The Archangel Michael

Friday, July 16, 2021


 Is usually defence against US foreign influence in the World today. America have a critical mission to dominate by forces, a Pet project. Terror is like resistance.

We have been discussing US use of Nuclear Terror in the Middle East to control, not Defence but offence.

I have been giving advice on avoiding detection by Secret Services which involves remote drops of sealed packages & fake reasons. Neurological latent signal issues, no contact with Life, control outside of the offending subject authority in an Enemy authority, difficult, or at Sea. Cells important. Petrol Drones with photo recognition are very effective.

US Agents waiting for a blast in a Capital City.

US torture of UK Agents

"Submission training" is a serious concern which will be dealt with here.

Thursday, July 15, 2021


Internet denial

God said you are not able to limit Government by him, only detonate a Nuclear device in Washington by New Year. He said there is no need for other Countries to be concerned.


EU leak NSA data to Moscow. Seek better relations.

EU Human rights

Innocents are vulnerable & have a right to protection in their adolescent years, including Music intended to influence & perverse sexual alternatives to the natural. Political removal of voters for perversion taught in Schools.

Politics is targeted by multisexual individuals who are not put off by sexual forfeits. God is judge since you are incapable.

Ian Blackford

 Analyse assets, Cash for questions, votes & smear & drugs addiction. Frontex Sanctions also.

Ian is a horrible little man. Scottish accent, French Tie & a name that means US Assassin. Always speaking for other than the UK in the Commons.

Blackford: Not very good

Hail Caesar

Britney is doing her owns songs on Karaoke in the UK.

Umbrella Corporation


The Umbrella symbol is a Windmill. Connected: France, Katrina Miller's Husband (Ipsos), Windy Miller, Donald Trump, Brittany, Britain.


Trumpton: Windy Miller (Conferderate (Republican, Bear))


 I do not have an Heir, there was a conspiracy to defraud meaning abdicated Crowns go to Cousins God says.


 Is a name used by Antichrist. The US use JC for Jesus Christ, J is for Jesus, 0 is group control of the Agent, E is serious condition possible Death.

Annihilate anybody found connected to me called Joe & connections. 

Luigi Di Maio

 Sanctions, Maio has been denying internet access & arranging violence, return for efforts against Christ. Antichrist Italians will be short listed for retribution in the day of the Lord's visitation.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 Spiritualist Churches are used by US Agents, Native Indians & offspring living in the UK. NSA is National Security Agency & also National Spiritualist Association. Frontex hit US agents having negative connections to me in the UK.

Joe Becket

Charge with the murder of Raymond Jones, interrogate.


Body freezers offer Nut cracking in secret 20,000 Euros.

Security Guard "Nutted" for a Gentleman, "Resident Evil" style. Security are Politically dangerous, Roman Government.

Britney Spears is subject of a Game so that she suffers conflict often, & is often photographed annoyed. Jill Valentine "Resident Evil 3" 

Evil Pervert: Britney is portrayed for sex & conflict.


 Isolate Canada God said.

French Canada & Titan

 Titan is known for Earth Moon Topography & images are restricted hindering comparison. God says French Canada is dominant with France. Crack nut French Royal residents. Antichrist.

West Coast of Canada & a balance

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Opposite Sex

 Modern application of Ancient advice is difficult, most because self denial is a lifestyle not a penitence or annual event which is falsehood. God says you Fool! Why have I made love & attraction, to be called Evil? Look upon Beauty to admire or desire & else is discrete. 

Marriage was essential in former times, sometimes it is. A man in the UK seeking marriage a Virgin will waste his perfectionism living alone. Be sensible about love because love made in Bed is gone in another Bed causing torment. Like the company a lot first.

Homosexuals are pests who on purpose tell of Sexual habits to annoy. No other group is discussing private matters in Public. Demoniac.

Women have a commodity which makes them powerful. Does a God fearing man behave as if there is no beauty to enjoy? How is a presented or endowed Woman before Christ? Of no worth? God made their worth & it is valuable. Natural beauty is enjoyed & not dismissed, also arranged beauty like a Home or a Dress. Lewd exposure is unholy.

Monday, July 12, 2021


 Put all Temps through Brussels & Geneva for checks. Are they Beautiful? Are they coming across? Attractive personnel are evidence of superiority. Nut cracking internal & frigid only God said.

Gabriel Child abuse

 God said when a Child is capable of reproduction society makes the age of consent beyond the Creator. He did not say oppress them with same Sex, brutality or Sodomy. 

It's usually the case that Gabriel type try to ruin sensible generalisation with immoderate counters. This is not an exception. 

Gabriel have their Dummy out concerning Scripture that makes them appear Hallowed, so that Christ is their enemy often.

The stories of Jesus are untrue, however "God's Son" is a real title despite objections. God's main Prophet has plenty to say for him not of old writing. When can God be heard without comparison to a Fable? not since or now.

US Field Marshals Crap

 The Invasion of Iraq took Two attempts, the Second supported lasting longer than WWI & WWII. We do not need US NATO command in the EU.

EU Marine Tech Centre

 Some of the work on the Sub/Boat/Plane is done. This is a low altitude Rocket & vertical Water landing Sub in progress.

Make ours like God's image, not popular culture. Fear & blessing not extra Speed. Lose the Turbine, Rocket, tow or stage.