The Archangel Michael

Friday, January 31, 2025


The old Bag used to send every troubled Female my way. Now She's gone, if you ignore Muddleton, I'm well enough connected to recieve Office. They like the Heart thing & are responding to exchanges in return for substantially denial recovery for Men. They especially like Women's things like Pregnancy & Clothing concessions.

Dungeon Report

The Vent Pipe is found to be faked, only about 14" long Dirt beneath. Signs have appeared mentioning March that appear to be enquiring if it's ok to go ahead with traditional gory murders if they might worsen an Apocalypse.

Well to Hell Cover Story, Wikipedia. Adrian Harper runs it for Boris, who Cyphers with a "Boris Burrow". Funny Man.

Lost Future

We need to go back to the Future because of a fashion anomaly. The Present is not how we portrayed it. We are looking into Nurse Uniforms that are like XXL, not related to the former & not consulting Nurses.

Mi11: CNC

The Military Security operating in the Area are called i11 because it looks like ill, Radiation irresponsibility. The nuisance scarred my face with their ID indicating responsibility on a poster next to their Horsted Bomb. Terminate & remove Elliot's Military Factory.

Cara has been enslaved to SO11 at Horsted along with Her Irish ontourage living nearby because of Her Crown Security clearances & a Relative of Ben Elliot. They all have Senior IRA friends.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Labour Gov. Crappy

I've got Kemi using Labour Gov. Staff @ DWP to issue income threats unless I approve Conservative Cara to Washington from Moriah. You are all a bunch of Lunatics, God issues statements here, not me. Ill informed & ridiculous.

Cara has been Brain damaged since Neuro Surgery in 2015 & refuses to recognise me. The Labour & Republican Gov. should've repaired damage done to me by the Blues, not injured also. 

Stupid Orangutan

I feel like i"ve been bombarded with Coconuts since God said remove the Bush Business. They paid Boris & Kin to Lamp me sore, count me out if you can't compensate or pay me for the former jobs.

I don't know how Pilate can exist after that Biblical Desolation Scripture with modern additions. That's him making a Flood every time a new Leader or Monarch sits, him & the Two Cops. 


 God threatened Nuclear outbreak Yesterday.

Discovering World Leaders

They all have Avian connected to Boris that own Factories. Avian move from one to another.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Heaven's Door

I almost completed Today. I vaguely recognise the Lyrics, Jesus is called Jack. Knocking on Heaven's Door. Don't knock God said because there is an International Security problem.

Keep Door: A Porch, raised Step, narrow & low needing a duck & sideways entry. 

Delegation Turbulance Mansplained

May & the Princess of Wales containing the Queen want Cara to be central figure on the English Quarter Three Lions/Trident & on Moriah because I'm Male. 

Cara fails Qualification for being Irish not English, having a German representation on the Lions, not known as the Son of God Resident on Moriah, supported by an aggressive challenge to that Authority. I refused Her representation of me in Washington & agreed to Emma who is the same status, but a freind not a Collegue, along with others. Emma was rejected & now God says Jana & the German Girls were arranged long ago for bad circumstances.

The Titles were all dismissed because of coup led by Poice. If Cara or anyone else wants to visit Donald there are plenty of flights & their own authority. Female insistence I hand my representation of God & England to a near & competing Female is a testimony that Women shouldn't manage anything.

The Queen was such a bad Manager an enormous debt to Men is left after 70 yrs of negligence.

Inner Space Probe disaster

I dreamed I awoke with Cara lying next to me because of a Team's Bed share in the Room. She had Her Clunge bunged with some kind of block. I woke & God said She has a Queer Lover by design to work Her Ass for punishment.

Scratch & Sniff

Cara is on the Avian Government communications Network involving raiding bands most nights & lazy mornings in Bed. I don't know what the options are exactly, I try to stay aloof. 

Lowest paid Civil Servant

I get less than the Legal requirement for work & have to speak to Senior Government at Home & Abroad as well as indulge agreeable Government content here. The Female collective under the Hag have targeted my income.

It's obvious we need better management at the DWP. Start by making a proper representation of Sexes. They are all Female & Homosexuals employed under the Queen, working old Administration. Most are guilty of political threats to starve Children on the benefits system.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Middleton out

Tell Kate Middleton to stop breaking in here at Night with the fuk band. They form a Human hostile hierarchy communicating with Avianoid implants at proximity. The exclusion of Human Management & Partner choice for purity of Animal Government is Apocalypse. Pervert.

Apocalypse Case File: The Necromancer

Find the sources of this Roof cutting in Judge Dredd. Creep looks like Gulvin. The Scenario went ahead with an ICBM Cloud Report against.

Democrat nuisance

A Man called Gouy Hamilton Fisher has been identified as an Obama Avianoid Host. Search & Destroy Democrat & Conservative Leadership.

Police Chief

The Chief Constable has become known as the Flyd in the U.S. He is creating a new Security problem here & blocking a Labour Government Post this morning using Cara's Conservative surround, a handful of People called "the Joker" presumably he is the Joke.

The Government requested Communication was blocked by an ordinary standard of Rape & touching of supportive Labour Peerage & their Children, that they refused to prevent for a Direct Government order. Habitual former Government Policies are normally continued until individuals are seriously injured or removed like a stupid Animal that can't be spoken to.

Old Hag

Elizabeth's Pearls & sour Puss declare potumous problems with the Brain transplanted Left Hemisphere. There was denial that Brain trandplantation could work with micro precision. She has been exposed as the Emperor to May's Darth Vadar, Star Wars Story lines are very inaccurate.

Females have been found abandoning Red Peerage positions to support Female causes with Blue under the Hag & the Female collective.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Moriah Authority called small

Disrespect for Diplomats, raids & occupation by forces are very stupid. Where did all of those Nuclear Weapons come from? God moves vast resources upon you who grab & rape at an opportunity. The Authority you dismiss Annihilates you like a Fool. The critical thing is the Whitehouse would recieve Messengers on our terms, but you are a collection of Dickheads preventing. Kill opposition to peace.

Three Lions

An argument against the English of the Three, others Germany & France in the English Quarter subdivision is impudent. Cara's German group supported by Jade's French opposes my rise with Cara's opportunity. They are refusing One is up when the other is down & shitting because I'm in charge here. The Titles enable operability with my consent. The inevitably doomed resistance on the English Quarter platform is called "Three" ironically.

All Traffick

Police Seniors & Irish in Washington are Couping up the Hill with the Two, who are like Women scorned making it worse. Cara is ex-sponged & Jade is irrelevant & negative at the outset.


God said the Two have been subject to the Female collective under Elizabeth still at Large & Baronesses at Lords especially.

God angry

God said Animal behaviour in Washinton forbidding Senior Staff is also in Kent & London, where they are unable to meet without having Sex with each other. He said a Human Mission from the Lord of Hosts having a World Religious position should not be subjected to Porn or other Sex acts if they have Women with them for that purpose.

Human relations are expected to be as witnessed in open Media & in Public Places. Animal intruder implants have presumed secrecy continually exposed here, without 

Internet blocking: God says kill them.


They are found supporting the shadow Prime Minister against their Government with Negro Radio saturation carried from a big push shortly before the Conservatives left.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Internet block on Moriah

A Report revealed the stubborn policy that does not respect transition of Government Blue to Red is of a Captive life endangered Group fronted by Cara. Control efforts here are serious & both Cara & Emma are banned by God until further notice.

The Government refuses to accept Cara is not Senior on this Hill. She is a Trafficked Cardboard cut out unwilling or incapable of connecting, every outreach a Copper's excuse to open doors & make trouble, they hate this Hill.

News following Cara's dismissal put a Crown on Her Head & claimed She's free. She's not been free since she began. Clean their Ears with a Gun. This is how bad: I tried again to include Her inviting Her to take the first photo of the Tree stump Image. A group of men showed up instead putting out feelers for an assault, creeping outside in numbers.

Holly contempt: I have an Agent called Holly who has been fifteen yrs longer than Cara. The depiction is stubborn & stupid, Cara is not in authority here & is not opening doors for you Shite with mime.

Jana & Holly original are going to Washington The Two can cope with the ordinary Animal behaviour. The Ladies "in waiting" are all German from trips to Berlin & Jerusalem.


Signals on the Property ask for thick Logs of Trees left lying, leading to a lower, stumpless cut policy. They also appear to indicate the Ash are a negative inclusion. Food chain opportunity is the obvious reason on the tiny property.

Princess of Zion

The B Category Title for non Family or disgraced Senior Royals is awarded Jana, Ambassador to the Son of the Czech Republic. The desimation of former efforts to form a Diplomatic Group lead to the Foreign Agent, that pleases & a larger number of Ladies in support.

Legal action: Sotherbys

The Auctioneers have a Monet on dusplay as well as other rubbish with a picture demonizing Veronika that used information from this Website & a Trespasser to encourage & romanticise Crucifixion of Her. We are in a struggle with imbecilies in authority to prevent Biblical Desolation based upon the Three Crucifixions, One Life dependent on the available support of the others.

Traffic Police

The Gang are beating Women trying to mind their own business God said Yesterday. He said give them all a smack without exception. He remarked they are all losers in conflicts with other males & are an easy battle for show.

Democrat Shite

God says the Bush Family hit the Twin Towers & escalated COVID for finance. He said remove their assets to Rebublican control.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Dangerous Tree Stumped

A Tree Stump having markings like the Crucifixion of Veronika was removed Today. An Image can be seen. Gulvin appears in Wood Chips a Moon Head making problems on the Hill. Sarah Hammond intruder was discovered in Seniority at Wales when Veronika was flayed.

An argument followed about access & Copyright that was serious because Logs have been damaged & photoshopped versions auctioned by sticky Trottered Police Snydes. My Lab Tech was refused & the Pigs stole again. They corrode Critical Systems standardising theft. They call themselves the Nick & have the PNC at or near a Steel Works. This is the leading Apocalypse solutions Laboratory, not another blag.

Solar Panel Test

These patterns were most efficient for Surface Area.


All other Moriah Authority is dismissed than my own. I have no partner, Kill offenders. All Titles are withdrawn. The Police are nicking everything & impersonating.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Washington cancelled again

A New Delegation of God involving Wales Ireland & England has been closed down because the fucking Pig wanted to allocate everyone a Boyfreind. Touching told to limit it to an escort is an act of War not an Alliance. Animal Government condemns the Earth by Sexual oppression, foremost complaint of the Human Race.


If that silly old Cunt was any good he wouldn't need to pretend to be me. He wants Arthur's Wife, under my  Driveway & an appearance like Sylvester Stallone media as if Jesus & the cruel are the same. The same is true of Charles.

MI6 should not be near 9 ops unless you want them ruined.

Stupid fucking Pig

There is no Red or Blue nor Male & Female, only Stupid fucking Police on a blag. Every time there is an alteration at Government a Tsunami of Shit comes this way & Two Red Parties with a Red Peerage is the evidence. They are all a Koppa's mug.


There are Four Corners having Signals. In the Irish is show, the U.S. have an Irish Majority, in the Welsh occasional use utilities, in the English systems & in the Scottish clutter.

One Government

There are a hoard of People at Local Councils in Senior Positions who were not elected & who have Hereditary Government. The Police are the same. Red is tide in & blue us tide out & nobody's vote was used to decide, only for research.

Herod was Queer

He-Rod was a clue to the Ancient version of MI6. Women are also given painful treatment meant to conceal violence.

Negros Evil

I told you about the Horn of Africa, a Satan's Head shaped continent, Evil is concentrated at the Signal for your understanding.

Adrian Harper charged

A CID Chief is charged with flailing like a Spastic against recovery of Property, specifically the Dungeon & River Area intended for Murders & Burials during the Months of March. Multiple Clan including myself & Emma have Life threatening injuries. Kill the little Prick in his own Cellar.

It's unknown at this time if he timed the onslaught with Trump's inauguration or achieved Republican approval for internal conflict. Harper is Wales Quarter & Wingnut Irish.

Apocalypse Pig

Harper is One of a few Host containing Neuro parts responsible for Apocalypse inevitability. Locate the others.


Somebody thinks we need to buy an MP, buy a number of them.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Escape from Doom

The Spirits of the Locust meant for live Food asked me if anyone has a Bottle Garden, because they don't damage plants noticeably & help with personal Security from Spiritual assaults causing depression, illness, fatigue, dilemma, anxiety etc.


God had this made in the style of my Pocket Watch to explain home made Furniture, Homes & Graves etc. It has the Four Quarters without any distinguishing identification. Symmetry is beautiful, like Princess Emma's Face, however it prevent's options to hear.

Mahogany & Silver

Moriah Diplomats

Security clearance has been withdrawn from Emma because of stupid rearrangements by who were meant to make an appointment & book flights. There is no Delegation representing God to Washington, only a Trafficking effort. Ability to withdraw clearance should wake arrogant Loiterers, Creeps & Occupiers on the Property.
Emma was overshadowed by Cara traffickers using Her as a battering Ram to get into the Whitehouse. An Irish Crown representation of Moriah that put my positions away because of Emma's Irish Royalty 


Flying Squad is Angelic Messenger & Clairvoyance based on conscious & unconscious message systems. The silent Messages are Spirit Animal or Spirit Human, whose objectives compete. Nine is the Old Number of the Hill & 19 the Sun meaning Light that reveals. MI7 media related to this position is rubbish.

MI6 the Agency that Screws everything is over funded by imbalance at MI9, whose ops can neutralise. Nine is almost the direct opposite of Six in Ancient Numerology. So when we hear something is fucked or someone is fucked up MI9 can repair. 

We are especially interested in the effect of Animal Possessions on resistant Human Brains. Humans recoil at Animal lusts including Homosexuality, incest, rape, Gang Bang loyalty & torture. Human contention with Animal implants is blamed for Biblical Destruction.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Apocalypse Conspiracy

Three Crucifixion reference, modern application of Ancient Authority is mirrored in the Image. The Little One goes on the Right.

Signals: Bum tampering on the Left Leg of Jade by Murderous Police, & Police hostility on the Right Leg of Cara. Radiation 'Orange' (NE) about the Neck of Christ. Leg means long haul effort.

We have a return the favour policy for Traffick Police, find murderers & kill them as they killed. Locate Veronika Targeting "Black & Yellow" Police & exile them from Kent.

US Presidency

I have trouble with Democrats because the "Ginger Cat" was with Garfield, Jesus Human Brain was Dead. Jade Avian was first Lady & also has problems during Democrat Presdency because of Networking. God Chose Emma for Moriah Consort because of Jade's indiscretion with Males.

Diplomats cancelled

We no longer have any Moriah approved Diplomats for Washington because Police & KCC surrounding Cara keep forcing Her in front. I said leave Her in England & operate the approved as I said or cancel. This is not an Irish or Conservative State.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Ladies "in Waiting"

I'm attaching the Model in the Image & another local Girl I've encountered: Tall, Brunette Glasses. They will travel with Emma to put off the ordinary disgrace.

When Jesus thinks you''re a Cunt

I've been destitute, & suffered injuries as well as isolation to prevent worse. When you forgive without repayment you lose, so give it all back to those responsible. Destroy critics & who the Word of God has criticised & some day the condition of the Third Temple could less beacon Biblical vengeance. Counter op everything done by Kensington Palace, avoiding Veronika.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Residual Scum

What looks exactly like Democrat Policy that follows a Democrat Government? It's not fucking Republican Policy that's certain. Defiant Blue are locking me out of the Website with Sex Pestering threats, there being no alteration to Policy at the U.S. Embassy.


Elizabeth transplanted to Kate is malajusted & dangerous to Wales as well as contact with them. She is attempting to consume more than is available habitually & we are striving to put off Crucifixion killings resulting. Red Sonya is a plan that admits stupid expectation, but the danger is real & Apocalypse provocative.

Warning Sign

The largest men at work warning sign any of us has seen has appeared by the Well down hill of the River where Liz Scott is buried. We need to alert in March.

Suicide ops

Psyched up Divs are ignoring Red Government as if there is no tomorrow for Democrat Personnel. Detain Bosses.


Tapping on the Metal Pipe Air Hole made it sunk into the Ground easily meaning the Concrete is thin beyond the Gate. There was no Sound the last Two Days. I want the Riverbed drainage stopped to flood the Chamber before March this Year.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Jesus Avian

Males of the Avian who were with Wives or who passed through me are detested God said. To help prevent negativity the Human Brains are also preserved, however you are not Class. For example One who perscuted my Mother lives next Door. This Human Positiom Christ & Lord of Hosts does not recognise Police Spies passing through as Authorities. 

You are no longer permitted contact with Females accepted to this position & are banished from the Hill for provocative pretending against the Son of God Authority & King of Kings Avian Authority that insisted no males on the Plateau.

Sympathy to Cara & Emma, there are a hundred Cleopatra or Morgana or Guinevere or Veronika, usually dismissive & trying on the Saint's Crown. However your injustice is personal & not a contention with Officialdom here in your absence or a contention with Human Spiritual Government.

Order of Authority

The Resurrected are Lord of their Host having Avian past & I am Lord of the Host of the Resurrected.

Main objective: Prevent the violent Death of who were Crucified.


 Horus perched ESE this morning. NO MALES ON THE HILL.

Apocalypse Watch leak

Peter & Stevo Scott. Lab is a Word used in media about the Dungeon here & the Peter Avian is found responsible for all Human Death here for 2000 yrs. You have to remove my Half Brother if you intend to punish. Public Enemy Number One: Avian, Authority H, or "Lucifer" Avian.

Stolen Brush Curse

Thieves are collecting items to make themselves appear connected to this Authority. I have been unable to replace the Brush with One of a similar kind. God said return it or burn by Radiation until you do.

Temple Veil Report

Biden is having Left Hemisphere Brain transplantation to an Heir position low in the House. Prevent & pursue God said.


There is a gathering of Women to me that are ordered to drop the Supremacist ideals of the former Queen, Medusa or Diana. I'm not carrying that doomed nonsense, separate to our purpose.

System integration

Horror for perceived debt or accusations of in my Area of jurisdiction is a Global concern. If individuals owed for personal wealth or peace at arms or for some Avian hazard like corrupting Avian Office by putting out Bird Food, then the accuser owes international Government for negligent overlapping into critical Security. Don't prey here, we can't achieve the first level of base Desolation recovery. Efforts have driven stupid people under ground. Where's that Chinese ICBM?

Labour / Republicans more honest

Anyone think Trump is honest? The Right Wing (Avian) is as the Right Hand (assistant) & Right Arm (Comrade in arms) in plain sight & the Left concealed.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Avian Host of former Christ Wives

The purchased Human Brains of the distributed Avian & Resurrected have an Umbrella. Put sex Pests to Death, that is sex without consent.

It's unfortunate you can't be here, waste of a fat dik, several incomes & Gardeners. At Home I work on the hidden Microphones that are in almost every Electrical Device as a Diplomat for God, as a Messenger for Westminster & deliver News to who have Princess Titles here, on the Website, that still leads the World at popular Intelligence Leaks & that's all apart from fetching Food & Water every day because of an Avian Message System. I made a Door recently & found I can only work Wood when I'm Pissed, because it subdued the Six tiny Avian Brains in a Royal, a Seraphim.


You are all known as Archangel, because you lived here at the Arc, which refers to the shape at the rear of the Hill as well as the Mercy Seat called Ark. We have also been called Camelot, Tintagel, Zion, Avalon, Gologotha, Heaven, Paradise, Moriah & many Biblical names that offer a clue to the story in that Chapter. Archangel means World High Security Clearance for unconscious or conscious messaging systems & that brings me to the next thing. You have to attend the Hill on some kind of Rota. No Males on the Plateau.

Morian Light find the Shite

Vote among yourselves who is primary nuisance of the collective & focus there before selecting another. We are trying to get the Dental Hospital for a Four Quarters group gathering of Females only doing Women's things. A recent Positive Gov. Peerage & flocking after the Queen's demise look good. A good flock from a flocking good set of Girls makes proud. I'm looking for Messianic Children.

Saint's Cross Crown

Please don't take photos, the gods curse. Play with it if you were Crucified. I've sabotaged photos beginning work uncompleted.

News from Heaven

A New Front Door. The Council are closing the Road to kill on my Property over the next few Days, those kinds of murders are illegal here because of Apocalypse Association, get lost.

There were some Signals Today inc. A Stocked Seraphim indicating the Dungeon under the Drive. I am a small Authority against historically. I promoted Emma to Moriah Princess Consort & sent her to Donald, enabling Security clearances. Some People are talking about Money so I'll leave some Holy Wooden Art this Evening. The victim is an Elderly Woman of Cara's Kin. An Air hole beyond the Gate can be listened at. Recently protecting the Welsh Crown's Cranial Brain supported both me & Cara at the time of Death, so we're seeking Relatives of the same status as the victim at Wales. WHO are encouraged to prevent all traditional Animal Rites here connected to Global Security problems.

Lady Grey River Silt references on Council Signs

Likeness of Victim, Males are reported

Colin, a Human Resource

We had Emma recently, a Codename or target for Emerods or the Pox. Colin is a Codename or Target for Dental Sabotage causing bad breath & isolation.

Jack the Biscuit

Introducing myself to Jade in innocence & granting the blessing of my friends at the Irish Crown I was expected to cast them out like a Menstruous Cloth, for the destabilisation of an Enemy. Media still expects something of me. This One Boys of Summer is about a Sex Ring competitor. Those days are gone for Eva. The Tik Tok on the Clock is relevant in Songs as well as Video. I'm unsure who to blame when Relationships are dictated. That was Her Cherry bombing Kin made Her Scream not me, & Cara's not a Boat Traitor either.

"Cherry" Speared Eyes: Very Old Animal Intruders in Office put Human Competition away forbidding Transplants. Peter's Avian is requested for Desroying.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Democrat Hacker

Destroy the unrepenting DOS workers & sweep my Tablet. Restore my deleted Photographs.


The Radio is still putting out targeted Blasphemy in an almost continual stream in the foremost Sacred place as if is a utility & is turned off failing communication contracts. Remove former Government Officials.

World Fractal

God gathered Veronika dispersed Yesterday & there was a Gaza Ceasefire. We have a West Bank here. We're also purchasing the Human Brains of my other Wives dispersed of the Lifetime of Jesus Left Hemisphere. Viscountesses are possible according to their will & strength. 


I'm surprised to hear about progress in the associated Region because occupation here still refuses to leave. An Orthodontist belonging to Diana's Female Supremacists based at Wales is like a Kensington Palace to the Scot purchased Blue Bell Hill Village on their own Land. Still refusing the Keys to the Car Park & mocking with a Kings Ferry bus stop on my Land to their King in London. There are no indications of compliance with leaving or regeneration with the exit of the U.S. Democrats.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Progress: Closing in on Idiocy

Overkill Methodology is breaking overloaded Systems. The Budget, Local Closure of Homebase, Public disorder engineered Arrests, Abominations on the Hill & massive intervention with Jade all have One Governor's Signature: Insane levels of Personnel & aggression. We're looking at who have Authority across those Sectors since the Queen's Death.

Somebody has arranged Crucifixion Authority of 2000 yrs ago, believed to be an effort at handing over Culprits for mark in the Apocalypse Watch, Barber version. Characters are supposed to be recognisable. Avian are the control within & near, who move during their Lifetime.

"Scarface" & Wingnut

Names, appearances & transplantation IDs are of interest

Cranial Veronika Brains

We are purchasing the Lives of all Veronika Host inc. the Resurrection to transplantation. The Signs & Skull & the Axe in the Ftont can be removed, other will become available, however items gone for a walk are enough.


Following the disgusting rapes called the worst Abominations ever on this Plateau there are no longer Titles other than Viscountess for who forsakes Sex here other than with me, since God says you are mine. Cara & Emma are enstated Princess.

Proud of Milly, end of Democat Politics

There is a Loozer's farewell in the form of a Bear Hunt. Characters are meant to be recognisable to who know them. Other rubbish about Kate, there is no Cancer at the Palaces, only heat. Elizabeth (transplant) especially disliked being touched by a Negro.

Black Bitch: Michelle Obama looks like a Sex Doll. Put one on Her Seat.

Knock on Wood

I remember the Song from my childhood, it's encoded to mean raid Houses if there are stubborn threats. House raids are ruined by Animal implants that gore & force incest. They are more acceptable silent like Sex Bands, more can be carried out without the perking.

Agents are Military in that they will not break off unless they are injured. We need to remove their Leader or cause surrender to make the Numbers stand down.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Signals Tutorial

Recycled People presumed buried are old Hat in this Pudding, it's a Black Dick going South. Two Union Jacks mean a Black Import, ordinarily up a White Flue irritating Girls enough to Keel over, usually Straight White Men are supportive.

Sabotage Report

The Blues are closing Stores thought useful to the Reds, there are calls to distract them.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Princesses of Zion

Emma Watson, who's Avian was at the Crucifixion with me & mine is the only One able to retain Her Title. The others have failed outreach. My distraction when Her Breasts came out that Day has become a Private Legend, never forgotten.

2025 Hospitals

Family brace for Hospitalisation in later 2025. When a Family Member dies they are frozen until a Domino of intruders passes on through Kin. Cranial & Avianoid.

Monty Python Team

God said bring them to the Hill when it is their Time, also Sarah Hammond.

Sarah Hammond KCC

Also Called Dawn Barry/Collis (MORI) is responsible for giving School Children incurable STDs & is a fanatical Nuclear War Enthusiast.


The Man attending with cara is a threat to future Irish cooperation on the Properties,  exile.

Sunday, January 12, 2025


WWII pre Hiroshima & Nagasaki Bomb propaganda. The Man is tearing skin from the area Veronika was flayed, Right Arm means overt Paramilitary. He is like the Manager of Home Bargains where Veronika's Avian Kin are under scrutiny for original Apocalypse responsibility.

KCC Land grab

An effort to process & kill on my Land is in progress. Walter the Softy (lookalike) Water L (Hell) is the latest by Council pests obsessing with my Property & daily activities.

They've been ordered to fix damaged land, cease trading & hand over the keys to locked areas. We have a no torture at time of Death policy in this Authority. You are denied access for unsanctioned killings.

The newest means of utilising the World Authority for petty matters involves dictating the movements of undesirables to the Three unified Crowns resulting in defensive execution, reported to end in transplantation.


Studying Alfred Hitchcock's 39 Steps, 3 steps for 9, meaning trouble for the Hill, it has been discovered the Second Coming was a mark for Robbery in Europe. Scripture about War preceeding Jesus Second Birth was used by the Palace to destroy the Legendary Crown like Herod.

God hinting at abuse systems

God called Jade "Tall" recently, actually short, meaning too high for Her Class. Cara has been called Fat often, meaning accumulating assets, actually very thin physically.

Jade fade

World Government has been unconcerned about loss of hope for reconciliation with God concerning Her proper place. They are stupid Animals devouring without hearing & beckon the Stars down upon us. Damn Senior Figures, you can't talk to them without afflicting them.

Obama Admistration Antichrist

 God says destroy the Black Bastard & his group.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Rachel Reeves banned from the Hill

Rachel is undergoing Neuro Surgery in a Chinese Lab. They think She is able to use this Facility to back up Policies.

A "Seraphim" Avian Migration Lab

Trump estranged from God

An attempt by Trump to connect to God lead only to silence. Trump is among those Robbers who treat Jade like a whore. Here there are small possessions & monogamy. It was too much trouble to have Water & Today it is too much trouble to shop for food. Sweetners stack high in London putting off similar levels of contention, before they look for things to Rob on the Hill, Cunts.

Cara's Surface Area

Cara appears to be reducing the impact of Gamma Rays by making Herself thin. I was there at Christmas for a very hurried visit, like most people, "Security" had put Metal Seats out Front exposed to the Belgium Nuke. Metal wounds more than other Designs. Thin People need more Biscuits. Destroy negative Security.

Friday, January 10, 2025

LA "Wildfires"

Joe appears to have detonated another Nuclear Weapon. Rachel Reeves got straight on a Plane to the other side of the World leading some to believe NASA refused. She isn't actually suspected of that, we only want to see if the Economy floats.

Howe Heir

A little blonde fag, glasses is prancing around Home Bargsins. Believed to be the Son or love of Hogan Howe. Target the Earpiece control at Home Bargains to Death.

A Fat Woman there is a Crucifixion Family Tree Suspect having Senior implant with Curly next Door that are able to control the Veronika Avian. The line of Command is sought for questioning about Her "Cherry Bomb" suicide situation of the days of the foundation of Apocalypse & in progress.

Another fucking Idiot

Trump has a Lifetime ban from the presence of God on the Hill following threat to International Nuclear flash point Jade.

PNC Lamping

The Police Computer having ICBM control is also Lamping. The recent evidence identifies WWI & II responsibility. Bombing raids were used by both sides for blackouts to put off the most serious policy coercion, mainly killing Human Brains desired retained.

Koppa: Hogan Howe, suspect Nigel Farage.

The most repeated complaint modern is Lamping People Cancerous so they can't claim their Pensions.

International Court Order

KCC are ordered to pay compensation for damage to property inc. Reputation between Taddington Roundabout & Lord Lees Roundabout. Take the Women from this list to Damn Queen's Global control:

"Dawn Barry" & finance thief at the Property Betts.

101 uses for Christ: Reducrion effort

I did not come to serve the Police like Batman for no payment plus abuses. I am not a processing option for people you want to kill. There's always excuse to put pressure on that button, isn't there you Chinese Mongrel. William was depicted Mongrol of 2000 AD referencing Mongolia China in the Alien Movie. Chinese Mafia.

God isn't stupid China, you will not win either. You are also responsible by commission & transplant intervention.

God's Curse

All who had Veronika have the Pox. Those who were engineered having the curse already are target along with the Agents & Chief.

Abominations, a Global torment

People dislike the Word that is Abominations here have reached worse than historic, because of the Crucifixions & burnings. The terror is of God who is insulted, not Men.

Blood Sports

Reports that William had his face smeared with Blood were about the point blank Shotgun execution of a Poacher.

Deranged: I asked for a Man size Paper Bag to be wet down to see if he could hit his way out.

Rachel Reeves

The Chancellor is banned from the Hill following raid threats & promotion on the front pages. Reeves was summoned for Criminal antagonism & preferring greedy taxation to economy. There have been more than three times the demands for new money as alteration to Conservative spending announcements

Song of Solomon

The Scripture is called Song of Songs a hint, written by King of Kings Jesus after the massacre. He complains about love turned to heart ache & Death. It was all about Veronika his recent loss.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Case Study: Home Bargains

They've got a display up with ME 9QS to tell me the Q, that is Females formerly Queens are available for Volts (Published 9QF meaning raiding band). If they don't throw the Queers overboard instead of fronting them with back up they are in denial of their degrading position. They are actually still attempting Female Supremacy instead of consuming assets & integrating. Suicide tactics.

Cara's "Brown" Crown

Dark Images were known by the Ancient as foreboding, Brown means Shitted. God says the Wrath of the "gods" Damns intruders so that there is no place among Men nor Birds to hide. Aphrodite (Avian):

Signals: 8 Mouth as the Mermaid Crown having a proceed strike with pointed Tongue. Spiritual contention with ICBM Left Eye. 'Ice' stop Strike Crown Browning. Skull cracking poor timing to contest.

Joey Deacon

A Blueprint for Biden has been found: Spastic Joey Deacon. Biden had an Avian that sat with John Paul gathering Intel for the coming Presidency.

Biden: Spastic


Moriah want the brand closed for references to killing Fashion Models.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Site tampering

This is a current concern & historical record. I need a Court Order to prevent content tampering. Police hacked this image & another on my Device photoshopping dirt on a New Shirt.

Hogan Howe was "Damned" by misrepresentation of the people here & Rachel Reeves who attempted at least One connected punishment Tax raid in his defence.

Solomon & Veronika

It was I God said that wrote of an Adulterous Woman that caused the Death of those that She tempted while Her Husband was away. I was Her Husband, the risen Life of Jesus, & the Woman was Veronika. She has a debt overload that passes to who cannot bear when they join to Her, so they send Her here to a Crown, having many lower in that Hierarchy that bears loads or does not. Loads at high level of Security Clearance destroy the low.

Charles & William 

Who can remember Uther & Igraine? A War for a squirt. Those Two can't. Charles shot a Man Dead for Trespass. Then he came here to an Enemy's Land looking like Jesus, walking straight through the Crucifixion Zone, he tempts people. Peasants were once bred & kept short of means near Pheasants to hunt them on purpose.

Why the hatred? Blood Sports are a Trespasser Hunt. William & his Men have broken in here, vandalised & raped.

Terminate Paedophile

God said Terminate the Badge holding Paedophile Officer that pulled in near the Bridge following Public outburst provocation. 

Kill Officer in charge: knife holding Negro that offended a Policewoman, that was him too. Another was at the Garden front recently. Stupid Pig thinks I'm here to Sweep up for him. There's always a reason to get near that Button.

Holding knives in Pocket, related to an East Bank Tree Raid Image supposed to preclude a Raid, not confuse timing. Paranormal Report: Orange Rape, White Elbow means hazardous no fatal Rape to get rid of some Bitch.

Hack evidence deletions

In addition to stolen & damaged Logs & deleted Galleries recent Photographs of the East Bank Tree of Life have been deleted from my Device before processing. Anyone tempted to think there is an Intelligent reason should consider Kent Police touch & taint everything.

Knock Raid: Cara is portrayed as the ill fated Liz Scott through the Keyhole in this image that had to be taken again this morning. March 2039.