Sunday, March 31, 2024
MI6 Negative Security
Man jumping into the drinking Water
It's obvious to me picking up nuisance like Moscquitos if I stand still in Town that problems at Moriah past are competition between Family, Rome or a Witching to isolate the Vote with the Messenger. In Veronica's Mouth the Man's Hat is reproving Dragon Family for selecting the Mushroom. Who's in the Grave next to the Well & what Family is the Crowned Serpent responsible to?
Saturday, March 30, 2024
5 O'Clock Forehead Scar
Beast Bollocks
He's not here yet but I can tell you there is no Phantom or Person responsible for a serious Policy. Study: 05:00 Audio & Image in related Media.
In PM's Questions recently Eve Left & Adam Right Two World Quarters are disgusted by Starmer saying "Every Single Citizen" ESC can mean escape (Right Hand Punching) or the S Chariot E for Cara, C for Beth or E for Ireland, US & Germany etc. C for Wales, France, Italy, China etc. (Also open Punch opposition).The Politicians are paid for responsibility, bought & shot Weapons. Some Kind of Catholic Witching intended to see off the real Jesus with one of their own implants. God says they've had 2000 yrs to respond to my Son's messages & ploughed on as before then tried to assassinate him returning.
Friday, March 29, 2024
Starmer bloating
Kier Starmer is "bloating like a Penis" in the Company of Two attractive Ladies. Using Hercules' DNA obtained creeping through the Valley at Midnight, he demonstrates my Fruit according to Labour policy, in fact I'm on less than a Roadsweeper for Gov. cooperation with Westminster. Who not what is snowballing like Kier, a "Hedgehog rolling in Money & a Pig rolling in Shit" a Tory MP added. He has been ordered to the Gym.
Christ Chronicles
I'm submitting Speech to Text Audio for the new Microsoft CIA search facility, those things I refuse to publish. God smoked the Wood in here & told ne to put perishables in Waterproofing, so I'm expecting to get snatched limiting Time to find evidences connected to Apocalypse.
I prayed God allow me to taste the Apples of Avalon in their ripeness before I'm taken. He said not only this Year but also the next, not scrumped. Adam is entitled to an Apple each Harvest.
E: Russian Agent Dead
A Rat died here following Poisoning in the area another Bird Feeder was destroyed. A small amount of food calmed bringing Feined friendship & Secret vengeance for lack. I chased them all away & revealed I can throw Sticks, believed to mean attack with Dicks. God says an Agent will die & that might not make a difference because of Military expectations.
Somebody's "tipping" the Bird Feeders for the Rats. The Population is refusing to move & now has a friend against the Feeder. We are expecting a more likely massacre of the stubborn Rats because of the intervention.
Hercules was Jesus
John was understating Jesus speaking about his Shoe Size, because He was Muscular as well as Tall carrying Lumber. He also had a natural Muscular Breast that annoyed Avians, so that a short Fat woman was found for Eve & given to him. Veronika is Dililah & Barnabus Heir. Also called Samson, 5 am Son & Jack lifting Logs.
Alpha Males then as now are as dangerous as a Fenced Bull. Their Positions are taken by Police supported Networks that can link in numbers & arrive by car up on old Roman Road.
Noel's Oids were Peter who jumped Jesus from behind & attacked in his Heir Mordred about the year 666 AD.
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Christ Persecutors
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Carpentry awful
Soris' Fifth Column: Good & Evil became Two balanced Offices joining to Rome.
CIA Search Engine
Bill is gathering a paid Account Engine with advice on quality, we were consulted.
Irish & Welsh Crowns with Boris in Hercules, also called Samson. Delilah took his Heir to an X Quarters position at Wales, cutting him off from Daily support.
Christianity critical
Whatever you heard by the Priesthood & Whatever you've heard by slanderrers, God is who he is & that is not Sinful. We simply need to discover, following misdirection.
The Power of Jesus NameWhere can I find it Preist? I could use it to give God a hand up here. That was a Jesus category insult to the High Priesthood, meaning Preists in authority.
God is Where you left
I went on a Pilgrimage to Israel only to find the Holy Land an Hour from my Family Home. Similarly God is with the People from whom you are estranged if you are in Spiritual difficulty & with the Government in detailed Communication. God accepts the People's opinion, who's Spirits left the Omnipresence to enjoy the Creation until they return. Church groups protect themselves in numbers & often insult the World outside, but the broken are lost & needing tuition to make themselves acceptable. Then they can rejoin Communities in the presence of God.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Noah Report
An Avian or Avians of Noah have been located in a Local Man called Noel, formerly of my Brother Peter. He exhibits a will to be perceived a Prophet, having knowledge of anything you are talking about, irritating most. The Avian is of a Community wishing Inflence that has been responsible for Incests with menaces at Moriah & Homosexuality.
Homosexuals have been named by God as main offence at Crucifixions & Incests denounced. A spitting Cat touching a Dog & a presentation of Moriah with Valley Graves of Pumpkin Seeds (Pump Kin) with a Mouth Hill Centre declaring the Cat & Dog with an angry Bird East (East is Death).
John the "Baptist"
We established that Baptism actually means Sex & that John wore Leather thonged Trousers at the Ancient equivalent of a Pub or Club where Girls gathered for Drinks & General Water needs. He said my Son's Shoes are too big for me, putting off critics. When I located Jesus Grave a Flinted Big Toe still had the Shoe on it.
John was set up Ressurected as an Adulterer & mocked in "Confessions" Films having Robbin Askwith by Catholics.A Child I was greeted by a Family Member "alright Bushel" & told to act my Age not my Shoe size by others. Nobody told me I was Jesus former & I discovered Age 51.
Monday, March 25, 2024
Her Man Goring
Wales a fraudulent Clan
KCC petty world Gov.
Belgium Nuke Report
Bedlum Crossly (Belled 'em) have manufactured Plutonium & Nuclear Explosives for NATO. Some of the Nuclear Weapons have gone adrift & also the Plutonium. They supply Nuclear Weapons to Eurostar for transportation.
AC/DC Bedlum in Belgium contained loose code along with other Album Tracks.
Russia Launched Nuclear Cruise at NATO when their Men came under attack. An exchange in Yemen pre dates Ukraine & normalised NATO- Russian exchange with deliberate escalation.
"Div" Security
Security were called Divs last Night for gathering Crucifixion victims past to hit & Rape. They are reported to have laughed & some were driving by as I left arrogant & offensive.
Body Fat
Jim Twain
Wales Fashionable
Coastguards needed to be warned of Kier Starmer's Beach Bathing so Greenpeace didn't try to drag him into the Water & so that Chinese Fishing Boats didn't Harpoon his ass.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
God said
My Son is a blink of an Eye & has not taught Biblical nonsense. We want People to understand God is like you & not aloof. God laughs & swears & plays Pranks on the Hill. He said it was fun to test my Shelter with a Hurricane every Year.
Flower Power
The Rats have Intelligence support ignoring Two kinds of Poison to attack the Welsh Flowerbed again last night. The Mirrored area showed assaults on the other Three excluding Wales, so could've been more serious for Eden.
Beth refused an offer of Personal support having been estranged since her Mother entered into Her, refused a Tour of relevant Signals.
Wales Operating with Starmer
The Image indicates Wales on the Right Hand (Hershey).
Medway Councilor
KCC: Open Paedophilia
Gary Glitter is Slang for Child's Shitter. The deliberate Photo highlights an infight with the Chinese Double Agent Adam Price. Price has been supported by close Friend Dawn Barry.
False Prophet Report
God said there are no false Prophets on Moriah, they cannot contend with the authority present & are obedient that live there. A Gloom exists by which former Residents popularise for their group with Spiritual gain in areas of General Knowledge, they are no longer Seers that portray themselves. I laughed when I thought about mobile Internet & the know-it-alls, sometimes Liars looking for former control. Prophesy tells of things you have not heard before usually, a Voice not a Knowledge.
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Noah Report: Five O'Clock Rock
Emma outshone Crowe. The Film attempts to promote the Welsh Quarter, especially Sam Cutler (Ham) who'll Bolt everyone's Ass if they don't Bolt their Doors. It also wants to introduce Boris as Abel transplanted to Public Control efforts away from Moriah.
Identity loss
A Fractal arrangement makes a Flock as the Daddy within multiples at Nodes. E.g a person you met 20 yrs ago could be within multiple living encounters by division all remembering you at a level in a new Bodily Avian Community. The Hierarchy of Age, above Public Masses descended does not protect from a Witching usually, Abel avoids.
Stone Circle
In the Garden provided is a Circle, stay within it or you're fucked God says. It's the First Stone Circle here since the Time of Moses, they were lit with Lanterns.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Subliminal Images Spiritual Communication
Rat Report
I needed the day off Today because of Moscow counter action. This is not Neutral Ground please go Home because future Projects will have less at higher rate.
Cloud Report
Charles has operated Russia against Females positioned by the Queen in Three Quarters not a Fourth.
King of the Jews & the Magic Perfume
A Girl passed by Yesterday & I wanted to buy Her a Drink based upon a Waft of Perfume. The Phenomenon occurred after a Lifetime avoiding the expense until I was left alone. Aquiring the Perfume became a priority Yesterday & was achieved in under an Hour.
Beldam Crossly a UK Defence Neutraliser
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Flocking Hell
Report: Of the numerous Deaths in the Hill dwelling Family at the Crucifixions over 100 individuals were taken. Avianoid then disperse to lead Communities as the Person in which they gathered. Observing Birds give Clues. If there is abundance they Flock or they call to each other from their Zone following a conflict for position.
God slandered
Church Histories flatter God at the desirable so that he is found out ashamed. God is God & his Sun his Light on Moriah, observe the way of nature to understand, one consumes another yet their Soul is transplanted or recieved to it's natural place among who created flesh.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Noah (Knower, Seer, Prophet)
Alien Self Destruct
Today 11 Slate are delivered to Moriah & an investigation is due concerning Noah's Oids, a Flock of potentially 14 different Souls Today. Noah is Registered builder of the Arc & the Long Barrow Burial Chamber presumed his or theirs. Was an internal dispute between Flock Resident & Resident nearby cause of Megalith foundation Well arguments? Are Avian making critical decisions for Men?
Movie about Ancients: I haven't been able to Watch this yet. Emma's biology is partially of the Arc in the day so there's probably something worth seeing.
Russia Report
A Rat infestation has been used by God to explain Russian Agency in Kent. The Moriah Community over bred & Destroyed the Bird Feeders suddenly. They are flippant reproved dominant in their minds. Dextrose & brave at stealth responses, ultimately removable, struggling with near total food denial following the Bird feed outbursts. Flowerbed attacks in the Welsh Quarter continue.
Integration failure, probable small Community tolerance having less grace to feed than before limiting numbers.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Daily Sacrifice
The end of the Daniel Sacrifice indicating a countdown to the end, is like other "then shall the end come" Scripture about anything the authors disliked. The Daily Sacrifice has been suspended at least Twice while I've been here. It appears to have been a Horus trick to overrun with Rats for our distress & insult.
Mirth or a Clue?
Mess Tin Drones get "blown away" like those having hope in them because of design sabotage.
Christ the Redeemer: Alls Well that ends Well
Monday, March 18, 2024
La la Land
My Title Earl of Kent & English Crown has been recorded to Louis Windsor, a Child. I thought you were using Dukedoms. My Father retired in 2013 not 2014, you are ridiculous.
Earl Spencer says what about my Title? A Local Family. Royals live with the Communities here by demand because they connect to current affairs better. Any Jock with English Money is claiming a Post, usually a slanderous representation.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Revelation 13's Two Beasts look like they are Bollocks Hosted by myself & Charles, who simply has to have everything material & Spirit, leading Agency of the Vatican. The 666 Ball also uses combinations of 5 & 2 which are easily made to look like 6 in Handwriting. God says the Prophets on Moriah are never false. Something I believed having had nuisance implants before, that smiled at a Queer & strove for control of Facial expressions. That Pest among others is always with my Family though Generations, Catholic Surgeon.
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Beast Ball
For once the Bible was easy to understand, an Avianoid is an Animal or Beast. There is too much unwritten. During my Childhood I was Demonised by Catholics who had promoted a Jesus Clone at the Palace with Damian Omen media. They used the rubbish to operate on my Mouth at a Dentist in Railway St. So that it slopes on One Side. They also Sexually abused in the Church next door while I was unconscious, supposed to be related to an Omen Scene where his Father held a knife to him in a Church.
Avian have their own communication linked to a Blood Stream, by sound over a short distance that is passed on by another. They cause a struggle for sensible conduct, but are the Agent of their Masters having their own separate inaudible role.Catholic contempt
They made Trillions from my Name & hated me when I returned, not sharing the fortune, but attacking my Credibility for their dominance. There is no Justice, only Predatory thoroughness. There is Justice with God & the Broad Hand of Destruction is the last Word. God wants the Christian Churches abolished in favour of these Posts. The Two greatest Statutes are now all things in moderation & all things in avoidance of Death. If I'm the Beast, Beth is Judge Death & Cara Satan, Judas & Whore of Babylon who is Big Ears? He says he's me & is not. Catholic control propaganda, Apocalypse Scripture their own Scribings.
20: "The World" in Four Quarters, Lion England, Cow Ireland, Human Face Wales, Eagle Scotland. The US Eagle has an Irish Majority, like our English Majority with Stuart Royals & MPs.
Friday, March 15, 2024
Horus (Whore us)
We spoke yesterday when he introduced himself briefly. He's very Old & wanting more to do with my Animal feed duty. He is better known as the Majestic Eagle & insists he is only a Messenger, having a Great People like the other Archangels.
Ancient Image from a Megalithic Stone here, the Rats are his Food & cannot br befriended feeding without causing Him to fail a Mark.

Danger & War in Heaven, Apocalypse Fractal discovered
A Sign, the fissured Golgotha Skull having Rat Eyes. Rat references to my Family since the Year Dot or earlier are a scheme of Horus, who feeds another place if they are friendly so that we can be insulted or assaulted. Their Spirit becomes significant at Family Poll, a violent Clan. The Bird is a contention with God with Spirits born in the area & has been killed before. He has a Chief International position & unhappy cooperation with God in both cases & is very dangerous. Horus said if I can't find a Perch without Snow or frost I haven't Whored you for gain, go where they have. Hungry Horace = HH = I, a Sexual encounter not pleasant.
Veronica's Crucifixion Marker has been found to me, previously illusive it is in the place I drew Her last Year, Right of Three.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Apocalypse dispute: we built this city lyrics
Listen to the Radio
Ben Elliot Trafficks the "Whore of Babylon" Cara's Intruder & my ex Wife in Arthur by Radiation, M, Lamping, Localised Ultrasoumd Microtechnology. The US are worried by it because She holds the Irish Majority Vote there & here.
KCC "Black" Horse
I have been burned leaving a Large Scar & have a Pin lodged in my skin where I can't retrieve it. Breaking in by KCC, who use Council Workers for Murders in Communities during the Night inc Cot Deaths.
KCC are a German/Irish collaboration between Eunice's Family & Blacks. The Nazis are Intruders that took the Holy area killing Jesus Family & the Irish are overwhelmed by them & the US.666: A Catholic Sabateur
The "Beast" Avianoid is scheduled for 2025 departing from Magpie Hall Rd for insertion into me along with David Intruder Right Hemisphere. The little Pest is a Vatican means of discredit when they are challenged or scheduled for potential competition. I hope to be able to continue with good Photos from God's Images & Light Dark Biblical Stories. I'm confident from experience that Pest inserts are brought low Resident upon Moriah. Information needs several confirming reports from that Time I'm carried off. A historic Pest used many Times Reported an Ovary or Bollock implant.
2025-26 KidnappingI've asked Taylor's Group not to produce Tracks until 2027 because of the 25 Seconds ref to "Swift" in Whoops Apocalypse. An argument about One of Her Songs "Karma" (Cara+M) left me without Internet at Home or Solar Tablet Charger ongoing, in a worrying display of related US ability.
The Avianoid Catholic sabotaged my Mother also because of the potential of Mary Mother of Jesus.
False Prophets
The design is to allow Prophesy then corrupt by carnality usually or internal Mental conflict. So long as we are aware, because I don't know of any Religious Websites getting Stories Right. It's important to isolate on Moriah & use the Internet only in the presence of God, forbidding pressure from localised support of the Intruder. They think they can get control here for the Abomination of Desolation Biblical effort if I am removed.
China Report: KCC
Innovation Centre Rochester Airport are building Glass Units intended to shower the Airfeild with Glass during a Chinese attack.
Rolling Stones
Invader Government secrecy won't even allow Ancient knowledge of Systems. "A Rolling Stone gathers no Moss" indicates the manner Megaliths travelled distances. Fake presentations are called the Matrix, origin May Tricks.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Fishing an escape
People escape Government Lamp Post Ultradound & "M" Radiation poisoning Fishing. We are fortunate in Medway that Fish are a good size & frequent in the River.
Recent Evidence
Two Megalithic Stones shaped to support the Well inlet Concrete Slabs were unearthed. A Great Tree that might've crushed the Well has put Roots around it. We believe a curse is upon the Well like the Tutenkhamun by surviving Ancients concerning the Burial Chamber occupants or their Caste.
Peter said "look at these Great Stones", staring is a Coded indication of hostility. They heaped up Earth & surrounded us God says. People from other lands distort God's will.My Son with whom I am "Well" pleased
Mathew 3 is an account of the Wretched condition of Jesus Father, who would've been World Spiritual Leader not for Rome in the Region. I'll help you understand the Verse Numbers.
1. Stay Home, usually with intimacy.2. People supportive
3. People expressing negativity & hindering
4. The force of the Roman Quartered World Authority
5. Prevailing force
6. Sex
7. External Assistance
8. Danger from strength near, hatred
9. Prophesy
10. An Ideal
11. One's Rights
12 Apostles, Holy Family on Moriah
13. Death
The Account was established by the Sperm on the Mary Tree, of Her Vagina oppressing a Woman at the River, encouraging use of the Well that kept drying up on the Family land. It says John was made a Sex accomplisher with Local Women with a Leather posing Garment about his Packet. Then Crucifixion Homosexuality: Baptism, John said I would not do it to you, do it to me. It rained hard so that God told everyone to clear off Home, pleased with his Son at the Well.
John was overwhelmed by Roman organised implants.
At last the Smoke is outside, I can begin to clean. Some of the Wood has been Smoked. Possibly preserved by God, time will tell.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
It's become obvious that Indian Asians are dominated by China at Corner Shop communication Nodes. Apocalypse inevitable.
Avianoid Government / General Spiritual Government
6: MI6
Perverts are the primary malfunction connected to Apocalypse in modern times & immoderately responsible through the Ages. Hard ons are like Drunks operated in Secret & worse they have no Intelligent attack policy, only a list of possibles to work through in every case.
P + P = Q: Pope a Pervert
Palace Chief of Security
The Security are responsible for enforcement of Palace Democracy beyond the point of rejection of Democracy in favour of Catholic Majority.
Pope's Arse
I'm not interested in the Pope 's Arse, if they have a standard of comprehensive Sexual activities in Rome & across the board, & it overflows into Apocalypse sensitive places, they are stupid to maintain the general Policy.
Monday, March 11, 2024
Hengist & Horsa
Hengist was Milly of France & Horsa Adolf of Germany. The Face on White Horse Stone is a Megalith defacement, dominant symbolism meant to look like Horsa, Horse A meaning upward serving a Rider in Roman Hierarchy.
Black & the PopeA Catchphrase used often in the early Nineties by Adolf caused interest in his dealings with the Pope: "There's more chance of getting a suck off the Pope".
David Ponce
A Death is expected in Italy causing a Right Hemisphere hijack here in 2025. God says leave us, we are waiting to develop with the endowment that year. It coincided with the slip Rd. Closing & Housing development infringement nearby intended to cut off Villiage Resident participation & install Pests, International Suicide, repent your robbing Government 🚀. Delayed:
Sunday, March 10, 2024
We are making Flowerbeds for all Four Quarters in the Lower Garden, Irish then Scotch then English.
Ryme & Rome look like trouble. Middleton contacted me Two years ago with a sob story. We need to dis Wales so Mate Kid-all-ton is for sure a confidence trickster.
Village People Signal
Dick sweeper Moustaches have another form that refuses the Wash Cycle. A Handlebar Moustache sweeps when an unfortunate shakes his Head.
Dirty Dozen
There is a move to neutralise German Hierarchy with Apostle Oid & Resurrections. The Twelve are slandered & assisted at a sudden attack blocking retreat. The Milly/Black Adolf & Ava outfit has been in contention.
Apostle means A Post, A an upward construction. They all lived on or were Posted on Moriah.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
This is not Russia, respect the People's representative or Die. Multiple Close Quarters Ultrasoumd with intention to dominate.
Biblical Apocalypse
The purpose is to rid the area especially of Foreign control efforts. You cannot win a Biblical Apocalypse with your policies.
A Rebekah Avianoid has shown up working in Home Bargains Rochester Airport. The Chirpy Apocalypse origin keeps attempting a physical conflict using a Man as I try to Shop. Linked to David's Family at Wales, perhaps oddly estranged from Crown Veronika, Witch position.
David's Family are all mad by Public rejection, corrupting Poll for Rome at Wales.
Friday, March 8, 2024
Internet Muppet
Somebody's hidden the last bit of Apocalypse Watch YouTube. Check the Clock on that & Threads.
David Hilltop
Why should it surprise when the ICBM attack warning from here was ignored? I told you he was the Romanised alternative overcomer of the Resident Holy Family having Jesus Mary & Joseph, the beginning of Apocalypse woe modern.
Avoidable Slip
Beth Cutler News
Steph had a Beth Oid. Man gathering recognisable. Steph like Beth Harpooned Men ordered to serve of Wales mainly, to stabilise Herself in Exile. I got into Hot Water tossing a Packet of Sausages into Steph's Lap, taken as a Signal by the Welsh Northampton Crowd.
Queen of Hearts was an Ode to the Welsh Crown, but the Lyrics aren't familiar to me. The corrupted Office handles both Poles potentially. They say there are Two "Hearts" I say there aren't any.
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Temple News
We were suffering progress restriction before the unnecessary Financial restrictions. I'm trying to get the Smoke outside, everything is stained Sepia. I've had some luck with Papier mache style Ash Clay with Fabric, & Straw with Clay Brick. Stone from Homebase.
Moriah Security
Weight Training is compulsory for Residents inc. Female God decreed Today.
The removed Queen Bee has been executed by anti Femanist plain Clothed Police. The Angel handled Visitor messages in the Lower Garden. Veronika bought Flowers for Kate at the Queen's Log that the Bee frequented.Minority Report
Pre-Crime ICBM attack on the UK via a Eurostar bombing of Belgium by breaking Finances necessary to prevent entry upon the Roof of this Structure. Detailed Warning ignored & persistent Financial losses based upon seizing the value of a near future endowment to neutralise. Nuclear Man Slaughter by diminished responsibility without repenting.
Additional control of Endowment by Intruders coinciding 2025 is further obsession denying Catastrophic matters on a wide Scale.
Locating a Bollock Brain
Most People can easily identify a Bollock Brain at Home. Pressure between Thumb & Finger reveals lack of sensation midst an Avianoid Intruder.
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
We are opposing Brain Surgery Right Hemisphere & Bollock meant to coincide with an endowment, on grounds we do an exemplary job with a low budget. Piracy with Global disturbance.
Suspect: "Superman" Bollock Reeve lookalike George VI. Spending other People's Money on Flash is all they ever achieved.
Billie Jean
The Song is about Cara's future position upon the Round Table. The Vid has the standard Age of Second Coming & Date in Seconds & features illegal Battlefield "Dance" instruction: centre of Squares.
Crucifixion Tree stripped
All Roads lead to Rome
Royal Welsh Northampton
I see their anything goes Policies have manifest all over England having the Queen's Power Cell. Germanics & Windsor connections amplify.
Monday, March 4, 2024
Fat Mouth
People that do it on their own Doorstep need their Rose nubbing in it. Why are Eunice's Family at the Bottom of Windsor Ave, Scotch approval? Because they don't have English either.
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Worst case of Poncing
St. Peter & King David Outhouse
Cameron complaint
( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) You know that Hitler Image is me.
❤️ If you say so.
( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) Why so Important?
❤️ I don't give a shit Dave. Like you never did when you were PM. You want to be my Friend now?
( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) No
Pubs & Clubs
The Rub a dub dub & Night Spot "Watering Holes" are of the Village Well & the Village of the Vile Age. People still Hook up & Marry where there is a Drink. If you'd take advice from a Single Man anywhere the opposite Sex outnumbers looks viable sober.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Scotch Losers
Force it means you've been losing. Water denial is an Apocalypse charge you Bird Brains. Flailing like a Spastic when they can't get more money is why we can't reverse Apocalypse threat.
Flyd Report
Thalidomide victims were all Surgically altered Babies.
Up Yours
A Mushroom Cloud formation blew away before proper photograph because imbecile peckers denied a work environment socket yesterday. Restricted images released:
Early 9/11 planning. The Rebecca (Gina) Relationship with Scarface was dropped in the midst of the Multi Trillion Iraqi Oil robbery. The Recent COVID Amazon robbery could also jolt.
Friday, March 1, 2024
Stupid Nazi trash
Roman exertion
The Major difference between Common Christianity & Local Word based Doctrine is Roman extremity vs moderation. Paul would have you believe losing is winning & there is no recovery for the unfortunate, only flocking. People seeking God are like the injured & a Church a Spiritual Hospital. My Doctrine is moderation when afflicted, not ruin unending.