The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


There is a clear fractal operation in Space 1999. Russell's actual appearance is like the Queen. There is an area one & two. Relays are passing area one beacon to area two for parallel circumstances in Medway & the Capital. We did not travel to London, so below is a relay with a Crowned tube map. The pilot is filled with subliminal information for latents to organise. I believe Morse is a Charles US President tandem & Keonig a Ray Keith tandem. I think Charles has a polar operation, leading to Antichrist accusations.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Dr. Russell

Was a Michael spirit agent who was & is meticulous about safety & was audibly threatened with death in the Space 1999 pilot for subduing danger. My mother's latent operation.


Almighty God says remove her from my Tardis please.


How is your health? Younger has a Michael series spirit that can make him vomit right now, or kill him if I say so.

Almighty God says you will be in a parallel state to my Mother & shall not live a day longer.


Clear all anti US initiatives already suggested but denied.

Time Machine

Give me a Time Machine to talk to Isaiah about the normal failure of Prophesy, usually associated with good behaviour or mercy for the righteous or just the failure of it.

The Sea

We will lose every living thing in the Sea. What can we do? The US deny planning it, but we hear. Michael said why don't you first put weapons in the tails of war machines like those in Revelation, let the matter fall. They replied go to hell. Total destruction is preferable to establish than simple matters being ignored, fight them. We are preparing to reintroduce plankton & fish 


God said to Abraham if there were ten righteous men in Sodom & Gomorah he would not have destroyed for their sake, you are criminal. There is no clear biblical basis for your version of Apocolypse for God.


God said he would not flood again following the flood of Noah. Do you expect anybody to believe he told us to flood? Including those you've already achieved. The US has to be taken down.


Is supposed to kill me at opportunity. Over the years have been multiple tip offs & the hatred of SAS has been a clear matter as the obvious engineering of that at Ipsos & SIS. Security will be hand picked & if anything happens before then by opportunity you will all be flayed alive says Almighty God.

UK Government

Almighty God says you are indiscrete & objectionable so that you accuse God & not my King, who has no free speach. Government partitions are mine & do not belong to representatives to be denied.


Please attempt to learn the action, clothing will be produced of Nettle fibre.

Total Subversion

There is a manner of unrelated attack that destroys so much that a thing untouched collapses. It is usually based on the ability of a single man to cope with multiple matters usually handled by habit, but now different or difficult so that his business has no time for thought or execution or no medium where it was. Busy mind & busy day makes no time to work. The US & UK need to stumble if we are to prevent them managing everything with intention to overcome creation.

All things & people related to overseas forces & political influence.

US responsibility

For all of the blame God is responsible & every latent at all levels of Government, also latents in the community. However this is interesting, a sickle on the US President in Whoops Apocalypse. Sickles refer to biblical & topographical war.

The US have a lot of business invading the middle East & now have battleships provoking Iran, who are with Russia. Subvert all things US. 

After all of the media suggestion it's obvious who, the US are always invading & the UK always with them. The Royal family also loved Hitler & sang his praises.

Angel School

NLP is the study of latent communication recognised by sight or sound.

This diagram of eye movements thinking offers clues to communication. left eye movement is encouraging behavior, right constructing alternative. 

Left: up-very good, left-good, down-good but I dislike it.
Right: up-intolerable, right-no more, down-stop it with hostility

Left is usually for collegues or brothers in arms & right for those you disrespect. Right is just wrong, left is acceptable.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Jesus Superstar

As you've seen here & heard most dignitaries of Government, he was Archangel Michael with a presentation that really irritated the other six, because God was only for the holiest & not their authority which was & is from God. Jesus, that is Michael was sent with authority to reveal the ability of a Seraphim healing, feeding, educating in spiritual things to astonishment & other "miracles" that are the ordinary work of a senior Archangels with their support from Angels in the people around, including those in the sick to manage their recovery or loose their own bond on the lame. That manner of authority is common to all seven & restricted for signs to individuals or discreet operations.

Jesus was productive for God to show them specific constraints by which they could drop out of intolerable life styles & communities to endure boredom in place of exitement at best & contest to damage or heartbreak at worst. The lives of Christians play safe & avoid emotional pain & arguments. Christianity is a life choice or recourse.

God having authorised Jesus the others were eventually satisfied by his suffering, having ignored their existance & shone proclaiming God's presentation was all of God. Look around, has God a greater that has defeated him? It is all from God. Is that bad? If you think so commune with Christians & follow the rules.

The Devil & Satan

Are a byproduct of holy construction equal in ability & authorised not defeating God, the liberal Raphael at the centre not left nor right. Complications exist that they are all fallen but two, three should be white, one liberal & three dark.


Is not always obtained in a short time, so that there can be disproportionate amounts of good or evil in a lifetime or century.


God likes everybody, he likes the lame & he likes the ruffian, deeds are scrutinised. The life you choose is a game for him & if it hurts he has told you where to seek rest. Further he sustains the dead to equilibrium of love or punishment to justice. Praise God who gave you life & promises justice.

Model Eyes

Look at this girl, to us she is perfect. Mary is very good.

This kind of thing is not productive, jealous female:


Military vessel at Chatham Dockyard. The US defeated military security closing a primary Naval base in 1984, some say the most important in England. Russian vessels are using the English channel regularly & not having the base operational is treasonous.

They could turn into the Thames Estuary & launch on London with only a patrol boat to sink. The Russian Aircraft carrier could prevent scramble. No time for Red Alert. Chatham can be taken by a Russian flotilla & troops landed not far away without serious problems. 

Angels of Medway

Local conformity: Angel Graffiti ABBA kill for sexual degradation in code.

At school nobody said who I was supposed to be. Now I remember a song sung to me to the tune of Jesus Christ Superstar.

Jesus Christ, Superstar, went round a corner on a Yamaha
Done a skid, killed a kid
Ruptured his balls on a dustbin lid

Michael said this morning that a child was lost in a counter operation. A dustbin lid is ryming slang for Kid & hurt balls regret & humility. Similar things occur when they lose a child Michael said.

Jesus Christ Superstar included Charles they said, a mockery. The man is accusing Archangel [classified] & other spirits of the Seven resenting what they called misappropriation in that day. God is all things & resentment prevails eventually. Dark skin represents somebody treated as an inferior cast in topography.
This Jesus was the Reeve operation in certain scenes & script. The original Jesus was sent to a different condition of society.

If a saviour was found among us today they would be forgiven their past by the work of the forerunner to establish absolution, to make new. Their life would not need be without sin or former sin in Christianity as was necessary for Jews for respect. They could enter military service & reduce misery by alternatives not uncompromising to exclude from politics & leave the innocent to the wicked. Teaching peace by conduct & justice in Government has been Archangel Michael's position.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


This story is nuisance fake news like many stories. The CIA rep in the "Taliban" uses a US threat for an allias. Kill him.

CIA have all terror chiefs around the World, who ignore possibilities & subvert. They have top positions to bust up critical conditions for the US, with little time to spare often.

We Recommend "The Living Daylights", about the "Taliban" who are actually Mujahedin. Lacrobat is Jeroen Krabbé in this film not Michael Richards.

US Quake

Puerto Rico, US territory. I wonder how Haiti think of you murdering filth. Here's some of ours to think about. One more Iranian death & the whole place comes down. The US also hit Fukushima nuclear power station.

This is a better option than military retaliation in the Middle East. William Wallace was turned home by a counter attack in Scotland. It never hurts abroad for bloody robbers, it hurts at home.

Intelligence operations & Christianity

Christianity is taught for the Community by Jesus. Today there is significant interest in application for Government, can it work? Can there even be a military? Obama said. The answer is yes & no. Christians drafted into intelligence work or new Christians looking for peace on a path need to be taught.

1) Minimum force progressive

2) No perking at somebody else's expense, sex is the most common selfish oppression.
3) No back handers for deals you didn't want anyway
4) patience with oppressors concealing ability causes their debt to be noticed by God, who will guide your surprising sword arm at the right time, gains support.
5) try to copy me without assuming the authority

Moderation in all things, wait until tomorrow to respond if you are angry, control yourself.


The only way to be rid of them is strike hard, like Africa & North Vietnam. If you fight back they make a great noise & thrash out, if you don't they take you apart to ownership. Nothing is achieved giving them anything to go away.

Their London Embassy complex is on the river like MI6 to stealthily move to & fro. Buildings either side are flattened to subvert communication intercept & the nearby tube has US staff & a private entrance.

Prince of Wales

There is a pub opposite called Prince of Wales less popular than Whetherspoon where we went. What's wrong with the Prince of Wales? Is it too expensive for low cast operatives? you infest every place I go to. Put some money behind the bar please Charles.