Investigating the Round Table for risk to Christ, under the Queen, under Horst, under Egypt. The Cabinet Table is turned PM North (Bors Family). It appears horizontal flip.
Friday, October 15, 2021
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Christianity the truth
Sacrament is Satanic influence: Christ died, so do not fret about Sin in his absence. Communion: Blood & Body emembered, purifed by means of exclusion of opposition.
Stop hearkening to Priests, Christianity was stolen by Jews. Christians & Christ are not for sacrifice like a sub class & should not humble themselves unless defeated. Christ is natural & enjoys love & sex within proper parameters so should followers. Christ is Crown of Israel the tradition many wives & concubines for breeding. Sex like food & drink for example is a periodic sacrifice. God likes chastity, fasting & reproves Animal sex, which is with a stranger, not having love.
Christ was forbidden the norm because an Egyptian known as Lucifer, the Prince of this World taught that Bastards & Spouses of his own Family increased dominance in rival households, also that many Sons were security.
Kray reconstruction
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
There has not been payment for DNA here, nor expensive information on stones related to WWIII. Under the Right Breast in my Grave is a Rib, take a sample, credit my account.
Things have begun to move now Brains of U are being blown out. Kill a U relative of everybody who causes me to shout for internet denial God said. He said authority resumes by the Blood of invaders & Aliens to a similar quantity lost.
Language expert required:
Judge the Round Table according to the Chaos Star. Raise & Lower Royal Families for better Defence against the East.
I have accepted a Dark Zone Clairvoyant Military position. Heads of my Security EU.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
SIS in the EU
There are serious problems local, including Nuclear provocation more than once a day recently God says. Do not accept Female Fall Girls in the EU under any circumstances. Male only.
Identification of Critical Holocaust subject at Arthur's Grave. Adulterer operating for Kirill with Heir support.
Table turned: Checks dealing for power. Death from the East, destroy the Lancelot Family.
Desecrated Graves
The Site here is part destroyed including Ancient Royal Graves & a Long Barrow. It's criminal to leave it in the owner's hands. Confiscate with a Fine & other God says.
God said a Boat delivered Bodies from the dry River bank next door, where Clay was gathered to preserve the Bodies. Villagers brought Flint shaped like Skulls & interesting things seeking God's opinion of the interned. God said today mentioning my name is blasphemy to Men.
Why does the River run Red?
Saturday, October 9, 2021
God said refuse to negotiate with the UK concerning NI. He says target the UK this year for denying his Son a happy Chistmas for over a decade whike enjoying his festival. He says SIS are filth, deny Visas, redeem trafficked girls killing each other instead & dry the operations.
Biggus Dickus
The Crucifier of Jerusalem Intelligence Services has been taking an "Heir" of Christ by druggingt & slaying with them. It has become a Holocaust issue of primary concern. Explains excitement denying a natural family.
I've seen the Heir in Public, anonymous no L (Hell)
Friday, October 8, 2021
Arthur's DNA
Is available removing Nipple Stones & a Loin Stone, Blond Hair. Leave the Site as you found it, take nothing else, donate to the account. I'll be here a day or two more before leaving a short time.
Constant Threat to Mankind
Kiril & those okder than Mary my Mother wrote the continual murder of Christ for family, being of the same Class & arrogant. They say Jesus was not a proper Jew. God said kill them.
Ram & the Goat
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Arthur's Tomb
Arthur's Sword
Grave robbers pillaged this site in 2014 during my exile after 1500 yrs using a Road digger, smashing a Neolithic Monument to shards.