The Archangel Michael

Friday, March 31, 2023

Messenger abuse

Sunak & Money People like him arrange Nuclear Weapons & their use. Distractions like those aimed at Blue Bell Hill are a waste of energy possibly used to prevent Holocaust. Distractions are generated by the guilty. The processes that lead to the Towel being thrown in are not the responsibility of a Courier, they are deliberate acts by Parliament.

Garden Path

"Celebjihad" has been found to belong to Antichrist Law Enforcement seeking Blood here. Down their Server, investigate leads. Direct influence of Rishi Sunak, trashing for gain. 
Sunak: "Grubby Pervert" & "Fu*ktard" Investments are wrecked by his Hard on

Bear with a Saw Head

Blair took Tory Leadership within the Ethnic because Red Party dominance helped War negotiation with Russia. Concessionary attacks on the UK infrastructure followed Tory "resignations" including the Queen's execution & Damning of Crown loyalty afterward by Red Party Members posing as Tories. They usually have Russian Brain Hemisphere surgery, Blair is Russian.

Northampton Intelligence conflict Probe

Elizabeth II linked to me in 2017 concerning Antichrist Family gathered at a Church. The collection of intruders of Senior figures half of remembering the early Church were dismissive or slanderous. They'd taken a large payment to vote my exile purchasing a Cinema.

Elizabeth was approaching Her end & wanted the Freemasons assaulted with my front in return for a lift. That was execute everyone having the gall to put their Photo on an Official Freemason's Website. Some success caused violence & upset.

Freemasons rob the innocent of Justice & Life for bribes in Public Service.

Thursday, March 30, 2023


He reminds of a Dog kept inside because of Rain, that jumps around annoying everyone when He gets to a Park.


Cara is assigned to my Father Deceased Left Hemisphere & I am proceeding with Emma. Cara now you're married to me Delevingne lost serious interest when She was burned to Death with me on this Hill.

Why so serious? The Irish Crown is believed to be Super matured by moving Her Daughter in Her Twenties usually.


The Model industry makes up the Hair of an unattractive requiring allure, called Octopussy. 

Automated combat Motorcycle

We are advancing a ZXR750, 0-100mph in 5 Seconds, 170 mph. The Riderless Bike delivers a Nuclear Warhead & has a Gun that can shoot with accuracy at high speed. It's expected to weave through heavy enemy forces without taking a hit or being followed by a Helicopter, having Aerial target & route designation.

Talking in my Sleep

I am appoached for Messages I hear as I sleep. There is a no Males policy here, why are they breaking through Security Fencing & reporting their position to Hit Men? We have the Angels of Heaven here no less, nobody needs near the structure, talk to an Heir. I've carried out Two Carrier Bags of broken Solar Lights. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Cara's Seven Year dismissal

There was considerable woe when Cara's Mum sawed Her Head & moved Her to Emma. In this Song She was the Fairy Queen who paid a Tithe. Carter Hall was the Mediaeval Hill Top here.

A Sign upon the Two Cherubim indicates I am still partnered to the moved Hemisphere with Emma.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Hypersonic Missiles

Russia's esteemed Hypersonic Missile can easily be stopped with a slow vertical launching passive Homing descent near a Target or a Sounding Rocket travelling up to Three times it's speed, having descent eliminating Radar stealth. General direction of incoming & use of upward facing Cameras.
Russian Rocket: Not very good. Looks like a traditional Calibre increase.

Sounding Rockets attack Aircraft before they appear on Local Radar. They also put off passive Homing, increasing Speed by multi-stage. Additionally estimate fuel needed to Target & potentially drop a Stage registering incoming.

Paranormal Report: Seven Heavens

Medway Megaliths indicate the Position of Hill Fort Long Barrows like mine. There were Seven near. They are the Seven Hills on which the Whore of Babylon sat. Heaven is of Heaving Stones to a Hill Top.

Egyptian overcoming of Heaven

The ferocity of defence was unmatched in other places, meaning surplus Romans came until Heaven was taken by violence. Then Nob & Marriages, Head dividing & Bastard Children until Spiritual deformity collapsed the Royal Family from within, making physical defence ineffective.

Recent Lunar Desolation concerns, following multiple Resurrections from Biblical Times has put Roman defiance at Heaven under International pressure. The Seven Heaven Royalty still function, Cloud readers called the Dragon.

Out & in

A block on Heaven's Treasure leaving has been discussed & the primary fault is not ridiculous offers, but a partial block on purchases inward. 

Death Penalty for Speeding

Automated Guns are firing upon speeding Vehicles in Ukraine because Armoured support always rushes in.

Other News: Wingnut dissed

Mel Gibson models for Charles, reference to Movies that encouraged people to plan "action" for me to stumble upon. Vague Jesus identity theft satire.

Other: Kitten loves Duckling

Monday, March 27, 2023

Met. Police

God says burn them to Death in Kent, Vehicles, Residence, Work Stations, no exceptions.



African illegals

There is a flood of African accents in Kent. Who's taken bribes?

Dragon King: Spiritual World Government

The Dragon would be the Fossils of the Red Sea, where Life was born with the Hill Crown, however Herod is King at Boxley under Egypt, the Negro Headsawing invader. I am either Heart of the Dragon meaning if you need anything spoil him, or Right Arm meaning Whip.

Sunday, March 26, 2023


God says Nuke Kiev for Life threats here. Report: Windsor House are using the Lamps to reduce England at competition with Germany, severity. Charles the Prat.


 LIfe threatening Lamping in progress here, trending Nights. APOCALYPSE WARNING.

Apocalypse advances

 "Messiah" Porn is trending, God says expect War with Belarus.

MI6 Dominated by Homosexuals

Girls are complaining that Handsome, tanned, sometimes Muscular Men usually can't find the correct Aperture with their William, turning pleasure to endurance.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Looting Heaven

God says stop sacking my Images, there is an interpreter for this Hill. Report: Images taken here by a Man trespassing are ill understood & other Photogtaphs are often random possibilities.

Retarded Council

Medway Council still have the offending staff at Sainsbury's as they kept lookouts who operated on the Regiside. Supremacy issues.


Fifth Column

There are Four Kingdoms, Two connected Pairs having nearer ties. A Fifth is the Force a Police system encompassing Hoods. The Four are most Spiritual based within Family Trees, the Fifth Physical also within a Family Tree.

God made these, representing the Two Pairs in Spiritual form & the Fifth an interference for gain. 

Friday, March 24, 2023

Cara in Limbo

Cara was moved out by Her Mother into Emma, who is winning a personality conflict. The void consumes by saturation of Spirits (within People) loyal to the other. Likewise my other Hemisphere.

Sacred Heart

It probably confuses seeing Headstone Paving at a Church with Sacred written upon it. Sack Red means trade it for Life. I reject the Heart position, which almost always attracts people better off than myself.

Healing Miracles

Pharaoh sent people to make themselves a friend, some were surgeons used to recycling body parts from the Dead. Limb transplants for example are still secret Today.

Mount Sinai

The Mountain of Moses was of course here, also an Ark is reported on Ararat meaning Rat shot with an Arrow. The Prophets told the people the truth of Egypt among us & were called Rat.

Born again

Nobody can enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless born of Spirit & Water. One Hemisphere Brain transplantation introduced another Spirit & Water flows when a Head is sawn, out of you flows Rivers of "living" Water. The addition of an Egyptian enabled consent to the Royal property.

Eternal Life

Confusion connected to the "Son of God", Head sawing or obedience to God in Heaven & resurrection on a sustained Earth. Neither is Eternal, the later is longer.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

All the Queen's Horses & all the Queen's Men

When will the British loyal find peace? Charles is still a disaster for Patriots since exploding into almost everyone.



Harry Potter Antichrist

I was cast out of Jesus & this time the other Hemisphere is cast out of Christ. I am the Word. Harry Potter promotes Ancient Tales through Rose tinted, unrecognizable in a Bible & that says it all.

Consider that the surviving stories of Christ are nonsense in part. Do not look to the Clouds of Heaven? Is that why God draws upon them? God rages about the lie.

All who were alive telling stories are Negro Terminators who intruded. Peter for example sold the Stone Megaliths on Hill because of their Pyramids.

Iraqi Oil Money found

Blair Sawed Sunak's Head & accessed the Treasury for 750 million. A Blair Witch project sign is based on Jackson's field near a local Girl's School.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Role play Puppet

A plan to rob Emma Watson by booking Her fate at the outset of role playing is in progress. I am expected to help obtain money for other people as usual as if I'm compensated "getting even" they tell me, whatever. Robert Worcester would blame the Bullet he shot me with. Some kind of restraining order preventing Emma making any more by Media connected to me is better than cheap Porn. She complains of painful Anal Sex, not Sex Media.

Up for a Hetero ride

There is no arguing with the Vatican about Christ or Hill authority. Reduce payments to Churches.

Cara Heard talking out of Her Ass

Cara is sometimes represented by a reverse 9 which is my Number. During a recent Video there appeared a Mouth with Horns shouting at a flabby Security Operative. We can't show it here. 

Roman Plan for end of Life

According to their Scriptures (Revelation) at the time of Social & economic collapse, they issue an order to "rebuild Jerusalem" which has been forbidden because of the Vatican Grand representation of the Hill & Valley, cut off the Messiah before it's finished, then Destroy the Earth.

It's obvious there is no place on Earth the Word of God is welcome & no time during the Life created. God says scrap their plans.

Paltrow: Cara's missing Brain

The wandering Right Hemisphere of Cara Delevingne is in Court for the most recent Cloud 9 image forming part of a group assault. The Beaky Stick is replacing the Dick suck Stick under a Mirror.

Right Eye: Unhappy Heron Beak

Messiah Fish

A Gold Fish that lived here with us was stolen. The Fish is an Angel with inside knowledge. The other Two were released into the River for handling abusive contact here. First they were shown the Trees, Road, Sky & a Sky Fish, a local Bird fed by the Bowl.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Following yesteday's problems there was a Media outburst about the Met. Police. Today they repeated, Males here breaking more Security equipment, not replaceable.

Fine: Disclosure 

Military Uniforms can be reversible like Civilian Clothing or other side.


Poodle fight, Cara is capping the nose of one with an Ancient appearance & contending with the other.

Con-serve-ative Party

They have added a condition for Voting, Photo ID because lower Classes are less inclined to take the trouble.

Hell located

I located Hell yesterday, between Heaven & Earth. The Foot of this Hill was over a line so that more died assaulting than were taken. Rome punished the occupants for all of their Dead by killing the Crown Descendents there afterward including Moses, Jesus & Arthur.

Emma Watson

Emma has been a love in contact & her persecutions at this time are connected to Media presentations not her own production. They are Antichrist annoyance to my support network on accasion & opposition to Male dominance in Power. Her personal behaviour off script is exemplary.

Ben Page 

He hounded men around the Country for Years using Emma & Cara to encourage people to annoy me. They were seen together on the Road often. Ben & others at MORI are responsible for their employment at assault. Ben was offered a Guardian Newspaper Colomn by Rome.


Boris Johnson is pretenfing to be me, having killed me & my Family here regularly.

Monday, March 20, 2023


Males were here Today, incest, broken security equipment. You have been warned God says. If they return their Heads will come off he promises.

Fined: Disclosure

I have been submitting tech. data in secret. Drone: 3 wide angle motion detect for take off, 1 Cruise detect upward Camera, 1 land beneath. Observation speed, direction, altitude working with K9M 90 & 150 miles from Target, Mobile Network Alarm & respond, ascend, descend on Heat signature. 

Financial Rip off

I was taken for Hundreds of Pounds again Saturday. God says we are expecting the worst Winter on Record.

The Johnson Clan are operating Herod who is Dominoing near onto me for them. Vatican City contend with Heaven for respect & finance. God says sell the contents of the Vatican & know your place.

Treasure in Heaven

The Vatican have demanded all of the God worked Wood here, saying you need to sell because we'vs halved your income. God refuses to allow the sacking. They are offering almost nothing, hating the prosperity of Heaven.


They have encountered alterations & have always managed. They would continue without Christian front.

Christianity defunct

The Vatican have assaulted Drew, Christian Churches are all responsible to Rome having minute differences for an excuse to claim otherwise. Jehovah who was Joseph is Chief World Poll handler. He is recognised by Head sawerers who learn too much & compromised, also the Word of God Chief Messenger, having Satan contradict in equal opposite measure under God. The Word is put away also by imposters like the Pope & Charles Jesus Clone.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Herod's Hooter

He has been identified as Prick .ca distress to the Becky Hemisphere, intending Death of my Jesus Hemisphere by Cara's Death neutralizing, Image: Burns. Both Hemisphere's are being Pricked following excitement about Elizabeth's execution in the area.

Ash Tree's were the Tree of Knowledge & Silver Birch Tree of Life.

Herod is Lamping me & the Food & Water here, return Fire. He takes peace from the Land. Manna (Fruit & Nut) no longer grows Wild because he was angry with Moses, Apocalypse stupidity. He kept a Hazelnut Wood next to his Village, Boxley Wood.



Vatican shame

The Independent Republic is based upon this Hill, having a Dome for the Hill & a Phalic Oblisk where Peter Struck through Jesus face, in a Blood Groove next to the Jesus Memorial Tree that washed down to the Cistern. The farce intends to close my residence & deny shelter improvement.

Two Jesus Hemispheres

People that won't accept the Crown of Judah & Word of God Today would not have accepted Jesus either. Jesus stories are faked & you should be glad of the Word in your own time. Becky was unfaithful while I was at work if that helps solve who's who.

ICC: Arrest Putin

They paint a biased image of Putin. The Geneva convention is ignored in the U.S. UK & France having ICBM designed for mass depopulation. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Report has multiple referrences to me including the title. The Website refused me access, refuses to remove suggestions I am responsible for content & refuses to close. They hoped to evade criticism from existing Celebrity Porn Sites by claiming my association & more than half of the Taylor Swift videos lead to unrelated media.

Mob News haven't payed Donald Trump, running a new competition with

The "Jihad" site disgusts. We were invited to steer forces from beyond & above & were then told what to say with a Gun to the Becky Hemisphere via Medway Police Station. What we subdued was then added by those failing the original intention along with labels indicating our responsibility. 

Drone Security

God has reduced the Canopy here for Drone & Sat. Interference with trouble makers. A new image will appear upon the Trees soon. Private Cloud9 images can be taken here using Drones God said.


A Secondary factor attempts to reduce Emma not to compete with Cara, Emma's former Host. Strike Characters on the "Zap" Stick & near contact. All former Christ killers.


Recent work revealed a Pentagon filter damning both of Cara's Eyes. Cara Legs through Dana & Anna, Robbie rear, Cara a Third time output.

Friday, March 17, 2023


Emma Watson has been used for a single Life Christ effort by serious abuses. References to a Clock countdown accompany a local sign striking Left & Right Eyes fast tracking the Lunar Arthur multiheaded Countdown.

England have Contracts issued on Security Operatives & an MP, having external investments for World peace, snuff all. Wing Nut has a General Apocalypse policy coercing for Money. Take both of his Eyes God insists. God says One of mine is Twenty pairs of People like him including Senior figures & that's a promise.
Wing Nut: Apocalypse Engineer, frequent International scares for Money.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Porn Perking

Security are making Internet pornography with associates, convinced anybody can produce a sensible Movie. It's not the first time Gang members have taken control, Smack them up.

Becky not Christ

My other Hemisphere is subdued in a Female having almost no recognisable conduct or speech. I hold Crown & Word of God. Petty remarks about histories are not relevant, there is more truth here than any Biblical account.

King of Kings position

The Profile Image represents Four Heads of Government fronted by myself, that means the resulting Vote of the Kingdoms comes to me. Heads of Spiritual Government are Messengers (Archangels) not responsible for serious Policies.
Fashion: A Tiger's Eye was once a Royal Flag here. Flames Right & fewer Left mean the Man is injured worse by Mouth than Spirit. There is a Male concealed behind the Four Women, I am also England, far Right of Image Elizabeth.


Apocalypse charges

Beth & Sam Cutler are charged with manipulation & drugging with an end to "waste" the Second Coming in Teenage naivety. The Two repeated an operation that discredited Jesus with multiple supporting Agents.

Natural function

God says heal, your Nature is his creation. Do not deny your Bodies Sexual function, moderate.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Military Drones

Unmaned slow moving Drones were an effort to intrude with minimal discomfort. "Reapers" & other armed Drones are not as useful as a remote WWII Prop Aircraft & are as provocative. Shooting down an unmanned, unarmed Drone is Vandalism not an act of War.  


Red Sea Dragon

The Rough route of the Jordan is marked by the Road network, Roundabouts the Two hemispheres of an individual in Two People. It is upside Down meaning diminish.


Herod is the Roman tasked with order in the area of Life creation. 

Surveys: Demonic visitation

Serve A is a community check to find those who voted anti Negro in the Community forming the Archangel Poll, so that they can be killed. Roman Tax collectors were secret Poll investigators. Satan are African Brain Hemisphere transplants seeking dominance with their Host.

Would you Adam & Eve it?


Adam is Dana & Anna Eve, all others are Media or local presentations, both Heirs, not difficult to find Adam & Eve Descendents, direct Descendents. Adam was the first Nobility having a Brain Transplant, post Battle & experimental surgery preceeded.


Cara the innocent front burned here for talking about Emma's Oscar's Dress & not Hers, that had references to my Blood. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Emma Watson

Emma delighted in the US for the Oscars.

Temple Silver Plate

Viners of Shefield, Vintage.

Ireland & Wales

The Two Countries embattle the English without proper UK contribution. 

Crown Intelligence Budget

 Reduce 2023 Budgets by the same Percentage as my recently reduced income.

Captive Christ Hemisphere

The Hemisphere removed at the Dentist, typically age 13, is part of a group reducing & aiming to kill this legitimate Christ. Return all aggression in equal measure. Ireland are supporting them at Wales, estranging me from Cara Irish Flag.

"Christianity" is surrender

Emotional problems rise from Spiritual conflict, they could be local or International, cross Two County lines. You can avoid Spiritual conflict by isolation beyond 50 ft. Choose Semidetached Homes & Large Gardens.

Return to moderate living is not backsliding, project strength not weakness when you are able or become Prey.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Wales: Judge Death

The Welsh authority is creeping internet denial & 24hr discomforting burns here inc. Lamps to & from Town. The Prince of Wales is changed to escalation of an already unreasonable Cyber attack. No holds barred against Wales.


The Image is of the Arthur Grave Lunar Head.

666: Apocalypse

The Howe Police Chief with Wing Nut Ears is meant to represent Charles Administration. Serious burns here accompany complaint from those meant to be responsible, Cara & Becky.

The Vagina of "Mermaids" take out the Left Eye of the Antichrist Jesus imposter Charles, defended by Cara & other Public Heir on the Mountbatten Club.

Antichrist is a Group not a person, 666 is the year of Arthur's Death, find accomplices & authorities of the day. Cara's immediate kin, Robbie, Ken, Clive, other Boot menders of Kent also hide behind a coerced Female. Charles & Wing Nut are responsible hands on also, Peter. Kin hide next door & in that Street.

Truth of Crucifixions

People were Nailed to a Tree to prevent them struggling while they were gored for fun. They were first forced to perform sex acts on near Family & Sodomised. Something similiar happens when a Home is bought in a Cul-de-Sac. Sick Government of invaders who hate.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Robbie Crozier Report

There is a will to place him within One of Rebecca's Children. There is a Left Eye (Christ) Danger to me from One or more of them.


Cloud9 Images refer to a recent Post. This is the Alter Leg, it revealed a chubby older Guinevere Right Arming the Left Eye (Arthur) indicating responsibility. The Two Crowns of Jesus face Right meaning Agency with Lon. My own experience of that is a serious crash following relative affluence.

Police Nosey & Stupid

Images are ransacked on my Hardrive so that I try to include one in a Post & it no longer exists. This place is a World Government outlet of Senior Office, God is not happy with retards telling him off on this Hill as well as every outside place.

Cashpoint fraud

Cash taken back to the machine not removed is kept by Staff almost everywhere, not returned to the account.

Tesco have been operating self Checkouts with extended Notes delay following small change.

Sainsbury's Chatham Pentagon are still operated by the nearby Council building making nuisances. Sainsbury's are on their last warning. Human flesh in Pate.
Sainsbury's Products with a Human Face drawn on the Pate, there are others.

Satanic Catholicism

Jesus to them is not as I would have been. Nobody sacrifices themselves to forgive the Sins of others. Imagine a Man who was drunk the whole time begging Money, would you die for his attire? or a fornicator who was struck by a Woman's Husband, would you rise to protect them? The Lunatic Doctrines are of Satan who they called St. Peter. They include absolute ruin & denial of anything enjoyable that God created unless joined to the Catholic group usually.

St. Peter's Cross is also known as the Satanic Cross. This Alter Leg here shows Peter in the Right Cheek Wound & the Stabbed Eye of Arthur. Peter looked like Mo of Mo's Tavern.

Cara's Phobia

Cara is suffering a Neurosis symptomatic of fighting between One Hemisphere & the other. Her Kin cause the befuddlement via Anna Bondoc's latent authority. Cranky local concepts based on a distance relationship.

Rubber Spiders are used to treat Arachnophobia

Elizabeth II

Sophie Wessex is Kate Middleton's Mum & Lady Louise Windsor is Elizabeth's Daughter. Questions are raised about the real location of Elizabeth II, following heavy suggestion she is within Kate.


Police Chief responsible

Heavy burns here are generated by annoying the Chief of Police & not necessarily by Crown or Parliament. Wing Nut represented by Gary Lineker in recent media.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Gate Posts

Two stumps can be made out where "Traitor's Gate" was. The Boats were kept this side of it just over the rise on the River Bank.  

Ornamental Trees still grow there from my Time King of England

Cara's Phobia

She is pretending to be married still to Arthur following my resurrection, making herself Rich & aloof or venomous about proximity. She was burned to Death in the Temple with the Cole Christ Crown. My Kin want to "Sacrifice" my near also.

Peter the Great (Red Dragon)

St. Peter's Square & Balistika indicate Catholic seniority. Peter Struck Jesus & killed his Left Hemisphere, then later his Right. Today God revealed the Satellite Dragon image at the Red Sea here refers to Revelation & Peter, who enters the Son's of the English Crown Head sawing inc. Mordred (Sea Moored Red) "The rest of Her Children" of Mary in Revelation 12 indicate his presence among them. 

Dragon "cast" or embossed, Terracotta can still be seen showing on the Riverbed. Catholic doctrinal significance. 

The direction Right to Left means Nol & not Lon so that the infighting & "Sacrifice" of Jesus marks them for Apocalypse responsibility, by choosing to bolster themselves betraying & slaying Christ, usually achieved by Spiritual pressure not to conform, including abrasive messages to deliver generating a "Flag" drawing attention. I have an Enemy kin as well as a Enemy opposition making the Hermit here that usually occurred. The Catholics are abusive toward Second Coming offering lip service that achieves nothing here.

Red Dragon

There are other members of it in Revelation that include the intruder Hemispheres of the Four major UK Crowns. Stewart is identified as the "Stout Horn" that plucked up Three: English, Irish & Welsh Crowns. The "Hydra" was the flow of the River Jordan, that was drained to sell the Terracotta (Hydration).
The area of "Osgiliath" is supposed to be that part of the Jordan in this related image.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Second Coming (almost)

Martin Luther was part resurrection of Jesus last seen in Arthur. There are Six original Seraphim Spirits required for a complete resurrection. Luther wrote the LUT Bible in German. Luther was Crown of Judah direct Descent, aboard the Germanic Holy Roman Empire.

Diet of Worms

The Catholic punishment was Willy sucking. A little was changed by opposition within a Church group. It shocks what has been necessary to oppose fake Christianity a little. Alone here more is achieved, & more than when Spies were the only company permitted by Rome in the Kingdom of "Heaven", where Cloud9 Trumps all other Cloud Systems & the Word is the last Word, suffering imitating, twisting Leaches that Sack.

Lunar Apocalypse alternative

Offences against God are systematic & aggressive. The culprits are usually thick & lasting beyond many Bodies, an ingratitude for Life develops when Life is taken without the creator leading to resentment about order.

A daylight Apocalypse targeting Government facilities only expands a Nation not destroying Enemy assets & avoids Lunar finality.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

International Disaster

God says stop annoyance.


There is a near total nuisance campaign, good work you stupid prick.


There is Snow here Today, which was unlikely God says because he was refused a Tin of White Paint yesterday, enjoy.


The backlash for the Plague in Town meant bad Weather for a Month God says. I'm suffering it worse than most.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


God requires that only Females are allowed beyond the first cover for Angelic communication with the Animals, called the Angels of Heaven, who were the recipients of the brunt Sacrifice, burned to prevent Thieves. The small Plot of land doesn't naturally encourge the "Angels".


Origin Cling on, somebody who's association is rejected, who refuses rejection. Leaching, Poncing, ally confidence trickery, bad timing etc. Remove Beth from the Bridge. Becky & Beth are Welsh fractals.


God gave us a CD Drive Patent Today that works in modern thin Laptops. It spins underneath.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Retarded obstinance

Sainsbury's & Natwest Bank are threatened with closure for stubborn offences carried out through warnings by Staff.



Face off

The Red Kite took the Face & Nose from a Rat here that stole a French Stick ignoring rebuke. God says that is a Female who interfered with Alter replacement here & another with Cara. He says Men are still ignoring Death sentencing for breaching the perimeter here. Wood & items are stolen, return them or Die he says.

Public nuisance

Many Sirens are heard here because of a messaging system. You do not need to move aside for them.

Royal Rip-off

Doing business with Windsor at the last costs more than was made for the Work. They hate the rising of associates. Great wealth can only be acquired by stealing from the hard working.

Sticky Fingered Windsor

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Danger Sign

God helped me with an Alert Sign, not to open the Door unprepared.