The Archangel Michael

Friday, September 20, 2024


There is more than One signal indicating the outbreak of World War in the next couple of Weeks. Danger has declined on a few previous occasions.

Make sure you have a grab bag including multivitamins, I use Sissors to chop Grass small enough to swallow. Park on the open Road with nothing nearby. Expected 5 am.

Freinds gather to me in the Leybourne Lakes area.


It's possible to reclaim some of Tax since more than half is stolen. Store chains are Gov. Subsidised often upheld by Tax & not making a Profit, pinching or failing to use a Till properly are hazardous means. I opened a Shop not knowing it is disallowed until I came under fire from CID, a Government Criminal Department & had to close at a loss.

Al Fayed & Politcal allegations

When I was sent to London in 2018 on Elizabeth's business May blocked the Toilets to prevent me grooming each morning & Al Fayed donated good Food. May blocked so many Toilets I call Her Shit & Piss.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Lucifer Report

Irish led Police System

Hogan Howe head of Critical Police Systems is attached to Robbie Crozier, Ken's Bodyguard. That makes Ken Avian: Lucifer, Prince of this World senior Security Officer. Avian Royalty ordinarily achieve Major General.

We need to change the Government structure to put off what we are expecting: Global Annihilation.

Photo-Morph: Hogan Howe is the shape shifting Terminator, Clint & Robbie beneath. He also does a Farage & Paul Lamb among others.

Apocalypse Report

Another approach onto the Property is planned Today. We've had the Roof cutting incident & now we have daily blood coup attempts. Track Neuro Systems intending escape. This non UK land is at the centre of World Government & not a Private Wood.

Yesterday the Police Station used surveillance to time the raid when I'd taken off my boots to change for Town. Today Security Camera Software is ruined.

St. Michael, Augsburg

 The Centre Window is based on the Pre Raphaelite.


I made a list of questions to Johnson & Hogan Howe, who are both accused in a Report of accepting large amounts of Euros to make problems here, up to & beyond reliable Reports of incoming ICBM & current.

Labour Criticised by Godless Man

The Israeli PM said the Conservative Party denied open speech of God's criticism of their occupation. Greek.

Defcon Level

The Defcon level at 3 is expected to retreat before becoming critical at 1.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Simpleton Authorities

Both "Scarface" an apparent ref to Jesus Scarred Cheek & Jesus Clone Charles have been here claiming rights to my Land & Authority over items. Confused identity thieves.

Diplomatic Area

Legally a Firearm can be carried in a Diplomatic Zone without consent of Police. Here they think anything that can be seen from the Road is their jurisdiction, meaning they do not recognise the Zone. They also think they can approach the World leading Clairvoyant pretending to be innocent with rights of a hapless passer by.

What is my legal position here? What is the UK's responsibility to International Legislation?

David's assault

Samuel is a lying rendition, although truths can be found, for example David chose all of the reprobates & withdrew voluntarily from the kind. Having estranged the Host of the Family, Lucifer the intruder of Jesus Kin, called Joseph, he picked a row & killed who were not raiders & murderers. So Jesus company were known for Love, called useless by Lucifer & endured by the People, since this was a Roman enterprise.


We took a picture of a big cock in the Cemetery. Next to it is a King & Queen. Clue nearby: Jessie, the Avian of Jesus & his Grandfather. 


Obvious enough Monkey men are going Ape. Good thing you're leaving if that's your negative security today. You need a Tranquilizer Dart shot in your ass & dragging to the jungle by your Ankles.


Two men approached onto the property & refused to leave so that I needed to tell them multiple times & arm. One plain clothes police, one Council operative, Black van. Both are known trespassers & rapists on the Property. The "Policeman" made a homosexual advance.

I need them both executed for advancing international security breakdown. There was also shouting from outside on the property at 1 am & an increasing security risk still unchallenged. 

Paranormal Eye & E

Pretend I wasn't offering to fight you, you little Runt. Our authorities were already in conflict. You don't know personal boundaries & have escalated Global Security issues because of it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Up the Arse Corner

God says Harper will end with an automatic weapon in his Ass, not entirely as the Film predicted.

Harper: "Scarface" bent Cop

The stupid Pig tried to dominate when I said I didn't want the tunnelling under my Drive. A number of Officers & Security have been eyeballing or jeering on his behalf when I'm at the front of my land. I'll fight you for the Driveway if you like you little prick. My favourite bit of the Scarface film was when he got beaten by a Woman in the Resturant.

Aggressive verbal at front Garden

Works vehicles passing, yesterday it was a little further along at the crossing, Man on push bike. This area is a known extreme Global Security hazard.

An area this side of the Bridge was designated a trouble free zone & has crept with methodical & deliberate advance to trouble at the front of the Hill. Kill all offenders.

Intruding Workmen Axed: Space 1999 "Temple": Nuclear Area imagery & Flashpoint causing an explosion

A Post about the Nuclear facility shaped building in the Episode "A matter of balance" is missing. Stop deleting Posts or else.

Marked Police Cars inc.Highways have been challenging in the visible areas of my land. This is a Diplomatic Zone & I could have a Gun in full view of the road without it your business, piss off pig. Oh yeah, the hard shoulder & near lane are on my land, drive around. 

Reclaiming the Human Species

Loss to Animal implants has worsened. The resurrected Saints were bodysnatched then murdered, then denied transplant compensation leaving the later state worse than the former for diabolical control. An application for life is sought that depends upon slavery beyond Human control a report stated. Apply for existence yourselves since everything is about to die because of you.


Acknowledgement of the necessity to alter the course of Government has led to the removal of Animal Brain Hemispheres in Human Skulls. A very great period of retarded Government has come to an imminent Apocalyptic conclusion.

Michaelangelo's Pieta

The fake attack in 1972 19 the Sun 7 trade 2 happy agreement, that shows a withered Christ & strong Mary referred to assaults on my Mother since my 19 years began here in 2020, 20 20 vision.

The resurrection of Mary has been trafficked then beaten, like Cara by the Catholics centred at Rome, who believe we are a career sacrifice belonging to them.

I spoke with the Pope's envoy yesterday & there was an indication of agreement that the Priesthood should stop celibacy before having Mary beaten & raped & breaking Moriah & Temple holy objects. I said flop dicked Men old or young only need the correct quality of woman.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Russian Front

There used to be an appropriate place for nuisance. There is a list of Pilots & Pests.

Church of England

God says I'm head of the Church because I'm the Messiah & English Crown. Charles is a Catholic Steward representing Scotland.

God says the Cardinals & Rome are responsible for Charles assaults on Holy Masterpieces here, from the Biblical Cherubim to the images on Jesus Grave & marking the place of the Crucifixion. They also pretended to have the Pieta struck & repaired.


God says tell the Jews to piss off back to Greece.

Skid marks

The Shit-Arse Police Chief refused a personal conflict alone with me here this morning.

Pansy Killer

The Chief drove a heavy Vehicle over Council mown Flowers, slip streaming the majority approved pruning.

God says

The Pope, Cardinals & Bishops are a waste of fucking time. Ordinarily challenging God & pilfering. They employed a man who looks facially like Archangel Michael in the Picture & gave him a set of Keys to the Property the Police had no consent to hold themselves. God says destroy all remnant of the "Priesthood".
"Angel with the Keys to the Abyss": Likeness of the Nuisance on the ALDI self checkouts, loitering on the Mount of God for mockery

Imitations like Charles & others are based on Parrots, who call to flocks & eat them. God says good Men are Shot Dead in Ukraine that were never a conspirator of the ICBM expected for idiocy here.


Open Coffins at a Wake prevent Body recycling at a burial, but they are still stolen at the Crematorium. Kent Police spent 3m investigating the theft of Dicky-Bones, missing from Graves in every case.


Man wanted in connection with Apocalypse based upon Hill invasion. Disperse Family Tree. Apocalypse nuisance is invariably hanging around & at my destination during the day. Family representatives.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Birds in Chatham Cemetery

CEOP hacked this site today

They altered Ceop to Crop. They also mocked throughout the day suffering return injury & identification.

Bell Helicopters

God is assisting with Bell Technology.

Sex Pest Bulletin

Ben Elliot has been told to stop flying up & down trying to see my Dik sunbathing. Ben owns Rochester Airport & Light Aircraft. Put a Bullet in him.

Global War

ICBM attack warnings have been ignored & another spate of Pervert break ins with Police & MOD trafficking people continues. The Weapon & threats parked outside are identified as MOD.

CEOP trafficked this Child

God warns everyone has their limit. In everyone's place is an acceptable guest, love or lover. Here Gov. have demanded their own Deaths without mercy or exception & cause the Deaths of Nations.

Wat the Cluck

Battery Farms called after a battering are T-ramping Chicken Brains for introduction to great numbers of Human Bodies & should be banned.


Boycot KFC & switch to Fish for Roast which is supported by the Avian Network & unlikely to be irradiated, called M because of the South pointing Arrow, like the Z which is /

Conflict Zone: Fish & Chip Shop

Chips have been targeted. Try Mash, Mushy Peas, Pickled Onion/free range Egg, Lemon. Fish & Chips are expensive anyway.

Chicken Brained shaped Chickens in this Game, no report available.



Arthur died in 666 AD & information is restricted which Brain Hemisphere was knifed. According to the Krays representation it was the Left that of Jesus, put through by the Urangutan in Robbie Crozier on demand of the Urangutan in Ken Crozier of Timpsons. The significance of the 666 beast rising to power afterward is confused still, everyone had multiple beast implants.

Try it at Home

Play O'Fortuna with the sound turned down on Prince Charles' Jesus Clone Porn.


God says

Cara's money is taken & her photography is sexually violent, all of them shall be put to Death.

Cerne Abbas

God says the arms represent the Hill & Valley, the Club London who were at Nob over the River, the Ribs the Road outside & the Hard-on the Scotch from the Palace in the Cul-de-Sac, normally homing Police & relatives. The Three protrusions are the Three Lions, positioned a bonk for a Crown, courtesy of London. The upturned Tear Head means less Human Hemisphere Death on the Hill for a bonking. Apocalypse Policies, this is God's authority.

Long Man of Wilmington

It represents Hercules who pulled down the Door Frame of the building he was tied to according to Report.

Reports are becoming common that Senior Royals formerly transplanted several times have only lived One lifetime. Apes & Avians continue from Ancient Times steering us to Apocalypse.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Stupid Home Office Shite

According to reports I have 19 years, 19 being the Number of the Sun a great Light of the Earth, greater than the Prophets. Imbecile show by who run away like a little Girl when I return home is having an impact not desired here by influence on others. Trafficking, beatings, murder etc. They have not overwhelmed the authority here parking nearby & carrying guns. People bothered while I am home should call out to me.


Because an AK47 was pointed at me point blank in "Bethlehem" on Christmas evening & the Policeman & Taxi Driver have not been shot dead, God will kill "Israel" every man & Woman.

The British MOD have also been informed of annihilation because of follow up threats of automatic fire at the perimeter here.

Jews have no legitimate position in Palestine based upon Holy history, only Shrines & great Monuments to God's Administration here.

Bible Code

As well as the Numerical system common to Secret Operations & Tarot the Verse before & after is relevant. That sounds obvious, now use a Bible search for a Word & consider the verses before & after in the list. The Paranormality is called Divine inspiration.

Love & Hate

You've heard about H or 8 who is Hate, Lucifer & about Jesus who is Love. The Two have an inclination & overlap & are like Two Wheels on a Car. God is God of all. Mi6 perverts get cross about interference & have taken a political aspect about Sex operations, meaning to exclude & float their Boat. We said would the participants prefer Jesus management or your own you perverts. Hard-ons are like drunks at work.

Paranormal: Normal Spirit based anomaly, 6 is Sex & Two Hearts Centre means no Heart, hence Hate or 8. Complex tags are normal. Tarot equivalent 8 of Cups is a leaving blood soaked Man, like the Hanged Man Trump. 


Jesus with Blood Coloured Clothing

Boy & a Ho

God says it is ordinary historically for a teen to be brought a working Woman by a family member. Games are sought by mi6 to injure & any thing has been described as Sex including a massacre. They camouflage & pretend to have a measure of pain & pleasure. Here we find subtle positive correction & with H is pain & death.

Truths of Veronika

She was a fractal of Kin, today an Urangutan & Avians numerous survive still frustrated by Sexual servitude unable to break the spell. Jesus wrote things concerning her, every entry about a Woman in Proverbs. The Solo-Man surviving, Solomon. She is still made to front Eva ops based on the coerced cuts on her Man during the Crucifixions.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Temple Periods

It appears an ordinary Hill Residence is Twenty Years. Something possibly not known to who suffered assaults here pre Bible documentation. The Period is a measure containing that which can be accomplished by One Leader. I've had nearly Five.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Reports blocked

A number of Belgium Bomb related reports have been blocked inc. this Image intended for the Irish Crown, who has been turned away by nosey Council operatives. The normal interpretation failed because she was unable to visit. The Urangutan Pottery is related.

Another Two reports failed photographing, Three Mushroom Clouds in the place of the Belgian Cloud Image. There are vague references to little Girl sex on a Map of Ferques in Belgium & a launch from the Strait of Dover.

Caryn Franklin our Fashion Executive was unavailable for comment

Lee Nichols

Trump has a Shoe-shine Avian according to report. Lee Nichols could be a reference to the Death Valley Lee & Nickel Plating called Titanium, or could be 30 pieces of Silver. "Trump" stinks, sounding like the last Trump & he started at Timpsons in Ashford. The Ash were Crucifixion Trees & Ford a US Agency.

The Lee Avian limited the T- ramp & went to regional Administration later suffering Neurotic problems in the US Presidency pulling silly faces. 


Those who sacked "Jerusalem"  God smote with Emerods & returned the Ark of the Covenant. Emerods were Genital Warts, which have broken out among who Police Chiefs have brought here for Sex, who also have the ailment. Rod is a clue & Agents are given false ID Emma to identify.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Chickens vs Fish

Agreeing to stop eating Chicken instead eating Fish has opened negotiation with implants. We have general consent to destroy Avian implants where Human Hemispheres were destroyed previously for the sake of new Gov. options meant to turn Apocalypse around, based upon Human control of Human Government. Persons have been used like Armour & destroyed leaving repeat tactics by the Avian offenders. Repeat Crucifixion category injuries, breakage & assaults at the Holy Site have left everyone wondering how anyone can be so stupid.

Stupid has a Face

Get away from the Hill

 I had to cancel a visit Today because I was approached by some kind of Council Apocalypse Roof break in Team on my way out.

I Once a King & Chief

This Tapestry is about the Birds @ Moriah who have been implants in Men. The Woodpecker pecked a hole in my Yucca. The Oranges on the Family Tree represent endangered, Orange is NE Compass point & that Eye direction.

MI6 building

Up to 200 times it's value has been offered by Russia since the demise of the US influenced Conservatives Gov. The building not far from the U.S. Embassy needs moving to the other side of London. Conflict between Russia & the U.S. in the area South of the River is a preoccupation likely to relieve Westminster of East & Western contention.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Moriah Vandalism Report

The Palace have been found guilty & are charged with the removal of God's writings from an Eye of the Axe. If that's my Body be more discrete.

Morphed Video "concealing identities"

Jesus Porn, Damage to the Jesus Grave Memorial Tree, the Crucifixion Tree & the Biblical Cherubim condemn the Monarchy to Damnation. Strip assets or burn to Death in a Biblical Desolation.


Left is Human, Right Animal. Restore Species authority to Humans. Do not destroy Hierarchical Brains for competition with Animal control of the Species or all Species will cease.

Rear Images

Something is going on in secret on the rear of Branch & Rock images. In this One "Scaeface" opposes a Man giving his Heart to a Woman at a Messenger position. Eye: Left Bird Wing proximity telepathy. 

Witchfinder General

Zod has been employed at cleaning Conservative Poo out of networks related to security failure. Terminate: Males housebreaking Seniors in Kent. Cease sales to Ukraine related to Ben Elliot.

MI6 conflict with MIA

MI6 are a sex based service meant to secure borders by integration. They were reported causing premeditated ICBM stimulus deemed fatal & inevitable. They opposed & oppose MIA Security @ Moriah. MIA broke the Venezuelan famine, are successfully closing hostility in Ukraine with No.10 & have a petty budget compared to negative functioning MI6. 

Reduce Negative payments (3.7bn), remove Kent Police from the Moriah area (we are next to the M2), allocate MI6 tasks & Budget here.

Monday, September 9, 2024

CID Cancer responsible

The "See" identity is of the Ancient Eye cryptography or hieroglyph. Lamp posts having directional ultrasound coerced Two World Wars so that Bombing raids were requested to force blackouts.

Cancer called natural causes is a new illness & the Urangutan & Avian Ancients are passed from One Police Chief to the next. "Scarface" is a three times World War responsible.

Conservative War in Ukraine

I feel like a Shit shoveler with an impossible task, a Conservative Shit Mountain. COVID, inflation & a reported 3bn War. The Labour Gov. is not at War with Russia by responsibility to the former Gov. & there should be a ceasefire until it's established they'd like to be.

Processing Conservative Policy & personnel

We will not have another Conservative Government in my lifetime according to report. Sacking Fat old bitch Manageresses is a supported gain for a quick overhaul, Queen's remnant. Sacking any kind of habitual Manager is advisable.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Check out "Tellers" Gov. Communications

I often think Shop Managers believe they run a Rebublic for senior behaviour in England when the Crown is there. ALDI are charged with lewd photography at  Self Service Checkouts proceeding Homosexual Night raid Video, having a Key by the genitals of Customers & Photographic arrangement. Night raids are typically by people encountered by the victims in their ordinary day inc Cot Deaths. Neighbours have also been involved.

Male offences

Women have been tolerated without excessive application of Radioactive isotopes. They haven't strangled a Baby, Buggered a man in a photo or banged their wife on the bed next to them. Men  have been given conscript Soldier Classification & will be killed. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024


A disorganised effort to maintain former government Policies is like refusing to hear a War is over. Random disconnected opposition is not productive & opposes current Government a lot like supporting foreign Agency.

Working the Toilet Brush & Plunger

Habitual behaviour will remain without a shunt, a residual scrum & expensive waste product. Pay rises need to be frozen & budgets reduced so that political removals are available: inefficient workers. 

Zod: Jesus, Luke & Veronika. Powers are of Peoples who they represent, Three World Quarters.

The Character is based on the Messiah without a Dick in his ass Z-Sod. So he has Two with him of the Crucifixions. Superman is the Gov. Operation obtained when the matter is fixed, noted by an insertion of a Crystal (nob). Invader Gov. propaganda, the judges at the beginning are the Johnson, May Family Urangutan transplants from ancient China.


Z is / & is used to represent sleep in cartoons zzz or //// is blocking multiple things. So Russia operate Z Tanks meaning stop in international linguistics. \ means proceed. The Symbols are used by God in Cloud diagrams & on Trees & dream Dictionaries document others.

Ropey old Ho may in Apocalypse cover up

Lucifer Kin May is blocking content in the 258 post below. Avians from Her & Johnson have bloodied their hands at Death Valley & "L" before returning to the toffs upstairs.


Little fat retard Johnson says don't speak to a lady that way. You should be nailed to a tree both for the sake of the whole Earth.

Johnson: Break in Supervisor

Friday, September 6, 2024

Global War

 Nuking Kent & London without agreement would put off Global War.

Pope robbed

I sent about 400 seeds noting 2-300 for diagnostics, "Scarface" is reported to have stolen some.

Who's Harper looking at?

A Police Officer with mic. can clearly be seen in the Eye of Harper's Wyvern, in the Eye a Mark, around an agenda. Harper is blocking Life messages (West).

Who else doesn't he like? A smiling Policeman & this Man


Imagine an orbit & every position & shadow. Move a Torch around.

No incoming communication

I need a Labour review of Conservative Electronic Equipment sabotage.

Fifth Colomn a Stool

Originally the Small Table was made a Stool for the larger, but wasn't comfortable. When a majority in a Quarter is denied by minorities in Three Quarters for example "Volts" occur, many stand up according to their strength to maximise influence. That's why Crucifixion imagery has arms raised, lowered means low voltage. They were nailed ass in the air, also the purpose of Stocks.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Paranormal Image

Boris Johnson is pictured at a position of multiple break ins wholloped from above & behind. He has an L shaped communicator.

"Stay Puffed" Intruder @ 258

Part of the offender's Neuro System (Syspect Neil Fuses ) was in the likeness, since the Avian travel to & fro here & London & he has been immovable at serious Nazi activities in a Senior Royal Household.


Apocalypse responsible

May is responsible for killings in the Abyss historical according to Her selected allias having an L.
A disembowelled Woman can be made out in Orange with the ordinary flowers separator.