Thursday, August 4, 2022


A sign here indicates SO10 are the Crucifiers of "God", who's face is Blood Eyed on the Moon. Brain surgery to extend lives caused rebeliousness against compulsive natural behaviour. The Prophets corrected & were abused & killed.

I said if everyone died alive at the time of Jesus God would not destroy upon the Earth with a broad Hand. We need to try to kill who we find of those who brought destruction including Peter, Mary & Pandora Ancient Hemispheres, who will die anyway like SO10 if we do not succeed. A possible blessing awaits if we hunt & deny them Life following WW3.

Throng & Lucifer Stone

I witnessed the Clock in the Mirror Today & thought about Global destruction & balancing positive & negative influences on Global stability. I need my Family restored to former locations & state, when the Security barrier forbade my Death. Consider Lucifer's condition too.

Problematic authority

I believe that freezing Ancient Hemispheres from the time of Jesus instead of placing them would correct Global instability relative to the numbers stalled, up to the full turn around of critical problems. They could return when the World is healed & screw it up again.