The Archangel Michael

Friday, September 20, 2019


Do you have spare fuses in case electromagnetism disables your vehicle? Park near cover, disconnect your battery (switch). Keep your vitamins in your pocket in case you need to fast to recover from contaminated supplies. Sew an NBC bag.


I told you how to hit warheads, a large calibre Minigun at the target firing before it enters range by about a second or two, likewise a field gun can send a shell or a rocket if all are linked to a computer to be fast enough. There is a very great number of nuclear weapons & you should not waste these things on cities, only to evacuate smaller areas before another attempt. Empty food stores on the outskirts of town. Make sure the computer can cope with white out.

A population warned to fill their car with the contents of the larder can be an alternative food & vehicle source, tell them. Send them to high ground, don't shoot able bodied men or attractive women.


Retired Michael UK servicemen are required & also Michael CIS for employment with Apollyon in ground force roles at my destination. There is to be a CIS clairvoyant with every team. Large, female & youthful are being detached from SIS operations.

I am paying for the very best equipment, take my adonised minigun & things I ordered, like my lightweight Lee Enfield. Have them engraved with my identification. You are all to wear tight NBC under ordinary clothes, make use of the colour brown & thin material. Perhaps hunting & farmer's wear, Wellys, riding gear etc.

God has blessed the Lee Enfield that you will not waste a properly aimed round. Where is the silencer? God help us.

Whore of Babylon

According to account in 2 Esdras Vatican dwellers will head downward to tunnels. Find the entrances & pick them up. CIS will work with me to find the shite, who will be shot. The others will serve the community.


Are probably needed in the UK with urgency. Abandon positions in range until the area is secure & be prepared to return. Also UK troops return without delay. Try to avoid further nuclear detonations. Others will need to abandon positions to replace them, to block the Western advance.

Apollyon are mine & the Almighty Father's, don't make a fuss or they won't return to you. Sat. Phone in every chopper please. Numbers to everybody.

Greater Cydonia

This is about special forces shooting nukes at me & the spirit of me might rise.


Also Tanks. Do not depend on fire because smoke will betray you. Flour is greater than rice in the circumstances.

This is how to make a better shelter, by layered chambers with thin segments.


The shelters around London which have raised Earth above them are all destined to be destroyed. They are capable of surviving a medium sized WWII bomb. Englishmen might ask the Scottish, Irish & Welsh whether they could discreetly bury a container or two in a national park.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


There are restricted images, one of them appears to show my form in a breached casing & I now recommend alternative shelter to all but the immoral. If you can't get it then study my recommendations for filling the back of a car & use the map of flooding I provided. Avoid areas where there are people or buildings in general.

Or you can backpack. This could be a recommendation. Make several trips & dig a trench for things in double bin bags.

Have a go

Can anybody find something interesting in this map which is like our globe (Mars). Click to enlarge.

Feedback: I can't define anything properly

I can't see anything either. Try here.

This is in the same position as the fowl that attacks the Indian with the bow, advanced a little. Somebody is trying to morph the image to discover what the features mean.

However the round rear of the bird appears to be replicated above

There is a little Dragon beneath & the fibrous feet & tail can be defined above. Alright, do your best & I'll return to it another day. Look for the big circle near the Pyramids, what else is there?


Jesus is the host flesh of World Archangel Selaphiel, he is passed away & his soul is in heaven awaiting resurrection with the present host of World Selaphiel the Pope. He is spoken to often by myself & Cardinals, also Government officers who have legal status to consult his soul in much the same way as Samual was spoken to while asleep in his relative, that is the Kingdom of heaven within us.

God has made all things to interact with each other, but is fondest of Selaphiel & the Christians who adore & give all things to God hoping for compensation in heaven, or at least that's the idea, most are struggling to improve themselves. Christianity is the privilege of the poor & common people & I myself rarely get the opportunity to advance it in my own life.

When I was born Saint Michael the year was 1970, which meant one nine (first in opposition to the evil Government (reverse 6)), Seven Zero, which means not Christian. I am called Alpha & God has honoured me more than any other man with images on Mars & Pluto as well as on earth & wonderful talk in Rev 12 & Daniel, however I am not a good example for those who are not in Government. That is the task of Jesus.


Make me a mask of plastic coated Kevlar based upon this Cydonian feature please. Needs carbon, cut up an old NBC suit. Looks like the cap badge of the Northumberland Fusiliers UK infantry, they had a picture of me on the badge (Rev 12).

We think this ia a warning about an 'Arrow'. Cover their neck & have a popper removing mouth cover.


I do not require shelter following instruction from Mars. God will sustain me again.

Apollyon are ordered to the areas of the UK not having been flooded at the close of five months & to use the UK as some kind of retreat & gathering for redirection. I'll look for you, make sure the pilots know who I am.

There is a V & St. Peter's cross that make the head of an animal at the right hand, which means unrepentant. I believe I am supposed to tell you that the Whore of Babylon is unrepentant. "North West" or "City Pyramid"

There is a great deal of reprisal for this communication which is God our Father, like Rev 17, which also causes reprisals & is even largely absent online. Put them all to death. CIS are reporting incidents & responsibility.

The form of a Trident means sexual debasement.


Questions are asked by seniors about God's intentions following imagery from the very dawn of creation which dictated events. like this for example:

The images are hairy & horned like an animal with hoofs. God created men above the animals, but their behaviour is not always above them. There is a lot of pain & sexual confusion in the animal Kingdom. There is conflict between animal humans & those who recognise & obey God. It arises from the quality of the soul, animal souls are incompetent & degrade themselves. They are like those who spend their wages without thrift for lack of self control, they take whatever they desire & at the end have nothing, when others have a new car & bigger house.


Communications Intelligence Service are a very secretive operation, or were before I blew a whistle on them. Archangel Michael is a very senior Angel & has authority over CIS which the Government complains about. CIS are Angelic operations sometimes known as signals, because of secret speech & cooperation by their own language.

CIS are infiltration & monitor of communities & Government stations, all serious intelligence comes by them & excuses are made for the acquisition of information. They are very important in their time, however only those known as Michael & Selaphiel are of any real use for reform, damage limitation or mercies until conflict because of the other very senior Archangels. This site is for reform & damage limitation.

There are Seven spirits which make up the Holy Spirit, five are fallen & two are. The death of 666, which is the five plus Lucifer & their Government relays will make CIS fully operable around the world.


The desolation of the Earth has a silver lining in the short term & goodness in the mid to long term. The second coming of Christ accompanies a new era & Michael is ordered to kill the wicked everywhere, so that people are no longer abused by heathen & cruel Governments, but taught love for one another instead of how to masturbate pre-teen or how to fight each other & attempt to impregnate randomly in media or how to battle with the opposite sex for just a few examples of manipulation.

This is Sierra Leone which is the richest country in Africa. The Queen robbed it spilling the blood of their nationals as well as the UK military.

Abuses abroad by the Queen & the US & abuses of their own people by Russia has brought an end to their Governments at this time by suicidal attacks on others. Other Governments are like them without the influence. All politics is bought & sold in the developed world & none of them care for their people beyond economic benefits by international crime. At home contracts are given to expensive suppliers for personal payments.

The two most important things are to establish church administrations over communities, bringing children up away from those who remember former ways first & second to remove all former Governors who are not for any way but the way to personal wealth & are cruel. That's all of them.


Like the PM thinks he can be called my representative & then work openly in cooperation with enemies to mislead & misrepresent. He will be killed in an unpleasant manner in the day. I have been celibate 30 years & he portrayed us as enjoying sex. My celibacy is very important to the church that sustains my life.

Behold the arrogant before God.

Feedback: Rees-Mogg is upheld by apology

I was not asking you. I was informing.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Reports here are good concerning international relations but usually delayed. Russia has welcomed attack helicopters made abroad & are trying to use civil choppers as alternatives already they say. Michael spoke to them about padding out staff with engineers & keeping chopper factories running at night. Russia are not willing to use their own production & we are agreed to import.

There is a little spoken of prop aircraft Apollyon effort. Almighty God has approved Apollyon in the heat of conflict, where many are blessing him for help. He aims to manipulate at the front lines to see things progress as he wishes without complications.

Concerns about MANPAD are being met with ideas like dropping a network of special forces where they expect to be moving around, to avoid detection by satellite in umbrella mode. Sandbags help trenching. We can pick you up if you lay down.


The CIA studied satellite photos at roughly the same time as Mars photographs & this 1977 image from "Sinbad & the eye of the tiger" it is evidence that they noticed the topography of the bird's foot on a man. I conclude that the NWO has been for the destruction of Earth since the mid seventies.

This 1976 film "At the Earth's core" is thought to be a response to the threat of war along the lines of the speech of the Almighty Father of creation. The "Helter Skelter" at Cydonia, Mars. More money has gone into the weapons than the tunnels by about $300,000.00:1. Michael said that between himself & Selaphiel progress is made at hindering total destruction & total death.


Coup UK

We need to be sensible about the timing of a coup to save the UK. It cannot be that everything is lost before we find the excuse. We need everything military relocated so that it is not buried alive with Tutankhamun. That is does not die in ceremony with the Queen. Copycat coup nobody needs when the map below is marred by radiation. You need the Word of God that wins conflicts & halts famines, not a Jock that nails his daughter nor a German that watches his daughter lick her mother. Don't be annihilated.

Make a better job of this flood & nuke map.