The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kits Coty house

Is an area of deep Plankton shell chalk & is near the site that man was made in warm clay along with the tiny creatures & fish, the building block of flesh from decomposed plant matter in warm clay. Clay was dug not far away.

The UK collection of senior Archangels (four) & that area are involved in the end as well as having the oldest standing structure on Earth. I was born in Gillingham not far.

The nuclear shelter nearby is a death trap says God. The chalk pit near has multiple mushroom forms & a severed head with tongue. Defend the area anyway, less ICBM if they are shot down trying. It is possible but improbable that all of Russia's arsenal could be wasted trying. Plan for resupply on a network.

ICBM are less dangerous, praise God.

A pit like this for example could be defended within or atop using the edge for a 20% better chance of survival. Nearish top right corner of lower green square 30%. A maze with 50m width platforms beveled to 40ft from 50m high & 200m canyon would be very well defended. Dig a channel near steep hilltops, not straight.


London is filled with perverts. Nancy was asked to help with Liberal influence to gather "Nancy boys" to a place where no new Paedophilia can take place, only more. Capital cities around the world have moved Homosexuals to a semi safe area with excuses & other benefits. Culling perverts is easier if they are gathered together. Talk to the children.

Born again

Nicodemus asked. "Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother's womb to be born!" Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit."

One is born to baptism with a God fearing parent to raise them & the movement of Angels from one person to another alters them. Special people are said to change disappointingly. It probably followed the death of a parent & spiritual change. The Angels of the eldest are senior & when they move others are displaced. Without God fearing upbringing & spiritual revamping there is no love of God.

When the senior enters the next of kin they straight away start demanding alterations related to unrighteous conduct suffered by them, but have to leave proper habits alone for the time.

So the Angels are family as well as the flesh & descend in the same line.


Is avoidable so that harsh circumstances are not so over powering with moral Government. Jesus taught society & I am reaching Government. The blinkered see the Matrix & analytics too often ignoring spiritual engineering. That is the meaning of thinking outside the box. That is not studying Angels, it is reading Samual one & two to learn why God wants things so, or if denying accuracy then at least what results from what circumstances if God is called angry or pleased.


A fund is available to kill the serious escaltion offenders in higher ranks.

Angels & Demons

We are illegalised by Devils calling themselves holy Angels. They say God wants evil & abuse at the end, & they serve. Coincidence is known when you refuse his official representatives. You are not servants but Devils.

Marriage of Jesus

He produced a bloodline, like Mary & Joseph's other children. So Archangel Michael had the line also.

People ask why I find women interesting. Jesus produced a blood line by marriage when he was about 35 years old. He avoided contact with women because he too was delighted by them. I am allowed to marry not having holy ministry especially but Government. God says do not so far, many problems. Archangel Michael will continue by a legitimate birth eventually.

John 4:1-42

27  Just then his disciples arrived, and they were surprised because he was speaking with a woman. Of course, no one said: “What are you looking for?” or “Why are you talking to her?”


You have not covered yourselves offending, the opposite is true.

Holocaust delay

With proper compliance we can delay about 35 years at most because of scripture. At rate of interest there will be no delay at all.

Depopulation prioritisation

This is the order of offence to Almighty God, which is different as one expects from the order according to Satan & so also CIS. Also the value to his society.

Same sex Paedophile male family
Opposite sex Paedophile male family

Same sex Paedophile female family
Opposite sex paedophile female family

Same sex Paedophile male
Opposite sex paedophile male

Same sex Paedophile female
Opposite sex paedophile female

Popular media Homosexual obvious male
Popular media Homosexual obvious female

Homosexual obvious male
Homosexual obvious female

Homosexual male
Homosexual female

Pregnancy common
New Birth common

Elderly common pill support (placebo not poison)
Elderly common
Elderly contributing to society pill support (placebo not poison)
Elderly contributing.

Serious criminals officials
Serious criminals common

Children common beneath 11
Elderly common over 60

Female common
Male common

Almighty God said make the numbers tally by half figures as paragraphs progress & tier paragraphs. Present special cases to senior Michael or Selaphiel.

The list also helps find food from a community without, a Biblical condition.


The structure of CIS is one that causes illegitimate claims of Divine representation. They actually believe they represent God, yet are opposed to the Prophet with miracles & illegal speech concerning secrets.

Their belief side tracks their Demonuc status beneath God to claim moral right to command as Government constrainer.

The Seven, most if whom are fallen contact them & give their indications of correct misconduct according to their Satanic status (Revelation 12).

It is not the first time moral divinity has been claimed by Lucifer, Demons & scum by percieved right of officialdom. Devils call themselves God & holy & Prophetic as an alternative to being so by voluntary conduct. Two unfallen Archangels, five fallen & Lucifer are not God the Almighty Father, but Satan with sugar on top.


I am called Messiah the Prince in Daniel Michael has said, because my Kingdom is spread abroad an influence, not King yet. I will represent the Father, not Satan. Michael will continue secret Coms so that the others do not overwhelm. You shall not prefer the communications of Satan to Michael, neither the other unfallen Angel who is not Prophet, shh.

Monday, December 2, 2019


The offences here now are very serious. I need dozens disposed of every day around me. CIS say they need a crime against me personally to act, making such nuisance & petty adjustment they laugh.


Stop televised broadcasts & go to radio. Make them concerned they will not be missed. Do the same around the world, deplete opponents.

UK Crown

Give it to me right now.


Are responsible for homosexual assaults. Start there in authority.

UK CIS have launched a multinational Government contact by sex offenders every few minutes. Effort to destroy the Earth, kill them.

Make a serious effort to remove sex offenders from my locality with great numbers. Keep the machine turning over around me by the dozen each day, immediate & increase. Arrest locally operating CIS officials.


You will no longer take payment for policies or sex or favour, you are rich. You will be called desolators of the Globe & denied life.


The World is suffering because God does not want a rended heart. He cannot see those who love him perish from the Earth, so people do as they wish. Most people deny there is need for nuclear conflict. The truth is it is avoidable only by depopulation. Stop breeding, kill all Homosexuals & practicing Bisexuals. Stop producing life saving medicines that work. Restore Government to the righteous from the greedy.


The Second Coming is a mystery to me today because God calls me his boy in private & the film calls me son of Jehovah Michael says. If Jesus were here his miracles would not outshine my own, halting famine & showing forms of clouds often, & you should accept me & your Father also. These times are not for words unable to pierce ears, neither are they times a King can be of peaceful speech. Jesus rules with a rod of Iron at the second coming & cannot be different to me if he too is Michael in Government.

This is my rod of Iron, not the penis of homosexuals you who mock God. Execute every Paedophile within one year. Reopen the White Hart pub. Close the Blind Beggar.

Find out if I was three & a half when we moved from Gillingham to Chatham, born 1970. Revelation 12.


Aunt Whin & Aunt Eady for accusations & involvement in the torment of Raymond. Also the scar cheek boss of Louis Lane, my mother's SIS chief. Revenge is justice & both secure my future.


When is she going to come clean about her responsibility for 9/11? The 2001 Monkeys (1968) betrayed US opinion of UK Government two years before I was born & the Girl is knocking towers nearby in Superman. It's the truth that only the US cries magnificent losses when the World is only surprised. Fifty countries in Iraq did not need the US nor their self proclaimed 8th wonder of the world, that should kill a King & make an upright Archangel destitute for an accusation of partial responsibility. I say you sacrificed the towers for financial involvement planned in 1968 with intention to blame Uriel for having Scottish influence & Ray Jones for being Archangel Michael having terror acceptance responsibility with God. Dorothy Jones was Alive in 1968. Perhaps it was Scotland, in any case I was 10yrs old & second in line of Ascension to Archangel Michael.

The wind of the three represents lies in the conflict which is about NY in 2001, including people climbing out of windows, Superman appears to save the good people, many Jews escaped. Son of Jorel means son of Jehovah. I am not the Second Coming of Jesus I think.

This version is different to the link I posted making superman look like he knocked a building instead of Nancy. Looks like accidental damage. There are multiple refs to 9/11 damage from the others.