shall be annulled. The silly Rule thinks God wants their old Brains with a new Slate. Kill them all Brain Dead in the event God says.  

Ezekiels Temple

Experience with the Slope & "Rods" found to be Spear Weapons present, taught me that the Two high Poles at the Front created an effective Canopy Angle, collecting Water at the Rear along a sagging Centre channel.

God marked Ezekiel's Doors, one opening inward & one outward. 


It's likely the Rod was held near the Front with Left Hand, Right Hand extended backward Palm upon the End, then thrust at an Eye with a Step forward. Real Arthurian Jousts probably took place with one, upon a Pony. Excalibur was likely a Rod in a Sword Scabbard.

Saturday, September 3, 2022


The Particle devices around the Hill & on the route of international Gov. have been bashing the Motorcades.

England FC

Richard Branson is my recent Agent. Conditions make trouble go away without any further problems, deliver current Royalties to the account in the Link. Pay: Management of Royalties owed past.


Visits here are now outlawed God says. Attempts to silence & aquire the area mean there will be no Word of God in my absence following Cancer, as pointed out in Ezekiel shambolic Scriptures prevailed. A curse for all who come here from now on. God says speak in the Valley of Death, not upon Temple Mount.

Cara & Peter plus relatives are being held responsible for the Spiritual side of events.


God says China should enter the US as visible in Topography however not in the same age as the Western movement. World Wars have been dependent on US peace at home, provocative behaviour. Relieve them of their country without ICBM.

The US are at War with Zion & England. God says a Rebublican US Government would heed.

Friday, September 2, 2022

England Royalties

Cara bungled agency for me resulting in massive radiology potentially ending the World. God said snuff Football & Cricket executives.

Death Valley: Lance Weapons

In this Paranormal Image God drew someone holding Two weapons meaning null & an F & someone brandishing a Spike & an E. The Spears look like they had a Wooden Ball at the end for thrust.


God says detonate a local Nuclear device. Persecute the UK Irish back to Ireland. Stop mirroring me, these are direct instruction.


Post Hacked.

Annihilate the US

God says destroy the US without a first strike from Russia. ICBM are awkward & lazy. They are expecting to "go out in a blaze of glory" with the rest of us having made themselves important unsustainably.

Isolate the US

I was burned along with food & water last night, very intense. US "Camera" operator. God says they are begging for close. Asking me to burn rubhish to fake a daily sacrifice while heaping real Nuclear threats here.

Step up killings of US Agents, Global War fanaticism. Do not allow retreat following ignored warnings & action.

God says back Iran against neighbours with occupying Military. He says the Pentagon are generating hatred in Eurasia on purpose to separate & excuse Lunar based Nuclear War by matching Earth Topography not yet in position. It's better to raze the US without Russian ICBM, suicidal behaviour laced with US policy as if God's command.

US Militarily useless

The US have been defeated by some very small adversaries, including Iraq. If the US cannot defeat Iraq alone there is no need for ICBM against them in a United Eurasia. The senaria is crazy.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Crown of England

The Title is the best in England, better than Scot or Bosch power Titles for relevance.