Was crucified by conspiracy to remove him from the area. On a latent level Herod was a subordinate Michael spirit to the Israeli King Jesus & was ordered by Archangel Michael with Jesus to wash & dress him as a King to return to Pilate. The high Priest was also asked to help remove him because of religious overhaul making a third sect with Pharasees & Sadducces, "Nazarenes". Then Pilate openly declared innocence of a crime & the Centurian that loved him & stories of him took him down early, everybody surprised it says that he died so quickly, a hint. The Roman intelligence network told him not to return having removed him from the tomb & allowed him to see his friends in surprise gatherings. He went to a safe house some distance before travelling & marrying to continue the Royal line of David.
Ripping Yarns attempted to reenact a disappearance of some kind with an explosion on a boat called the Greasy Bastard for Charles. Apollo being Greacian & Archangel Michael from that area & Charles being a Bastard, a test tube impregnation. Whoops Apocalypse US also used the exploding boat for him.
Apollo: Greasy Bastard
Zeus: Almighty God
The Grey & White of Second Coming. Black & white are of Michael & SIS, M of MI6, whose authority Charles enjoys half of. Chequers the Prime Minister's residence is a Parliament shout at Royalty. Simmons (Gene) is the officer in chief staying at Koenig's Alpha base. The problems arise from the unseen other, the Dragon skulking.
Archangel Michael is Alpha of Alpha & Omega & the Freemasons were a limited effort at a secret Government to subvert Royal dominance led by him.
Alpha A Compass & G Government
Dick Turpin: Martyr, killed a
Royal murderer for Michael.
The second coming made military intelligence awkward & also dominant rule over iniquitous agents, then military command at nuclear war responsibilities. Jesus cannot carry those things even a little different. So Charles a Turin Shroud replica has command & people swallow it, because Michael has to ask him for Government compliance in his own area & Charles is subject to NWO agreement, that is the other six. Charles is latent NWO representative formerly the World Order of the Seven spirits of God, the Seven Archangels & the Dragon. A faling away & 666 Demoniac issue confuses whether God or Devils destroy.
Episode 6:
The Curse of the Claw
The point I want to finish with is that I am the head of holy matters by refusal of Archangel Michael to accept responsibility for critical military intelligence in order to make that possible. The scriptures of Archangel Michael in Daniel & Revelation are therefore Michael's to constrain or cause to fall because of unforeseen details. I am the proper line of Israel & a stooge is like using that Henry VIII clone instead of the Queen. Remove Catholic agents from us.