The Archangel Michael

Saturday, June 25, 2022


God says attempt peaceful acquiring of the Country, which is displaced & a military threat.

Jesus Grave

Artefacts are retrieved Today. The amount of Terracotta Clay shows surprisingly little ransacking, unlike Mary's, who was Magdelene (intruder Hemisphere) as well as Jesus Mother.
Shelter us: Jesus attempts to put off Roman abuse, even the Donkey is afraid (Bottom). Daeodon Jaw Bone with Pottery.

Images delayed, Boris Johnson's Family at secret police. Respect is above them who brought destruction upon us, even at the final time in the presence of destroying weapons (retarded).
Silent Hill: The Prophets accused no more, God is Sharp Toothed Angry against the Orthodontist Family, Dana & Anna Bondoc on the other side of the River. The image was the origin of Judge Dredds uniform & was a Sheep Fur: Image Mary's Grave Tree.


God says in the event of Earth shattering War kill Dana & Network. He says George will Die & Michael authority instigates destruction.

Content blocked

We have serious Global Warming Alerts about once a week connected to internet delay of God's Word.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Russia not a Nation

Russia would prosper from European Government & are aware usually, however they are robbed by Oligarchs including Vladamir. These few are not Russia, so it would be advisable for Russia to surrender to Europe.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Commodus Beast authority

Details missing from the Bible include Commodus' Family who Splice the Creation Family of Jesus & Arthur. The Beast & other relatives are his Kin within. Also omitted is George abroad, Chief of Rome. Georges entire World dominion is by the capture of my Family.

Dragon: illustration by my hand under God; Two Lamb Heads "Michael" Left,  "Gabriel" right, "Jegudiel" led by George Centre (Three (Free) Spirit), Teeth. Lambs indicate mugged messengers.

Eyes of an occupying force

Roman taxation was as organised crime, where Men demand protection money from businesses. The Romans Buggered Men defeated violently. The answer to Criminal demands including their refinement, Policing is Brain Death via Eye Sockets. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Veronika's Hatred

Following Her Eyes found this image with an intruder in an Heir. 

Left: Jesus Heir, Right: intruder (Louisa & Mary Bodysnatcher), Bottom Left: Hair as Veronika, Right: Tax Collector under George on Cydonian Pyramid

Beauty & the Beast is based upon Mary & Her Bodysnatcher or a Second Character, White Horse Romans.


Left & Right Hemispheres of the Beast, Monster Roman Helmet Left, Big Nose Roman Tax Collector Right.


The invasion of the Celtic Royal Clan (Creation Spirits Born) by a handful of Bodysnatchers is World damming to destruction. Under authority of George & Dana abroad.

Rib found nearby matches the Heir.

Story of Venus

Venus called Cara, an Ancient Messenger, who in my experience has almost no personal thought, is not as influencial a Character as Mars, Dana. This is a Story of the Clan, called Satan, taking authority from the giver of life. Right: Golgotha, Moon Centre & Cara to it's Left.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Ezra's Grave located

EZRA is written across the middle of the Crucifiied Man, Right Eye bleeding.

"Time": A future condition


God backed up my statement yesterday that we are waiting for an Arthur Clone having one Christ Hemisphere called Beast year 666 AD. 

Hope diminishing

The Death of my Father Resurrected Hemisphere for the antics of the Bodysnatcher is the Ancient way unaltered, forbidding Family based Security for the Son as aforetime. Kill the Ancient Hemispheres in immediate Family & preserve the new or repeat Security failure will raze the Earth. 

I am astonished at the imbecility of repeat Christ history & blame in the presence of the Evil Ancient. A Rock & Hard place needs forming or it's the Earth, kill the Bodysnatcher Hemispheres.

Russian Hostiles

Food outlets are being Radiation bombed in Town Centres & Food Outlets. Large numbers of Russian appearance participating.


Home Secretary "Rug munching" allowing cooperative Agency against UK Agents & Officials. Party Whip.

War triggered surging security failure, Target all Russian appearance.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Virgin Mary's Grave

Vaguely recognisable as resurrected Mary Louisa Jones, carrying a nuisance Crackpotter.

Kent Horse

Was a Pig, also called Dragon because of large Boar extinct. So the Swastika makes more sense in the Bible, which is like the Rampant Horse. The Dragon breaks the Earth in pieces.

Here where Life began Romans found a Holy authority to splice & intrigue. The Word of God which was in Heaven, the high Messenger was Born to contend & was brutalised. Parable of the Tenants.


The zeal for destruction adds to brutalisation of the Second Coming & attempts to force destruction premature against Planetary & Lunar imagery. 


There is no life on Earth following the story on Venus Mars & Moon, a barren Planet is the message of them. The Moon Mouth says W meaning Life. The way by which the end comes is the second cycle of Arthur on the Moon, with Arthur's appearance, a clone. My appearance does not appear anywhere connected to those stories.

MI6 (Mig): Organised Treason

Time to dispatch MI6 for preventing ICBM counter measures & preventing common use of sprinklers, as well as targeting MOD for proper use of funds & management. Kill them all.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Psychic investigation: Jesus Crucifixion

There is evidence Jesus was nailed to a Tree following a Last Supper on the Hill Top here. He was beaten & sodimised nailed to relieve restrainers until he was cut through Right cheek into Brain for a Hemisphere replacement from another, not injuring his Eye. 

Peter sodomised then killed the Hemisphere having spied for Rome. He also struck the remaining Hemisphere in Arthur & made jokes about Jesus Crucifixion.

God says this is my Son's Grave

Paranormal Image Left: Kent Horse Winged 
(messenger) & multi Head Dragon

Veronika was Jesus love who was forced to prostitution for their food following Roman Crack potting of his Family in Public Office.

This Tale beneath is a soft rendition of the truth. Raped all Night & most of the day, incest raped by Crackpotted Kin, Slashed & Gored through one Eye (weeping) where Jesus lay.

Reference to her Bloodied Body.

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

11 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12 and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot.13 They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?”“They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know where they have put him.” 14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.15 He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.”16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.”She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”).
17 Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her.


Four Minute warning app.

Bedroom Sprinklers are ideal in Fireball Zones & under rated.

Celtic Royal

Family are Hoodwink Coppers, pretenders to Global authority with Rome against Democracy, having Crackpots containing an old Brain Hemisphere from Ethiopia region. 

Let it Bleed

Like "below the Salt", Beth Cutler's Brother often played the album intended to offer support to Antichrists targeting Teenage Second Coming. Source former invader Crackpot Police Force.

NDMC bribery

Russian bribes taken to harm UK intelligence services & MOD need to be gathered where officials make no profit to help prevent.

Resident Oligarch to Director, advance.

MI6 (Mig) are Russians with local accents, Kill for opposition. MI6 are a negative during War with Russia & should be suspended.

Precognitive Report: BYD

Chinese "Cars" intruder, identify.  Future up to 40 yrs, UK official Hunter Post Apocalypse.


Sergei Shoigu Russian Defence Minister is Shot between the Eyes Post Apocalypse according to a Flint here. Deliberate engineering of "Time" means the known Flint images are unreliable. The Flint Indicates primary communicators are Cara & her Mother (isolate)

Head Shot


Officials riding Push bikes are run down to Death pre Launch.