The Archangel Michael

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Biggus Dickus

 The Crucifier of Jerusalem Intelligence Services has been taking an "Heir" of Christ by druggingt & slaying with them. It has become a Holocaust issue of primary concern. Explains excitement denying a natural family.

I've seen the Heir in Public, anonymous no L (Hell)

Friday, October 8, 2021

Arthur's DNA

Is available removing Nipple Stones & a Loin Stone, Blond Hair. Leave the Site as you found it, take nothing else, donate to the account. I'll be here a day or two more before leaving a short time.

Constant Threat to Mankind

Kiril & those okder than Mary my Mother wrote the continual murder of Christ for family, being of the same Class & arrogant. They say Jesus was not a proper Jew. God said kill them.

Ram & the Goat

Thursday, October 7, 2021


 God says give Greece to first EU position.

Arthur's Tomb

God showed me my Grave today, King Arthur's.

Saplings were planted in & around to destroy by roots. Take their heads off.

Arthur's Sword

Grave robbers pillaged this site in 2014 during my exile after 1500 yrs using a Road digger, smashing a Neolithic Monument to shards. 

God says you are begging for Destruction. He says kill the Egyptian leadership before I kill everybody. He says smash Hieroglyphs for the Omega desecration.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 God says persecute Bohemia.

The Beast

 In 666 a Red Dragon was the Heraldry of a Man: Cadwaladr, living in a Bucket. As the Prince of Wales Dragon.

This Dragon gives you your power, Throne & authority is of the Biblical Beast & The Prince's investiture.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Holocaust issue

 God has located the burial place of the Christ Kings Crack Nut. I brought stones broken by the Government, a former Megalith back up the Hill because they had been broken & used for a fake soak away embankment.

Then God showed me they are a map of the former Site showing Skulls with sloping mouth like mine.

Map of the area Google Earth. God said they want to bury me here following an execution. The Tree image declares destuction for the murder. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Moon Stone

 I dropped the Moon topography Stone for the EU Commission yesterday, identical features with additional information. Hold it to the Sky when the Moon is full.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Saturday, October 2, 2021


Catholics call Rev. "uninspired" meaning not of God. Why does it remain in the Catholic Bible? Remove it God says.

Friday, October 1, 2021


Is restricted in expectation of Holocaust. Food was stored to capacity during COVID19.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

JE Hoover

Is usually FBI chief & chief of Egyptian Gov. 

Christopher A Wray

George Soros is Hoover today. God says deny Brain surgery.

Soros: World Leader, sacked Rome, killed Jesus.


Aniti God media

 God says stop it or you'll all die next month instead.


 The French Crackpot family are demanding EU money to cease hostility, already held responsible for slack security causing a serious Global threat, while lining pockets & revelling (RAW). Ipsos are identified as Deco representing Canada altering security which was Roman Catholic, having the usual rubbish about torturous suffering for Christ following a hand.

God says kill all having a Canadian accent in the event of War. He said exclude from military agreements & move Russian forces nearer their border.

Desolation by Sodomy

 God says defiling his Son is a Green light for Moon category Nuclear Holocaust. Heart, Moon & Bum. Sodomy preceeds Death God says. 

God says Christianity is stolen by Christ haters who teach destruction without rising. Upward is equalled downward, downward leads to ruin & death without return to normality. Christians compete unless struggling to cope, then humble yourselves. Christ is not a willing sacrifice & is denied Sons supposed to be sexually normal by horrific alteration to my original words.

Try to fix things instead of making them worse he said, stop hostility before you all die. December is your Death he said.

Shadow Home Secretary

 A serious effort to Irradiate my environment followed a microphone accusation that I needed to secure my own environment or I'd have died. Massive poisoning with internal organ damage. I need the Agency wasted for attempting to secure predicted Holocaust in Demember.

Ben Page: SO14

Hard Case

Cara is presented as Sarah Conor engaging the Mayor of Schitt Creek, also known as Donald, the Mayor of Trumpton. Also involved a Round Table Antichrist (E)

 Primary Global risk: Trump

Steve Iles: Medway Royal, Politician & Trump Proxy

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Bras off

Bra burning was about irradiation of bras to cause Breast Cancer. I did say God doesn't like the bras.