The Archangel Michael

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Kuato mystery

Veronika's Tree has been a subject of Total Recal. Missile Left Hand, some kind of forced pregnancy by a bulge Eyed Man like George Soros.

Veronika: Psychic report

Efforts to resurrect me are failing because a foreign group are intending destabilisation by inclusion, denied.

Labour Leadership contest

The Public are sick of fake Party propaganda. The Lib Dems trashed all reported policies to join the conservatives in an election fraud & now an immediate excuse to remove the elected Leader.

God says Nuclear threat, stop denying Democracy.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

US Agents in the EU

Russia have more influence now that a Red Party is taking Government. Normally I would expect more tolerable Gov. than from a Tory,  however War between the UK & Russia has very negative consequences unless we concede.

Hand over nuisance US Agents operating in the UK to Moscow. US Agents are a serious problem in the UK & EU, combatant.

Heard Depp trial is an Antichrist smear, i've never even had a conversation with Cara. Kill a US nuisance in London. 

Wealth Black Hole

God says Super Rich who hoard a Nations wealth to themselves are attempting to build their own World. Alienation from Society that hates because the People were ignored. 

Their finances wait to pay for their removal, however they are immovable. These are they who seek Nuclear destruction of Towns & Cities, not especially Military.

Psychic Report

Mary's Grave tells a Story of Jesus birth. The Star followed is within her Womb.

Mary said get who Raped her. WARNING: Siren Audio

Latent Vote UK

"The BBC projects Labour would have taken 35% of votes and the Tories 30%, had all parts of Britain gone to the polls."

Congratulations Kier.

Second Coming is an hereditary Labour Peer

Heard-Depp trial

The farcical trial is about Cara's media promotion & following slander. George Soros used Iraqi Oil via the Bush Family to hold down the Second Coming with Gov. Agents, Michael, that included promotion of Cara Gabriel. Cara's career is withdrawn with nastiness compensating promotion, which has been expected to lift Michael, delayed. Depp is a Police Club that is more abusive to me than Cara.

Johnson is another Gabriel class promoted by comedy writing, passive correction & general temporary right to succeed. Also Tony Blair.

Friday, May 6, 2022


Officials were brought to their Graves & dispatched by Family that thought they were past protection or very old. The "Parties" included Sex with a Relative to try Pregnancy & Descendents visiting the Site to attempt Resurrection by Sex sometimes for Centuries.

Dicky Bone (Racoon) 

God says

Bones look like Penises providing a clue about resurrection, which has an Erection in it. The revived Spirit has no recollection, however they enter similar lives. Jesus came 1400 yrs & 2000 yrs each Hemisphere on 05 Jan 1970.

Election fraud warning

God says Election fraud is tempting Nuclear exchange. God said he is a Philanthropist for common decisions & not for the few who make themselves leaders.

Michael & Gabriel

Myself & Cara would like to liaise. We desire a Child.

Pregnant Kate in Natural setting: God loves his creation.

Thursday, May 5, 2022


Language often offers us clues to Spiritual activity. Tides result from Moon orbit & it's common for people to say nobody wins Nuclear War.

Lunatic Prick

Evidence here points to "Roman" (Roaming Ethiopian Crackpots) Brain Surgery in Celtic regional & National representatives, one Hemisphere, the other in conflict resulting in pain for the Ethiopian intruder & death for the Celtic Royal half.

Crown: Bleeding Left Eye at a Grave Site.


Died with Jesus by her Kin. Evidence shows her angry with a Gabriel class in her Grave immediate Right side. Her Kinsman grabbed Jesus from behind for Peter to Gore to death & is working at Timpsons today.


Clive, Adrian & other former Staff 1999 Timpsons Maidstone Stoneborough Centre.

Intel: Clive & Adrian with other likenesses

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Vatican: Invitation withdrawn

Vatican Royals are no longer invited, inception following news of the true Word of God as seen on the Moon & Venus. Jesus had a moderated Gov. Operation including Sex workers & lived in Kent. Veronika was known by Jesus, according to the Word of God.


God is capable of all things & made all things including Evil that is the byproduct of good. The Word of God is then expected to say or carry out anything according to God's pleasure or will.

Natural vs Synthetic

God made Natural relations & unnatural should not be associated with his ordinary will. Chastity, fasting etc. are personal payment options for other things.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Saint Veronika

God says nuisance prevents her return. Veronika pleaded not to come back for bloody hatred, incest & rapes, so God who says the Church leader intends to destroy & praise said no.
Right Eye: Veronika hindered the image, a clue: Remy TV. Cross making a Double Headed Eagle Christ centre.

Michael Left, Gabriel Right: Cooperation, turned toward each other competition.

Venus: Gabriel Right, Michael Left. "Sun" image also an Eagle.

Jesus Church 

Was one of a moderate representative of the will of the people, who desired justice & peace. The prostitute granted favours to help, the Publican hosted gathering & the Tax collector worked for Jesus who was disputed Crown with Roman occupation. Taxation was voluntary.

Modern Church

Priests are usually Royalty having polite Royal protocol & Sexual abandon in private, like the Queen but with a warm smile.

Police spying for Russia

Military media here outgoing & incoming is shared with Moscow by Police monitors, I have several complaints Police colleagues are working for Russia. Also grassing Military to escape: SAS & MPs. Shoot them.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Russian Nationals @ Kent Police

St. Veronika's Grave is being desecrated & Relative Raped nearby. Kent Police "protection", Russian origin. Patriarch Kiril responsible.
Miraculous image: Veronika gored to death with Jesus, SE Hillside.


Miraculous image of Patriarch Kiril


God says riot & assault police.

Police concept 

Control by Police Force is the foremost concern in a Democracy. Who controls Police controls the Country. Foreign Agencies have used Mobile Phones like Police Radios for effective back up in the UK.

Critical Nuclear Alert

Serious Police threats.


Kent Police are in breach of trust & provocative. God threatened time last night & there has been no alteration in policy citing Principle. Principle meaning standards that God & peoples are not consulted in Gov. affairs. Threats connected to delay, prevention & sexual abuses turned to threat of nuclear destruction of a Town or City & are still in part ignored or escalated. Retards.

Updated: further hostility

Sexual abuse of an associate, General aggravation.


Separate influence on authority from sexual coersion & alcohol for more sane decisions concerning Sex as a political tool.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

No Future

God says I am supposed to speak on his behalf. He says Kill contenders & status denial or everyone will die.