The Archangel Michael

Monday, April 25, 2022


Romania is given to Russia, a future conquest following a Vote that did not involve all of the EU Representatives. 

A vote decided that all things considered Russia's Topols together with their Military & complaints about Iraq, Afghanistan & Iran expense, entitled them to a part invasion of Europe.


We can destabilise for a review by damaging Russian Hardware. Achieving it without mutual loss is a Drone Tech race with minimum force suited to the light carriage.

Ethiopia Egypt

The World has been dominated by former Ethiopians in a White "Pot". Mummified remains have Ethiopian appearances.


The first Crackpot was Adam it was told, however there were experiments in Brain Surgery making him the umpteenth. Adam was Chief when someone grew an Apple Tree from a cutting, that led to weak Crops needing care to live & an alteration of digestive systems, refusing natural food.

Moral: Adam wasn't very good & neither are Biblical accounts. 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Gabriel Family Cell & Putin's Blood Right Eye.

Are Left facing Russian Eagle Gabriel Spirits. The Club is a great exposure of my problems. In the image most turn back against their clan for problems, one bites the group push into. Jacqueline Scott of Croydon former Timpsons has been identified as the Dog above Left Eyebrow, Snoopy. Eyes above look another place, the Ancient right hemisphere has a Family cell of Gabriel large. Cara's Mother is a Two faced image indicating double agency near the Packer's Head. The image looks like a lot of the senior messengers that have had closer contact with me, Cara's general appearance that age Male & Female.


Near Messengers are Floored or in trouble & pressured forward still from beyond. Knock Croydon.

Table of God

The Table is a Throne in suspended construction & was made without witnessing the Coin using Wood I'd Cut for a Path. 

The Four Legs are Cara & her Mother (Egyptian) & the other Herod (Egyptian) who was within my Father now in an "Heir". I am the other (Celt unaltered).

The Celtic Royal Family of Kent is half Egptian by Neuro Surgery & they are represented by the Windsors in a loose show for media. The Egyptian Crown in the UK is Boris & another Hemisphere.

Cara stays out of sight transferring latent info

The latent Democracy passes through the contained Celtic Royals to altered representation by the Windsor & altered policy at Westminsters by dismissing more than 3/4 of Public opinion.

Egptian origin leaders took by conquest & hide from latent criticism in isolated complexes like Police Stations, Council buildings, Palaces, Streets acquired with Blood, etc.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Marital status

A weak agreement with Gabriel not to be available was formed when it suited both ending in friendship with shared ideals.


Men were here today that stripped Cara for photos on the Celtic Throne, against God & the Celtic people. God said kill the Men. Cara was invited earlier to see if the unglued & unfinished Joints would give way.
Celtic Throne past, Cuno: orig. Kent

Recent by the hand of God & Crown

Friday, April 22, 2022

Pyramid Nuclear facilities

God says target the Pyramids for hiding War machinery & provisions in Secret Chambers.

Boris Johnson


Boris has actioned an ambush with the Home Office here having seen the Club yesterday. It means Cara has submitted, there is evidence of beating & rape on her Instagram account. 

Herod & Herodius

We're the Egyptian Left & Right Hemispheres of a Man who took Mary & Joseph one Hemusphere & my Mother & Father, who were Celtic King & Queen not as reported in Israel. So they called Jesus King of the"Jews" since the Egyptian was a foreigner. 


The Egyptian was of a conquering band that joined to Rome.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Creation Security

God says only Females are allowed in this Wood.


A Family member is attempting ambush where Jesus fell on my return Home. Mouth of the Image,

Beast Club

This Club at Death Valley is covered with images. God said it's Nuclear War critical. There are Two Cara Deer & Right Hemisphere loss.

God says spliting my Brain was & is unnecessary, however age makes a problem so do not replace with the arrogant, use the new & submissive, keep my Word.

This is an image of Caras near kin facing a knock over with the messenger on a man with a Backpack.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Finding trouble in Medway is easy. 

End of Earth

A plot is in progress to kill a Second Coming Hemisphere dooming Earth to the fate of Venus, without Life. Kill all Ancient Family Hemispheres tainted. There is not a reign of Christ a Thousand years according to Lunar Topography, a death of Christ followed by conclusion.


Senior Prophet of latent Democratic agenda correcting officials.


Reduce Christ to exile without friend, limit communicability, frame for crime. Reduce to near death & kill at opportunity. 


Threaten Democracy by sheltering then killing the latent vote, there is popular latent problem making around leaders.


Earth does not find a new Moon or recover, Seniors have a life expectancy & shelter destruction.

Satan identified

This replacement Table Leg is possible future within my Mother's lifetime. It shows a savaged Christ Right Hemisphere by the group at the top of the Totem Pole. 

The Beast

Plans go ahead to move or destroy my Right Hemisphere & create another Biblical  "Beast" to destroy the Public by, since God says my Prophet Son is sacred. Government robbers intend to live & are too arrogant to accept neither I nor God are Tools. God will kill the whole Earth following destruction of voting populations.

Government hatred of Populations

In the UK Palaces, Land, Office blocks, Castles, isolated Police & Council blocks avoid encountering the public. Latent haranguing torments the Bloody handed Robbers of Wars past.  


MOD modified Drone instructions causing a mission failure. Do it the way I said Sambo.


Communication failure, lost equipment. 

MOD replied

What did you say about Drones? Frontex have my technical & strategic data on sale. There was a deliberate mirror of advice.

UK Gov. Infighting

I have serious News & intelligence DOS & real time Webpage dismantling. Missing Drone & Assassination Intel, send them to Ukraine with other Antichrist treason inc. Cara's Security.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Cara was struck by a security operative on this Hill earlier while I was away. Connected to Michael Class near family who also sabotaged intending an attempted break in tonite, God says.

Gabriel on Jesus

Gabriel says messages obtained by devious or torturous means are not usually deemed acceptable.

At Michael when one is hindered another ranks next in line up to the last individual.


 God says my Word is deleted in the face of Global War. Stop deleting comments made by my Son or die. He said the contenders are top of list for stabilising by fatal means.

Gabriel incident, a Michael group sabotage

Evidence provided by God in Death Valley indicates a Gabriel Network forming a majority to torture "St. Joanna" who was Archangel Gabriel meaning group representative until she agreed to the message concerning Jesus Hemisphere death.

God says find & destroy them.

Important announcement

My imbecilic family are likely to get everyone killed. Internal family issues rock the Earth.

Unconfirmed report

one Hemisphere of the Second Coming of Joseph is dead. God said he shoved Arthur because there was a Prick called his Son one half. If there is not better respect the whole Earth will fall. They should not have been divided.


Find & destroy Ancient Hemispheres connected to the instability.

Monday, April 18, 2022


I want to restore my Mother & Father, who are resurrected Mary & Joseph to Marriage with their Brains reconnected & other near Family.

I believe it's important to repair the disrespect in order to acknowledge God concerning his Lunar warning. Delay can be achieved if War is inevitable some day. We have to say every effort is made to repair holy disorder leading to Global War. 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

English Prick

I found this clue to the Brain piercing of Jesus, Blood & Water: Cerebrospinal fluid. St. Peter's Sq. We are seeking Gabriel responsible as well as the Bloody handed, voting that moved the Moon upon us all.

Peter (Gabriel6 class) was an external from Rome, not under Cara's authority. A Nose looking for influence.

Elizabeth II

Evidence unconfirmed has Herodius on the Hill here in authority to have Jesus Right Hemisphere Speared. Left Hemisphere Elizabeth, Right Bodysnatching resurrected Mary Second Coming, who Holy Grailed sedative for relief, called a Sponge of Vinegar in the Bible. 


Is confirmed to be the Joseph Bodysnatcher, claiming King of the Jews not intact, resulting in Jesus claim, called Hades & fake Archangel Michael the Prince of Darkness. Bodysnatched the resurrected Joseph, Second Coming also. Dead Tree Family hostile to my authority.

 St. Joanna: Archangel Gabriel