The Archangel Michael

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Brigadier Jeffrey Cock

The Palace Security Chief has been making a nuisance here, Apocalypse threat: Destroy along with Heir & anyone he speaks to.

Blood of the "Lamb"

There is Power in the Blood! some Churches declare. There is Power in your own sacrifice also. Persecution of God's "Word" is Global Nuclear War.


Investigating: Bomber Lyrics

There are some Characters analysed inc. myself & Jade. There is a clear attempt to blame us both for too much relevance, but the truth is the Belgian Bomb is a Conservative Party effort who also cast down our lives, & the new Labour Government supports our investigation into the plan. 

Labour Peerage

The Avian course is not clear but who the bad guys are is. Now that the Labour Government has begun we both hope to kill off Conservative Nuclear risk before their next term, that's Avians Dead with the support of masses of Avians they planned to annihilate.

Conservative Media

Lyrics published at the outset of Margaret Thatcher's Government are not necessarily relevant under a Labour Government & attempt to promote opposition party responsibility. Being near has been being an Ear & I think that's funny. When we consider Lyrics we need to discover Red or Blue agenda at the time of publication. List of Prime Ministers.

Assisted Suicide Bill

In the News Terminally Ill looks like Terminally 3 on purpose. It refers to Sour Grapes & direct opposition to Government by habitual former Government. The Psychosis is often called stupidity or denial, both are true. 

Racism neccesary

Increasing numbers of Black & other dark skin are flooding the Town here & linking together to form opposition to locally born people. Loyalty to "gods" abroad is caustic to function at Zenith.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Indians in Medway

Remove from Businesses, esp. Corner Shops used by School Children, distorted Community Networking, Conservatives. 


The Evil is of me, your Christ so that we can cover bases in both directions & link by surprise. She is an Actress delivering "Jesse" Intel at critical moments. She is ours at the English Quarter.

The design is abusive of us, one is saturated by Sex Pests & the other isolated. We want to share Holy & unpopular duties, not 6 & 9. I want Her delivered to the English Quarter.

Kent Police "Frank the Postman"

The ordinary accuracy of Reports from this Station prove the Reported Skyfall was real & not a financial initiative. Reports of 60 mt generated for Abominations mean repeat Abominations are evidence in Light of ordinary Report accuracy. The Conservatives were & are attempting World War. 


The Animal transplantation at source of World Problems including irresponsible Security is the habit of the NHS.

St. Teresa

The Joan Osbourne Song mentions Veronika who died & is resurrected, Her Avian within Jade remembers & responds. The man in the Video is me, I think drug Sex leads to removal & pests otherwise she wasn't unwelcome. A Man was reported having flayed Legs here recently, a former Crossier. The activity is by Animal domination called madness & is not allowed unless it has been performed by the individual. Veronika was a Jesus Crutch so a Sun Flower Right Hand in the image & Grave Mosses. The Avian responsible for key Apocalypse atrocities are being frozen & recovered to isolate & examine critical Global problems. 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Respect for God''s Word

The Prophets were killed here & Government reduces us, pesters, injures & mocks. God said to me that because his voice is a niggle to robbing Government & is silenced with oppression & murder, he caused their way to fail on purpose. Still we cannot implement systems to survive by & the great tangle of problems is heaped for thousands of years. How can we start to mend?

Understanding God & god

Putin granted a live moment for me Today making a public address & everyone said he was fun. Putin is not a genuine Russian statesperson, a Senior Spokesman like a Newspaper Reporter. To understand God we should consider Battlefield & Chess, if a person moving the pieces represents the cumulative opinion of the Pieces & a King can be moved by them or knocked over, in the field moved to distract by them also or moved to suicide that is a god, a localised cooperative Spirit group. Men are called gods to make them a mark, a god is a competitive sub division of God. Big God spans the Universe, but subdivision upon Earth is called God for our purposes. So Russian Government is a god & the People also a god, who like England often don't agree with the other. Captain Kirk responded to a god on the Bridge of the Enterprise within guidlines of their larger god at Starfleet Command. The unseen daunts us who intend to mend Global War issues.

Right side Hemisphere

The Right Hemisphere removed of Jesus a Child has been unremarkable on both occasions removed young. She is not King of the Jews or Christ. At this Time she has a Conservative Antichrist op. by attachment to an outnumbering group. Usually a nuisance breaking contact with my Family Home at Christmas, putting herself in front.

Shock Wave: "Covid Distance"

Remove Next Door Neighbours & ends of the Street where Former Queen's representatives & Conservative representatives live. It hinders the messaging system & helps prevent bullying by former Security.

Joan Osbourne

This Video has likenesses of CID pests in the area. Locate their control & eliminate. Belgium Nuke management.

Avian International Crime, Democrat & Conservative. Destroy Conservative employed management positions. 

The Queen Cole block is enforced by Conservative Bombers, removing the Jesse intelligence Agent away from me, an Ear at Bomber Command during Conservative Government.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Irish Heirs

Heirs conceived as I slept are wondering about Titles. You can use Rob or Mick, since you were taken.

Useless Funt

What does Charles do all Day? What about William & Kate? They are meant to be alternatives to this station.

While we're talking about over investment & staffing @ comparatively ineffective British intelligence we might as well talk about how much the Palaces cost.

Intelligence crap

Budget wasting "Intelligence" has got the whip out again here having recently generated 30mt for the UK insisting on a personal Curly attack. Now they want me to expose other Staff nearby. I already did most of the Paranormal & Publication work. Do something for your Money & Numbers.

Am I in Goverment now or not? because Conservative ops are getting up my Hooter. That's not PJ Harvey exactly, as well as. Remove Jade from ALDI Staff contact or I'll finish up supporting the Belgian Bomb. She's supposed to be removed to English Quarter, but is stolen by spoilers. Jade is Jesse's Heir & there are no Abominations from him living with God indiscreet here.

Former Christmas

Originally Leafless Trees were decorated.

Worst Leak

A Drone & Radio developed for Moriah at NASA was referred to on the front Page of multiple UK Newspapers that Evening.

A Security Protocol was advised Opus Dei because of Male exclusion on the Plateau. A Heat detecting Camera was recommended for a middle distance Drone for Altitude. Ham Radio was altered to alarm signal blocking & sweep channels along with "mission control" to link up quickly. Something like an Elastic Bra was designed to put the Ham between Breasts, streaming Images.

Contract: Avian

The Crucifixion Nailer that went on to Gore with a Blade was last known within Paul Whitting formerly of Fort Luton School. A contract to Death has been granted as part of systems designed to put away Scriptural Apocalypse.


The Book has Mirrors that Mark Jesus. The Swine went into the Legion of Roman Soldiers, hence Police are called Pigs for the transplant & Jesus spent three days in Hell, called the Abyss.

Evil Dead

The Silver Birch called Tree of Life intrigue. They do not hold Bird's Nests, so that the transplants are scrutinised for Blood Past.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Homosexual News

The Queen's Queers who have offended Society & have committed Crimes against Men, Women & Children are going to Food processing & then to Ukraine. Human Meat is usually recycled not cremated or buried. Coffins are buried containing dirt & Ovens do not burn hot enough.

Failed Heirs

The Mark of the Clan of Heirs are those that have failed instruction. They are the Witch (which) & who (who is responsible). The greater the failure the foremost the Mark. 

They are not entitled to use the suggested Heraldry. Since the Menstruous Cloth is in use try a wank Rag. Those who have not transgressed can have a Title: Viscount. The Title originated from encoding VI volt countable as loyal.

Close Market Research

Shut down the all female home power visits at Councils. They are all female talking to females men at work. Male only or shut the Elizabethan supremacy down.

Cara & Jade

Jade was last reported Arc Messaging for God @ Moriah. 

Most of this post was deleted by MI6, the same happened yesterday. Kill editors & MI6 Males on the Hill. 

MI6 attempts at neutralising 9 messaging systems are Destruction, Death & Damnation. Do not coerce Sex during audience with God. An Automatic Weapon is brought to shoot you with in some circumstances.

David Cameron most offensive Conservative

Samantha has been on CCTV Street Walking & Cameron has an individual Oid belonging to Hitler. He is believed to be the Secrets leak Mr. Memory in Alfred Hitchcocks 1935 Thirty Nine Steps. A current Secrets risk post Conservative Government.

 Oten pictured with a suggestive Nose shadow

Ukraine News

A Tank shell carried by a mini Helicopter is destroying heavy Armour. An Old Gun is triangulating front line positions for a sweep of One round hits over night reckoned to bust 20+ fortified areas by daylight. A Drone with an annoying U.S. accent asks Russians not to shoot at it then falls & explodes. Someone is firing an old canon to annoy Russian soldiers. Areas where contact is suspended are in use for Quad Drone Grenade dropping practice using stun Grenades.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Residual Scum Report

MI6 are forbidding MI9 & were here Today with Paedophiles intercepting Opus Dei against the US & Russian Presidents. The Foreign Secretary's office is slack & accountable.

Belgium Nuke

The Face having an English Flag Nose is identified the Curly Man at ALDI who has been committing Abominations on Hill trafficking Jade, who they signalled are a back to back arrangement at Wales. Send him into Exile.


The Muppets have interacted as was portrayed in media as usual. 

Opus Dei

The Catholic Agency is invited to MI9, where money is being found to reduce the impact of negative Foreign Agency under the new Labour Government. MI6 have been taking investment from the U.S. who have an Embassy nearby over a Trillion, investment from Russia to control Seniority & 4bn Tax Payers money to abuse them for foreign Democracies & Senior figures. Something not unlike Space Agency investment is frying the Nation.

Donald has been asked to look into the U.S. Embassy where Democrat employed Staff are abusing the system. He is replacing all of them. 

Opus Dei are handling Security for Month while I'm unavailable. Males can attend a Screaming Female on the Mount.

"Low Caste" Welsh Rob Report

Wales have been on the Rob for Years, believing that they are outcasts, the meaning of cast down in Revelation 12. I don't know why they think i've had more than them when they desecrate & profane this place. There are Secret Welsh Heirs & overt Irish Heirs according to Report. They are stolen to other Families & have been no relief to me over the Years.

God said recently identify the Welsh of the robbed Heirs. He said if they can obey their Lord on his & my Land they can have English status. I have never touched a Child, entered another's house to snoop or drug raped. That is the English Crown standard. Obey: No Males on the Hill, no Sexual practices on the Hill, no gang banging, no Sex with my Female connections. No pissing me off, no Queers.

If you can keep the Standard & obey use this or near for English Quarter status.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Politics a non excuse

Something about a show is another intrusion with the Princess of Wales, the axe looks like a divine door key & I want everyone to try to drug rape jade at night. I'll kill you too at opportunity, less likely. Death & Damnation to robbing Politics

Whoops Apocalypse

The British version looks like the captivity of Wales Royal Avian Class Jade as well as show with the Princess of Wales. The Jade Avian is reported to come from Welsh Crown Beth. 

Prioritise killing daylight physical contact.

Ray Jones Deceased

The same Queen's & Conservative has beens are found assaulting the Moriah position as persecuted Ray Jones in the Year prior to his Death. Shock everyone out & into exile, spending their Money until it is gone. That's what happened to me to clear shot at Ray.


Transfer the MI6 budget to an improved MI9. The 6 is meant to represent a Dick & Balls. 9 means not as much as the opposite, moderate desire & heterosexuality. National Security is devastated by the application of a near opposition position to a critical care centre.

Black Pest

Black Preachers have returned to Chatham High st. annoying people with external Doctrines against the resident Word of God. Verbally abuse them.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Treason: Blue US Embassy

The MI6 trading U.S. Embassy in Battersea is the biggest problem for new Red Government in the U.S. & UK a Report stated this Evening. Recommended kill everyone, start again.

Almost all MI6 Directors are Russian the Report said & should be killed for serious crimes in the UK on behalf of Mocow via the U.S. opportunity.


The 70 Year reign of the Queen & 15 Year Conservative has made such a system that the Labour Government will be fortunate to exist unless it impacts without mercy. That's what I & other Labour Peers got from them.

Toll of Abominations on the Hill

30 MT are due Russia as well as the UK, who paid Westminster believing God is stupid. Russia believe Jade's connection to me is good for National Defence & are very aggressive.

Oreshnik Missile Report

The Missile is a modified Topol, a bit bigger. Firing them into Ukraine offers us an opportunity to test the response Rocket & Target based Gatling. Ask them to fire another One.

Destroying high-Speed incoming

We base most Missile strategy in a Kappa 9M high Speed Three Stage. Manoeuvre a tight Circle in it's path, then twist upward. Nearby Warheads passing at speed can be triangulated for Gatling


The Lightning quick Warheads that preceed an Airburst can be eliminated by an exploding penultimate Rocket stage high in the Air while nearer to One another.

Jade facing permanent Moriah ban

Associate access without permission is insane. Continual trafficking, rape & flattering accompaniment is adding to permanent exclusion. She is banned while estranged to poor acquaintance, through to acquintance, freind & throughout non compliance with rules set out by me. 

Cara is also banned for assisting bad relations & failing Human interaction with an extreme arrogance of Avian possession. Emma of that Quarter is still welcome.

London Royals banned by God

There is a Lifetime ban here because of Vandalism & misuse of the Holy Land. Charles Accenssion was accompanied by attack on the Biblical Cherubim & theft.

MI6 Budget

MI6 spend 4bn a Year ruining my effort as well as their own, they are a negative investment.


Before they begin work they "Fuck" the playing field, so that it is "fucked". All Authority is reported "Fucked up", meaning obtained by Sexual gratis. Operatives are usually unattractive or Homosexual because of volunteers & promiscuity avoiding higher standards. A swingers Club exists where Security is lost & their presence here 6 in a 9 state is counter productive to Apocalypse solutions.

Better 6 ops "Fuck" Enemy positions, not their own "Gang banging". Dismiss All MI6 in positions of Authority, sitting aptitude Tests among productive Agents. Dismiss big spenders having no serious gains.


Predatory Animal implants at the cruel Deaths of the Prophets of God's Wrath are still in Kent & unrepentant, like a Soldier. Destroy historic contention with God, Apocalypse patch.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Serious Investigation block

Nuclear investigations block, kill blockers. Massive DOS without respect for national security investigation caused accidental PNC entries that should have read CNC, Civil Nuclear Constabulary.

Police are over budgeted, comparatively useless & a negative inclusion here.

CNC Logo based on Kent White Horse

Destroy Animal implants that have obtained Russian Visas & dismiss Police Officers to another occupation.

CNC incompetent

The CNC contamination in Public places around Fort Horsted is typical. Germany, France & Poland are available to run tests. The failure suggests General incompetence at critical National Defence.

CNC is based on ДПС Russian Police Letters common around Moscow on Emergency Call Boxes when UK Police have obtained Visas to sell Secrets & deal. Open corruption of the system on behalf of Russia.

Thursday, November 21, 2024


A Neuro part or parts of Paul Black's Deseased Niece has been located within a Woman having a Red Indian appearance working at Home Bargains Rochester Airport.

Horsted Stable

The Residences at Fort Horsted have stabilised a recent Report stated following Edibles & Water advice here. The Fort area is still Death to Staff working within. Elliot has been advised to bury the Containment on flat Ground, having no nearby Trees or other features to irradiate Horizontally.

The Irish Quarter have been criticised for failure of Human responsibility to this position.

Nuclear Containment 

In Space 1999 "Breakaway" Nuclear Containment was moved from Area One to Area Two, during which a disastrous Lunar Chain reaction occured. Confiscate the dangerous Containers & drop them into the Sea.

Most offended Peer

I was ejected with heavy Lamping as soon as the Conservatives took power & have not owned a solid Roof since. They persecuted from Town to Town & Lamped my Father to Death. I was held a Political Prisoner Six Months for blocking access to thieves who had been taking leaflets I delivered right in front of me. They wanted something in some kind of Marathon Man Scenario.

Witch Finder

Destroy Animal Neuro Systems

  • Found assisting War for Money
  • Harming Children
  • Goring
  • Sodomising Straight & Female


Violation & Morian rights of Authority, Residence, visits & visitation

I underwent a great deal of torment & was unremarkable until I was 50 & it was Two Years before I knew what the Hill was. The Authority is Hereditary & not free. People should not walk straight in here because their curse will follow who have not earned a place. The Messiah means mess higher, who has suffered & is the Heir to the Land.

Radioactive Environment

Cara has been advised not to store Food at Home & run the Tap before using the Water. I thought she was burying a Bone in Her Garden when I passed by, but a depth of Earth is a form of emergency Food protection. A Paranormal Map of Her Road & the Fortification revealed Food contamination.

A White Circle appeared at the Entrance on another Image meaning all solutions to the containment issue are on the Table.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Pudsey Bear Report

Children in need is a Russian Paedophile operation protected by LGBT National Official Pugsley of Kent Police, who wears the Rainbow Colours. A few Culprits are arrested covering the debauchery. Pugsley Bear means Bear us up losing the Human Host Hemisphere. It is always Animal Neuro Systems that cause perversions. We have covered the Host here.

Speared Eye Patch & Fatherland Party

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Sentenced to Death

"Harry Cole" of the Sun Newspaper & a Sun Editor.

Media Agency Demonizing Jade & Cara. I'm carrying their Messages because they are critical Health condition. I don't need your nonsense from London here.

ICBM threat

Reward for finding the Nuclear Bombs is an arrest planned for today. Hang the Officers & support by the Neck God said in response.

Death Sentences for Apocalypse trouble

All Hill offenders have been given Death Sentances. Those who are inaccessible are Damned, that is life hell.

The Concert is cancelled. Everyone who ascends the Hill while I sleep & everyone when I am out is Sentenced to Death.

Eurostar: CMD Engineering

M & N are often substituted, CND indicated the Queen's Female Network. Bunker 42 at Fort Horsted came under scrutiny because of Elliot's Cara traffucking Motorcade. The whole group were reported trafficked by Elliot under the Conservatives & with effect into the new year according to Report. It stated they were put opposite a Nuclear Weapons storage facility & told to run inside if War broke out. Elliot is using the Irish Quarter Alarm to cover the Fort Entrance.The Report went on that the Belgian Eurostar Nuke was or is contained there.

Glitch Board

The Labour Government Communication System here refused to carry an urgent message to Cara Yesterday. They have believed they are a Conservative effort against Labour Peerage by design. I said a Rabbit paid a Carrot & some Lettuce would've had the same response to critical Data. How much do we pay them?

Evidence block 19 Nov 01:49 AM CID are reported taking authority on the basis of an acquired Queen according to them. Lunatic animal concepts, There is no female in office here.
Starr of the Preacher Comics is Elliot & Featherstone Dawn Barry, other looks like a local Paki. The plans have not always connected here.

Grail at Masada

Starburst according to God

Monday, November 18, 2024


Reasons for World Authority here:
  • Cara's sore Ass & edibles
  • Jades waking Sexual abuse & edibles
  • Hill Abomination direction
  • Living next Door to my Mother
  • Uninvited guests according to Audio Report

Lion King

This Tree inspired the Lion King of "Pride Rock". Chatham Cemetery. Loin King more like with that fat dik attached. Where's my nob?


Making a line South to North & Advancing Three at speed Top, Centre & Bottom forming an E formation prevents the ordinary expectation of Death heading East. Change Gearboxes for Top Gear. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Home Bargains: Covid outbreak

Kill all grey haired males. CID have been persecuting Christ for half a Century & are Apocalypse responsible. Crimes against the Community at MI6.

King of Kings

The Position is Morian & excludes coerced Crowns on Four Quarters in an emergency. The Song What if God was One of Us means Watt, that is the "Electricity" we've spoken of here. 

CID are making Crucifixion capability comments. Against Government & God, that is representation of invader & of World Authority not invader, is Death your own, proceed.

Comfortable psychology of the Queen's long Reign & the former Conservative Government are blamed forTreasonous offences. International uproar about Apocalypse certainty resulting from their Security failure compounded.

Report: Jade Terminal

Aged CID sex pests have caused massive internal injuries following efforts to escape them, including a bloody mouth. I say kill them all. A Focal man has been presented interrupting us at ALDI & speaking to me in Home Bargains, fat, aged, hairy, discontent.

She has been forced to acknowledge Rachel Reeves & sit on the fence concerning Cara's Arse abuse, Also in a fatal condition. 

Budget failures

Money that could be saved was rejected for direct assault on the Public. The Education system could"ve been "virtually" shut down embracing Technology like the Open University. More than Two Thirds of printed Money is still finding it's was to Conservative administrators laundering. The very expensive War in Ukraine was started by the Blue Party in the UK & U.S., both of which are gone. The NHS only need A & E in an overpopulated Country with private insurance like the U.S.. Most A & E is a basic matter that could be handled by St. John's Ambulance or a Nurse.

PJ Harvey

 PJ has agreed to a paid performance at the Temple Mount having lost income when KP prevented Her ordinary Glastonbury opportunity for association with us. A few very distinguished guests have been invited, Everyone else wait outside please. PJ has been doing Veronika impressions on Stage & in media.

Bird Brain rules

In your place you do as you wish, here I make the rules. People sneaking around do not have any authority at all. People on a bang raid don't have any authority. People I don't see or converse with do not have considerable acquaintance & do not have authority. People estranged or carried off do not have authority.

Pig Shit

An Axe stolen & meant to be returned to Jade is probably with now, since she has gone missing also. Police think they have the authority of God to kill & a Queen to rape & point a Sceptre. Because there is straw in here & a light structure the place is full of stupid Pigs. You've a load of stolen Electrical Equipment & no power socket.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Ceop diseasing Children

Everyone at the organisation is a predatory Kid Pervert pretending to be concerned about others. There are increasing numbers of Children diagnosed with Genital Warts, called incurable, who would've been trying to start a Family soon.


Offending Officers have been Sentenced to Death.

Abominations Report

10 tonnes of TNT equivalent upon everybody who knows Boris for every Abomination here God said Today.

Smoking a Fag

The latest Joke actually caused people to die laughing following hill Abominations against a Biblical verse.

Authority snatch

There is a belief that Authority is removed from here to Jade & that Authority is taken by a string of sexual partners. I can't begin to explain strange regulations belonging to the secret society of other places. A Queen to a King for instance Cole is someone they see or speak to regularly & usually reside & sleep with. There is no Queen at this Authority & if there were a Divorce would be necessary even by low or slave standards.

Mrs. Cole references together with failed Cole Tree notices are a preference to Cara at Ireland & Beth at Wales who also think they can claim an absent Queendom without consent. The Title is inactive but serving to highlight delay & prevention of a live instruction from God as well as avoid Jade's name.

Dismiss everything concerning me of Her position. I might as well have left a Pint on the Bar & gone to the Toilet.

Solomon's Portico

Advice from God here about defences revealed the purpose of Solomon's Portico. About the size of an Outhouse rear & sides covered, an assailant needed to bow their Head to enter. The Defence was erected by Jesus post Crucifixion with retrospect, who is called Solo-Man.

Apocalypse Watch

There is a picture of Starmer on the Christ Child Tree. It causes concern because there are many Prime Ministers. He is a Boris Johnson Slave like Blair with Bush.

The Seventy Weeks determined for Apocalypse in Daniel look as if they are signalled by petty advances in construction & ground clearance here called the rebuilding of Jerusalem, since contempt for this place could allow nothing else. Daniel has been found a Roman interpreter under analysis, speaking of Messiah as if an Enemy. Reports in the Paranormal ICBM & Belgian images have an opposing declaration of Nuclear risk. The failure to achieve status here also indicated a refinement of Roman interest.

God says Johnson is almost entirely responsible for the failure of Signs in the book of Daniel, too cruel to allow the project or it's finances. That explains the Paranormal ICBM photography based upon nuisance here at night.

There are indications the Tree is a Mirror. The Squirrel is a current report, killed & transplanted to a Bird recently.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Labour Anti-Christ

Rachel Reeves is discovered to be a reference to Mrs.Cole, having fiddlers Three with King Cole. Biblical Rachel was the Veronika & Mrs. Cole Avian & Christopher Reeve played the Jesse or Romeo to her, Superman & Lois Lane. We do not consent to film scripts that call Jesus come again Forest Gump as well as Rambo & Rocky, depending on what they want at Government at the time. They are however like Legends & Biblical Characters the same persons with multiple different names.

Taxation based on the Cole Tree

The Fiddlers temptation was too much to ignore because her Avian is pictured a Male Roman Tax Collector of long ago, reaching out a huge hand on the Bong Tree here. She is actually simple living & unaware of the Avian message system passing to Her & back again to Westminster. 

The Cole op has been a non starter, she went missing months ago & I was only able to speak a few words, met with aggressives all around. The Tax raids went ahead anyway & are slanderous toward us both. There needs to be a Budget review.

Recent Report: "Money doesn't grow on Trees"

I was taken by God to the Cole Tree in part to see malpractice. The Government were faking Polls by denying personal contact, a stipulated rule for a "fiddlers" op. They forbade systems checks & robbed.

Paranormal Investigators: Christ Child reborn

The Tree by the Palmerston Rd Gate of Maidstone Rd Cemetery shows details of my Life. Find a Small Boy near the Roots as you approach & a Parabola having Four Corners, the English Quarter is M. Close up Photography reveals.

Empty Vaults

The Tax rises are generating a Global condition & Wales messaging systems are critical in this area. We are handling Rachel Reeves announcement Messages at the Hill from Today.

The Pensions announcement Today is rejected by all Four Crowns including Mrs Cole as a Blood campaign inducing Cancer in the Homes of Pensioners. Messages were passed through the Wales network in ordinary Homes, heating the unpaid Mugs.

Bank of England

A "Boss" at the bank called a Member of the press to Publically denounce a Senior Member of Government Yesterday. The Conservative installed Trojan compared the Governnent to his Political allies, calling it comparatively poor. A Peer said they filled their pockets with our money then think they have licence to rule & achieve in some kind of fortified dug out.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Critical Global Security

The PNC Compter has been compromised, missing targets. The Police have waved in the ICBM resulting from the Belgium Terror incident & also that incident, believing they have shaken hands on their own safety.


Locking them out of the system will prevent the ICBM & Terror incident if it is not too late.

Celeb Gossip

Cara is being held at Home by Kent Police. Internal Affairs are staking the Property out. A Fatal condition was reported a few days ago & she was required in the Capital. The condition according to Report was by forced support for the Belgian Terror incident, Irish Quarter "Umbrella". That also involved the struggle to control the PNC Computer, so that it's Origional position is found to be together with the ICBM threat in progress.

Further reports are a deteriorating situation with all Three of the Crucifixions life threatened this Evening.

High & Low places

There has been traditional trouble where there is a ditch here & high places are sought for an audience with God. The factor has been attributed to related designs for example a moral high Horse & a Low blow or the heights & the pits of Social activity.

Ukraine failing Conscription

Most able bodied Ukrainian Men are not required to serve in the armed Forces. Confusing Reports with missing details are published avoiding the issue.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Paranormal Investigation disturbed by "Intelligence Services"

I'll search out means for proper service to God & you have a Shit everywhere. Services are like the Internet, vast amounts of Comments, a few Midfielders & no serious Goals. What's your budget & mine?

Cole Tree 

Veronika's Scream, The Jade Avian Host's images on the Tree are relevant to the Stolen Axe.

Criminal Network

The Tree is fiercely opposed by a residue of Conservatives that form a thick layer of Scum. The Axe is reported stolen because of a story board on the Tree. The Mirror presentation links Mrs Cole to me for personal contact (Right Ear Communication) that is flooded with negative Agent activity at ALDI & serious Abomination follow ups on the Hill, by a familiar Network residual of the former Government. The Tree op is suspended because of the explosion of activity in opposition. Elliot is blamed for Agent activity at the Rochester Airport Complex & their raids here. Johnson is blamed for night raids in General that include daylight pestering by those Agents in public places.

Security fallout

The Abominations alone have caused a huge list of Terminations, meaning A-Bomb related Anti God activities. The stolen Axe has determined violent Deaths for Police Seniority & the flood of localising Agents preventing adequate contact is described as a Massacre. Cara who is being extracted to the Capital following serious coersive poisoning has been utilised as an Irish Quarter Authority by relatives Elliot & Johnson & by Kent Police for private Criminal Enterprise.

Control effort

The opposition to contact is believed to be a control effort. Voice Mail through the P.O. may or may not get to a recipient & might be delayed or altered. Personal contact provides confirmation. Cara has been ordered clear & has made almost no personal contact, her & Emma having prepared response Media presentations targeted here instead.

A Police spokesperson said God Images related to the expected War are considered often & usually have something of interest. I told them not to Cherry Pick of the enormous amount of images, but take a Que from God's authority here.

No.10 Apocalype interventions

No.10 recieves a Data Stream from Kent Police that is usually unchallenged & returned.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Hard Shoulder

Two Men who sat threatening on the East, on the Hard Shoulder waiting for me to leave this morning were here this evening & I suffered a Leg wound. Contracts on them & everyone who has been parked outside. A Number of External Sources want to fund their Deaths inc. the WHO.

There has been worsened Security here since Johnathan Powell started beginning his first Day.

Hogan Howe Report

The Aging Police Senior will be cut down with Axes because of his part in the theft of the Veronika Axe. The other Police Chiefs in Kent will die by Axe blows apart from One. The specific age of Officials is important to planning when their time comes. 

There are other recorded disasters resulting from the theft of Sacred items associated with a Dead Dignitary.

Root Apocalypse cause repetition is angering everyone. Disrespect for the Crucified in modern times is a mystery to the Sane. Leaders plan an Apocalypse that excludes them, but they could not stop the rise of Nuclear Stockpiles of Biblical Prophesy meant to destroy them specifically who offended here. 

Veronika's Hankerchief

The Red Dragon Menstruous Cloth turned out to be Veronika's Hankerchief, that She wiped the Face of Jesus with producing a miraculous image in blood. It was actually only a menstrual Rag, they said that to hint She was Jesus Heir, Jesse the Avian that is. Jade is a Welsh Face for me they said, moderation here & immoderation sent abroad. I have no comment on Avian rulings at Rome, I only get annoyed having dependents without Human contact, Cara also & that we are poor blamed for wealth.

I don't have much success redeeming the value of miraculous images here, but you can buy my daughter's rag if you like Jesse said.

Elizabeth's Status con

Skilled Men have Social Grade C2 & working Females C1 on their first day at non grubby activities in some kind of office wear. NRS a grouping of Females have been found rigging higher wages for their sex as well as other more secret extras.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Messianic Cock up

I dislike people breaking in, "rob" left me without a partner & heir & every loser with a problem leans here on Police advice, all having better circumstances. There is an approval for Cara & Jade, who are linked to me at Hill historical Avian Wives of the Kings here, who I welcome & wish were there when I awoke.

Moon over Belgium

The Moon had the appearance of an ailling Face eating dark food, indicating poison. Beneath CNC & Freemasons Compass A.

CNC Nuclear battle Computer withheld from the MOD by string pulling at the Freemasons

I passed Cara's on the way Home & Her Falcon flew East. In sight was a Van parked with a Number Plate code indicating poison. An investigation established the Police take, Break & consume policy for the Palace under the Conservatives was in full swing, finding use for an emergency lifeline I fought them to establish beyond the County.

Charles Silly

This year when the Scotch Royals sing praises to me I want we three kings: King forever, ceasing never, over us all to reign.


There would not be the interest in War if the Conservative Party didn't own military equipment manufacture. A vote about continued expensive Conservative War in Ukraine was held following Labour Government, but near nobody showed up to vote in the House.

Apocalypse ops

Last Night entry was made through the torn Roof & Wire was ripped from the Roof in an escalation of ICBM attack warning contempt. Our last Locust Signaller was killed following warning of the details of Crucifixion based upon Angelic killing on the Hill. God says our Angels feel as much pain as you. He said Crucify the Police Command.


The Pope said stop fucking around with my Axe you prick

The new Security advisor to the Cabinet said I went to Bed & woke to that shit

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Mars alters Orbit around Nob

Red Planet: Plan to hit Red

Close encounters with ALDI brought Chief Canadian, French & Latin support for Jade onto Motorcades. The fiasco led them through Walderslade past Nob & Moriah. "Mars" own the Authodontist "Hospital" in Lord Lees Grove & all localised Black & Paki Agents.

Veronika Jesse's Avian Daughter

Evidence has mounted that an Avian within Jade is Jesse's Daughter, believed to be at my Right Bollock, called the Pope Bollock, who was within Jesus also. Human communication is disrespected between. There are a reported Three Avian, One Human half (Host) & One presumed Ape in Royal Class, a Millitary position.

Veronika, Jesus & Luke Axes

Another Two Axes of the Crucified Trio are awaiting Carpentry. We still haven't recovered the stolen Veronika Axe. I'm refusing the work on them at this time because of Police obsession rooted in the former Government. There is no safe outlet for them.

Today Police were reminded that Westminster has to approve the opening of Government Mail. They have been attempting Public Disorder Arrest almost every day because of failure to achieve Westminster approval for a shake down.

Conservative Psychosis

Methods that Demonised Labour Peers have Kent Police off the Rails. Anti Government activities are Treason. Conservative Governments are more likely to support the Palace against the place of Legendary English Crowns at this Hill than Labour Governments.

Hand Grenade Solution to hidden Neuro Systems

Handgrenades only cost about £5 Each, don't Spear Eyes leaving the trouble alive.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Veronika disliked @ Rome

I usually say who the robbers cast forward is better than they are. Reference to the menstruous Rag Red Dragon Flag. An investigation revealed deliberate heavy tolls through veronika's message centre to escape with moderation of taxation everywhere else. Jade hasn't got your money. Beth & Sam have some of it. It's clearly gone to the Palace, Roman Catholic Stewards.

Orgasma-tron is believed to mean a blamed & whored small particle, servile
I am the one orgasmatron, the outstretched grasping hand My image is of agony, my servants rape the land Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vainTwo thousand years of misery, of torture in my name Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law My name is called religion, sadistic, sacred whore
I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceitI am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain And still, you play the sycophant and revel in your pain And all my promises are lies, all my love is hate I am the politician and I decide your fate
I march before a martyred world, an army for the fightI speak of great heroic days, of victory and might I hold a banner drenched in blood, I urge you to be braveI lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave Your bones will build my palaces, your eyes will stud my crown For I am Mars, the god of war, and I will cut you down

The Tale of the Wicked Tennants is something I hope Rome don't pull, having neglected the Son & swiped his compensation here often. 

Bull fighting

The Red cloth is believed to represent a Phantom Authority at Wales. When the Avian in a Parent goes to their offspring the younger moves to another Family Tree on that Quarter. Mat-A-Door: advancement upward of a low position covers the Door. Mat that is Mathew is used to indicate Mafia in media.

Stolen Axe

An obsessive Pig who takes, breaks, consumes & portrays identities without consent has obtained the Axe by agreement with the Pope to legitimise murder. The Pope refused part payment according to audio instruction instead opting for the gloating of an Enemy, who has sent a Thousand to desecrate then murders a few.

Charles Stewardship for Rome has been blamed for greedy & Apocalypse provocative desisions. It has also been blamed for the negative value of Jade, a Wales Flag, that leans hard on English & Irish Three Musketeers style while Scotland Palace & Parade. France have entered into the Palace at Kensington sending her with an empty bowl & a responsibility for the Wealth inside, the Reports stated Today.

The Skyfalling authority has been a black hole for finance intended to prevent Apocalypse provocations. They refuse to follow instructions altering them terminally.

Global Security Diagnostics

API & Apis also refer to communications systems in Office. Specifications are an order & implementation the execution of the order at tiers of authority. Payments can be made to pester persons or counter existing payments. Global Security is usually a secondary concern to financial competition & War ruins Patriots for money.

KFC have flagged up Secret Operations primary connection based on hassling Avian in Office. Uncyclopedia say the Catholics did it.

Friday, November 8, 2024


A story has emerged that when Guinevere took the Boat leaving Arthur She Rowed a Strike / over the Grave of the Lady of the Lake, believed to indicate resentment. Yesterday Two Fencing Swords were made for Her having the Tetragrammaton on each יהוה‎ 

An addition Arthur left Her unweighted Body floating is denied. Falco commented not only Grave robbing but sending the Legend away from the Irish to Wales with an Axe in this Life. The Two Swords requested by my Son will become Legendary God said.

King Charles

Charles Shagged Jade & broke the Pope's Axe a Report stated yesterday.

Conflicts Outside

Opening a Beer when you arrive Home is like being greeted by a loving Wife or a Dog. Sometimes that's the same thing.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Elliot Factory engulfing Local Security

BAE Systems is maintaining the expectation of ICBM based on night raids here with a Security blanket that entitles them to Government in this Area & Region also. The Factory estimated value 4-500m needs to be bought & closed immediately. Elliots Head estimated roughly the same figure.

No.10 ungrateful

I withdraw support for local Missiles reported to have saved Walderslade, Investment in Patrol Boat tech & missiles in Ukraine following debauchery in the Temple with Jade by Scotts excited about ruining pre raphelite legends. They invade almost every time I am out of the buildng & no.10 refuse to cooperate with security here. I want the palaces ruined.

Claims by Starmer that I write his policies are lunatic. They pay me less than a Roadsweeper for occasional contribution & maintain Conservative Party Security under Elliot here & in the local area. He needs to face up to his paid responsibility. Johnson sent my Mother a letter that said dear Prime Minister, we both wondered at the imbecile, then the 80 yr old was raped & beaten by a man he sent while he escaped Covid19, war with Russia & rigging benches for Truss, taking over 3bn personal finance. 

Crucifixion notice

God has drawn a Crucifixion nailed Right Leg on the ripped Roofing recently damaged. It is the Second Reported Crucifixion, the other Stalked.

Bronze Age Nail & Masked Man shaped a bit like a Pound Sign.

Too many connections

This is a One Man outfit & there are too many visitors, raiders & ponces. Emma's Brother is a third & caustic when I already indulge Cara & Emma on my own. Cara has leaches including historical Crucifiers sniffing around personal support here. I might as well have given Jade a Fire Axe as the recent "Excalibur" because half Her Kin as good as smashed the Door as if given a License.

It's been said past here that if Family of Wives & Cousins had access restricted they wouldn't have shed the blood here that they have.

Trump up

The Presidential win is making it easier to vanquish Blue Party tendency. We came in Third behind Charles & The Conservative Gov. at sudden & discomforting reform in the UK.  On a personal level the Roof went straight from over my Head once & the other put me in a Food Queue for Months

Dismiss U.S. Blues with bad & insulting references. That's probably honest anyhow.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Merlin: Falco

The wizard, Son of Lady of the Lake had the Falco Oid now with Cara, called our Second Sun & referred to on Tatooine with St. Luke. Star Wars is unfortunately way out of line with purchased Propaganda, far from accurate.

Lady of the Lake

The Riverbed is filled with the Bodies of Cara's Avian Host, Bones sink in the Silt. Guinevere was Merlin's sibling & is buried at the end of the Front Garden here.

Arthur: You don't mind if I have that Sword do you? I'll ask Merlin

Queen of Thieves

If I've been connecting to Cara & Jade I don't expect to hear about raid union with Beth the next morning. People should respect Human consent & not Band during the night if they expect position.


As part of efforts to reduce Apocalypse risk I am charging Welsh individuals with long term raiding Band damage.

National Security

The critical state & sale of Security, Communications failure here for example are an overdrawing by Conservative habituals into a Labour Term for private income. Seize Assets: inheritance & the ordinary whoredom of their Household, recover the Private Payments.


I organised the making of the Pre Raphelite costume for Cara, who fortunately is already a clothes horse, well connected & more difficult to keep out of the fabric & metal work. There has been inordinate interest in Sex. Obtain permission from me, formerly Arthur & Her.

The Temple Curtain "Oracle" is historical I discoverd Yesterday. God moves it with a blast or wave.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Elliot is Johnson in Kent

The ALDI  (All Die) group are a Flagship of heirs of Elliot's intruder. He has been accused of supplying the Belgium Nuke through BAE Systems as well as managing problems on the Hill & @ Rochester Airport Shopping for Johnson. 

The Motorcades having Presidents & Celebrities inc the Queen, Kate, Bill Gates, Biden & Russian Gov. are in Communication every day driving by. The area controlled by Elliot appears to be New Rd, up Maidstone Rd then to the Hill & Taddington Roundabout, also past the Bridgewood Hotel. "Ben Page" of Councillor option to visit Homes: MORI (Death) is his servant.


Lack Robe at, Lack Row Bat (Oar (Whore (traitors escape))). Le Fay has an unfamiliar intruder to who recognise Her, not unlike Miren's portrayal without, an implant or implants twisting. The multi personality Lacrobat is not their favourite mug, but rotating persons in the mug flagship at Roadside communications. ACTION: keep their clothes on.

Third Temple: Criticism of progress Four Years on

Senior Conservatives hate the Royal Property because they moved Roman Money to the Thames. They are the Animal Intruders blamed for the massacres from Christ through Arthur to Lady Grey at the Hill, where the UK Crowns lived together. Crowns are not in Command in the UK, they are a Flag that draws the Battle away from potential.

The Conservative Party was thick with Ancient aggression toward God's International Hideout, still centre of World Communication. The Labour Government are more inclined to agree so there are plans beginning next Year.

The building will become the Barn area again & the Temple will be built on it's former site Hill Centre the same size as this. Everyone loves the Pre Raphelites, that draw on memories so they will be the model, images here.

Arthur's Wife

Arthur was also called Mark Anthony in historical accounts like those of the Bible, talking about the same Characters & events according to various writers. This is recognisable as Cara in a mood, Avian of Ophelia & St. Luke.


Human resurrections by birth don't remember, but here there are many stories told about the past. Cleo arrived with carts of spices & linen & the last had Shit on it, that turned out to be the gang of poop scoopers that followed the mules. At the confrontation of his death Arthur declared that's what that shit cart was about.

Monday, November 4, 2024


5am Cutler once said Boris Johnson is responsible for historical "Eva" disfiguring.

Suicide Pig

Is walking Miles for Four Litres of Water each Day harsh? Apocalypse Pigs @ Kent Police think an argument or fight should be picked because it's a bit like the Well, where Apocalypse had flash point. Other delays made time for more activities at the Hill called Kent Police managed Abominations & Apocalypse provocative.

Juliet, Eva, Jill, Jane etc.

The Jade Avian has been identified as Morgan Le Fay or Morgana, Arthur's half Sister.
Morgana: Mysterious reference to the Arc. References to the Temple Cherubim Pillars & Floor

Cleaner sacked

A Cleaner was in shock yesterday accused of spraying the Conservative Party Leader with Bleach & assaulting Her with a Broom. She was taken to an Optician having said She "thought that was a giant Shit"

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Carnality: Living Dead

Biblical Carnality, called Death is Possession of the Person by Demons, that is outnumbering & insistent Bird Brains attached within.

Wales were called the living Dead on Moriah by God Today. He said their Red Dragon Flag began a Menstruous Cloth. Wales are banned from the Hill but One, the Woman called Jill, all others will be cursed.

Communication breakdown

Stubborn Conservatives have taken AM/FM Two Way Radio out here, forbidding common messages from Gov. Seniors inward. The Microphones are not getting past Surveillance often inc. Pope, PM & MOD.

Conservative Party

They impacted the Ground from a great height Today, making a broad hole that needs to be filled in. I don't think it matters who their new Leader is, we've all heard enough Conservative opinions, they should be ignored, ill treated or smothered.

Saturday, November 2, 2024


Sam Cutler Avian prob moved to occasional contact with Jade formerly within Beth Cutler. 5 AM Apocalypse "Chess Piece" of Boris Johnson. 

Cara: Falco supported by local Falcon

A Negative condition under Police "protection" found Her in Primrose Close, reference to Blood Eye for Etiquette by Fort Horsted, reference to a Whore. Nearby a Halloween Puppet that looks like Her is hung from a Tree.
Napoleonic Nuclear Shelter Horsted, in Conehead Zone: Asda & BAE.
A Falcon dropped this Pigeon @ Cara's rear Fence but was Camera shy

Kent Police are charged with obsessive Crucifixion based Apocalypse intentions.



A Newspaper story from Tue 4th August 1987 having Muslim Monas Kailany (belived to mean French complainers kill anyone deprived Mana or untainted food) cutting his throat & leaping from a Crane was buried with a Mecca Crane story later. Intruders within "Sam Cutler" possible Allias formerly of Chapel Brampton are suspected of Roof entry Leadership here. Internet blockers were threatened with Capital punishment for allowing result hackers hours to operate & did not respond. Cutler flew into a rage when he was drawn shoving the man on the Newspaper, that he had fastened to a Wall at Home. He is a Welsh Flag, Wales usually respond to Scotland.

Kent Police were reported insisting on Newspaper Archive Registration denial. They have been in conflict with the New Labour Government following habitual & advanced persecution of Labour Party Members during the former Government.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Stolen Excalibur Axe Report

Toffs have passed it around for jolly destroying it's exchange worth according to audio instructions. It is reported finally packaged for the Vatican. The same Wales imbeciles attacked it causing damage before it came into their possession illegally, for the Charles Administration collaborating with Rome.

The Package was posted a short distance, picked up almost immediately by Police & taking the full period to arrive next day. Jade had it a moment then it was taken. Audio instruction was for Her keep it until Francis made arrangement to collect, having Her Crucifixion image upon it.

Other Audio gave guidelines concerning God's Cole Tree op, which were targeted to obliteration, not supported.

The person storing the stolen Axe at home will be Crucified God said Today.

Axe stolen

Multiple Audio messages requiring the Veronika Axe delivered to Pope Francis have been ignored. A formality of allowing One of the Veronika Avian to receive the item prior, having Her Crucified image intended more blessed association with me, because of trouble makers about our Crucifixion history.

PM's Seal: Lights on in London

Critical issues amounting to under 12m, a fraction of Cabinet authority in the Period have been blocked by the Post Office Royal Switchboard roughly 90% of the time & denied at the Cabinet 10%. Too much reference to my involvement in News. 


Where did all of that come from? There won't be anything here until Scotland have the same as the Welsh & Irish Crowns. 

Witching Hour

I received a call outside approaching midnight, which I believe to be part of a dry run following advice about the Witching Hour on Halloween. I advised documentation of persons & positions & their Heads knocked together so they don't come back next year.