Saturday, April 9, 2022
Friday, April 8, 2022
God says slander & end Solomon & his gathering for crimes against him & the Prophets including, Jesus, Arthur & me. This clip is about him, who invaded my Family to destroy the Second coming for a popularity competition. The Boulder is the Moon based Earth destruction. Solomon is a Prick God says.
Prick: Retarded alternative to signaled leadership according to obvious Lunar signs even with the Naked Eye.
Latent problems in Magpie Hall Rd begin at the first intersection most of the time & travel to a representative. Next door Latent pressure from both sides & Next Door but one Human pestering to relieve the nearer of blame.
Orig. Dom (Home) in Os (Halos/Messengers)
Community deliver the "Public" opinion at the Indian Shop one end & the Top of Palmerston Rd. & return Communication.
Corner Shops
The Indian Franchise is a serious Foreign influence only not passing Messages or by Oversteer, Annihilate.
CIA take over
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Magpie Hall Rd
A great number of Homes have been acquired by killing the residents having part paid Mortgages. There is a concentration of aggressive senior Michael Class responsible for Jesus Death, World War & recent International Alerts. Some have the Bodies of owners under the Patios.
Magpie: Thief, Hall: hated by all, Coney Banks: London conned by murders endowing against policy.
God says Brain Death or Holocaust.
Russian Economic Sanctions
Antichrist Relatives
Slander & self promotion among my Ancestors is Antichrist & hinders the Prince of Peace calming Nuclear tension. Target to Death: Neighbours of senior figures & their connections.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Easter Bunnies
Chocolate Easter Bunnies are better than Eggs, because reference to Child Bodysnatching is awful. The Chocolate Bunny suggests kill the Child killers & is a favourite with Children.
Regional based Global instability
Michael control freaks are denying equilibrium by power share according to Global requirements. Equal opportunities for the Three Classes without waves or extended suffering. Moderation, justice, fairness, stability, due consideration for international negativity. Archaic bully tactics have no egenda for peace.
There were critical Holocaust warnings today even before a serious Anal assault on Cara & General Michael threatening behaviour toward me in Chatham. International intervention required. They are too dangerous to live.
Technical Brain Death
Too Stupid to behave responsibly endangering majority.
God says do not Lent this year, instead pray for his Son's rising for the sake of peace on Earth. Prayer is an offering to God of some of our substance in return for the thing prayed for.
Monday, April 4, 2022
Earth disintegration
Sunday, April 3, 2022
God says who brutalised Cara to kill Jesus has taken her wealth & takes her from behind still. Nuclear annihilation Loons, they think there's a Recess Button up there. Find the Money to find control.
Kill your Shite
When will you save yourselves? Jesus killers are still venomous & in authority. Global Security issue.
Upon the Tree with Jesus pierced Cheek: Shouting at the Garden Path top where Jesus stood, Orig. "Leading me up the Garden Path".
God honoured Cara here with this display with an Angels Wing that I didn't position. Left Wing: Consealment.
Global War agenda at KCC
This is Nuclear Conflict Management:
Friday, April 1, 2022
Cara Delevingne
Her Ancient Right Hemisphere has Graves here. There are multiple signals near the place of Christ's piercing. This one said she was brutalized about the Anus for another Female's peace then darted at Jesus Right Hemisphere.
The arrest of Jesus is marked with Flowers atop the Hill near. Jesus stayed Swordsmen against those ascending & calmed the Soldier. Then Spies with Jesus took control, one grabbed him around the Throat ftom behind & Peter struck in the Right abdomen with a Sword. There followed Homosexuality & Penis removal until Jesus lifeless body was left for a Brain Skewerer at the Tree with the image.Cara is sometimes called Girafe because of rising & her Eye make up, recognisable.
Spiritual Discent: Nuclear advantage
Wales tempting Nuclear annihilation
A report revealed Prince Charles wants God's Monument at the place of Jesus piercing desecrated. What else from the Clan who stole his authority then.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Mayor of Mariupol
Before the Nuclear assault killing 0.5m the Mayor published a statement on the Mariupol Website.
“Our respected military - the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard and the Azov Regiment destroyed an enemy plane of the Russian invaders, which fired four times at the village of Sartana and the Left Bank district of Mariupol yesterday. Glory to our defenders! Glory to our heroes! Glory to Ukraine!" - mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boichenko said.
The Website betrays intentions in the Masthead: Incoming Stars.
Weapons Tech. @ Frontex
Could sink all of these with one pass avoiding an ICBM & leaving survivors.