The Archangel Michael

Thursday, March 19, 2020


I am judging the eyes of Elizabeth. Do you think she looks a blue eyed Raphael compared to the Anderson images? Queen the pop group were all "Nancy boys".


Commonwealth separate from the UK. Do not agree to war allied to the US. Stop pregnancy for Oil, don't offer us less pregnancy, give us what we need.

Kingdom 1 4 UK

Germans say we are already commited to & engaged in conflict awaiting the inevitable nuclear war. Sanctions against Germany & UK, no Venezuelan oil at all.


Forbid exports for countries not accepting total birth control.


A localised coup has relieved me of representation of God. Almighty God said do you want a plague or economic sanctions?

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Freemasons Maidstone

Judge offenders who were cruel to my Father for good pay. I am surprised they chose to kill him almost ten years before I recieved holy authority & it was shocking how a gentle man was torn apart with every cruel device.


Since you are damaging my authority for Michael's operations you can have mine too. Stop all pregnancies or else.

Michael is a Billion operatives & Archangel Michael is only responsible for his vicinity. Orders to Michael are from Almighty God for their position. Archangel Michael passes critical messages to National leaders from God concerning working together.

COVID15 is for senior authorities at Governments & is not indiscriminate. I am not Michael's baby to be robbed of sweets to coerce I am supposed to try to halt Global War. I'm going to kill you. Target COVID19 news involving me without legitimacy, I can get involved if they like.


You are in love with stories & offensive to God in his interaction with you. Stories are told by those who love or those who hate & are different. Jews wrote your stories about Jews & God. God has a presentation today which is unlike the stories you like to tell & those Christians like to tell, one heard over Rabbi & Priest. A good thing God handled it & not your critics then. A better man than David & his heir, who wrote the Psalms & who is written of.

King David suffered the rejection & mockery of fools also. Get rid of them.


We are blessed that politics fails to understand. Remove the very stupid by choice as foolish & not having an alternative view. It's better than arguing & better than increasing pressure if it can be done.


Stop it.

Orbit destabilisation

Earth is hot on the Equator nearer the Sun & Ice at the poles further from the Sun. How does orbit destabilisation effect the Ecosystem? Don't be stupid, it's prophesied for 1000 yrs following Christ's return, 1000 yrs are not possible in that climate.

Gog & Magog are 1000yrs following the marriage of Christ. The beast of that day are the flesh operation of the Seven Archangels as we have today, a beast being flesh & not celestial.

A former conflict is necessary it is believed, one for today to fulfill scripture. You should not force one in knowledge of Nineveh & my ability to write scripture, about which you are in arrogant denial. I could say the authorities knelt before a presentation from God with signs & a miracle was performed. Do what I tell you, form a Christian branch & say as I say, it worked for Joseph Smith.

Where does God stand on conflict?

Who actually represents God since all contend? I do. I need a Majority approval of the Holy Spirit (Seven) to publish. It is limiting because they have fallen to some extent.


Until I turned 50 I had no office, I was a contending student & Michael had the office of Christ latent in trust. I appear to be gaining support. Michael said that the world Governments are without other definitive instruction because they simply have not been told until now what we are capable of & have to try. Everybody complains that God doesn't answer, even me.


The officials are in a degraded state because destructive policy is profitable & that conflicts with agreements to conserve. They have believed that orbit destabilisation was on the cards, it is not. They believed mass consumption was advisable to excuse a full end, it is not. You can blame God for neglect leading to a serious condition, but you cannot blame him for failure to brake & turn around.


Q. Why not?

A. Because I told you to & I couldn't without the agreement of the Seven Spirits.


We find that almost free vehicles shut down when they turn against an interest of their owner. A US or German vehicle is easy to obtain. We are using the Liberator because they contest Medway Government for US interests.

The sideways Star Trek arrow is reported to be the reason for attempted assassination linked to the faked "King David", US interest in the UK resulting in accusations that I am a button pusher to destabilise my authority & kill, leaving the Green Banana in charge (Dave).

Two latent (downward) left & right - of myself & charles, unforseen "banana" latent centre.


Everybody knows me as foremost contender with conflict & the blue arrow points to my Sun side for that reason. Christ is an international office & we intend to use any vehicle for the best. 

We accuse the Queen's authority of opposing God to replace me with Dave to favour Charles because of the arrow pointed away from him. Also accusing me of latent treason to death in an international office under God. 


Q. Looks like a penis

A. Even 5o it is reported as a banana because of mental instability.

Q. Dave, Dave looks like a penis

A. Whatever

Michael would like it known that he was represented by James T Kirk using the Christ authority before my time by latent management.


Has carried out work with all sorts of people for concession & it often gets out of his hands by personal input. Even 5o he insists that evil characters are found rather than good to keep them innocent & that is because a price accompanies the degradation of the just, heavier for profit, personal pride or without proper remorse. Grace to continue is not for the meek it is for all under God on his Earth, the balance swings back.

Don't poo on your own doorstep

I suffered a serious sexual assault following overt & aggressive threats at the Medway Council offices. Get to kniw everyone in authority & who they've been connected to for their pleasure. Separate negative partnerships especially unmarried. It follows a sexual assault I suffered by a uniformed police officer here, contract.


Medway Council are non Grata. Make a spoil of them to gratify enemies. Enormous debt build up. A lot of money is made available to damn.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Freemasons Israel

Leave them without authority outside of Israel.


Why has Dawn lookalikes everywhere? She even has a candidate for Labour party leader. Why is she here after the accurate portrayal of her killing Aslan (my Father), let alone massive.

Becky Long Baily: Sanctimonious

Listen, Ray was a fair hearted man & moderate. This is a challenge to the righteous over the winner of conflict between good & evil. We know evil needs constraining in house by an evil member, we do not understand why they prosper like her when a replacement would suffice. A shame to God.

Kier Starmer: Tsunami poof


I hear you never recieved the donation to personal security Michael promised to handle. Not surprised, devilish, perverse on occasion, uncompromising, uncaring, self sustaining, self motivated, self important. 50 are obedient for 1bn from me.

I love Lucy

Lucy came quietly & has a support role nearby.

Why is the Bloke the Bike with Lucy? Just popularity.

Aerial strikes

Stop all oil production without bias, try. Radioactive enviroments fatigue. What about tit for tat demolition? There is a concious effort to cause depletion to holocaust, stop it. Try crossing border with a solar resting drone having a nuclear mortar round.

  • movement detection take off
  • reserve power
  • wide area random resting 


Several countries are advising test missions to photograph potential targets & return for pick up. Don't use locators.

Q & A here


Ask Saudi Arabia to reverse Oil abuse escalations. Target Royals & connected to connections. Personal wealth, love & enterprise. Cross borders with solar recharging attack drones. Heat Royal vehicles & property.

What Toothpaste do they use?