Friday, March 31, 2023
Messenger abuse
Garden Path
Sunak: "Grubby Pervert" & "Fu*ktard" Investments are wrecked by his Hard on
Northampton Intelligence conflict Probe
Elizabeth II linked to me in 2017 concerning Antichrist Family gathered at a Church. The collection of intruders of Senior figures half of remembering the early Church were dismissive or slanderous. They'd taken a large payment to vote my exile purchasing a Cinema.
Elizabeth was approaching Her end & wanted the Freemasons assaulted with my front in return for a lift. That was execute everyone having the gall to put their Photo on an Official Freemason's Website. Some success caused violence & upset.
Freemasons rob the innocent of Justice & Life for bribes in Public Service.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Cara is assigned to my Father Deceased Left Hemisphere & I am proceeding with Emma. Cara now you're married to me Delevingne lost serious interest when She was burned to Death with me on this Hill.
Why so serious? The Irish Crown is believed to be Super matured by moving Her Daughter in Her Twenties usually.
Automated combat Motorcycle
Talking in my Sleep
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Cara's Seven Year dismissal
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Hypersonic Missiles
Russian Rocket: Not very good. Looks like a traditional Calibre increase.
Paranormal Report: Seven Heavens
Out & in
Death Penalty for Speeding
Monday, March 27, 2023
Dragon King: Spiritual World Government
The Dragon would be the Fossils of the Red Sea, where Life was born with the Hill Crown, however Herod is King at Boxley under Egypt, the Negro Headsawing invader. I am either Heart of the Dragon meaning if you need anything spoil him, or Right Arm meaning Whip.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
God says Nuke Kiev for Life threats here. Report: Windsor House are using the Lamps to reduce England at competition with Germany, severity. Charles the Prat.
MI6 Dominated by Homosexuals
Girls are complaining that Handsome, tanned, sometimes Muscular Men usually can't find the correct Aperture with their William, turning pleasure to endurance.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Looting Heaven
Retarded Council
Medway Council still have the offending staff at Sainsbury's as they kept lookouts who operated on the Regiside. Supremacy issues.
Fifth Column
There are Four Kingdoms, Two connected Pairs having nearer ties. A Fifth is the Force a Police system encompassing Hoods. The Four are most Spiritual based within Family Trees, the Fifth Physical also within a Family Tree.
God made these, representing the Two Pairs in Spiritual form & the Fifth an interference for gain.
Friday, March 24, 2023
Cara in Limbo
Sacred Heart
Mount Sinai
Born again
Thursday, March 23, 2023
All the Queen's Horses & all the Queen's Men
When will the British loyal find peace? Charles is still a disaster for Patriots since exploding into almost everyone.
Harry Potter Antichrist
Iraqi Oil Money found
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Role play Puppet
Cara Heard talking out of Her Ass
Cara is sometimes represented by a reverse 9 which is my Number. During a recent Video there appeared a Mouth with Horns shouting at a flabby Security Operative. We can't show it here.
Roman Plan for end of Life
According to their Scriptures (Revelation) at the time of Social & economic collapse, they issue an order to "rebuild Jerusalem" which has been forbidden because of the Vatican Grand representation of the Hill & Valley, cut off the Messiah before it's finished, then Destroy the Earth.
It's obvious there is no place on Earth the Word of God is welcome & no time during the Life created. God says scrap their plans.
Paltrow: Cara's missing Brain
Messiah Fish
A Gold Fish that lived here with us was stolen. The Fish is an Angel with inside knowledge. The other Two were released into the River for handling abusive contact here. First they were shown the Trees, Road, Sky & a Sky Fish, a local Bird fed by the Bowl.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Following yesteday's problems there was a Media outburst about the Met. Police. Today they repeated, Males here breaking more Security equipment, not replaceable.
Fine: Disclosure
Military Uniforms can be reversible like Civilian Clothing or other side.
Poodle fight, Cara is capping the nose of one with an Ancient appearance & contending with the other.
Con-serve-ative Party
Hell located
I located Hell yesterday, between Heaven & Earth. The Foot of this Hill was over a line so that more died assaulting than were taken. Rome punished the occupants for all of their Dead by killing the Crown Descendents there afterward including Moses, Jesus & Arthur.
Emma Watson
Emma has been a love in contact & her persecutions at this time are connected to Media presentations not her own production. They are Antichrist annoyance to my support network on accasion & opposition to Male dominance in Power. Her personal behaviour off script is exemplary.
Ben Page
He hounded men around the Country for Years using Emma & Cara to encourage people to annoy me. They were seen together on the Road often. Ben & others at MORI are responsible for their employment at assault. Ben was offered a Guardian Newspaper Colomn by Rome.
Monday, March 20, 2023
Males were here Today, incest, broken security equipment. You have been warned God says. If they return their Heads will come off he promises.
Fined: Disclosure
I have been submitting tech. data in secret. Drone: 3 wide angle motion detect for take off, 1 Cruise detect upward Camera, 1 land beneath. Observation speed, direction, altitude working with K9M 90 & 150 miles from Target, Mobile Network Alarm & respond, ascend, descend on Heat signature.
Financial Rip off
I was taken for Hundreds of Pounds again Saturday. God says we are expecting the worst Winter on Record.
The Johnson Clan are operating Herod who is Dominoing near onto me for them. Vatican City contend with Heaven for respect & finance. God says sell the contents of the Vatican & know your place.
Treasure in Heaven
The Vatican have demanded all of the God worked Wood here, saying you need to sell because we'vs halved your income. God refuses to allow the sacking. They are offering almost nothing, hating the prosperity of Heaven.
They have encountered alterations & have always managed. They would continue without Christian front.
Christianity defunct
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Herod's Hooter
He has been identified as Prick .ca distress to the Becky Hemisphere, intending Death of my Jesus Hemisphere by Cara's Death neutralizing, Image: Burns. Both Hemisphere's are being Pricked following excitement about Elizabeth's execution in the area.
Ash Tree's were the Tree of Knowledge & Silver Birch Tree of Life.
Vatican shame
Two Jesus Hemispheres
People that won't accept the Crown of Judah & Word of God Today would not have accepted Jesus either. Jesus stories are faked & you should be glad of the Word in your own time. Becky was unfaithful while I was at work if that helps solve who's who.
ICC: Arrest Putin
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Report has multiple referrences to me including the title. The Website refused me access, refuses to remove suggestions I am responsible for content & refuses to close. They hoped to evade criticism from existing Celebrity Porn Sites by claiming my association & more than half of the Taylor Swift videos lead to unrelated media.
Mob News haven't payed Donald Trump, running a new competition with
The "Jihad" site disgusts. We were invited to steer forces from beyond & above & were then told what to say with a Gun to the Becky Hemisphere via Medway Police Station. What we subdued was then added by those failing the original intention along with labels indicating our responsibility.
Drone Security
A Secondary factor attempts to reduce Emma not to compete with Cara, Emma's former Host. Strike Characters on the "Zap" Stick & near contact. All former Christ killers.
Recent work revealed a Pentagon filter damning both of Cara's Eyes. Cara Legs through Dana & Anna, Robbie rear, Cara a Third time output.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Emma Watson has been used for a single Life Christ effort by serious abuses. References to a Clock countdown accompany a local sign striking Left & Right Eyes fast tracking the Lunar Arthur multiheaded Countdown.
Wing Nut: Apocalypse Engineer, frequent International scares for Money.
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Porn Perking
Security are making Internet pornography with associates, convinced anybody can produce a sensible Movie. It's not the first time Gang members have taken control, Smack them up.
Becky not Christ
Fashion: A Tiger's Eye was once a Royal Flag here. Flames Right & fewer Left mean the Man is injured worse by Mouth than Spirit. There is a Male concealed behind the Four Women, I am also England, far Right of Image Elizabeth.
Apocalypse charges
Beth & Sam Cutler are charged with manipulation & drugging with an end to "waste" the Second Coming in Teenage naivety. The Two repeated an operation that discredited Jesus with multiple supporting Agents.
Natural function
God says heal, your Nature is his creation. Do not deny your Bodies Sexual function, moderate.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Military Drones
Red Sea Dragon
The Rough route of the Jordan is marked by the Road network, Roundabouts the Two hemispheres of an individual in Two People. It is upside Down meaning diminish.
Surveys: Demonic visitation
Serve A is a community check to find those who voted anti Negro in the Community forming the Archangel Poll, so that they can be killed. Roman Tax collectors were secret Poll investigators. Satan are African Brain Hemisphere transplants seeking dominance with their Host.
Would you Adam & Eve it?
Adam is Dana & Anna Eve, all others are Media or local presentations, both Heirs, not difficult to find Adam & Eve Descendents, direct Descendents. Adam was the first Nobility having a Brain Transplant, post Battle & experimental surgery preceeded.
Cara the innocent front burned here for talking about Emma's Oscar's Dress & not Hers, that had references to my Blood.
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Captive Christ Hemisphere
"Christianity" is surrender
Emotional problems rise from Spiritual conflict, they could be local or International, cross Two County lines. You can avoid Spiritual conflict by isolation beyond 50 ft. Choose Semidetached Homes & Large Gardens.
Return to moderate living is not backsliding, project strength not weakness when you are able or become Prey.
Monday, March 13, 2023
Wales: Judge Death
The Welsh authority is creeping internet denial & 24hr discomforting burns here inc. Lamps to & from Town. The Prince of Wales is changed to escalation of an already unreasonable Cyber attack. No holds barred against Wales.
666: Apocalypse
Truth of Crucifixions
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Robbie Crozier Report
Police Nosey & Stupid
Cashpoint fraud
Sainsbury's Products with a Human Face drawn on the Pate, there are others.
Satanic Catholicism
Cara's Phobia
Cara is suffering a Neurosis symptomatic of fighting between One Hemisphere & the other. Her Kin cause the befuddlement via Anna Bondoc's latent authority. Cranky local concepts based on a distance relationship.
Rubber Spiders are used to treat Arachnophobia
Elizabeth II
Sophie Wessex is Kate Middleton's Mum & Lady Louise Windsor is Elizabeth's Daughter. Questions are raised about the real location of Elizabeth II, following heavy suggestion she is within Kate.
Police Chief responsible
Friday, March 10, 2023
Gate Posts
Two stumps can be made out where "Traitor's Gate" was. The Boats were kept this side of it just over the rise on the River Bank.
Peter the Great (Red Dragon)
St. Peter's Square & Balistika indicate Catholic seniority. Peter Struck Jesus & killed his Left Hemisphere, then later his Right. Today God revealed the Satellite Dragon image at the Red Sea here refers to Revelation & Peter, who enters the Son's of the English Crown Head sawing inc. Mordred (Sea Moored Red) "The rest of Her Children" of Mary in Revelation 12 indicate his presence among them.
Dragon "cast" or embossed, Terracotta can still be seen showing on the Riverbed. Catholic doctrinal significance.
The area of "Osgiliath" is supposed to be that part of the Jordan in this related image.
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Second Coming (almost)
Lunar Apocalypse alternative
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
International Disaster
God says stop annoyance.
There is a near total nuisance campaign, good work you stupid prick.
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
God requires that only Females are allowed beyond the first cover for Angelic communication with the Animals, called the Angels of Heaven, who were the recipients of the brunt Sacrifice, burned to prevent Thieves. The small Plot of land doesn't naturally encourge the "Angels".
Monday, March 6, 2023
Retarded obstinance
Face off
Public nuisance
Many Sirens are heard here because of a messaging system. You do not need to move aside for them.
Royal Rip-off
Doing business with Windsor at the last costs more than was made for the Work. They hate the rising of associates. Great wealth can only be acquired by stealing from the hard working.
Sticky Fingered Windsor