The Archangel Michael

Friday, May 29, 2020


My issue has been harvested for Wagging Ancestors who want to descend from the Royal line of Israel, usually again. Do not take my heir.

Charles concerns me, he appears desperate to retire making a fool of himself on purpose also & plans for him are plans for my own future. The arrogant & blind writers of Revelation need to attend trial concerning opposition to topography. They too are the Bastard generation of the reigning family head.

Charles at Birkhall, where are the real desolators? This man is enslaved


Is a modern & Satanic work rejected by Catholics yet still in their Bible. The "Ancient of days" that judges is not God but Romans. Daniel & other books have suspicious content.

There is deliberate sabotage to cause alarm like "UPHARSIN" for instance the armoured locust weapons are in their tails & new Jerasalems walls are as high as long cubic for miles. Then there is a joke, there shall be no more sorrow, crying or pain because everyone is dead.

We have a clear Satanic reign for inability to retain the integrity of the holy books, Wags in official positions of authority, most former Seven Spirit hosts ancestors of the current. We need to kill them, there is no light in them to see yet they have authored our doom.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


God said today kill those in sexual relations with near Kin.

2000 yrs

This reverse Penis head Skull at "Seymour" declares about 30 life times, which is about how far Charles is removed my Ancestor. The topography shows Revelation to be faked because I only have life 1000 yrs there. It states God said today that a new Lamb & representative will rise every 2000 yrs or become a Penis head. Make Charles comfortable removed from office.

Desolation conspiracy

The Bible is doctored & prophesy the work of the powers in modern times. God exists, if you look to the heavens he can be seen & also flint, tree distortions & topography.

Altering the bible

William Tindale was a serious offence to the church translating to English from Latin. Then  Bibles were removed from sale & priests Wagged along with the vocal by the authorities who were all Roman.

Holy Spirit

There are Seven spirits which are Hereditary however the older have not died. The Roman gods refered to them, who were men, I would be called Apollo, that is Michael. The conspiracy to destroy made a reluctant Charles come full circle to Satan & they plan a similar thing for me at the end. I decline, instead we will kill you who were. Jesus was a fake & I provide real evidence of God, Rome is not my maker.

Corrupt authority

The families of the spirits hold office & it is saturated with has beens & their descendants the oldest of which take small pleasure from life, it is tiresome to dominant authority. God likes it & men were not made to be so old. It's like playing the same game over & over.

God likes

Inventions, conflict, love, beauty, sustainability, space the final frontier. Get these coffin dodgers out of office or dead proper says Almighty God.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Mary Says

Clone me many times & we agree. I need 100 of her for my uniform guard. 50 each year for now. 7ft tall in half the platforms. I need Roman leather strap skirts the length of which is adjustable I am encouraged to add.

Long hair is compulsary in my fort. These will plait each other. No Wags.

Base Harly Davidsons for them on this please. Get some Horse armour too.


I have no interest at this time North of a certain point we hope to make you welcome. Please aim at other targets & I can limit arrangements to target you by Sax Coburg Gotha & Israeli authority.


As you see Almighty God declared the area mine & oppostion will be shot through the brain. I have not agreed to nuclear weapons & if I suffer them without using them you will be enslaved without reputation or return to office for as long as the World lasts. I intend to take control of your sad condition suicide for you.

Russian agents

Food planton sales going unwatered. Russia agency, these staff will not recieve food in my reign.

Spray Russian Crops with something likely to wilt them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Scruffy Russian imbeciles

If gun powder were brains your hats could not be blown from your heads. Why do you want me to kill you all? Almighty God upholds & destroys without requesting permission from "gods" who cannot put the Sun nor Stars in the firmament, neither defend against two men carrying them off, insane. We pray he will put you to the test as his equal to think of ending creation.

Sword of his Mouth

Come on then Russia.

Horst Caesar: Poland follow orders not sucidal. Horst kills Russians wholesale. Victimarus Sterilis.

Chem trails Violet: Russian Military bases.

Japan: Disengage & Return

US: Take SW Russia with surrender, victus apetitus.

France: Stand up to invasion.

Every time I find Russian nuisance in this County I'll add to tactics from Almighty God.


Remove them from authority in Medway. Observe intolerance of other religions for judgement.


Get them all out of Kent. Any damage here at all & all Russian surgeons will be dead at the close. I bid twice the cost of control they are paying.


The series is about natural people. We are arguing that all people begin natural & heirs were sufficient. Consider a solution to slow death as there was one for natural death, new surgery to restore your marbles. In the short term hand reign over & enjoy a retirement or an expert's role without authority.

Old Tales

The old tales of Scripture are unreliable. Can Noah have rain flooding above Sea level to cover the Earth? Can Jesus be heard by 5000 people? Why has God allowed impossibe stories?

I am wary of teaching because God has said my body will be at risk. I will never cut my hair & if you havent seen me in three years don't believe it's me.

God does not want to be found by men. He says it is like being sought out by a Puppy. God wants us to compete & conflict & the 'game cheats' are what are people pray for unless peace is sought. Peace is found by abstainance & perfected by solitude, also a smile, kindness or payment.


God is happy with the Commandments & also the ignoring of them. God expects people to choose recklessness or safety. It is unlikely you will suffer a life catastrophe if your life is careful like a Christian, but you will not obtain like a Jew. God says kindness reaps reward from him & selfishness does not. Kindness is a movement of payment that God balances with a return..


Scripture is unreliable & prophesy lies, however the Earth is ruled by the liars. They are mad often by severe Cerebral malfunction & Ancient Rome cannot continue it is said. Massive mineral resourse depletion by escalating populations is meant to burn it out & orbit alteration destroy.


Gods create as well as destroy, you are above yourselves. Before Rome was the foundation of, which will cycle again. We have not achieved space travel. Stop child birth, reduce consumption, reduce weapons orientated space programs.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Looking old

Almighty God said you shall not operate to preserve youth, only life.

Dead Languages

Are called so because if you revive them you will be dead. Vatican Republic speaks Latin despite it is called dead.


I am casting my bread upon the water, which is usually silly, cast it where you expect a return if you are having problems, not at random, or with charity for a serious condition.

One Gold coin to all staff on condition you bury it so it can be retrieved if you are lost in conflict or desperate in that time, don't only hide it.

One 1000g Gold bar to all relatives passed on & bastard children, not Stanley Jones. sell them.

Crack Pots

Are having Pituitary problems, I have noticed them flying off the handle without proper reason.

O Fortuna

Romans understood balance of good & evil, happiness & sadness. This writer hated life.

God said today again that Charles is his agent. Once to bring peace & eventually take peace from the Earth. O Lucifer means blameless agent obedient at task, O being innocent in numerical code.

We all have tasks often contrary who serve God, who made good & evil to equilibrium.

6:4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

I hear he likes muscular men in cycling outfits. What is that rear padding actually for? Excitement?

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Eagles (ref space 1999)

Michael said today that all Eagle emblems descend from Roman factions of Government & have Roman Royals. Lions all descend from Jesus blood line (Lion of Judah) & are Roman aquisitions. Jesus was an unfaithful Jew who agreed to be restored to authority of some kind by faking miracles with Rome to teach Roman wisdom. It was approved by God who approves many religions for worship & conduct.

The Revelation & the letters of paul would be Roman drivel in part or most if God had not approved & kept the Romans to establish prophesy. The topography of Earth & Venus opened the mouth of Almighty God without contest. A new Lamb has come & the other is a destroyer rich, adulterous & Lucifer, the left half of a Sun.


The left half of Sun resembles Charles in one image & another separate. Jesus & Lucifer are called morning star in the bible. Jesus is dead, which probably took one Royal lifetime in the sack not 2000 yrs. I am Michael & share authority with the eighth of Seven Spirits because of old stories. I am called A & he V.

I am heir to Crowns England, Kent, Normandy, Israel & more of Jesus bloodlines, not a convertable hood. Heirs are usually "topped" & there is talk about it as I rise. Ignore me without my usual hair.


Charles tries to join worshiping religions of the World together, he persists at perfect manners in conversation. Public appearances are retained, but there is no thing hidden that will not be revealed according to Ancient Rome.

I'm Crown today with signs in the heavens & sight like a Prophet also celebate. God makes things new, & the Magicians who were Angels cannot establish World Government with tired & impossible signs for modern Hindu or Muslims etc. Look to the heavens for Almighty God.