Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Charles Intruder
Starmer Paradox
Flint filled Pottery
The Ancient Figurines are Bone covered with Pottery so that a hollow was achieved in the Kiln. Silica Crystals formed making Flint. Artists impression of Arthur's Head:
World Spiritual Administration
All Sweaty Socks
Belgium Bomb
Ireland are breaking in here, payments to Wales from Brussels, Ireland Handle idiocy & bombs. Brussels is filled with business for Sale. China are Welsh Quarter meaning business for Sale, China are allied to Trump, a business seller. The Palace appear responsible, having a fake Messiah & Brains collected from the Holy Caste, Supremacy complex.
Spiritual Vote
The Vote of: the People, the wealthy, the wealthiest, from God, of BC Life, of Animal implants, of Animals, in that order.
Where's the John
The appearance of John in Old writing was Son sometimes Jhon, Jh as an S fallen Eastward, meanng Death came to the Heir by John's capture. It is true that Son & Sun are intended the same, Light of the Earth. There are many called Sons of God & One magnificent called the Son. God is happy with the confusion unless the person looks bad at the time.
The John is a place you pour unpleasantness, especially byproducts of dealings e.g. blame. Sons are awful for Resident Invader crimes. "Where's the John" means keep business discrete.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Who Dunnit
Who offers grace to Hill Persecutors so that they escape their problems? Apocalypse authority & finance.
Death Valley
Monday, January 29, 2024
Stop the Clock
A dip for a dip or a Suck
Pilate responsible
Closer inspection of the Image shows Jesus carrying the Head of Pilate, Sythe to his Neck. Pilate's Crown has Molars, indicating Teeth (ferocity) & Moles (Brain additions). Jesus was Public Vote holder & the Image declares Public belief Boris Johnson's Intruder should be passed to his Heir: Pontius Pilate. Pilate was Nosing into the Heavy burden of the Women (Image on Nose having Two Parcels meaning none) & the Vote was with Jesus.Report
Jesus said if they don't like expectations of Men here they can go to the River or send their Husband. Behaviour was as if intrusions were about a small loss or petty profit.
The Intruder (Negro & Animal implants) of Joseph (John) organised Rape at the River causing them to Suck him for a dip (without Host knowledge of the arrangement). The Intruder worked under the same authority as Pilate: Intruder Community Vote & says it was his job to reduce the local authority in which he was implanted by defaming.
The marring of the Well area draining Water, Urinating in collected Water & acquiring of the Puddles in the Riverbed are meant to decimate majority opinion Ancient & Modern regarding the Community Vote holding Family, resident or absent. It proves there is always a squabble Engineered by the Anti'-Democracy Invaders.
The spread of Rome through Europe to Central at Briton led to Spiritual surrender to Apocalypse with incitement & cooperation with negative attitudes.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Rebekah said
I'm Christ & I say Rebecca is a lying Troll.
Devil's Planet Space 1999
The Queen is blamed for damage related to my working in London, a secret forbidden place to occupy. Scotch Vote by the senior Messenger, the Monarch is usually not far from average importance in Palace Hierarchy.It's Cold in Scotland because the Palace are immoderately rich: English Community Spiritual exile to the Snow.
Weird Science: Milly Milly touch my Willy, Transplantation was Modelled on this Image having been tasked with Spiritual responsibility for my Facial attacks, we all complain about external Life & responsibility plans that injure us, e.g. the Sci-fi plans. It's as if a finale is sought of Actors with real Injury.
The source of the suicide attack is demanded, the Queen in the Sci-fi is also a Messenger. Obvious Fake Messiah competition at the Palace in staggering Apocalypse irrationality.
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Post Office Pakis are a Legacy, relatives of Sharma US Agency. Racism is necessary for Counter operations, discriminate.
Cara's Photographers are manipulating Global welfare & often ruin a Photograph, unable to remain zipped up until the end.
Apocalypse Government
Egypt (Rome(roam))
Physical, Localised & Temporary Covert opportunities damage Communities until God's World is Worm ridden & tempting Destruction.
GodThe Communities are defeated, not God because he responds to the Community Spiritual Vote in each place. He checks viability with the bigger picture, with other God Jurisdiction (wider Vote) & future planning. In London God responds to the Invader Community. It worries some when God appears to be against them. That is often cured leaving a County or Country, not always.
Homosexuality Madness
Sex a Moriah study discovered is between opposite Sexes & Homosexuality Deranged. Mad "Sex" is between Two deluded People & Homosexual Rape an assault by someone Insane. Consensual Cavorting with the same Sex resulted from implanting Female Brains into Males & Viceversa. Conflict of interest within a Person is the cause of most cases of Insanity.
Africa in Medway
The local Grammar School is crammed with Africans. They are obviously more intelligent than White Children. The Families are here to estrange Children from their Parents with Crazy Social behaviour suited to a remote or distant Society: Brain Hemisphere Transplantation.
Africans are known as Satan because of World distress & the Horn of Africa used in Satanic imagery.Friday, January 26, 2024
World Spiritual Government
I am World Leader meaning possessor of the Vote following discussions with God. Physical pressure is & was suicide in the Day of his wrath. The Invaders are arrogant opportunists defying explanation in Modern times.
Well Spotted
A Tongue beyond the Green Bar tells of the ordinarily moral policy concerning Females gathering Water. Reports are Rebekah verbally & physically assaulted Jesus for blocking Her way.
Indians: US National Brain Transplants
Presupposed US Agency is discovered US Brain Surgery, so that the Blair Sunak transfer is an American. Apoo in Springfield supposed to mock the Region of the Springing Well means A Poo, a US injury to the UK. Target Indians avoided exile to Gravesend in Medway.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Fifth Element
Simba visible on the English Quarter Stone, still Roadside, remove it.
Tracking Apocalypse stupidity
The Tree at the Site of Jesus arrest states David & Pilate. The Two are Family Flags. Within the Two Families are Yes Voters & No Voters, the Yes prevail also Today in fewer numbers.
Jesus with Hill & Valley Crown covers his Well from the Face of Boris intruder & David enforces Rights of Arms. They ignore the Moon Armour.Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Cara was subject in the Zap image & is larger when the group behind are not together. Diana forefinger, Cara Nipple Thumb, Right Tit. Prearranged Play by Family Spiritual Vote.
Burham Downs
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Web Blocking
Flood lit
6 for promiscuous Sex 9 for reduction of Sex
The Yin Yang make Yen. 6 & 9 was cooperation between myself & Beth, English & Welsh Heirs. 69 comments are bad taste. I enjoyed the Beautiful Young Lady less than most others. Beth is a Northampton Hospital Lab product having Jesus Eyes & Nose with a "B-job Mouth".
Zero Hour
Work with me to turn the Clock BC/AD style without Destruction. BC means before Christ, there is opportunity to restore God's Government slowly. Remove additional Species from Humans.
Golgotha Stone fissures: Trump likely Buddha
There appears to be Four Quarter representation upon Mount Rushmore. Buddha could in worst case mean One of many, a former Tonsil or Bollock Brain replacing a Human Brain Hemisphere. Origin: "Bollock Head"
Bollock Imagery?
Monday, January 22, 2024
Fire Ash here has turned to Clay revealing the source of the Figurines on the Graves. Ash Trees are recommended it appears because of the Grotesques & Tales upon them. It looks like the Red Clay in the Graves contains their Blood. Artefacts can be restored to their Grave if that is the case, improving Historical Records.
Four Lions
Italy have been invited to join England having Germany & France already, because of our Wretched condition.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Golgotha Chalk Skull
Christianity: Failed Patch
Long Barrows
Internet denial a Critical Security failure, also pestering
Stop persecution or Die in the planned War. Get away from my Well. Show respect or Die. Act like you've taken note of the Missile holding Figure on the Mary Tree, kill who thinks that's not my Well in the circumstances, before they kill you.
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Kate's Tonsils
Usually inspires a Kiss, however there are claims of Brain implant Surgery involving Charles. We are invited to believe soaring Inflation is under control. We've already swallowed the Queen's responsible for the first year of Charles, without an end to problems. Prepare a Surge, don't relax.
Kate: Implants
Gain irritates
Money saved during COVID shop closures is demanded Three Years on, most spent some time ago. Most Tax is stolen meaning inflation is nonsense.
Def: Negro in a Kilt, lived in Germany.
Still hanging around the Well area, Trespass & vandalism on the Hill. Put them down without respect for Brain Age, sometimes Millennia. Biblical Family have low Caste Negro Intruders. Big problems where there is Money, however the complete destruction of Kent would restore Natural Order until repopulated, World Central Node attracting contention, Moriah Centre.
Friday, January 19, 2024
Dodgy Map
It's some time since I read Lord of the Rings. The area is confused having Three Wells in the wrong place. However the Megaliths are there, in a Front Garden! Worryingly vague Dol Guldur: Coldrum (Long Barrow). Mordor is in the actual Moriah & Valley position.
This Ring was loosely based on one of my Youth. A Pocket Watch was made later of similar design to my Ring on the Queen's Commission, Silver.
Destructive processes
My WAP access at Home is blocked & now Public access is denied. I am the Naural Global Leader. Love the Ground under your Feet.
Up the Arse Corner: Deliberate Jock problems are unhelpful. I have neither ordered it nor done that myself to Cara (Carter).
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Apocalypse Timing Space 1999
I'm finding events related to my Age & the Date, so that Events Clock :00 are the same as :30
Processes unintelligent
Details are scrutinised on the Hill & at Outlets so that constriction rules out survival of the Classes that dominated. Thorough intervention is thorough annihilation of you. Every Electrical device is hindered & Cold & injuries are Engineered making me late to business outside. No effort is overlooked Destroying themselves.
Comprehensive Negative input in detail at Critical stage denies recovery & moderation. Focal Point: Shop Shelf design & Price increase of observed purchases. Kill direct Hill contention.Status Delusional
Inputing below average Class Intruders (Military Class below Mid Tree Height, Younger) causes Death of their Rich Higher Tree by Arrogance. Natural, passive, slow Spiritual Government has prevailed & you are too stupid to stop making it worse. Arrogant Movie Scripts pretend Suicide is their intention, they Mark everything their own & claim disasters were their intention & not a mistake normally.
Elizabeth Report
There have been efforts to arrest me here for some kind of partial Brain theft involving the Palace Jesus Clone Charles, reported in Hospital with Kate.
Hill Messengers have nothing to Message away.
Identity Theft
I've recieved threats about rubbishing the pretender Messiah from Elizabeth. Pay me for the Scotch version.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
God hates Trump. God loves Democracy & the Spirits of the Africans ruin it. Trump is a Black Man.
How Trump might look if he was honest
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Mark Anthony & Cleopatra
The Story is about Arthur & Guinevere, that's me pre Death & Resurrection & Cara's Intruder. Fanciful Stories & Costumes were Heavy Jock Fabric & Skirts, not White Linen & Princely Armour for every Roman Soldier.
Cleo: Egyptian Blue is Woad of Common Local Chalk & Flowers made Solid.
Suicide Government
Last year I argued with CID about removing fuel from shelves in favour of a smaller more expensive addition having stupid comment on the Label & so I left the very basic Parafin Heater& was cold. This year the Fuel is there & they've made my Lungs sore sending Criminals to the Hill while I'm out.
Medway Police carried out the David Ferguson Murder during a standardised knockout night break-in that turned to Jack the Ripper Games. Ordinarily they send Builders to rip out Floorboards & redecorate, but they were open to publicity concerning a Gulf War Messenger.
Monday, January 15, 2024
Breast Implants
Why are "Bangers" near oblivious to differences in Human form? Censurable Breast Implants flood the Internet, Naturals are near outlawed. Symtomatic of Animal Implant dominance, Bird Implants prefer large Pectorals & Breasts.
“We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts; what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for? If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver; and if she be a door, we will enclose her with boards of cedar.” Song of Solomon.
Good & Evil (Eve ill)
Michael & Gabriel
The Cart Wheels upon the Grave of Adam represent a division to Eve & Two Family Networks or Tits/Pyramids/Domes. The Paranormal Cemetery Map showed One line divided to Two inc. my own line. One is an unrealistic Utopian the other a greedy cunt, so that Policy is the result of contest, balanced somewhere between or at extremes.Bluebell Hill & Belgium
Bell g (9) um, the Roman ending to the Word indicates a long term intention to advance & ultimately sacrifice the area like Nazi Germany, coincidentaly on the Border.
The Spiritual assessments of Space 1999 & Language engineering reveal the secretive Government that leaves Men in the Dark over their future. A World exists where Telepathy overrules Human speech & Souls operate Microprossesors without our knowledge using Interfaces.
um: UN
The ending is also an m-n common substitute. Comment: The Poxy Sci-fi references to the Temple Roof secure next year are not an excuse to Nuke Belgium. It's obvious you think I'm a Fool. UN installed & sacrificed an Agency along with a Wife's Lover an an irritant from the 4th Century & pointed them out as a Critical offence.
Pink Panther & Scarface Report
Locate those who commissioned the Roof Descent Scenes & find the Belgiun Bombers.
Trump Report
Trump Family responsibility along with the Beirut Bomb.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Supporting the Welsh Quarter
Extract the value of Foreign investment from Recipients of Money & Grace.
Belgian Nuclear threat
The Images made clear that payments to Brussels for House Breaking is the destruction of Belgium & damage to Europe. Corrective force: the proper amount of force to neutralise who are thrilled by Crucifixion related antics is Crucify them.