Sunday, April 10, 2022

Jack all & Hide: Solomon

The Beauty & the Beast is about the Joseph invader who took my Father before I was born, Raymond Stanley Jones, believed to be Stanley Jones of Wayfield Rd One Hemisphere. investigate Wayfield Rd, Roosevelt Ave, Stalin Ave etc. & other Family Streets. Likely Murdered redidents under Rear Concrete. Find:Lillian Dunn deceased.
World War current Family authority: The images by God on this Pole show authority. A diminished Eye by a Slanderous group beneath, beneath Satan & below Gabriel. Statuette: Seymour.


"Stanley Jones" pursued Jesus here at Death Valley during the Assault called Crucifixion for "George Soros", Judas did as Jesus encouraged & Peter struck Jesus with a Blade against the Word. The Phalic Spearing Oblisk in St. Peter's Sq. honoured the Antichrist Peter for acquiring Christianity for a Roman Pope. 
Solomon a Spear ascending the Hill, near the Jesus Face Tree. "Raymond Stanley Jones"