The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


There has been a lot of money changing hands to push the button. Governments are under contract with the beast to honour undisputed scripture. You will kill one third part of enemies, & become a part of my own Airforce afterward or be obliterated by breach of agreement.

You have five months, I want all aircraft down, hunt them. In the air before daylight. Forward positions, excel because God has provided. I am taking advantage of five months guaranteed success to serve God by downing all bombers on all sides. God doesn't like bombers & you are ordered to get them down or are in breach of agreement.

Your other task is to prevent Western movement of Russian forces. There is not time to be idle, find the action.

530 lighter

I'm sure you've heard that the Earth's orbit will be a catastrophe, along with nuclear winter & all populated areas over about 2km or perhaps less destroyed. Along with out of town warhead targets like superstores & maintenance works. As well as that these bombers are supposed to make sure everything else useful, away from warhead efficient areas is gone. 

There is an agreement to depopulate which has become total destruction of peoples by insolence as well as personal issues between East & West. That is to be achieved by nuclear bombers. Calm it down. Best camera footage collection makes promotion. Better accommodation etc. officer's privileges.


Does not represent my views & those of Archangel Michael are not necessarily portrayed accurately or the source of his performance at all.


Are to identify all Raphael protocol British Government for side tracking, unemployment & general distraction.

To the death

The US want to challenge me. US Government vs Archangel Michael to the death. I cannot speak to you arrogant fools while you see fame, riches & military on your side. God will destroy you whose messenger is all we are.

You are found guilty of crimes against Saint Michael to the point of attempting to kill numerous times, with mutilation & long term serious harassment, including prevention of reign to preserve life in the UK & abroad. You are all sentenced to death without exception.

So says God


What makes a MANPAD bounce off? Put it around your heat.


The US are for annihilation following threats to kill me, the Pope & finish Apollyon forces with nuclear weapons for carrying out the work of God. Remember their destruction by flooding of every coastal place & kill them. God is with us, make haste to kill all aircraft. Train to fire on approaching aircraft earlier. Disengage at five months or you'll be wasted, politics.

Feedback: How earlier?

Head towards them beneath 100 m because they have your position. Hit them before they nuke. Move the nearest row of the grid at them rear to the sides. There is a local warning for ICBM about fifteen minutes (need less than ten). Cruise are low yield (150kt, 2km safe), they appear to be an aircraft.

US: we regret our statement

A statement is not your problem, it is your domineering. Who am I? Michael is a culprit & i am a joke to you who the bible call great. You are not for God.

Feedback: what is the target in the picture?



Lamp posts are able to send wifi one to another & can help move communications to an improvised mast.

Feedback: Keep it quieter

The NWO will put it in a national publication & say they did it (again).

Royal gun

There were golden guns retrieved from Iraq. I have ordered a Gatling gun which is more expensive to produce & I expect the best armour piercing ammunition with it. I also want with it Royal revolving grenade launchers for my immediate company in a clash. Security can squabble over them, I intend to surrender.


NATO are disappointed that I want to shoot at their bombers as well a Russian bombers. I am supported by God & you should not even be using them. If Russia were not coming to my authority with forces I would not even fire on them, like every non nuclear power.

We need more missiles, the US intend to nuke our helicopters as well as flood the country. Take down all US aircraft including fighters. A no fly zone for anything but the host country booked at traffic control, book no bombers. Firing on all radar blips produces better results than having to wait for confirmation.


This story is supported by the Angels which work with Governments & Jesus did arrive at this town after his Crucifixion. Further he went to Sinai & to the place where Moses Married & the ending of the film "The last Temptation of Christ" was based on his own marriage to Moses' descendant to produce a blood line, which is these days used to provide Cardinals & Popes.

He also stayed at Ein Gedi, where he learned skilfully to tread the water of the Dead Sea as a youth in the wilderness. The account of him walking on water in Galilee is a clear mistake in view of the treadable water nearby. Do not believe everything you hear from sycophants but believe accounts of lessons.

Here is a lesson: Those who adore are low & their company a bind for those adored, for the ill conduct that accompanies their love. "How long must I be with you?" Jesus exclaimed.

Archangel Michael

There is a conflict between Michael & the fallen Angels of the Dragon documented in Rev 12. They have determined to blame Michael for everything, they call us Iran & arranged an Iranian missile which we had to subvert. There are other attempts to blame me as well & I was only a small boy when Space 1999 & Whoops Apocalypse etc. detailed events for Nancy & some of the others.

World Government has always involved Archangel Michael & he cannot walk away without input because there is a jiz party of Demons running amok. Michael tries to keep people from killing & destroying more than they need to according to the real scripture & feed the hungry.

For example we are serious about dropping all nuclear bombers, & that means those of NATO countries also.

Feedback: We don't like the last bit

Don't pollute the Earth & ruin all of the facilities.


The speed of Russian advance in Europe is critical. Poland is flat fields without fences or obstacles of any kind & West Germany thought to be flooded. The advance from Belarus through Poland to East Germany is a doddle & then the US will lose interest.

The NWO has forbidden interference with plans so that well advised remarks about taking the fight into Russian territory are dismissed. I am not a world leader but a commander of forces like those usually used to annoy, but more serious because I am not a CIA leader like those of Hezbollah, IRA, IS etc. who are constrained by NWO agreements. We will try to take the fight into Belarus & Russia.


I am happy with veterans of most ages so long as there is no leg work involved, also both sexes in most circumstances, no leg & work no occupations lifting for girls. Modern military is basic but for tech because of insolence in Government & stuffy ways bred by strict lifestyles, & God's work is complex. These are good for me. Still there are variables for complexity, some girls lift & carry, occupations for them with the men if they have their steroids & can be sent to the other girls.

Apollyon are forbidden landing, driving or walking in a radioactive area slightly above normal. Your NBC is not good for activity & your metal will knock everything near it afterward. You heard the scripture about the grievous lives of the enemy, keep out.

Do not stay with your vehicles, keep them in sight.

A Russian patrol felt lethargic in the field so that one hit the Geiger counter hard, at which it burst into life at the full end of the dial. "Everyone back on the truck!" the leader said. They parked the truck next to the mess hall, where they ate on metal plates & drank from metal mugs with their rifles at their side & they all died in three weeks.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


God has informed me that the US are unlikely to support Europe in the latter stages of war, but will be present challenging Russia as they make their way across the EU toward Germany.

Belarus is a military ally of Russia & provides a fast route to Poland where they have to be delayed by digging now. Belarus needs to be hammered in the early days of war - Apollyon. All routes should irradiate vehicles, stealth irradiation is better. Nuclear waste please Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine.

Helicopters should umbrella beyond the limit of their radar a Kilometre or two, perhaps more & relocate every 20 minutes in position to avoid ICBM & Cruise.

Nancy Pelosi

We simply said it was Satan that set the man on fire outside of the Whitehouse. It was specifically Raphael, who has been doing a similar thing in Tibet.


Members are not glued to these posts but make an effort to observe. I am not responsible for ideas picked up by them. They can get ideas any place at all they frequent or visit. A lot of people want to operate helicopters like me, they do not have the biblical assurance of one third enemy casualties by them like me.

Apollyon UK

Further to my post about redirecting Helicopters under contract to the UK or near, the UK are keen to be involved. We have a serious problem which is the Prophesy of the fall of the Queen's authority. The only way I can be linked to the UK is by retired pilots under my own authority as if a General of mercenaries that do not answer to the doomed authority, but to me & in cooperation with Apollyon forces nearby.

The greatest thing about being independent is that battles are not won & lost on the telephone for duped servicemen. We are outside of the NWO & you are in control of your destiny & life.


The death of the former Plantagenet head was a conspiracy which Michael fought for about ten years before we could hold trouble off no longer.

In order of blame:

David Cameron UK official
Bob Marshal Andrews UK official
Mark Reckless UK official


Elizabeth II
Pope Benedict
Nancy Pelosi
Barak Obama
Vladamir Putin
Valentina Matvienko

Apollyon Missiles

There are various forms of rigging for different types of mission. Mainly there are three roles which are missile air defence, insurging air defence & mopping. The first two have nuclear warheads on heat seeking missiles & the last Minigun, Flamethrower & Hellfire missiles. No serious disputes please because I am the biblical King over the success & should be trusted as well as obeyed.


Are made by Elohim on behalf of our Almighty God like all flora & are shaped so because they are dangerous to eat in a radioactive area for extended contamination of the fruit. Trees are also shaped like the clouds & form a barrier to radiation so that a thick wood makes a home where there would not have been one.