Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Organised Crime

Crime is organised by the HO & is that way around the World. Corruption in places of authority threaten Nations & Regions so that it needs to be brought under scrutiny in an open criminal fraternity. If it cannot be stopped it is constrained. It's unfortunate that those seeking authority intend to use it for personal gain without exception.


The Freemasons manage criminal activity according to secret gatherings of Parliament & nobles. They are not the HO, but a secret department of it. The Duke of Kent Rt.Hon. Philip Kent Gray is Chairman with Veto, not responsible for general policy only serious things.

MI5 Peer review

MI5 have been a nuisance pretending to control to stabilise but instead authorising themselves to detonate their own bomb with minimal contradiction from the Freemasons by clamping down on them who they needed to be in agreement. Dangerous to have the nuclear bomb dominating the other referee to personal control & based on an excuse to control organised crime in general for the proceeds. I & my family before me have held off demands for war since the sixties & nobody needs change.


UK Royals

Lots of YouTube interviews from those always silent. Looks like they've all "passed on".

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


I am new to proceedings as recognised Duke of Kent. I have information that MI5 have been intolerable since refusal to accept Nuclear conflict in the year 2000. CIA affiliates need a critical emergency agent at the top of all terror capable organisations & Michael chief of staff indicates that Prussia are indignant with failure to annihilate. Michael refuses further comment.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Almighty God

The five pointed Star is the 5 of MI5 & the 5 corners of the Pentagon. However all things are not as they are supposed to be.

Almighty God

Said you are in contempt, but you still deny problem making. Instead you accept alternatives to a holocaust with urging. He says now that you never accepted me by my Prophet nor things mine associated, even with thunder, hail & bloody recourse. He says that MI5 are closed as you know them & destitute for enough to earn it.


Are holding a timed nuclear device for the nod from UK Freemasons. Arrest top brass, enter MI5 HQ, search.


I am, & you are floating to priority who despise.

Almighty God

Said stop your bullying. You are offending MI5. He says congratulate the Michael subordinate replacing all in intelligence services where there are Freemasons.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Almighty God

Says destroy the Grand Master with a tempest & do not allow escape.

Interrogate him about the abomination of desolation. He is responsible & not a member of my family which is Charles bloodline, an imposter fronting with us to blame.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Almighty God

Following the popularity of yesterday's breakfast, Bacon & Eggs, God has done something with today's. It is a Crested Roman Helmet form arrow Blue for left eyed opinion.

Death Toll: 0

Kent has a valid claim to reduce waiting times, distancing & extend opening hours before other counties. A proper balance with Leicester is sought.

Planned conflict

It is stupid to use nuclear Weapons against Moscow, which is near an allied border in these times, resistance is futile. Invade it & accept great things in return.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Rat up a Drainpipe

Disappointed that Charles did not hearken to me nor tarry to go in to Meghan, against my advice, to bow down upon her. We hear it was Adolf's UK enforcer, the chief of Freemasons & not Charles.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Almighty God

Is presented as a five pointed Star in Cloud formations & also Media which indicates his express will.

Today God said our Legion will do what is right concerning the innocent. Arrow Green, looking Right, Star at feet.

Black Maze at Underground

Black is warning of fatal conclusion to serious problem making, the red X means serious problems attending entrances. Mazes can be overcome by taking every left turn or right turn until every place is found. Split the group & when resources are found put out a mapped search for the other.

Long life torch

A large Maglite with a tiny LED & new bubble lens could shine for months. Put them underground.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Brussels EU

Is Adolf's international Government in Europe. Strasbourg in France is the official. Brussels counter Strasboug policies with bribes & Royal family clan loyalty in Parliaments.

Target Brussels says Almighty God.

Sunday, July 5, 2020


Adolf: Lockdown about "economic ruin in the Eastern States."


World leadership is in the hands of Russian, Swede, German & UK Royal family. Of those the UK are weak & not in authority, the Jesus, Mary & Joseph scam that puts off criticism. Continue against Christian Democrats & disbelieve other "holy" representation. I will continue to show God is with me by photography along my way.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Dead's Head

The Russian Imperial Eagle is thought to be the inspiration for Guestapo insignia.




Official standards dictate open speech is never used in higher Government communications on websites. Not every thing you read here is literal, but often portraying a larger or different matter.

Philip Kent Grey

Application for damages by neglegence & back pay are with the Home Office. Also a request to end bawdy humour like "the HO" using a female minister for years & defamatory alias like that of Cressida Dick. Honourable?

When the Home Secretary & Senior Police officer are ridiculed it makes you think there is foul play above the Government we hope for.

Go on, my Son

Charles emerged Harry today noticable by new speech we have been anticipating. Megan is beautiful Charles, however you need to respect Harry until he has a new love.