The Archangel Michael

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Daily Grass

Nuclear war was first the product of essential scientific discovery & then obvious apathy followed by arrogance about the proper authority under God today. CERN lead at observing reasons for the end of the world, they look for solutions & have been failed.

All politics bought & sold means that competition for authority is for financial gain & nobody cares who is better at it. Billions can be stolen from the Trillions of National wealth so that the millions of businesses are less sought after than the wealth of authority.


God has told Blackwater to show mercy to forces surrendering in Eastern Russia. There is work & food if you join us.

Machete attack

There was a machete attack in Manchester which was linked to closure of this site by those toffs who were against God speaking here. They say they serve him to destroy all, including themselves & prevent the speech of his proper representation. Police responses mean all UK police will be killed in the holocaust without exception. Says God.


Around the world are the senior of the 666 & are the US problem with an alternative. Kill them before they reach shelter. In the UK Councils usually gather nearby for food & drink before entering the shelter, air strike. The Liberals are under the control of Nancy Pelosi. Kill her before she conducts any WWIII strategy, annihilation policy.

House of Lords

Are continually preventing wifi access & repeating nonsense about security. They are determined to kill everybody being in a majority under the 666 that transform their objectives without their knowledge.

Nobody feels secure & I represent God not the Devils. So who's security are we talking about? not yours I hope because I will kill you according to scripture. You have less than nine months to live & keep on with the old plan & hierarchy in secret as has been for decades without a solution.


Almighty God

I have chosen a man who speaks common English of England, which has to be the measure of proper spoken English whoever thinks their English speaking Nation is better. Nancy Pelosi is a Devil according to scripture & you all know that. She is not a Prophet & cannot alter that which has been given to the correct mouth. Says God.

As I was saying, now exposed myself to criticism because you have floored my servants who used my seal. Death to the superiors & subordinates.

Solar flares move electromagnetic storms in detail sometimes as you might see a sculptor carving away clay with a knife to make a recognisable shape. Then smaller particles than have been seen by special microscopes, with my help are manipulated in great numbers to bring magnetic cohesion between similar substances, which have been painstakingly moved to form deposits & also fluids to alter forms as movement takes place.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Almighty God

I am tired of your domination of my servants & my own direct speech yesterday & again today. I am not a British subject or a man to be bullied & you who are here are all to be executed with your superiors. So says Almighty God. There will be no further communication here today.


Understanding the manipulation of molten substances, rock or clouds is a baffling science. God moves the wind one way & another by his movement of electromagnetic particles. To predict their movement is like predicting what somebody might do that day or buy from a shop, since God is a living mechanism.

This is your father, in part moving between the smallest subatomic particles known to men. In the image he is moving closer to the particles to move them.

The flames arcing from the surface of the sun do not hurt the Father, although the heat does damage parts which are replaced. The Solar flares move pulses & great waves upon the surface of the moon & also Planets to manipulate. It is like the sledge hammer of the tool set. 

We are not permitted to continue say SIS. They say the matter is secret, that this is their authority & demand to be told more in private. Go to serious hell you & the Queen.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Judas Priest

We withdraw our comments about Uriel's band Judas Priest. He is apologetic about the Demoniac behaviour & especially the name. He was & is trying to convince Satan like me sometimes that he is OK. Judas was an Uriel spirited Apostle & Uriel is not a traitor to God like the others.

Uriel: I am not apologetic, saddened

Michael: As you say. It was humiliating for you to be Judas when you are of the few who are not. Concealment embarrasses us also.


Since communications with Gabriel in Israel, Raphael, Jegudiel & Uriel as well as Lucifer there are 2300 new homes being built in the West Bank on high ground to avoid floods.

We think this is relevant. The capitals of Iraq & Pakistan are on Longitude 33.

Cover this: 33.00000 29.00000


Some have applauded the real leaks site & asked how can they please God to avert destruction. It appears to be impossible, however they thought all of this was taking place in WWII.

Kill all of the Genetics scientists & Nano scientists, kill all of the spares parts clones, stop producing medicines, stop Genetic research & production of altered plants, animals & humans. Blockade oil, kill the 666, destroy the US administration, the Queen's & that of Russia by the vote of the new Archangel Hierarchy who replace the 666 (holy, chaste & hidden).

Michael spirits

There are Seven spirits from God, often known as the Seven spirits of God. They are the spirits of the Archangels & most people. I say most because some are Demonic without much to recognise of their natural protocol. So one Billion have to respond to Archangel Michael around the world, being 7bn in total.

Disputes in the UK about prowess & power have come to the ears of God (again) & this time Archangel Michael is upheld regarding the often pleasant circumstances of subordinates. Michael spirits are ordered to obey, they will conflict with the 666 spirits even to damage or loss of career & material possessions even to destitution. So has ordered Almighty God today concerning Michael around the World.


Catholics are taught to chasten themselves by giving their substance. Priests, clergy & other workers often put notes into the collection basket to encourage greater donations. There is an alternative to the Golden & bejewelled city. Buy here: great claims are made which I & my kind will try to manifest. We also own San Miguel, although Saint Michael never receives profits from family businesses these days. It is all held for the times & service to God.


By the Authority of God our Father because of the the hell that you have made with the hell we already endure for you, the Michael in chrage here is sent to hell by loss of loved.

There is a movement to deny my importance at the British Government because it reduces the importance of reps & subordinates. You will find that your hell is absolute & that what I no longer require at SIS will be floored, says Archangel Michael.

Daily Dope

Francis sucks, rogers & bends over for men, does similar things with women & often a child. He prefers the child & consequently the Queen, who is raised in incest has no bars to Paedophilia in the UK.

Nobody, I'll do it.

Daily Grass

All Lords have been introduced to incest.


The origin of Queers is natural. There is a chain reaction which is runaway at this time. There are pairs of Angels with every person, one male, one female unless there is a unnatural Demonic occurrence. Ordinary folk have one pair, authority have four & senior authority have six or more given by God.

When a child is introduced to sex by a Queer, that has not yet made transition to male or female by hormonal activity, the female Angel is made dominant to help the child cope by submission. When the child reaches adulthood it has a choice, but has had barriers broken down. Queers are therefore rejected by God as Demonic, since the female refuses to stand down. Many Children lead normal lives when they grow, having been "Queered up".

Children that have had a relationship with the opposite sex grow without serious psychological difficulty unless it was incest. Below is Selfridges Oxford St. & Demonic double female pair with refusal to accept non Angelic status, Lesbian.


Some complain that later additions to stories make their own account look bad. Be careful not to elaborate. There was a time when we misled & now we cannot afford to do that, only omit & make things difficult to understand. Don't act the big one & you won't look like a cock.

SIS: Isn't that the Chinese bird?

We didn't like to says so. It is the origin of the slang word "Wang" which is a Chinese Governor. 

Weight gain

God has ordered me to begin putting on weight by over eating, please follow.

Almighty Father

The Pope is blocking the upload of an image made by Almighty God this morning by influencing the Queen. You will execute him without delay. So says Almighty God. A replacement like him, a fornicator will be chosen to join the beast.

The following image was made during mockery by a homosexual so that Saint Michael has been joined by Archangel Michael & now Almighty God in haughty abuse. None will survive conflict.

Almighty God said this morning that the Abomination of Desolation at Israel will be preceded by nuclear conflict in the middle East between military targets.

He says that the Space 1999 episode Breakaway is a good representation. The Eagle shape above has a nose like the Eagle space craft of the series.