The Archangel Michael

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Red Sea

Digging at the River Bed I found Sooty Silt from Pot Washing about Eight Inches Deep. God remarks considerable other things happened there including Pet Washing & Vomiting.

Left: Dog Washing. Right: Vomit.

Golgotha: Long Barrow Fort

God says many Romans were killed in Death Valley called Hell. Projectiles were launched Downhill that failed Uphill & Twice the loss was achieved. He says David ran around that Goliath couldn't catch him & Solomon killed him & the Heir.

Camilla affair

The Queen Con sort is having an affair with the MI6 Director.


Dana Bondoc, she has a Vulture duty when a "Deity" is struggling, visiting in Person. You know it's over if Dana arrives.

Stone of Density

The Stone of Destiny is a cheap version of white Horse Stone near here where Kings were Crowned including Arthur. The Bloody handed Monarchy claim ownership of anything & demand silence.

The Red Rag symbolises Blood obtaining their Office, nonsense.

White Horse Stone: God says I'm Crown here

A number of Family members are challenging including my Father, return their nuisance.

Crown authorities

In Spiritual Government the Crown represents a People in real time, like a referendum on any significant policy. They only make suggestions & minor decisions otherwise are a Spokesperson. 

English opinion

As you can probably tell the English think Charles is a Joke, so that's what you'll hear from me.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

William the Conqueror

 Prince William has the Brain Hemisphere, called William the Bastard & Willy.

Royal Mail: French

I have Podcasts missing intended English Crown to Irish Crown. Information is gathered by Royal Mail not finding it's destination. What of the Letters? Remove their delivery contract. I have a Two way with Boris successfully however messages fail their destination.


Heaven had a Visitor Today, this Dragonfly is Happy because Herod was accused by John of taking another Man's Wife to Queen.


The Word is being used often in Media, it means the return of marauding where Egypt has over developed in World authority, by Nuclear destruction.

Friday, April 28, 2023


It is not lawful for you to take another Man's Wife to Queen. Andrew Parker Bowles was a Horse Guard. Charles hurried over to his Wife speaking as if Andrew was a Tale in making & organised his dismissal. Charles has struck Camilla past. The other Horse Guards keep their Wives apart if Charles is around.


Charles has a batter Females until they leave policy, attempting Male domination after the Queen's Female preferred.

Social status limits

Here we are contemplating a Home without Bills. Firewood, Solar Light & Radio. There are standards that are supposed to limit a Class to the correct Home with Car by Income, Taxation & Pricing.

Thursday, April 27, 2023


The Bowl containing Jesus DNA has been urinated into killing the Three Ivy varieties. Arthur's Teeth & other Skull fragments were also urinated on at a shrine. Both are Human extinction efforts. Contract: Police Officer in charge.


Since sitting Women are suffering extreme violence. They think the Queen's extensive Female administration is vulnerable to Sex & violence.

Trump Media Blocked

GCHQ are still preventing reasonable access to Truth Social from here.

Cara smacked up

The images of Cara brutalised during Sex in such a manner that bloodies without obvious marks & the images of extensive bruising are out of control & we are standing up for alternative means of debt payment if that's what it's about.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Crown of Thorns

Like the Spikes on the Liberty Crown the Crown of Thorns represented People. Mine were a Gang of Pricks sent to undermine.

Herod wants into Cara

We have a possible future, the "Joker" Table Leg waiting for me to Saw a Joint in the Top is actually a Herod/Cara replacement for Adam/Cara. They are the "Adams Family" some of whom want a go within Cara on the Right Brain Hemisphere. There appears to be a Seven Year period so far.

Adam & Eve Family: Not necessarily the original Sex

Arthur's Crown

I made a replica of the Bronze Band design yesterday, but needed to dismantle it because of mortal danger linked to Charles Coronation.

Pippa Middleton

I met Pippa for a few words recently. She was apprehensive approaching as if crossing a great void, Beautiful smile like Kate. Aquainting various Girls is necessary because a Noble's own friend is often absent, or in Cara's case never here at all.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Archangels Gabriel

We have lost support for the "ludicrous" arrangement with Gabriel under the Conservative Government. Options for significant Female are pre resurrection Wives of my former Crowns here, including Cara & Daughter moved to Emma. If they are never allowed to speak with me here you could've kept the last one. 

Public Figure Wives are all sex workers deflecting problem makers including Royalty & Politicians. 

Monday, April 24, 2023

Howe Clock Makers

I am not a part of Government Tik Tok, which stages details of Apocalypse & preps for Officials having a Countdown. Here we're concerned by images formed by God in Clouds. Leading Archangels are being asked to carry messages for those who Counted down to the Millennium, when nothing happened.

Cara Miracle

My Sooty Chimney Pipe fell a fissured about the time Cara's Bottom was being wrecked by coercive "Security". Then something odd occurred. God had me collect Clay to fix it & Her Bottom soothed. God made Man from Clay & the addition of it to Adam healed. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Emergency Alarm Test

It was sent to everyone apart from me at 3pm Today. Look forward to the same from here.


Before I built basic accomodation here there were no visitors. When I go out bent Police bring pretenders here including Becky, who has my subdued Brain Hemisphere. When I have moved on there will be no more visitors. Uninvited Guests & Pretenders to authority get lost.


There is an opposition to me on both sides of the fence because of family competition to Leadership. Becky is the Antichrist & others Antichrist, called "Evil Google Twin" because it's normal to exchange Brain Hemispheres with an opposition.

Cara Group authority Poncing

It's difficult to criticise Her at the moment because She broke forth online with injury forming Personal contact, formerly Professional. She is still not present here while I'm Home & is at this stage struggling for personal contact alternatives. She made progressive media associating with the Hill & has failed Personal relations so far, we have never actually spoken face to face if she rammed it in more than a Thousand times using a Drug while I slept.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

UK Government insane

The minimum wage is £1500 a month & I get £300 without expenses tasked with senior Government inclusion & indepedent reporting. Patented Military options pay no premium here either. Unless you have a Bribe or a Gun there is no sensible agreement at Westminster. 

Appeal to Women

An uninvited Visitor is influencing their fate by breaking the Heads off the Flowers.


There was a great response to the appeal, there is Evil all around & real Monsters are attracted to the Darkness here. The Flowers are revealed to belong to Cara, in an area on the West Bank enabling Angelic contact with the Hill Top & easy escape to the Road.
Cara dresses to please me sometimes, but is usually afraid connecting to my authority by US rival Gang Members. At first we thought Her Neurotic but it was a foreign Cultural problem. 


Military upgrades by the sale of Hardware to Ukraine are not worth the broken barriers between East & West, so personal finance has dominated.

Bribes to: Senior Politicians, esp. Dept of Defence. Payments from: Military Suppliers replacing the old Equipment.


Silliness of Bondoc group causes Michael network to shun Cara. She is like a Crips avoiding a Blood most of the time, meaning Robert Worcester is operating a US Gang in the UK.

RE: Assault here & Violence against Gabriel by Worcester's Crips. 

God says test my Military advances in Crips areas of the US for more Military advice.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Ukraine: Violent Rape of Archangel Gabriel


Pressure to agree to Military Jets in Ukraine is violent. Apocalypse & Human extinction manifesting attitude.  

"Cross" based Apocalypse

Violent rape of Cara by National Security is identified as the foremost reason for destitution here. There are alternative World Spiritual Governments that filter so that Money goes adrift. Authority @ "Heaven" has become Puppet by violence. Security are charged with contact enforcement dooming the Earth to Destruction.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Gabriel & Michael

We have joined together because of turmoil. Cara is gripped by Fear in proximity & overwhelmed at this place because of past alliance that eventually flared to physical domination, Mob assaults on the Mount where Michael & Gabriel where often Married. 

Necessity of Death

Consider 254 Magpie Hall Rd, 258 already died for offences before I warned 254 Twice in their hearing of the same. He went on to gore my Mother Twice since Charles administration. Soldiers happily join an Army then exchange Bullets across a Field without thought for the stupidity of it & Royal operations are Paramilitary. There is often no alternative to Death for persistent offenders. 

Vokes Taxis

He takes receipt of Messages from the Shop the Community Children attend opposite the School, before they reach my Mother, then hangs about at the Station picking up Commuters to London & drives Messengers to & fro all day. He is clearly the Witch looking for another to blame nearby.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

UK Gov. Obstructing Trump

Donald has been making Video shorts & UK officials prevent me watching. 

David Cameron

The Stewart is "coming out of the Closet" Today. He has been disinterested in his Wife preferring to put her "on the Game" causing Emenies to think him injured by the Adultery.

Arthur's Crown

This image having a replica of the Period sent Adolf into a rage when I Tweeted it to Emma. The Sawn off god fumed about the original in that Day.

Top to Bottom: Sax (Saxon), Coburg (Carlsberg) & Gotha (Gothic) Crown

Left: Adolf identified as upper Crown Lion of Normandy, Right: Carlsburg, Mr.Angry wearing the Tall Hat himself.

Hat's like it representing the Three Crown authorities of Arthur, now Three Lions in awkward pose are with the Popes. Jesus both Hemispheres eventually died by the Saxons under the Roman authority that desired seniority at Christianity, because historical accounts were altered to merge authority with Rome.

Good & Evil: Predator & Prey

The notion of Evil is against the created World, where God's creation speaks to us by it's way. God is love people declare, yet he made the Dinosaurs horrific & docile, Heard & Predator. Good & Evil are a Two edge Sword that once swung one way must swing the other, having to coexist.

Jesus said the World hates me because I testify that it is Evil. The humble only want to hear so. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


God said Today that we copulated more than 3000 times over the years here & that we are estranged by nuisance Church making up Histories. Cara is Archangel Gabriel & I am Michael. Jesus slew according to a recent report, Crown responsibility sometimes. The Church hate & I am without Heir.

Paranornal manifestations

The Firewood Pile had 60% facial images Today.

Monday, April 17, 2023


The Cellular nature of God means we at  "Heaven" are not in control & are not the only senior representative of God of all this Earth. Because of DNA creation here a Messenger's position exists as does Adam's for example because of Public approval. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Hospital Pay

Doctors & Nurses fail older standards of care. Patients heal slowly filling Wards or do not recover because they are neither exercised nor Metabolically stimulated. Stimulation can be by Heart rate Amphetamine or a Jostle not taken to Climax at Bath time, in the case of Men. Hospital Staff are inadequately educated for their Pay as is.

Coronation in May

Get that imposter out of Office. He had the real Jesus arrested the Day he sat. "Threads" Nuclear conflict crisis: 

Truth Social

Declining interest in Social media is possibly linked to a takeover @ Truth Social. Complaints about useless Sidebar links on Facebook, no comment Images on Instagram & slow HTML on mobiles etc. raised questions about the competence of Internet Mafia. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Security Alert

Sabotaged Defences & Road Signs sign indicating proceed with destruction.


This was not a warning, See Ben Page & Cara's entourage, too stupid to disengage identified earlier.


Hitler is identified complaining about a basic Heater at the Temple Mount. Adolf is a Flag & an intended target. Adolf is always angry, so one only needs to show him a Photo of anything at all.

GSXR Stunt Program

 Handle the Robot at full capability, front brake standing 360 & tight U-turn.

Irish Crown

The English Crown refuses to accept the responsibility of the Irish Crown following evidence of sexual brutality by Family posing as Security. She is an obvious stooge at serious conflict with England & I want culprits. Begin with Men identifiable in rough Pornography & usual contact.


Most Security are Female origin & prefer Homosexuals or Anal Sex with a Woman. This Back Door folly is a fake fake, Cara's Boobs are recognisable from the Met Gala reveal.

Mick Mack Paddy Jack leave the Dog alone: Paddy English hatred beyond this Shield;

Friday, April 14, 2023


Prince Charles was Oedipus in a former Host. The image claims Kate, having Elizabeth's Left Brain Hemisphere is assailed & sharing authority with Charles, a Man without vision.


England are isolated & robbed by Scotland, who are reducing the Nation. Scotland is also a threat to Russia. A Nuclear Volley would not spark a NATO response, some integration problems. God says Nuke them. The English Register reads almost the same requiring some discretion about tactics.


We are no longer responsible for Nob, this side of the Red Sea is mine from the centre of the River. There is an execution penalty for those taking advantage, gaining access to my side under cover.

Miraculous Touch

I keep leaving signs unaware, Photographers Paw at everything. 

Crowned Head, Curly Hair

Coronation Clown

The debacle goes ahead, Crowning Jesus Body with another authority, I rebuke you Satan. God warned Apocalypse of the Maniac, invest in Defence Systems. Lady Louise has my Mother's stolen Hemisphere. The stolen Jesus Hemisphere is an Antichrist representative by overwhelming surround.

Jesus recommends K9M Two Stage category in buried Tubes, SSM, SAM, HAM, 200 miles. I also recommend avoiding Human contact by Robot esp. Laser com. & intelligent assault avoiding Jam.

Jam resistance should include Radio, Sat. Phone & Laser

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Apocalypse Zombies

I was threatened trying to buy Rear Door Security to stop violent men entering my Mother's House, by a man posing as staff. Medway Police removed the product at the other store. 

Garden madness

Re-Potting those types of Plant is Lunatic.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Negative pay

 I withdraw support for all Government Policy.


Goudy (Gouge d) & Astrid (Astral rid) are sentenced to Death. Apocalypse origins historical repetition. 


The "Polite" began because they were like Pigs with the Community, foreign occupying Soldiers. They are African Bodysnatchers of a Family unit, explaining some of their behaviour. Local Police are excitable about Crucifixion & things that produced Apocalypse in Biblical Times.

The "Roman Soldiers" we're not as portrayed in Movies, rough looking & vulgar in fact. They burst into Public areas talking up violence with support nearby & forced their way to the Bar as they move Traffic with sirens only because it's on their route.


 Videos Stolen: Kent Police

Theft from Heaven

Cloud9 images are stolen by discreet activity observation with internet access denial here, by death & rape threats. The images are processed without payment or respect for position by who generated Apocalypse locally at the first. Does the rest of Life on Earth respect their exclusive handling, denying my upload for them to witness themselves.


The "Security" think they are escaping Apocalypse who disrespect us here.

Psychic Report: King Cole

My Hemisphere (Left) pre Jesus resurrection was in Cole married to Cara, an Egyptian Protagonist. Cole mocked threats in his Old Age the report revealed, a merry old soul (Life). The presence of Cara then & at Arthurs Death forbids Her Tender Company. 
Cole was burned in a sturdy Temple avoiding the usual Mob outside. This Flame Tree Bark & upset Mouth symbolise.

Tree of Knowledge

Ash Bark dries like Flames because it's useful for fire lighting.


Kent County Council keep asking the Kent Police Chief to invade my elderly Mother's Home using an acquired Back Door Key. She is beaten & Raped & they keep a sharpened Screwdriver in a draw at the Doorway. 

Orgsnised Crime:

  • Peter OakfordPeter Oakford
    Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services
  • Clair Bell
    Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health
  • David BrazierDavid Brazier
    Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
  • Susan CareySusan Carey
    Cabinet Member for Environment
  • Sue Chandler
    Cabinet Member for Integrated Children's Services
  • Mike HillMike Hill
    Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services
  • Derek MurphyDerek Murphy
    Cabinet Member for Economic Development
  • Rory Love
    Cabinet Member for Education and Skills
  • Shellina Prendergast
    Cabinet Member for Communications and People
  • Deputy cabinet members

    • Penny ColePenny Cole
      Deputy Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health
  • Paul CooperPaul Cooper
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Finance
  • Photo of Sarah Hamilton.Sarah Hamilton
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Education and Skills
  • Image of Tony HillsTony Hills
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Environment
  • Sarah HohlerSarah Hohler
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Communities
  • Dylan JeffreyDylan Jeffrey
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services
  • Jeremy KiteJeremy Kite
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Communications and Engagement
  • James McInroy
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Corporate Services
  • Jordan MeadeJordan Meade
    Deputy Cabinet Members for Adult Social Care and Public Health
  • David RobeyDavid Robey
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Economic Development
  • Dan WatkinsDan Watkins
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
  • GCHQ

    Jeremy: J-Enemy or Antichrist is no longer Chief of Central Government. I'm almost speechless,  Institutional Prophet abuse based Human extinction is a long standing UK Government effort.

    Tuesday, April 11, 2023

    Doctor's Pay

    I am frequently asked for involvement in some Westminister discussion or National Policy, I'm not even entitled to minimum wage according to them. Doctors like other NHS staff are such serious Rape Anethnetists that the "Clap" slogan was made for them. That's when they aren't snuffing for Organ or Body sales. They're payed adequately.

    Theft from Heaven

    A Decorative Feather has been taken preventing it's use here. Stealing from this place can cause Life problems.

    Saturday, April 8, 2023


     Cara's Dog Messages for Diana (Mars).


    British Army Burgen (Burden)

    It's normal for a Royal with some kind of military Command to Flag during a conflict. Royal have the option of Officers rank Major usually. It's supposed to cause Enemy agents to chase the Flag. Most of the Time we carry messages unseen by ourselves from a Public Poll or to them in the other direction. 


    I've done a lot of travelling, to every major Town in England several Times. I recommend ignore advice about Gazebos, buy a sided one & a couple of folding Chairs. Other: Briefcase Gas Hob with a Tile for Drinks & scented Tealights, Dark Coloured Double Duvet Set, pack Pillows with Clothes. Drag a larger Tent Backward of a Quagmire at the front periodically.

    Lavender Haze

    Taylor has performed a Song about Emma Watson's attachment to my media, Cara pre 2015 is right Hemisphere. Big Cara, Adam post 2015 reduced her in the ordinary way by supporting Emma's company against pre Cara, then designed contempt for Emma's Career sending them both downward. A similar thing happened to Beth Cutler when Her Mother Bodysnatched.

    The Lavender Haze is of Josticks here that smoke messages for those familiar with Cloud formations. I actually meant to pick up Jasmine & bought Lavender by accident. God remarked afterward that Lavender subdues Sexual excitement. 

    Crownless Lady Godiva

    A Prostitute once cost a "Fiver" offering the Note to a Prostitute in modern Times is taken as an insult, not because Charles is upon it, however the value of the Pound is expected to decrease.

    Cara's "Crack" exhalted

    Gentlemen are enhancing Cara with Crack Salt & Pepper & other "Dressing". Ungagging the Oracle is a tradition of God's embarrassment speaking from a Mouth of Gabriel promiscuity.