The Archangel Michael

Monday, April 29, 2024

Irish Arrogant

There was a break in last night via the Roof again less than a Year following an ICBM attack warning about the roof broken into. At the same time photos from the site failed analysis by battery drain & intetnet blocking the whole morning. No.10 & Boris are senior blaming Cara who was present & or David when it suits. Boris is reported to be especially unconcerned by Nuclear threat. Cara is in an advanced state of Brain damage so that we are calling Caracalla Crown responsible, leaning on the heir to incapacity.

Pilate & Forces not sorry

Amazed at the unrepentant Moody & Hostile group of Crossiers, God explained they don't give a Shit because they already Sacked a Continent with Cruelty to Innocent Households sweeping Eurasia. Nuclear Conflict is only more sudden, endangering them.

Monkeys are paid Peanuts

The PM is clearly a Man Monkey hybrid, Hair, Ears, Policies. We need him Darted in the Bottom by Zoo Security. China borders India & an Indian PM is a Critical Security problem.


The Sunak Family have embezzled more than 200m from Stocks & Policy exchange, often allowing China direct & known Chinese Proxies to Injure National Defence capability. Missile Defence Structure, incorporated Defence Product & Mission analysis, Defence expert harassment delay & prevention etc. for Personal Finance.

Report: Chinese War

Overpopulation & agreement to Skirt Seniority has made Nuclear Conflict advisable to China they believe.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Talyor: Dickhead

Before they labotomised Cara She made the Irish Crown opinion of Taylor's US Irish Policy clear enough.


The US have obtained majority via Yen paid through Wales to Scotland @ the Palace, proxy for Rome.


I am beyond surprise at facial recognition based employment of walk throughs, it's unusual to get the body accurate though. This Murdered Swift accomplice is a Plasticated Body. 

Early Websites

I began with simple capability on Facebook, Yahoo groups & here:

Owl & the Pussy Cat (indo-chinese delay)

The Bong Tree turned out to be the J shaped Jesus Grave Silver Birch. I took some Photos near the Belgium Mushroom Cloud Shot Today. We'll draw on them later. A David Eye appears with an Owl & Pussy cat. Content related to recent Photos.

I am usually still surprised by the Agency when they take data & refuse to allow me to process it myself. Ordinarily stolen Photos. Stupid behaviour reducing cooperation.


The Kray Gang had the Family of David Intruders. Rajeev Sharma used to call Ken (Ron Intruder) Dildo because his Brother bulked while he stayed thin. He used to call my Father Charlie,  Cross referencing the Report.

There have been multiple Reports since 2014 that Police are waiting for me to smack David up for Triple Surgery. Fat Men of Roman Baths amuse themselves, trained men are Gladiators to them, House of Commons Intruder set.

Ron Kray Apocalypse Div

Ron Shot George following an incriminating Arthur execution reconstruction post resurrection of Jesus Mary & Joseph. He could've put the Gun to his own Eye since he was taken One Hemisphere out himself & somebody else put in cuffs.

Hitchcock 1935

Paranormal Homework: Clock Seconds in the 39 Steps 

Look for references to WWI & WWII then reassess WWIII Dates. The Evidence is result of the clash of Foreign Spirits with locally born beginning with Rome & cooperative Today, with what would have been peace without the contention.

Report 2025

This 1935 Report required a technical defeat by David's authority following a challenge. Age 55 the Irish Quarter are upon a Steed (Horus) holding my Hair as the ID Bark Image. The Pony of Ken & Cara make it the responsibility of their Senior: Boris intruder & those he was & is responsible to at Senate.

Why do we have an Irish authority challenge to the English Crown? Are they important people or a minority of disgruntled gatherers in an uncommon Pub? They thought to rule the future as well as their day & God's realm in it.

You are witnessing cooperation failure. Critical points were made & God refused to cooperate with causes & explanations for what has been forced agenda by a subordinate intelligence. Key incidents defy explanations.

Periodic enforcement here

Contact Cara often, punishments Her end, challenge David, no longer English authority an Irish subordinate, connect to Horus.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Well well well

So we come to understand why Rebecca was noisome at the Well & why some bathed or Pissed, they were those who left with Lucifer (David) when the people liked Jesus called Jack. God is for the Native People in all places, because those born there are known to & part of that localised Omnipresence of God. The Spirit enters new Flesh & returns to colleagues & Friends upon Death.

Today there are problem makers threatening Police response, having squared up like a Man, like the Soldiers of Pilate who said give way. When we imploded here our intruders were Military Cavalry, not Leaders of Rome, who all but some went to London & have the Money that condemns, so difficult to conceal & enjoy both. Sweaty Socks in Tartan Togas the Senate where decisions are made, Westminster.

The Cavalry found themselves put to Blood only because the Senate thought they hadn't justified their income without dying.

A Hat was discovered near the Well believed to belong to St. John

Rebecca Report

The Intruders of the Two Brothers are scheduled for Jordan & Calum Sons of Rebecca.

Bald Runt

Family members that are incapable make excuses to gather a Mob in place of a challenger or have an outsized support nearby. Typically gory to make themselves hard.
Rebecca: Basket of flowers in place of the Water Vessel & beyond Archangel "I" the Bald One. Neither very subtle for the locality. 

Evidence is mounting that Police are taking place of Roman Soldier support for Baldy for a 2025 head sawing & Jesus to Paul category office reduction. I always say if you had a result keep doing it, you're Apocalypse News.

Examaining Paul for opposites

We spoke about Joel's Mirror, what about Paul?

But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed.
Peter was behind Jesus or at one side & struck him. 11: Concerning Ones Rights or Justice.

Galatians 2
12For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision.
He ate with us, when they came he stood with me having no fear of those cut off. 12: Concerning Crucifixion 
13And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation.
The other Family were not hostile & not my Son by Veronica. 13: Concerning Death.

This One is interesting:
19 For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God. 

I live by the Law & Die to God or for God. 19 concerns Light especially of the Son. It indicated submission forced by Crucifixion separated from God, 19 means shut up in the circumstances. Called Epiphany Jesus was in a reduced position by the slaughter & torture for standing up.

Voice from the Grave

In the wide Mouth of the Victim is explanation. The deseased is assisted by his community at Omnipresence, who together drew the Voice of the Red Breast of a Robin. He was killed for warning the Leadership against Sex enforcement (Red condition Toothed SE direction pointed Tongue. Extended Index Finger NW (related threat)).

Puke of Kent

The Duke of Kent has David's appearance. Get rid of him & get someone Athletic with curly Hair like me.  England Throne insolence.


The former Queen 's Intruders presided over Jesus & Joseph's Brain death requiring resurrection in the 40s & 1970, competition for Church & moral Leadership. Jesus Thyroid, Bollock etc. Avian implants continue & were reintroduced. We require Eye for Eye justice. 

There were Two Puddles of Sick walking down the road. One said to the other why are you weeping? The other answered I was brought up around here.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Grave within Temple

The Grave here is that which was pillaged by Kier for Diana DNA. It was the Kin into which Jesus Left Hemisphere passed. It was destroyed of contents When Mordred became aware of retribution by the Son & complained to Pharoah.

Early example of Mosaic

Starmer: "i'll come up there myself"

Miracles of Jesus

Most modest miracles are information in the presence of God, history, secret crime, International declassification. Miracles before I arrived at Moriah were often miracles of drunkenness. I drank 24 cans of beer on Christmas day without training or serious drunkenness. I also shattered a Crossiers Nose in one of the slowest fights in History. It actually took 2000 yrs to connect the hit, which was achieved while I couldn't stand up easily.

So you get the Picture here, the truth is not as you've heard it, but it is still the legitimacy of God, whoever that turned out to be. Embrace God Creator whoever that is. 

There is an obvious drive of the Catholics to present Lucifer as the alternative to their favourite, an evil Man who was Joseph's pest & possessor, father Christmas, & Ronnie Kray. Father of Lies was a hint. Jesus was Catholic favourite & is skint Today hearing of Ancient torture & a Dick in the Eye Socket of Arthur. There is no real Kingdom of Lucifer or Christ worked One to balance the other, only the Kingdom of Boris' Intruder.

US Radio domination: White Artists excluded

Taylor Swift is being promoted by exclusion of White DJs on UK Radio One, paid to be reluctant to play white Music other than Swift. Chinese Money to the Pentagon. Swift Songs attempt to manipulate Secret Polls by exaduration, omittion & innuendo.

The Evolution of Death

Trial & error are not the Evolution of Life but of Death. God consciously evolves DNA by causing Death by direction of the Spirit. 

Roman evolution of Death

Unintelligent methods that stripped bare were used to accomplish so that denial enabled ill considered magnification of Leaders & ill advised gain, you Mugs.

Careless short term advancement Pen & Inks