Males on hill, heavy, armed, filming, Rear door 5:15 PM. Contract: Hogan Howe. External only Contracts: all Senior Authority. The incident followed a Moon approaching East report this morning.
The day before Yesterday the Police Chief had a Bus parked on the Hard Shoulder, suggesting overwhelming force on the Hill when I came Home. Yesterday there were People waiting for me to return on the Driveway & Today they are Armed on the Hill. I accused him of imbecile interference in ops above his briefing, always blood thirsty here & trying to feel a collar.
Property Owner
Rome has been in contact to assure me that the Ground between the Roundabouts down almost to the Motorway is my own & further, Law Enforcement is my own. Trespassers expecting a Republic belonging to them are Dreamers not an Authority here, unless they have overcome Rome.