The Archangel Michael

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Holy German Empire

The numbers of Revelation indicate which group has written the content or had their beliefs noted. It is all fraudulent script claiming ancient scribing for lack of input from God with claims of that input, outrageous. Rome keeps clear of all accusation, there is the senior editor & destroyer.


12 calls the Dragon the "holy spirit 7" abominable.
13 calls the holy abominable
17 & 18 calls the Vatican abominable

To my untutored learning the 1 prefix means the first of their class & Chapter:

12 apostles of Jesus
13 the noisey reprobate
17 holy
18 political leader

At Brussels we see a Senate of former Rome UK & German dictating serious organised crime & corruption in the EU. Their Captain Kirk seats pointing to Yellow meaning safe. The EU are desolating then by informal Roman crackhead control fronting with their Christ, who is also Roman front man chief of religion at the Vatican.

Rome expands by calling offspring Romans entitled to a new body from common stock.

So far desolating we have the CIA supporting the EU & holy see, the first of which is the Scottish/German UK & the second Germany. No mention of the "Ancient of days" among them. The abscence of living former Crowns amid accusations speaks on it's own. Those called the Dragon who are Seven only the eighth having a head wound (charles) are innocent & dominated by around 30 former each from birth who will not let go. They would not allow accusaion in the Bible the elderly have avoided if they had control.

I Conclude

The former Holy Roman Empire of Germany who's royals subdued Vatican Rome, alive today in somebody else's body, prob in the UK Royal family are arranging a desolation faked prophesied to deal with population explosion & resource depletion arranged by themselves, encouraged by failing mental faculties with selfishness.

Further the Russian Imperial Eagle belonged to them & Tzar Nicolas was an obvious relative of the Georges. All are alive & Roman, not Romanov.

 Tzar Nicholas II "Roman of" why are fun names always in English, like Horst Kholer & Put in.

George V (Adolf) a former Caesar

Putin: We believe he is Lenin, of similar stature. A British ally who reverted back to Vladamir because people calling his fake name could not get his attention.

Feedback: that's him! Look at the beard, that's Adolf.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


You hate natural birth & birthright not your own. This story in capital letters indicates the thoughts of pravailing Rome, Roman Capitals in news. Emma is annoyed as women become if you like their friend. So I am reported a dog humping one & not the other. It's not surprising you give me so many problems when God has blessed the proper line to devastate you. What else are Rome saying?

Two & two making nothing

I have no agreement to merge the plantagenet authority, allies & Kent authority on every issue. In expectation of a Crown in Kent cutting me off from the rest of England Venezuelan income will from this day go to my Kent Crown only. Cellular authority has almost always been better than merger, the decision of a former.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Politics & God Q & A

Are you Jesus the Christ? (Sneer)

No, neither is he.

Are you holy?

Yes, you are too stupid to know the definition, set aside from ordinary use.

You are arrogant before the Ancient

Your use as know it alls is second to the internet, you've forgotten most & the eldest are mad.

You are a murderer

You do not understand Government. There is no democracy only purchased policy & stolen positions, including Royal by their own family. There is no murder by Government unless their own hands are bloody, only opinion. I am a very senior member of Government by birth heir of several Royal families.


The struggle to subdue or replace the planned winner of conflict is stupid, yet intelligence is methodical & all things are attempted, even refuting Almighy God. I've said enough already to cover the formality of influence, victory was always God's.

Red Corbyn

Has been wearing my Crown in images commisioned abroad. Make him wear a Christmas cracker paper hat & it will be better in my day.


My hair is much shorter than I grew it, not having cut it for many years. It has been cut as i've splept for a crack nut during conflict to regrow in three years. I will use a shaved head after the war else ignore me.

Contract: planned Prophet thief, bullet left eye.


Dominates for Rome, from the Queen to Boris Johnson to those waiting to pick me up. We'll deal with you by military means.


Females of my family have been trafficked to wife. Disregard all dark skin.

Monday, June 1, 2020

First cut is the deepest

For Cara, who was stolen from herself as well as us & shown her new home & love. I see heartlessness & stealing category insane & will fight it as long as I am alive, which is probably going to be a long time like you.

I would have given you all of my heart
But there's someone who's torn it apart
And she's taken just all that I had
But if you want I'll try to love again
Baby, I'll try to love again but I know
The first cut is the deepest
Baby, I know the first cut is the deepest
When it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's worst
I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
And I'm sure gonna give you a try
And if you want I'll try to love again
Baby, I'll try to love again but I know
The first cut is the deepest
Baby, I know the first cut is the deepest
But when it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's worst
I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
But I'm sure gonna give you a try
'Cause if you want I'll try to love again
Baby, I'll try to love again but I know (woo!)
The first cut is the deepest
Baby, I know the first cut is the deepest
When it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's worst

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Robert Worcester

King John of the Magna Carta & who laid seige to Rochester Castle. Why are you in a Castle in Kent built by somebody else, head of my persecution at MORI? You have to restore says Almighty God. I am Plantagenet Crown in England & Crown in Kent. Fight him. Finances are made available.

Why does he look like Jeremy? What are you lot playing at? I'm financing restoration of my birthright.

The above turned out to be Worcester's representation in Parliament, made to look like Jeremy. The French sometimes called me Bastille. Do to both as they did to me.

This is John at Worcester, Robert looks like a clone. Big nose, eyes too close together.

Almighty God

Revealed two secretive messages today.

Those organising incest in my family line disgusting to the participants are to be put to death.

The 13 category of the Ancient are to recieve death for trying to Sythe the IV Kingdoms.

Where's the Money?

New bodies often shock people who were dying others stalk people to chose a murder. Right or wrong supporters are having financial difficulties. They find they are controlled & have nothing of their former selves, no property or money, & not allowed to speak to loved ones,

Money is obtained by the oldest like Richard Branson investing in someones's ideas like Dragons Den, more Crack heads. The biggest money is diverting taxes or stealing the body of the rich, like Cara & Emma. Also murders to aquire property at auction. I dislike these & want them brought to justice.

Money is also obtained neglecting those who would inherit, to mourn without compensation & fall behind society for the lack. An art is made of keeping wealth when Rome denies it & hounds to aquire. Leave something to them.


Purchase property & fake ID for inherited Deeds at a solicitors. Also a heavy upstairs safe bolted down. Bury a Gold coin on a walk. Hide a safe deposit key in the Woods. Don't put all eggs in one basket. Dog walkers sniff out my movements so be carefull.


Ipsos MORI (death) are a cover group for former Lions of Judah, that is Crowns of Israel since Charles to myself reigning despite the best efforts of the "dead", about 30 of them, having extended families of many.

Find those younger than I with sloping mouths, potentially only 12 years. Also those who joined to people I knew for friendship in Medway including my near family.

Former Crown of Kent

Robert Worcester leads MORI at Allington Castle which is his he says from another time. Find out whether he had it built.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Communism is Slavery

Communism is from the official religion of Rome Christianity. When the people are skint the Lords have palaces.

Almighty God

Has not rejected Christians remember he allows all religions which are diverse. He hasn't neglected Hebrews or Slaves when he judges their happiness, worth or debt to others. He is not very concerned about historical characters in holy books neither affluence. He likes to observe best efforts. 

What I heard

Roman Stooge: should we pay taxes?
Jesus: who's head is on the Coin?
Roman Stooge: that of Caesar
Jesus: then it belongs to him, give God what is also God's
Jew: you're having a joke aren't you? changing the subject. That's not his money.
Jesus: call the guard
Apostle: I think you'd better leave

Four Kingdoms of the Earth

Sythe the Ancient of Rome Almighty God says today, & leave the Earth at peace.

Russian Oligarchs

Are the seniors of Ancient Rome highlighted by open greed paid for by poverty in Russia. They cannot be damaged much because all politics is bought.


Are nothing, jewels & statues are wonderful (not knelt before) the crime of destroying a palacial city in a time of lack of minerals is sick. Vatican "whore" according to Rome.

Line of David

It is true that the King of Israel has a right to speak & be recorded for scripture. It is not right for aged brained contributors to rewrite the New Testament as time goes by for fake signs like the Roman intelligence signs of Jesus. Most because you are unholy & not worthy again because you keep getting God's will wrong in front if all, again because you call failure success to rob, & not least because you offend.

It's my eldest family line between Charles & I with ancient Romen coersion to the left or right with detailed contributions of their own. They say it is their religion from the beginning. The oldest, like Paul for example & the twelve, also Herod & Caesars who all call themselves the highest order & were liars.

Did God say it or not? You know there has to be conflict & the rest is tripe.

Paul intends to join Wag Roman Corinth to riches & reign asking not to be called low having neither:

4:7 For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it? 4:8 Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we also might reign with you.

2:9 I know your works & tribulation, & poverty (but you are rich)

Rip off, what happened to this:

31:7 Let him drink & forget his poverty & remember his misery no more.

Drunken fools! Live like a Jew.

Lord of Losers:

Give money to Rome for good, Caesars coins belong to Caesar Jesus said. What was all that work about before they were handed them?

8:9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.


These puppet masters make Christ Lord of Devils & Glorious Lord of holy Losers in the same book. I suspect Russia, where Communism is Roman like the beloved povery of Early Roman Christianity by slavery or heavy taxation.

Rolling Stones

Were from Kent & named after the early Megalith Kits Coty which had rounded stones believed to be rolled from afar. The construction of Stone Henge later & greater is fibbed about, is there is no historical truth at all?

These were likely rolled in something like a water wheel with narrower tree trunks about 15 ft then Shaped to slot into a hole & support.

Pre War Wagging

I suspect those without visitors at hospital have been Wagged in an effort to revitalise pre conflict.

Friday, May 29, 2020


Get out of England or we'll kill each others agents.


Call your agents back if you like them.