The Archangel Michael

Sunday, May 1, 2022


 God endorses these vehicles.

CIA Media

This "evidence" came with Antichrist web pages, my own having miracle evidence was deleted. Research Commodus, Com GCHQ relevance, Coilus:

Commodus: Kelly Brook


Millicent called Milly is a Gabriel attachment. She is insufficient with a malicious operation, failing with. The well meaning Agent collapses or dies causing problems. Similar to Kelly in appearance, taller.

UK Nuclear Defences abolished

A Clairvoyant investigation has led to the US Virgin Islands, a known Criminal portrayed as Scaramanga & Mr Roarke. Michael Class.
"Veronika's Hideout" Near death assaults on Cara & the Monte Cristo dried River Bed indicated. UK Gov. Coercion.

Ground Her in the UK & destroy Her common company.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Russian Spies

Cara is the subject of Russian attention. All Russian Spies causing safety problems in Europe should be deported or executed during bloody conflict with Russia. Use Military personel.

Russian Internet software in Europe & the US is suicide.

Analogical Biblically based Political rebasement

Images from God shock because he is hidden, the Buble is indispensable however analogic. Example:

Angela Rayner flashed Boris Johnson to distract

Media denial 

Boris was looking at Pornography & is charged

Comedic insert

Angela was keeping the Flies from her Sandwiches.

Jesus the Word

The Word by which life came (Aquatic) on Blue Bell Hill is the same among Men as with the Spirits in their Basic Life, that had it's DNA altered to Engineer what we see Today. The Word is the Representative of the Democracy that delivers the final say when the other Archangels have brought their regional opinion.

Pre DNA Life

As the Clouds of Heaven where God attempts to portray Life beneath for our understanding, Smoke is moved to make relevant forms. The construction of the first DNA was a subtle shift of tiny particles by the same Electromagnetic manipulation.

Tree Formations 

The twist of Trees forming images results by assaulting the structure by Electromagnetic Telekinesis.

St.Veronika's Grave

The Turtle Top of Pyramid is between Clouds & the array of the Communities beneath, mass at it's base. Turtles are representatives (Dream Dictionary). God above & Spirits beneath represented.
Resurrection: Winged Christ removes the Tear, Messenger of the Community retrieves her Soul from omnipresence to Descendents Womb. Veronika died near Her Grave.

The Spirit is angry with visitors who are responsible for her former life & death. Sexual antagonism takes place here by those reviving danger.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Lunatic War

The Nuclear destruction of St.Petersburg would prove that it is not time for Lunar Topography based Nuclear War, believed to send Earth into decline. Locate & Auto respond Medium range Missiles. Locate Short Range St.Petersburg only for Mariupol category Nuclear Annihilation of Civilian areas.

Other severe damage to Russian Towns would also be unlike Lunar Topography, which annihilates the US.

The immediate annihilation of St.Petersburg can only work following an ICBM launch West, to halt further end of Earth policy.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


God says my Security is Poxy. Withdraw Artillery.


Russian Agents at Home Bargains Rochester Airport & having visited Taddington Cemetery.


Find & destroy Coilus. Lead: Jim Broadbent.


God says my Son is taking charge of Border defences.
  • Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet without using Vessels from Countries in the direction of the UK or US Vessels, unless Submarines.
  • Evacuate Civilians in Ukrainian Towns 150 Miles from the Moldovan border
  • Saturate S & SE Moldova with anti Cruise systems
  • Drones: Do not engage with Troops in Ukraine, multiply intelligent Drones. 
  • Sell Romania a handful of ICBM & do not ally to NATO
Russian invasion of Europe: Cut off all trade agreements Today.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Saint Veronika

Veronika was Cara's other Hemisphere, a near to John the Baptist, She was a donating Disiple of Jesus that died both Hemispheres during & following Jesus Death.
Veronika: Miraculous image of Mary, Monte Cristo above her Head Stone has a story in close-up images.
Headstone: Heads were removed & replaced with Shaped Fossilised Dinosaur Vertebrae.


Gabriel sent Veronika & John then withdrew, causing loving support to collapse. Jesus & Arthur, his remaining Hemisphere, were consumed by Coilus in a trick that cut off their kindred with him, as seen in Cara's Throng miraculous image.


Can be seen making a barrier for PJ Harvey & Cara who protest shoving by ER on the Putin Image.

Gabriel competition

Gabriel Class backed by Russia are Antichrist for influence & or under pressure.

UK Labour Party: Red Dawn

Serious expressions of critical support for Putin's Holocaust means some need to leave God says. Abolishing the Socialist Labour Party is on the Cards because of political support for Russia in conflict with UK forces.

Michael & Gabriel family members complain of Russian control without recourse via Labour Whips.

Russia haa announced willingness to invade the UK for Weapons supplies to Ukraine. Cries that NATO is partaking in WWIII are exadurated, the UK is ruling Ukrainian conflict.


Everybody in the Labour Party is a Russian Agent from a safer time & have so far evaded Spying charges for conflict with the UK Government during War.

God says

Damn Labour Whips to assess Characters in the Party.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Putin Pervert

Because Putin was a lecherous Man, Kiril was summoned to complement.

Orthodontist Crown

Cara throng

In the Putin image is an Orthodontist Royal. Close them down, Global threat.

Round Table

The position of the local Orthodontist is suspended & an emergency US Agent included for specifics in their place.

Monday, April 25, 2022


God says buy manufacturing rights.


God said stop deleting his Word in online comments, now he says die by Christmas Command & connector.

Communications failure is followed by fake news reports.

Destruction of the US

The Lunar images show Michael side of the Sun killing Christ Brain dead in an Arthur Clone in a showdown. Near family are & were responsible for the agreement.

Cara's Grave

The Grave here contains the dead Left Ancient Hemisphere of Archangel Gabriel & the right of the descendant. Evidence gives us details, torture to comply with Jesus death then her own death. It is obvious similar media from the surviving Hemisphere is not of the Messenger. Find source.

Monte Cristo

God says remove the Russian authority from the Hill area. He says the US are capable. He said the images on the Club are for prosecution & Brain stabbing threatened the whole Earth.