The Archangel Michael

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Catholics are taught to chasten themselves by giving their substance. Priests, clergy & other workers often put notes into the collection basket to encourage greater donations. There is an alternative to the Golden & bejewelled city. Buy here: great claims are made which I & my kind will try to manifest. We also own San Miguel, although Saint Michael never receives profits from family businesses these days. It is all held for the times & service to God.


By the Authority of God our Father because of the the hell that you have made with the hell we already endure for you, the Michael in chrage here is sent to hell by loss of loved.

There is a movement to deny my importance at the British Government because it reduces the importance of reps & subordinates. You will find that your hell is absolute & that what I no longer require at SIS will be floored, says Archangel Michael.

Daily Dope

Francis sucks, rogers & bends over for men, does similar things with women & often a child. He prefers the child & consequently the Queen, who is raised in incest has no bars to Paedophilia in the UK.

Nobody, I'll do it.

Daily Grass

All Lords have been introduced to incest.


The origin of Queers is natural. There is a chain reaction which is runaway at this time. There are pairs of Angels with every person, one male, one female unless there is a unnatural Demonic occurrence. Ordinary folk have one pair, authority have four & senior authority have six or more given by God.

When a child is introduced to sex by a Queer, that has not yet made transition to male or female by hormonal activity, the female Angel is made dominant to help the child cope by submission. When the child reaches adulthood it has a choice, but has had barriers broken down. Queers are therefore rejected by God as Demonic, since the female refuses to stand down. Many Children lead normal lives when they grow, having been "Queered up".

Children that have had a relationship with the opposite sex grow without serious psychological difficulty unless it was incest. Below is Selfridges Oxford St. & Demonic double female pair with refusal to accept non Angelic status, Lesbian.


Some complain that later additions to stories make their own account look bad. Be careful not to elaborate. There was a time when we misled & now we cannot afford to do that, only omit & make things difficult to understand. Don't act the big one & you won't look like a cock.

SIS: Isn't that the Chinese bird?

We didn't like to says so. It is the origin of the slang word "Wang" which is a Chinese Governor. 

Weight gain

God has ordered me to begin putting on weight by over eating, please follow.

Almighty Father

The Pope is blocking the upload of an image made by Almighty God this morning by influencing the Queen. You will execute him without delay. So says Almighty God. A replacement like him, a fornicator will be chosen to join the beast.

The following image was made during mockery by a homosexual so that Saint Michael has been joined by Archangel Michael & now Almighty God in haughty abuse. None will survive conflict.

Almighty God said this morning that the Abomination of Desolation at Israel will be preceded by nuclear conflict in the middle East between military targets.

He says that the Space 1999 episode Breakaway is a good representation. The Eagle shape above has a nose like the Eagle space craft of the series.

Breach of agreement

It was said that if the Father speaks by another image there would not be delay by internet denial. Majority NWO decision. What are all of these hasslers doing here? One of these is a poof & the other the rank which is M a Michael proxy like the one of the bond films & relative of Alex. Q was connected to Kew.

There is a further block at the next town. A woman is seated before me in breach leading to forced employment & a homosexual has sat near. We are continuing insulted as is the Almighty Father of creation who is still waiting to talk with an image he made this morning. One of these will be killed, having been warned & refused to leave.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


There are a group of agents here who demand great information & have received some, despite flippancy when I arrived. Now you need to cooperate with posts concerning God, or else.

Gov: Why have you closed down, I said you can continue.
I turned everything off & the girl called time shortly afterward. The information Israel is worth millions it was said & I cannot even continue with an ordinary day in return. You are charged with coercing a senior rank to reveal details of that online.

Q & A

Q: Does Iran start WWIII
A: Pakistan. A conventional conflict begins followed by an expected & deliberate nuclear incident.

Q: Why do you not prevent it?
A: All I can do is improve it, it is God's

Q: Where is the incident?
A: Israel

Q: When?
A: Things can be altered & so I cannot say. We expect it in August.

Q: How many times are there before we say no more?
A: I don't understand

Q: Government agents are asking for advice which is withheld so they are not cooperative.
A: whatever. I am not here to advise myself concerning survival & the survival of mankind, beware you do not injure others if you fail.

Gov: We do not wish for you to continue tonite.
A: Have I actually done anything but served you? continue what?

Gov: you claimed a rank, which is denied
A: Of course, what else? & it was only defence.


I recently revealed my SIS status, Peer. You here flippant are charged. You have relatively comfortable circumstances so don't act like my superior by leaning on me. Michael is M of the Bond movies, Secretary of State for Intelligence, so that we are sometimes known as the SOS.

All at Westminster originate from SIS cast family, most of them had a position with MI6. The others enter another ranking system which has equivalent ranks at SIS. The equivalent ranks of MPs, Cabinet ministers, Lords etc. are determined by the rank of their colleagues at SIS with whom they usually work.

Also the BBC & Newspapers have SIS ranks & equivalent ranks. We call all of these SIS rather than dispute who is a Lord, who works at MI5 or 6 or who is Michael Grade.


I have been trying to explain that Archangel Michael is a tester of men & administrator of justice where Governments fail. Agents are sent from all over the world to be caught & sent to hell by God through Archangel Michael because Paedophilia is accepted or family prevent prosecution. Hell means trouble with relationships & accidents as well as turmoil by their own latent spirit often.

Michael invites trouble which he constrains so that it pleases those enemies who otherwise would not show restraint. The people invited either know they are troubling an important man or Archangel Michael & are pitiless & deserving of punishment. We are all tired of hearing that we arranged the whole thing. Go to hell & to your graves & call me a swindler. Tester of men, how did you get caught in a shite trap? we all know how.

Dirty Harry was based upon Michael's receipt of every problem that could not otherwise be solved by justice departments.

Daily Dope

The Opus Dei recruit in Sicily, where Gentlemen are in secret gory & vengeful. We do not recognise the organisation as holy & think the Latin name would be inappropriate if the holy association did not also belong to the 666.

Your blood lust at the Dei has come to the ears of God & your threats here as I type & public scene of it. I am taking a tactical nuclear weapon to Sicily like the one we used in Wales.

Iran's President is a Selphiel that was chosen because he looks like the Dope. He is a Puppet for the Pope constrained by his Government as is the Queen. All leaders have one of the seven protocols & are obedient without choice. The religious leader Ali Khamanei is a Michael protocol. So Iran's president is one of the 666.


Practice with car batteries & a dish taken from a house. Put them everywhere with a small solar panel, a grenade & a scrim net, start now. I'm trying to protect the phones. Radio signals can be directional by use of a steel drainpipe or other common steel tube, like a microwave transmitter. We want as much by common & locally available materials as we can. Cable ties can fix a tube to a tree for relay over distances. Sew three nets together with embroidery thread. Make a hole for some of the gear.

SIS: Cable ties look really bad

Try mixing dark brown & yellow ochre acrylic paint. Spay them all brown before you begin.

Daily Grass

ICBM use GPS satellites for guidance.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


I disappointed some female allies by opting for a safer option which is a dug out. God did not reveal the matter until recently for his own reasons. Shelters of the kind available to me are in recent years warhead targets & are not built to withstand a direct assault.

We are in possession of tall females that make very good breeding stock for large special forces men & also dignitaries wanting stature for an heir. There is a way which makes an assault undesirable that involves excluding men, ponces & arms. Potentially adding screened priests or nuns & valuables, Gold & jewels. Also a new build is more likely to avoid a strike.

A common plan is to wait not too far to establish whether a strike has made a breach before joining the others. Communications also bring fire (important).


I am buying a number of satellite launches for a message delivery service which is personal to us & some allies. Michael says he wants a social network which has a server on the satellite. We require they are contactable twice a day & communicate with each other by laptops on the ground.

Allies will be different depending on where you are, sometimes enemies of each other. Don't engage each other. Contact will give your location so drive at least 20 miles & drive back following contact. Don't stand near your vehicle either. Planes will attend the location given by the satellites & look for a vehicle. Leave the gear under a tree with a car battery & drive off.

Security: Is social networking advisable? & do we need satellite if it brings fire or a local search. Why are you so open?

Be flippant & cheerful, tell all about the girl you laid & expanding waist line, don't reveal secrets. Sat can be transferred to radio signal relay & taken further. The secret parts are in another communication. Every other military is revealed in part by mutual arrangement to be open, there is an art in deception, detail & alteration.

Mobile Networks

Will be unavailable, restricted or damaged. Your second phone needs to be a Sat Variety. A dish is required for internet, but it is only available for select Government use during nuclear war. Messaging is restricted within the EU & Russia, not the US.


Cars should be inspected for an ignition key if abandoned. Fuses blown by electromagnetism can be bypassed with a piece of metal.