Saturday, August 27, 2022
Daniel & the Temple
Bob bloated
The Football Club have been in contact & are refusing Royalties owed, keeping all of the money & poking fun like a Mafia organisation. I helped with the Management that resulted in the Recent Win & can cause winning or losing in the authority Crown of England descendent. The games are heavily rigged to represent current Politics.
Death Ray still installed & operating
Little Angels
Friday, August 26, 2022
Lamb scam
The Daily Sacrifice is a thing carried out only by myself, builder of the Temple. There shall be no restoration of the Sacrifice by which to Annihilate upon the Earth.
Word of God: Resurrection
I have reports that I built the Hill, will level it taking the Headstones & built all Three of the Temples.
Elizabeth Truss
I have high intensity Radioactive blast targeting my Bowel every night, probably the Lamp Posts. It began when Liz Truss achieved PM. 2000 yrs ago God swore to destroy because of his Son's Death. Liz believes twice won't make a difference. God says kill Her, he says enjoy my Son again, because he has evidence & more Pestilence, Famine, suffering & Death than prophesied for the former crimes. God says shove Queen Elizabeth & Charles.
We need these imbeciles Dead before they destroy everybody, even before signs indicate. God advises a smal scale Nuclear Conflict meant to kill offenders.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Indian Community aggressing
Red Kite
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
We have lost full conttol, recent hacking & now advanced access denial. God says get that Pretending Prick out of those Graves, the other Lion. He thinks He's in authority here. Meaning Ray Jones Deceased (Bodysnatcher).
I am being Mirrored. It is impossible for a Righteous Man to speak Mirrored instructions. If I say World peace people say destroy for example, or better defences they say vulnerability, stop it. There is a Mirror spiritual operation to encode, not the same thing.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
High Oracle
Monday, August 22, 2022
The work is not worthy of serious religious ceremony & although very like the original people have come to expect Grander projects. God is hated by prospering People so that his Prophets are dispised too, & little can be achieved now.
There is an outstanding 400m Three Lions stolen Royalties I promised to spend here if retrieved. God says I am welcome here until it looks like a Temple, then he'll take it from me. He said a Temple can be built in Israel when he has his own here, or not depending on whether Arabs or Jews cover the 400m & debt collect the missing money themselves. Donate Link on this Page.
Miraculous build
When I arrived I was here a Year before realising it was a Cemetery & the Temple was constructed as a shelter in it's place roughly about the same size without considering because I didn't know this was Zion. Then a Fireplace where there was a Fire between Two "Cherubim".
Ash Tree Cherubim
The Priest lived here where God speaks by Animals & the Wind upon the Building often, also "Poltergeist" activity & drawings upon Siver Birch & Ash. The problem with living on the Hill is the expectation of the penitent, who want to find something God's alone, a sacred place. Nobody was allowed to look inside the Ark of the Covenant because it stored things.
People wandered up here to lament & worship while Ezekiel was resident, however Security problems mean I have to be out every other day for visitors.
Ezekiel 43-44
The Glory of God means Hell & Gore. The Priests were slain here by a Mob at the East Gate & there followed accusations of their iniquity & House keepers, Priests disallowed. I also suffer counter accusations & competitive defaming, usually nonsense. Disregard Ezekiel from the time he fell on his Face & he was taken up by the Spirit. Case study: Misinformation of the rebellious House of "Israel".
God says withdraw
Russia are permitted to advance in Ukraine & defeat the UK God says. He says withdraw UK forces.